Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 32 Determination (Thanks to Carbon Bone for rewarding the Silver Alliance)

Butner blurted out in shock: "It was really effective for you to walk around blindfolded that day..."

The place where he stayed turned out to be the next target of "Devil Wizard" Boorman!

Before Lumian could respond, the adventurer muttered to himself in confusion: "Are you the lucky one?"

No, the one favored by disaster... Lumian replied in his heart.

As his thoughts were spinning, Butner suddenly had a new guess: Could this guy be the "Devil Wizard" Boorman himself?

He goes to the place where the explosion occurred to investigate and return to the crime scene to show off, and he walks around blindfolded to randomly pick the next victim!

This explanation is much more reasonable than being blessed by luck!

Lumian glanced at Butner's suddenly tense facial muscles and said with a smile: "You don't think I'm Boorman, do you?"

"How many days have I been in Port Faling?"

Yes, something happened the night you arrived at Faling Port... Butner didn't dare to say these words.

"When the explosion occurred in the Black Pearl District, I was still praying in the church." Lumian humorously provided alibi.

Butner thought for a moment and felt relieved, but the doubts on his face still remained.

Lumian sighed and said: "I actually didn't think about it the day before yesterday that I might encounter something related to the 'Devil Wizard' while walking around blindfolded. I just thought it was fun."

This is the truth.

But the result made him suspect that the pollution caused by "0-01" might be more serious than he thought.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Trier, as the seal of the Fourth Age, effectively suppressed the problems that originally existed in him.

The excuse of "it's fun" barely convinced Butner, www.youxs.org.

But there are some traps hidden in the other party's fun from time to time. Anyone who treats him as a fool will become a fool!

"Maybe I was really blessed by luck the day before yesterday." Lumian made the final conclusion.

Then, he went through his speculation about the relationship between the "devil wizard" and Fidel, and finally said with regret: "Unfortunately, I don't think I can be that lucky."

Lumian's reasoning completely convinced Butner, making him believe that the reason why "Devil Wizard" Boorman had not been caught and was able to obtain resources was because he had formed a close symbiotic relationship with Fidel, a big businessman. The reason for the tragedy should be that the official pursuit of extraordinary people put pressure on them, leading to internal strife.

www.youxs.orgThe possibility of the "Devil Wizard", he had just arrived in Falingport for a few days, and Boorman had been here for a long time.

"What a pity..." Butner sighed, "If the clues about the close connection between the 'Devil Wizard' and Fidel were sold to the authorities in advance, we would definitely be able to exchange for a lot of bounties."

Starting from 5000 Firkin!

At this point, Butner shook his head: "No, without evidence, the officials won't believe it. We can't tell them that we are really lucky.

Did you find the clue while blindfolded? They wouldn’t believe us even if we told you, they would just arrest us as fraudsters. "

Lumian suddenly laughed: "Won't you fabricate some evidence to prove the authenticity of the clues?"

"Just say that you saw someone suspected of being a 'devil wizard' appearing at the back door of Fidel's house, and let the official extraordinary people confirm it themselves. By then, the problem will naturally be discovered."

"This, is this okay?" Butner opened his mouth slightly.

"Why not?" Lumian smiled, "If you really discovered the 'Devil Wizard', you can tell them, forget about the details, just tell them whether the clues are true and whether they helped you catch the 'Devil Wizard'. If If you fail to track down Boorman, it is at best a minor fraud and will only send you to labor for a few days."

"Does the official Beyonder still not allow adventurers to report some clues that they are not sure about? This will only cause them to miss the real information."

After listening to Lumian's words, Butner was silent for a few seconds and said: "You don't have Archipelago blood, do you?"

It can be said that he is very good at fraud.

Lumian said casually: "I met an Islander in Trier. He has rich experience and skills in fraud."

While speaking, Lumian raised his left hand with interest and pinched his left eye socket.

He looked at Butner and said, "How many years have you been an adventurer? Why are you still so naive?"

"More than a year." Butner tried to defend himself. "I just habitually abide by the laws and rules when dealing with officials. I am also flexible when dealing with pirates and other adventurers."

"Aren't those adventurers who secretly provide clues to the authorities also full of lies? They can lie if they can?" Lumian said with a smile.

He wondered if Butner was from a good background and received a good education, which made him rigid and abiding by the rules.

This can be initially confirmed by the other party's clothing and appearance.

Seeing Butner's silence, Lumian drank the remaining salted coffee and looked back at the lively open-air market: "Try not to go to morgues, cemeteries and other places during this period."

Just when Butner was about to ask why, he instantly understood the true meaning of this warning: without the resources provided by the big businessman Fidel, the "devil wizard" would probably be forced to take some action!


At noon, Lumian returned to the first-class room No. 5 of the "Asky Bird" and saw that the master bedroom had replaced the carpet, bed, wardrobe, desk and other furniture, and re-arranged various decorations, but the metal walls were distorted. The cracks and cracks were only slightly repaired but not really done.

Not long after, his messenger, "The Confessor" Bayinfer, walked out of the void and handed him a letter.

This comes from Franka: “Based on your latest description and my discussion with ‘007’ last night, I initially suspect that ‘The Devil Wizard’ Boorman forcibly changed the sequence.

"He was originally supposed to be a 'wizard'. In order to resurrect his wife, he turned to the non-adjacent 'Death' path and became half crazy, half human and half monster.

"This can actually be explained by the 'Wizard' obtaining the evil god's gift, but I have observed your situation and there is no fusion and mutation of the two paths of extraordinary abilities. This was clearly shown in Boorman's battle. You The illusory eye mentioned is not only the 'eye of peeping' to see the real side, but also shows the suppression and even enslavement of the spirit body itself by the 'god of death' path.

"As far as I know, the 'Death' pathway has had the 'Eye of Death' ability since Sequence 8 'Gravedigger'. It merged with the 'Eye of Peeping Secrets' to form that special eye of illusion?"

Seeing this, Lumian suddenly recalled the appearance of the illusory eye: vertically embedded in the forehead, illusory and blurry, deep purple and almost black, with a large number of pale patterns...

This is indeed a bit like a fusion mutation of the "Peeping Eye" and "Death" path abilities.

Lumian lowered his eyes and read the following content:

"The white feathers, rotten wounds, various undead creatures, unstable emotional state, and extreme behavior all indirectly confirmed my guess...

"The origin of that old bloodstain is very strange. I have done 'magic mirror divination' several times and found different people to ask, but I only got the answer that it came from the depths of the spiritual world. There is no further information. It seems that the half-madness cannot be reversed. Boorman had other opportunities."

Unstable emotions... extreme behavior... irreversible semi-madness... Lumian chewed on these descriptions and sighed inaudibly:

How determined and desperate was Boorman when he chose to drink the "Death" pathway potion!

Wild Extraordinaries do not know that they can jump to adjacent pathways in a specific sequence, and will only continue walking in a "God's Path". For them, the sporadic cases around them and the rumors they heard tell them that Once they choose the "God's Path", they cannot change it. If they forcefully drink potions from other paths, they will go crazy at best, or collapse and die at worst.

Moreover, "Secret Peeper" and "Death" are indeed not adjacent paths and cannot be jumped.

Without the determination not to be afraid of death, and the belief that he would resurrect his wife even if he went crazy, Boorman would not have drank the "Death" path potion.

Lumian tried to put himself in that situation and felt that he would make the same choice.

This is why he has mixed emotions at this time.

Franka wrote at the end of the letter:

"You don't need to worry about what happens next. With Boorman's mental state, without Fidel's support and restrictions, it won't be long before he appears again, in order to collect materials for the next experiment. By then, even if he can still succeed Even if you do it once or twice, you won't be able to continue to succeed. In a few weeks, or even a few days, you will be eliminated by the official Beyonders."

Lumian glanced at the "Confessor" Bayinfer who had not yet left: "Help me give the reply to the person who sent the letter."

As he spoke, he quickly wrote a line of words: "I will kill Boorman as soon as possible."

Not long after, "Confessor" Bayinfer brought back Franka's reply: "Why?"

Lumian wrote on the same piece of paper: "I want to punish him for his crime..."

Lumi paused and continued: "And, to end his suffering."

After habitually folding the letter paper into a square, Lumian handed it to Bayinfer and glanced at the messenger: "Would it be troublesome to send letters back and forth like this?"

This is not concern, but confusion. "

After "Confessor" Bayinfer delivered the letter, he did not leave immediately, but waited to see if there was a reply.

This time, Bayinfer did not remain silent. He replied in a low voice: "Being busy will make me feel better."

"It's better to have something to do than always look at the darkness."

Lumi listened quietly without responding, watching "The Confessor" Bayinfer turn around and walk into the void.

He actually felt a little bit similar to those two sentences.

Franca did not stop Lumian, and replied concisely and forcefully: "Be careful!"

Huh... Lumian let out a breath, walked to the window of the living room, and cast his gaze at Falin Port bathed in the blazing sunshine and the Andatna volcano in the distance.

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