Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 18 A strange pirate ship (Thanks to my friend Wangyousha for the reward of the Aurore Silver

Lumian looked at Phillip's back and smiled silently.

This guy is really capable, and he is definitely not as frivolous, greasy, and undisciplined as he showed in the bar last night.

However, this is also a common characteristic of many Intis men. As long as they are not in a high-intensity job and as long as there are decent women around them, they will work hard to show themselves like animals in heat. This is not to become an extraordinary person. Things that can be changed.

"Witches" are most active in Intis, especially Trier. In addition to the attraction left underground, it must also include the compatibility with social customs.

Lumian didn't take Philip's warning to heart at all, nor was he angered by it.

He originally planned to enjoy the journey for a few days, and even considered the possibility of helping to maintain order on the ship and becoming a shadow magistrate.

What he is more concerned about now is why Philip found out that his identity certificates, those of Lugano and Ludwig were false.

After sifting through the records of the low-sequence abilities of the twenty-two paths in Aurore's witchcraft notebook and the information he had obtained from various channels in the past few months, Lumian made a preliminary guess: " Philip should be an extraordinary person in one of the three paths of 'audience', 'reader' and 'arbiter'.

"One of them is good at observing details and reading true thoughts, and the other is an expert in reasoning. The one in Sequence 7 is directly called a 'detective'. He can find out from some clues that we are not normal enough. The other one can have a Sequence 8 'sheriff'. One's own 'jurisdiction' has extraordinary control over various affairs within the jurisdiction, enough to detect some abnormal phenomena and grasp some abnormal traces...

"Combined with the fact that none of the three of us have had a direct communication with Philip before, the option of 'spectator' can be initially ruled out. Moreover, 'spectator' is not suitable to be a security director. This is not their comfort zone..."

“After discovering through our capabilities that we had a problem and the origins were not clear enough, Philip immediately checked the copies of our identity certificates, contacted the personnel in the issuing area via telegram, and confirmed that there were actually not such three people?

"This would explain why he did not come to our door until the next morning to warn us, while he awaited an appropriate investigation and call back.

“This also means that he can find helpers in different regions, get feedback, and has extensive network resources.

"It's difficult to do this simply by an individual. There is an organization behind him, and it is a more official organization?

Well, he claims to be a retired Mist Fleet officer...

"Such a person is indeed very suitable to be the security director of an armed merchant ship."

Lumian withdrew his gaze and closed the door, feeling much more relaxed.

With such a security director who can help him complete his idea of ​​warning suspects one by one, the next journey should be quite stable.

Lumian stayed in Room 5 of the first-class cabin throughout the morning, leisurely learning Plateau language and exercising from time to time. However, after Lugano had breakfast, Lugano asked Lugano to take him out for a walk, like He played on the deck like a real kid for more than an hour.

Lumian suspected that this guy was actually checking the location and condition of his food reserves.

Before lunch, Lumian saw that the sun was just right, so he went down to the deck, held his hands on the side of the ship, and looked at the deep blue sea in the distance.

From the corner of his eye, he saw that Philip had returned to his casual and frivolous state. He was sitting on the bow of the boat with the girl from last night, sometimes whispering, sometimes leaning forward and back with laughter, acting like a couple in love.

You Intis people... Lumian shook his head and laughed.

After leaving Trier, he changed his common expressions to suit reality.

Philip and the girl began to stroll on the deck, leaving their laughter everywhere.

With the "Hunter's" excellent hearing, it was not difficult for Lumian to know that the girl's name was Gogia. Her appearance was not outstanding, but she was better than her youthfulness.

Suddenly, Lumian saw Philip looking outside the side of the ship, and his expression froze for a second.

Following the gaze of the "Asuka" security director, Lumian also looked at the ocean, and saw that there seemed to be a huge shadow hidden under the undulating blue water!

As the waves came in, the shadow disappeared.

Smaller than the "Asuka", but far better than other sea creatures... giant fish, or sea monster? Lumian thought thoughtfully, feeling a little excited for no reason.

"Dear, what are you looking at?" Gogia asked Philip who was distracted.

"My sweetheart, I'm wondering which restaurant to treat you to later. How about the first-class one?" Philip said casually.

At this moment, mist rose on the sea, blocking the sunlight and making the environment bleak.

None of the passengers or crew members on the deck were surprised by this. Such weather changes were characteristic of the Misty Sea, but they were not as dramatic as the violent sea that connected the northern and southern continents.

While Gogia was admiring the first foggy day of the journey, Philip raised his head, waved his right arm to the sailors on the observation deck with a slightly solemn expression, and pointed to the sea where the shadow just disappeared.

He didn't think it was a giant fish passing by... Lumian admired the ocean ahead with great interest and saw many crew members finishing their rest and entering their respective posts, including the gunners.

While the outside was relaxed and the inside was alert, there was a crashing sound not far away, and a huge iron-black object emerged from the sea.

It was a "ship" with a peculiar shape.

It was entirely covered with a layer of metal, with only thin pipes extending from the top, like a snail's eye.

In the continuously sliding water, the upper part of the iron-black monster ship suddenly split open and bloomed like a flower, revealing multiple cannons and three masts raised to create a wide deck.

On the deck, dozens or hundreds of pirates brandished muskets and swords and made various threatening sounds.

The white sail rose on its own and hung to the top of the mast.

Wow... Lumian made a sound of admiration in his heart.

He had never seen such a ship before. It was amazing that it could dive into the water!

Phillip's expression became more solemn.

Gogia beside him was startled by the appearance of the pirates. She instinctively shrank to her lover and said next to him: "Which pirate group is this?"

"The only one who controls this kind of submarine ship is the Deep Sea Admiral www.youxs.org. Judging from the size of this ship, it is probably not his own flagship, but the ship of his most trusted subordinate, Basil the Bonebreaker. 'Black Octopus'." Philip's tone was no longer frivolous, and his voice was quite heavy.

Gogia's vision went dark and she almost fainted.

Last night, when Philip was chatting with them, he introduced all the sea kings and pirate generals. Among them, in the review, he changed from "lieutenant general" to "admiral" www.youxs.org. "

He is said to have the blood of a sea monster, and once entered a ruins that sunk to the bottom of the sea, and obtained the relics of some alchemists in ancient times - two "stealth ships" that can sail on the bottom of the sea when combined, and unfold like normal ships. .

The Church of the "God of Steam and Machinery" obtained inspiration from this. After a long period of research, it also built several submarine ships. However, these cannot be mass-produced and rely on the abilities of higher-sequence extraordinary people. It is difficult to become Inti. The decisive weapons of each major fleet in Sri Lanka can only be equipped with one or two ships each to perform special functions.

Of the two ships of the "Admiral of the Deep", one is as big as the "Bird" and is called "Newins", which is taken from one of the most famous treasure legends on the sea, www.youxs.org. The other one is now on the rise. The "Black Octopus" went out to sea, and it was handed over by the "Deep Sea Admiral" to his most trusted subordinate, "Bonebreaker" Basil.

This man is also powerful, ruthless and cruel. He likes to torture and kill captured crew members and passengers, so the bounty is far higher than most pirates who are not at the "general" level, with a total of 250,000 ferkin.

After hearing that it was the "Black Octopus" and "Bonebreaker" Basil that appeared in front of her, Gogia felt sincerely desperate.

How can an armed merchant ship like the "Bird" cope with these big pirates who are famous all over the world?

With Basil's reputation as the "Bone Breaker", you can imagine everyone's ending!

At this moment, Philip's attention was entirely on the blooming "Black Octopus" and the artillery that could be fired at any time, and he had no intention of comforting his new lover.

When Lumian, who was not far away from them, heard that this was the "Black Octopus", a ship managed by "Deep Sea Admiral" www.youxs.org and "Bonebreaker" Basil, not only was he not nervous, but he was excited, as if he smelled it. The smell of iron and blood.

This is one of the manifestations of the "Hunter's" belligerence.

Once the potions are completely digested, Extraordinary people will be affected by them to a certain extent.

Lumian's green eyes were like an eagle, staring at the strange iron-black ship, thinking about how to fight later: when "Bonebreaker" Basil appeared, the distance between the two ships was shortened, and what he saw was what he got. He "teleported" directly to the back of the big pirate and used the "Hum Ha Technique";

If the effect of the "Hum Ha Technique" is not as expected and the opponent does not fall unconscious, then put on the "torture" gloves to induce some desire in him, and then "teleport" again, distance him, and play the "Hate Movement" , detonating that seriously excessive desire;

Taking advantage of "Bonebreaker" Basil being severely injured and briefly incapacitated, Lumian will approach again and unleash the full attack power of "Hunter", blasting the enemy into pieces;

During this process, in order not to be disturbed by the surrounding pirates, you can try to create a "bottle of fiction" and pull out "Bonebreaker" Basil for a one-on-one duel...

The complete plan and emergency measures flashed through Lumian's mind, making his body tremble slightly, as if he was expecting a hearty battle.

When the naval battle between the two ships was about to break out, the pirates on the "Black Octopus" turned around one after another and looked at the stairs leading to the depths of the ship in astonishment.

Just a few seconds later, this strange iron-black ship suddenly turned its rudder and sailed into the distance.

Those areas where it was open gradually closed in, resealing the interior.

In the eyes of Lumian and others, the "Black Octopus" quickly dived into the seabed while widening the distance at high speed.

It eventually turned into a shadow and disappeared into the misty sea.

"Run, ran away?" After a long time, Gogia came back to her senses. She was surprised, happy and confused and turned her head to ask her lover.

"Bonebreaker" Basil and his "Black Octopus" are leaving now?

They didn’t even start fighting, nor did they do any looting!

Philip looked at the place where the "Black Octopus" disappeared in confusion, and said with a forced smile: "Didn't I tell you that I know many big pirates?"

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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