Philip was not as happy as the other crew members and passengers. He pushed Gogia away from his body, ignored the pain in his back and palms, and quickly ran to the side of the ship, looking out at the ocean within his sight.

He constantly changes his position, looking for areas and objects that may contain abnormalities.

Suddenly, he heard a dull cry.

He was startled for a moment, discerned the direction from which the sound came, and ran towards the bow of the "Asky Bird".

The dull chirping gradually became sharper, and Philip saw blood flowers emerging from the blue sea in the distance, and a larger shadow rising.

The shadow quickly became clear and turned into a strange four-eyed fish with gray-blue balls instead of scales and a long, pointed mouth.

This strange fish is not small in size. It is twisting and struggling in the sea, shaking its tail fin and water droplets wildly.

There was no wind or waves around it, and the seawater surged to a height of five or six meters and was heavily photographed.

The sharp screams subsided slightly, and the four-eyed monster dived back into the water with a real sense of fear, and quickly swam away.

The remnants of its kind followed closely behind.

Lumian saw this scene from the window of first-class room No. 5 before he changed into dry clothes as if no one else was around.

It was precisely because he discovered that the "Hateful Movement" triggered the fear of the four-eyed monster fish that he directly "teleported" it back instead of "jumping" into the air again, taking advantage of the opponent's surface to surface and covering it with saturated firepower.

Fear will make the monster flee, rather than stay where it is, become ferocious and continue to cause huge waves.

"Huh..." When the four-eyed strange fish completely left the sea, Phillip breathed a sigh of relief without concealing it.

"It's okay, it's okay..." He whispered a few words instinctively, opened his arms, and said piously, "Praise the sun!"

"Do you know that fish?"

Suddenly, a voice came from beside Phillip.

Phillip looked in shock and saw black hair and green eyes,

His lover Gogia stood at the entrance of the cabin, wanting to come over but not daring to approach the side of the ship.

"It's 'Alien Sailfish', haha, this is the name given by scholars. On the sea, they have another name, 'Death Navigator'." Philip pressed his hand on the side of the ship and answered Lumian's question.

"Death Navigator," how come I haven't heard of it?" Lumian said frankly.

To be honest, he didn't know much about extraordinary creatures. He had mainly dealt with extraordinary people, followers of evil gods and out-of-control people before.

Phillip glanced at him, exhaled, and said with a smile:

"This is a fish creature that has only appeared in recent years. Many sailors call it the devil of the sea."

It only appeared in recent years... Lumian frowned.

To him, such descriptions often mean that they are related to the erosion of evil gods, changes in the environment, or the occurrence of disasters.

"Did it just appear in the Misty Sea recently, or is it a legend that there was no such fish in the Five Seas?" Lumian interrupted Philip's story and asked a question.

Philip thought for a moment and said: "I used to serve in the Misty Sea Fleet. Apart from the Misty Sea, I have only been to the North Sea. I don't know enough about the Raging Sea, the Sonia Sea and the Polar Sea. But I did not know much about those crews, pirates and Colleagues in other fleets had heard of similar strange fish until a few years ago.”

Couldn't it be a fish contaminated by the evil god? Lumian suddenly felt that it was a wise choice not to kill the "alien swordfish" just now.

That would not only expose his extraordinary abilities in front of many crew members and passengers, but also lurk other dangers, and probably result in little gain.

A pile of garbage that can only be used to feed Ludwig!, Philip continued: "The alien swordfish will surface on a fogless night and hang there vertically, as if quietly gazing at the stars. Many sailors and pirates have seen this. The scene was so scary that they thought they were summoning some kind of evil creature.

"Think about it, the sea surface is pitch black late at night, the red moon in the sky is very pale, and only the stars illuminate it, while twisted and terrifying fish heads silently poke out of the sea surface, motionless, arranged in different patterns... Yes Everyone will be afraid!

Looking up at the stars... Could it be that they were contaminated by the power of the evil god for some reason? Lumian thought for a few seconds and said, "Why are they called 'Death Navigators'?"

Philip rubbed his cheek: "After looking at the starry sky, the 'alien swordfish' will stay on the water, line up in two rows, form an arrow, and swim towards a certain place in the sea, as if they are guiding unknown creatures.

“Some pirates, adventurers and treasure hunters thought this might point to something very valuable or a hidden treasure, so they tried to follow the ‘alien swordfish’ to see where they would end up.

“None of the ships that did this came back, and their crews were never seen again.

"So, we all call the 'Alien Sailfish' the 'Navigator of Death'."

Speaking of this, Philip sighed: "I once heard some sailors say that the 'Death Navigator' seems to be able to control the waves. Now it seems that this rumor is likely to be true, and it is much, much more powerful than I expected.

"Well, the 'Alien Sailfish' just now should be the more powerful one among all the 'Death Navigators'.

"However, there has never been a case where a 'Death Navigator' actively attacked a human ship before..."

Lumian laughed: "Maybe there was an attack, but no one survived, so the news was not passed on."

Phillip was stunned for a moment and said: "That's right. Once the ship capsizes or is smashed in huge waves like the one just now, except for a few people with special abilities, no one can survive."

He paused and said to himself: "Did the Big Trouble cause the Death Navigator's attack?"

"It's possible." Lumian responded sincerely.

After waiting for a while and confirming that the "death navigators" had not returned, Philip turned around and said to the passengers and crew crowded at the window and cabin entrance: "Alarm cleared!"

"The weather is normal!"

The humans who had cheered just now cried out again because they got the definite answer, praising the gods they believed in.

Phillip looked back and said thoughtfully: "The Death Navigator was eventually scared away by that big trouble?"

"I feel like it's scary."

"It's possible." Lumian was still so sincere.

With such an episode, the "Flying Bird" increased its speed and arrived at Faling Port, the capital of the Misty Sea Islands, before night really came.

The sun hung behind Santique Island, dyeing the distant ocean, large tracts of forest, and the brown volcano that had been dead for many years a red color, majestic and gorgeous.

"Farin" means aroma and sweetness in the indigenous language of the Misty Sea Islands. Santic Island is rich in spices such as cloves, nutmeg, and pepper, as well as sugar-extracting plants such as sugar cane. Its fruits are mainly bananas and grapes. The rest are grown in cotton.

Looking at the white-walled and red-roofed buildings on the coastline, the masts, the sails and the large number of chimneys that were still spraying mist in the port, Lumian chuckled and said: "I gave this Emperor Russell, who named this city, may not have thought that 'Falin' would become the last remnant of the indigenous language."

Under the policy of cultural erosion from generation to generation, the current people of the archipelago can only speak Intis language. Since several generations ago, they no longer know their mother tongue.

Among the primitive tribes living in the mountains and forests, there may be elders who master the indigenous language, but there is only one language in all colonial cities and surrounding plantations.

That's Intis.

Of course, in the Misty Sea Islands, there will be some very rare Intis words. They are the product of the combination of Intis and indigenous languages. Outside of here, few Intis people use them.

"Do you want to get off the ship?" Lugano asked Lumian.

The "Asuka" will not leave this port until tomorrow afternoon.

"Of course, when you come to Falin, how can you not taste the famous Kingsom here?" Lumian said with interest, "Are you taking Ludwig with me, or are you staying here to look after him? "

The Misty Sea Islands have the best sugar cane in Intis, and the sugar wine brewed from their syrup is famous far and wide, known as 'Golden Som'.

Lugano originally wanted to follow his employer, feeling more secure around Lumian, who was both capable and decisive enough. However, after some thought, the "doctor" thought it was better to stay on the ship.

My employer is very powerful, but he is also very capable of causing trouble!

After leaving enough money for dinner and enough food for two late-night snacks for Ludwig, Lumian walked down the gangway of the Bird in a white shirt, black vest, dark jacket and trousers of the same color. ".

It's early autumn in Trier, and the temperature is already cold, but it seems like it's still late summer in the Misty Sea Islands. There is heat flowing in the air, which is quickly blown away by the blowing sea breeze.

Lumian strolled out of the port and saw an old indigenous lady with brown skin and wrinkles selling golden straw hats across the street.

This is woven with a local plant called "gold leaf" and is very popular among believers of the "Eternal Sun". If you buy one, you will have a beautiful illusion that the sun is on your head.

Lumian thought it was interesting to wear a straw hat, so he bought one for 5 Ricks, covered his head, and walked slowly to a nearby square.

There is a sun obelisk in the center of the square, and there are many notice boards erected on the edges, with a large number of wanted posters posted on them.

Lumian stopped, put his hands in his pockets, and before the sun had completely set, he scanned the wanted posters and wrote down the reward amounts one after another:

"The Mysterious Queen', one of the kings of the sea... has a bounty of 100 million ferkin.

"King of the Five Seas' Nast, one of the kings of the sea... has a bounty of 20 million Firkin.

"Queen of the Stars" Cattleya, one of the kings of the sea... has a bounty of 11 million Firkin.

"The Immortal King' Agaritu, one of the kings of the sea... has a bounty of 4 million Firkin.

"Queen of Disease Tracy, one of the kings of the sea... has a bounty of 3 million Firkin.

"The Twilight King', one of the kings of the sea...the bounty is 2.6 million Firkin..."

The adventurer next to him saw that Lumian was reading the wanted notice of the Six Kings of the Sea seriously, and couldn't help but joke: "What, do you want to hunt the Kings of the Sea?"

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