Although she was muttering in her mind why there were so many things going on in this poor place, Franka was actually not surprised at all.

This is Trier in the Fourth Age. Even if it is not in the Land of God’s Fall, there will be no shortage of abnormalities!

Lumian and others poked their heads out of their hiding place from different angles and looked at the place where the sound of jingling bells came from.

It wasn't too far from the current street, but the fog there was obviously thicker, and the buildings were looming, as if they were just a glimpse of history.

Deep in this mist, something similar to a steam train passed quietly. It had fewer sections, only two sections, and no chimney. There was also a strange-shaped bracket protruding from the top, connected to something in mid-air. thing.

Ringing bell, the train entered a place with thicker fog and disappeared.

Although Franka and others could not see clearly, they were all inexplicably frightened, as if they were standing on the edge of a cliff, or stepping on a sharp blade with the tip piercing their skin.

Before they had time to think about what the changes in the fog and the appearance of strange things meant and what they would bring, they felt that the surroundings had darkened a lot, dusk was receding, and night was coming.

The thick fog then spread over and enveloped the area.

Although Lumian instinctively felt that this was a big problem and wanted to avoid it, all he could see was the abnormal mist stained with a dark black color, and there was no way to "teleport" it to an unaffected place. But outside the mist, the wilderness they had just come to was already difficult to sense.

The mist was cold and soaked into the skin, making Franka and Jenna shiver involuntarily.

Almost at the same time, candles and oil lamps lit up all over this narrow street, and laughter, crying, and talking suddenly sounded.

This place has turned from stillness to life.

Trier in the Fourth Age has come to life, with hustle and bustle again, and full of noisy life movements.

Anthony subconsciously observed the situation in different houses and narrow streets, and saw an asymmetrical dark building with candlesticks hanging from above, illuminating the figure standing in the window.

The figure wore a black soft hat with half a concave half and a raised half, and dark clothes with buttons randomly buttoned. There was a smooth wound on his body diagonally from his shoulders to his waist.

This seems to be caused by a sharp sword.

At this time, the man's diagonally split body was not well assembled and existed like a child's stacked building blocks.

He gnawed on the meat pie, and the chewed food kept falling from the wound to the ground without him noticing.

In other houses that were still habitable, more figures appeared.

Some of them are like candles that have melted and then solidified again. Their flesh and blood are sticky and indistinguishable from each other. Some of them have pale skin, with greasy white feathers growing out of their pores and yellowing pus flowing out. Some of them have tiny bodies. In the hollow, small black insects flew in and out. Some only had white skeletons left, with only a mismatched human skin mask on their faces. Some degenerated into black shadows, as if they had been burned... .

On the narrow street, a yellow, blue and red sphere half the height of a man rolled forward, with a clown wearing exaggerated clothes standing upside down on it.

The clown's ears were different from those of humans. They were like those of a canine creature, but a little more pointed. And on his face painted with red and yellow paint, there were patches of dark gray hair.

These are all the citizens of Trier of the Fourth Age who have long since died? Lumian's eyelids twitched.

He, Franka and others also noticed that what these figures had in common was that there was blood on their faces and their expressions were rather cold.

"It's very, very much like those 'people in the mirror'..." Franka muttered to herself, and then said in horror, "The changes in the gray fog just now will not bring us to the Fourth Age in the mirror. Trier, right? The real city of Trier in the Fourth Age

The people are dead, but the one in the mirror is still alive?"

Before she finished speaking, Lumian and Anthony had already glanced at her and Jenna.

"Is it the problem of those two things again?" Franka said with a numb scalp, "They caused us to be swallowed up by the Fourth Age Trier in the mirror after the gray fog changed?"

"That's not true. I think it's a universal mutation. Except for a very few special people, those who entered here came to the ruins in the mirror after being enveloped by the expanding gray fog." Lumian looked at the "vitality" "Blooming" narrow street thought for a moment and said, "The most likely thing is that the two statues stimulated Trier in the Fourth Age, causing changes such as the expansion of the gray fog."

Jian Na was silent at first, then frowned and said: "But we have been here for a while, why are the changes happening now? We didn't do anything just now..."

"That's right!" Franka suddenly realized, "It must have been the guests from the 'hotel' who came in and walked around, trying randomly, and they touched something!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a hoarse and frightened shout came from not far away: "Help!

"help me!"

Lumian and others looked around and saw a man wearing a black formal suit with neatly combed hair who looked like a secretary to a big shot running into this narrow street.

There were many abscesses on his face, and mucus was constantly dripping down. From time to time, he would turn his head 180 degrees and look behind him in horror, as if there was an invisible and terrifying thing chasing him.

"help me!"

Amidst the shouts, the man's body suddenly froze, and then he retreated uncontrollably, faster and faster, until he flew up.


Amidst the fierce screams, he fell into the thick gray fog and landed among the shadowy buildings.

The next second, the sound stopped suddenly, and there was silence in that direction.

Lumian and others' hearts beat faster and faster, and they all had a strong premonition of danger.

Although the man in the black formal suit is not a normal person, he is suspected to be the benefactor of the evil god of "The Society for the Ending of All Things" or the "Sick Cult", and he has been contaminated by the pollution here and has been affected to a certain extent. His head can be turned behind his back. However, his experience still intuitively made Lumian, Anthony and others feel the horror hidden deep in the gray mist.

They seemed to be able to see that they and others were "dragged" into the depths of the gray mist and disappeared.

But at this moment, they didn't know what to do or how to avoid it. There was thick black gray fog everywhere in the suspected ruins in the mirror, and unknown dangers were hiding in the dark and approaching quietly.

At this time, Lumian's ears heard the majestic voice of Thermipolos: "Keep running forward to the pillar.

"You can't stop on the way, you can't look back, you can't teleport, you can't pull your companions."

This... isn't that the direction where the monster was "swallowed" just now? If we take the initiative to go there, isn't it the same as delivering food to your door? Lumian didn't know for a moment whether to believe that Thermipolos sensed a real danger and planned to do something What about self-saving? I still suspect that he wants to take advantage of the opportunity to engage in some conspiracy.

"You don't have to believe it." Thermipolos' majestic voice added.

Lumian was more suspicious than doubtful, and his eyes turned to the place where the figure of the evil god's bestower was "swallowed".

In the depths of the gray fog, among various looming, collapsed or towering buildings, there was a vague black giant pillar that stretched into the sky.

Suddenly, Lumian remembered something: the "Crimson Night Pillar" at the entrance to the fourth floor of the catacombs.

And Krismena is a high-ranking witch who fell in the "War of the Four Emperors" and in Trier in the Fourth Age!

He is still the Son of God, the true child of the "Original Witch"... This place is suspected to be the Fourth Age Trier in the mirror... Lumian looked around and saw that the situation in other places was similar. He gritted his teeth and said: " "Let's go forward! Go to that black pillar!"

The sense of danger is getting stronger and stronger, and the situation is getting closer and closer, so he can only take a gamble.

Moving forward? Franka, Jenna, and Anthony are all full of doubts about Lumian's choice.

Everyone has seen what happened to the man in formal attire just now!

Lumian straightened up and said in a deep voice:

"Jian Na is not allowed to stop on the way to pick up the spoils of war, nor to look back, nor to try to win over her companions!"

After saying that, he jumped out of hiding.

Seeing that the taboo was so specific, Franka looked at Lumian and chose to believe it.

Jenna tightened her grip on the lucky gold coin in her hand, picked up the cloak containing the trophies, and followed. Anthony had avenged his great revenge and had no regrets or obsessions anymore. Lumian had shown his correctness several times before. So he didn't question it and ran to follow him.

Kick-kick, the four of them ran into the narrow street, passed by the clown who was standing upside down on a ball and moving slowly forward, and ran into the depths of the gray fog, towards the huge black pillar.


In a corner of Trier in the Fourth Age, in front of a house made of black iron and painted with red patterns.

A wilderness covered with weeds was compressed to the size of an ordinary square.

In the wilderness, "Ms. Moon", sitting in a dark red open carriage, wearing a loose white robe and a light veil, asked Mrs. Pualis standing next to her: "What's wrong with you?"

Mrs. Pualis, who was dressed in black, covered her head with her right hand and said:

"I heard my child crying again..."

"Ms. Yue" nodded lightly and said: "This is inevitable. You should take a rest here and catch up again when your condition recovers."

"Is it okay for you to be alone?" Mrs. Pualis's face muscles twitched and twisted from time to time.

"Ms. Yue" said with a smile: "My child left me a gift, you don't have to worry."

She didn't even think that "Mrs. Night" could provide much help in this matter. The reason why this person was able to come in was because she had to stay in the Sacred Heart Monastery to attract attention and could not stay in the "hotel".

"Okay," Mrs. Poialis said regretfully.

When the "Moon Lady" carriage and the wilderness left, the "Night Lady"'s expression quickly returned to normal.

After "Ms. Moon"'s carriage, which was dragged by two devil-like creatures, moved forward for a while, the gray fog thickened and expanded.

Her eyes narrowed, and there was a bloody umbilical cord in her hand.

This umbilical cord emits brilliant golden sunlight, blocking out all erosion and influence.

In this way, "Ms. Moon" successfully arrived at the edge of the Land of God's Fall, where the gray fog was as thick as a wall.

She tried to get closer, but was blocked, just like an ordinary person couldn't pass through the wall.

"Lady Moon" felt a strong call, but could not go any further.

She whispered in shock and confusion: "How could..."

While muttering to herself, "Ms. Moon" glanced around.

Huo Ran, her eyes froze.

On the surface of a nearby semi-collapsed palace-style building, the flamboyant red color solidified on the wall, and a sentence was outlined in a bloody state: "Didn't anyone tell you that there is a seal here?"

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