
The red fireball that flew out from the tips of Lumian's index and middle fingers accurately hit the back of General Philip's head and exploded like a cannonball.

Starting from his head, Philip's body suddenly fell apart, like a mirror reflecting his figure that had been hit by a hammer.

Among other movements covered up by the explosion, a large number of glass fragments were thrown out and fell on the wilderness, interspersing with those that were already there.

Seeing this scene, Lumian's pupils suddenly dilated.

Does the "Dead" path also have a "mirror stand-in"?

Or, does General Philip have a magical item in the "Witch's" path?

As soon as his thoughts changed, Lumian saw Philip's figure in a black cloak quickly outlined more than ten meters away. His eyes had returned to clarity, no longer frantic, and no longer lacked focus.

But at the same time, behind General Philip, Jenna, who was dressed as a female mercenary, also emerged from her invisibility and aimed the revolver in her right hand at the "dead man" who had just escaped the fatal attack and negative status!

Frankly speaking, Jenna herself was a little confused and shocked by the current situation.

What surprised her was not that General Philip had a "mirror double". She had just received this detail, and before she had time to think about what it meant, what she found incredible was that the place where Philip "chosen" to appear was actually right in front of her, right in front of her. It's like posing and waiting for you to backstab.

She just wanted to take advantage of Lumian to deal with General Philip, escape from the hiding place in the "invisible" state, and sneak into the edge of the wilderness to see if she could join Franka or if Lumian failed to kill the "dead man" with one blow. "In this case, she could use some curses or create large swaths of frost on the ground to interfere with the opponent's actions. Who knows, General Philip "hid" directly in front of her.

How could you let go of such an opportunity!

Jenna didn't understand why such a thing happened, but she still instinctively raised her right hand and aimed at the back of General Philip's head with the revolver that was pulled out in advance.

Vaguely, she suspected that the root cause of the current situation was that she was carrying the lucky gold coin from Will.


Jenna pulled the trigger, and a bright yellow bullet was entangled with black flames, flew out of the muzzle, and rushed towards General Philip's skull.

On the other side, after Franka appeared from the clear morning light that filled the area,, she used her ability on General Philip, and Lumian came here somehow, and the strangeness appeared. Philip's back.

She ignored her surprise and raised the brass-colored classical revolver she was holding while moving at high speed,

Her choice was to explode with all her strength,, without giving him a chance to rescue General Philip!

Just now, Franka's first reaction was that the "stealth" sneaking was not to take advantage of the "assassin" expertise and find a way to backstab her old lover, but to make an instinctive choice based on the experience of similar encounters:, Get a brief moment of safety.

During this time, Franka not only moved quickly, but also took out a purse full of coins, put the iron-black "Ring of Punishment" on her left thumb, and hung the "Beatrice's Necklace" To the neck.

Finally, she pulled out the "Bombardment Gun" from the gun pocket under her arm and held it in her palm.

With the help of the invisibility state, Franka was fully equipped before being forced to reveal her figure, and entered the strongest state. Bang!, the diamond necklace hanging on Franka's chest shimmered.

At the same time, Franka's eyes became moist and her red lips were slightly opened, bringing the charm of the "Pleasure Witch" to the extreme., feeling the blood rushing to the lower body.

His mind was full of various scenes of romance with Franka, and he was completely attracted by the witch who showed a unique style between iron and blood.

His eyes turned red, his breathing became heavier, and his movements became noticeably slower.


The lust from the "Beatrice's Necklace" and the path of the "Mother Tree of Desire", combined with the charm of the "Happy Witch", presents an effect of one plus one being greater than two, or even greater than three.

Moreover,, he has always recognized the sentence in "Secret Records of Emperor Russell" that "the taste of a witch is really good." Now, in this case, how can he, who has tasted the taste of a witch, Can you control yourself?

When!, there were some cracks in the corresponding positions of the silver-white armor.

Franka was not surprised that the attack failed to work, because in her haste, she did not have time to activate the "heavy hit" effect of "Bombardment Gun".

This brass-colored revolver is a magical item that Franka bought at the "Curly Baboon Research Society". Its ability itself is not very strong, nor is it magical. There are only two simple types, one is normal shooting, The power is equivalent to a rifle, and the second is "hard hit", which is similar to small artillery shells or sniper rifles.

The reason Franka always carries it is because it can effectively make up for the "Witch's" lack of ability to attack difficulties when she cannot use curses. Moreover, the negative effects of "Bombardment Gun" are very low - —If you cannot finish six rounds of ammunition every day and do detailed maintenance every other week, this brass-colored classical revolver will suffer from rare explosions, accidental triggers, etc., Franka hesitated for a moment, but still used her right thumb to pull back the hammer of the "Bombardment Gun".

This is a sign to turn on the "punch" effect.


Franca Side Mobile,

The iron-black bullets faced the opponent with blazing flames.

Almost at the same time, Franka sensed that the "Original Witch" statue that she had casually stuffed into her pocket had changed again: not only did it become cold again, like ice, but it was also trembling slightly.

Fuck! Why is it you again? It’s not over yet! After Franca pulled the trigger, she was annoyed and cautious, and took out the palm-sized statue carved from white bones with her left hand and threw it away into the distance.

Along with her movement, there was a change on the other side.

The bullets fired from Jenna's ordinary revolver were entangled with black flames and penetrated into the back of General Philip's head, but without any accident, the "dead man" was once again shattered like a mirror being hit.

At this moment, as Franka threw the white bone statue of the "Original Witch", General Philip's newly revealed body suddenly solidified.

Black flames burst out from his body, burning his spirit body silently, while the cold frost quickly condensed, freezing him inside.

Blood overflowed from the corners of General Philip's eyes, nose, mouth and ear holes, and a series of crackling sounds came from his body.

The mirrors he carried seemed to be broken.

And he himself was in an obvious trance, as if he had been cursed.

Lumian did not hesitate and used "Spirit World Travel" again.

His figure came out from behind General Philip.

At this time,'s expression was no longer one of fear, but only concentration and hatred.

Because Philip was not far away from him at the moment, on the edge of the clear morning light, he ran towards the general and his enemy.

Philip's figure was reflected in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up uncontrollably.

His pupils then stood up and were stained with light gold.

This time, he did not use "Frenzy", fearing that it would cause General Philip to lose control and turn into a monster,

He chose "shock", which is also called "dragon power"!

General Philip suddenly trembled.

He would not have been so severely "shocked" at first, and would have at most been briefly frightened. However, his current condition was very poor. He was affected by some unknown influence and was betrayed by something on his body. As a result, his whole body was shaken by this. Falling into a void.

Seeing this, Lumian did not force himself to use the "Hum Ha Technique". He once again made the shape of a pistol with his right hand, pointed it at the back of General Philip's head, and fired a red and nearly white fireball from his fingertips.

Philip was awakened by a premonition of real danger, but saw that his fate was heading towards death.

A strong sense of reluctance suddenly arose in his heart: he was obviously much stronger than them, with both lethal means and mysterious abilities, yet he kept being beaten passively, without even a chance to fight back when he saw "Death" knocking on him. The door is closed.

In his eyes, a large number of fates were intertwined into a web, constantly changing, as if they were mocking himself.

It made him feel like a clown.


General Philip's head was exploded by the red and nearly white fireball fired by Lumian, and a large number of skull fragments sprayed out with charred marks, red blood and milky white brain matter.

The body of the "deceased" fell to the ground, and an item rolled out from the hidden pocket of the black cloak.

It was a dark statue, the size of a palm, shaped like a beautiful woman, with long hair like snakes hanging down to its feet, and eyes of different shapes at the top.

This... Lumian's eyes subconsciously turned to the statue of the "Original Witch" thrown out by Franka.

This is basically the same as the one on General Philip, except that one is white and the other is pitch black.

Suddenly, Lumian understood why General Philip had a "mirror double" and why he appeared directly in front of the "invisible" Jenna.

With the special "Original Witch" statue, of course he will join the "Witches"!

Later, Franka's genuine "Original Witch" statue resonated with the pitch-black statue, causing some kind of mutation, causing General Philip to suffer the "curse" of the item at a critical moment.

This dark "original witch" "Mouse" Christo's smuggling caravan brought the item into Trier from the underground!

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