My reputation spread so quickly? Even if the rumor that I hunted Boorman arrived at Santa Port two days before the "Asuka", the client would still have to spend time to determine where I live and whether it is true or false... Lumian thought it would take a few more days before someone would come to entrust him, so he didn't think about his wife in a normal context just now.

He stood up and said to Lugano: "Please come in, madam."

After saying that, Lumian bent down and picked up the golden straw hat placed on the small round table,, which is easier to remember.

Not long after, Lugano led a woman in her thirties away.

She was wearing a long white dress with a looser hem and red flowers embroidered on the surface, which fully showed off the beauty of her body curves.

Compared with the Daliège area on the other side of the mountain, the women of Santa Port prefer more colorful and fancy clothes, which appear to be very romantic and free. This is also the traditional aesthetic of the Kingdom of Feneport.

The lady with long brown hair tied up and a healthy complexion did not bring a maid, and her blue eyes with thick eyelashes turned to Lumian who was holding a golden straw hat.

Her red lips opened and closed, and she spoke a series of words, but Lumian could only hear the name "" based on its approximate pronunciation.

Lugano quickly got into work mode and began to translate: "This lady said,, I heard about your hunting of the 'devil wizard', and I wonder if you are willing to help my family solve a problem."

Lumian's eyes swept over the multi-jewel beads on the lady's wrist and returned to the other party's beautiful and mature face:

"What do you call it?"

"Georgia," the lady answered after being translated by Lugano.

Lumian repeated the pronunciation of the other party's name and asked with a smile: "Mrs. Georgia, what do you want to entrust?"

After listening to Lugano's translation, Georgia said in Plateau dialect with a slight local accent: "An evil creature has appeared in my house, and I would like to ask you to help eliminate it."

Lumian understood several words and probably guessed Georgia's request, but he still looked at Lugano calmly, waiting for him to translate.

After Lugano repeated Georgia's words in Intis, Lumian suddenly smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot to ask my beautiful lady to sit down."

", politeness is important."

Lumian pointed to the sofa area in the living room, sat on the couch, raised his right hand, and tried to touch the head of Ludwig who was eating snacks there like a godfather.

Ludwig moved his position first to avoid this act of treating him like a child.

Seeing Georgia sitting on the single sofa, Lumian gently shook his golden straw hat, leaned forward slightly and said: "Since it is an evil creature, why not directly ask the clergy of the Church of the Mother Earth to deal with it?"

Georgia looked at Lugano next to her and listened intently to what he said.

She pursed her somewhat thick lips and replied in Plateau dialect: "We don't want the church to know about this matter, as it will cause damage to our family's reputation."

That’s why you entrust me, a foreigner who will leave after watching the sea prayer ceremony? And also after confirming that I have the ability to deal with that evil creature... Lumian withdrew his eyes from Lugano, thought for a moment and said: "Tell me more about that evil creature."

After a few seconds, Georgia considered her words and said: "It was like a lizard without a tail. It would attack everyone in the house. It killed several maids and male servants and ate their blood and flesh."

"Our family's bodyguard shot at it and wounded it, but could not kill it because it had very strong scales, so we had to drive it into the basement and shut it in."

"We originally thought it would slowly starve to death and die of thirst. Who knew, almost two weeks later, it was still alive and trying to break open the basement door."

It doesn't sound very dangerous. It can be fought off with ordinary guns... I didn't say why the big lizard appeared. This seems to be the reason why they are unwilling to find the "Earth Mother Goddess" church and the local government to deal with it. ...Lumian thoughtfully compared the few words he understood with what Lugano translated, confirming that the guide should not have added or subtracted anything.

He then asked in a relaxed tone: "Are there any casualties among the bodyguards?"

After being relayed by the translator, Georgia slowly shook her head: "There were no deaths. Two were injured, but not seriously. Well, that monster would make the whole room feel like it was dragged into the deep sea, affecting normal actions."

It was like being dragged into the deep sea... Sure enough, he had some extraordinary performance, but he seemed to be relatively weak... Deep sea... Lumian suddenly became interested and asked for the details seriously.

After some exchanges, Georgia said in a soft voice: ",, but you need to promise not to publicize this matter.", that monster is worth at most 5,000 gold riso, and the remaining 10,000 is the hush fee, right? Lumian smiled and said in poor plateau dialect: "No problem."

Then, while standing up, he said in Intis: "I want to see the situation on the spot."

Georgia stood up and listened to Lugano's translation. - She has dealt with many adventurers and bounty hunters, and knows that observing the scene, understanding the target, and preparing carefully are one of the keys for elites in this industry to solve problems and survive.

"Now?" Georgia asked in confirmation.

Lumian understood the word and responded in the same Plateau language: "Now."

He immediately put on his golden straw hat and walked towards the door, adding in Intis: "In addition, prepare a sumptuous dinner for me, my godson and my translator."

After Georgia heard the translation, she was startled.

She looked at Lumian's back and felt that this adventurer seemed a little different from the ones she had known before.

Santa Lana Street, Puerto Santa.

Located in the northeast of the city, there are multi-story villas with their own gardens, lawns, and stables.

Georgia's home is at No. 21 of this street. The entire five-story villa has a brownish-red exterior with statues of many angels and saints from the Church of the Mother Earth, as well as symbols representing waves and fisheries.

Lumian, wearing a golden straw hat and holding Ludwig, who was carrying a red schoolbag, followed Georgia and her maid and male servant into the hall of the villa.

This is also a large dance floor with no cover above and leads directly to the dome.

As soon as he entered here, Lumian felt that there were eyes hiddenly looking at him from behind the circular railings on the second, third, fourth and fifth floors.

Sure enough, it was a family gathering, there were so many people... Lumian did not raise his head, smiled secretly, and sighed secretly.

None of the peeping people showed up. Georgia called two legally armed bodyguards and led Lumian and the others down the stairs to the second basement.

The iron-black door here is tightly closed.

As if sensing someone approaching, the iron door banged, as if it was being slapped heavily by some powerful creature.

"It's right inside." Georgia raised her right hand with a complicated expression and pointed at the iron door.

Lumian understood the words perfectly without the need for Lugano's translation.

He pressed the golden straw hat on his head and said in a commanding tone: "Take my godson to the living room for dessert."

As he spoke, he walked towards the subway door without looking back.

After listening to Lugano's report, Georgia quickly led Ludwig back to the ground with the maid. One of the bodyguards quickly caught up with Lumian with a solemn expression and handed him a silver-black key.

Immediately afterwards, the two bodyguards pulled out their pistols and squatted down, aiming at the iron door to prevent the monster from escaping.

Lumian slowly inserted the key into the keyhole and turned it open with a click.

He immediately dropped the key and pushed the iron door back with one hand.

In an instant, the figure of the monster came into his eyes: it was a human-shaped lizard, with a large number of bright and strong scales scattered all over its body. The areas not covered by scales revealed a smooth and evil snake. skin.

Both of this monster's eyes were raised, their eyes were very light and almost transparent, and there were many sharp teeth forming a whirlpool in the mouth.

Almost at the same time, Lumian felt that the air around him became quite heavy, wrapping himself like shackles, which obviously affected his normal actions.

It also had a moist feeling, making him feel as if he had dived into the deep sea and was undergoing pressure from all directions.

The humanoid lizard pounced over, and Lumian's body leaned towards the enemy as if being attracted by a whirlpool.

But there was always an obvious smile on his lips, and he calmly tried to turn his body sideways.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a hidden power bursting out in his body, allowing him to break free from the shackles of the air.

Lumian quickly turned his body half sideways and swung his right fist from bottom to top.

With a sudden burst of flames, red and almost white flames first ignited from his fist, and then spread to his forearm, as if dragging out a gorgeous fire snake.

This punch hit the chest and abdomen of the humanoid lizard hard, and the fire compressed with a roar.


The humanoid lizard flew back, the shiny scales on its chest and abdomen flying away, and a huge wound was created directly.

Lumian did not pursue him, put one hand in his pocket, replaced his right fist with his palm, and pushed forward slightly.

Groups of red and almost white fireballs condensed in front of him, roaring into the wound between the chest and abdomen of the humanoid lizard.


The monster was immediately torn into pieces, its flesh and blood scattered all over the floor.

Lumian looked at it for a few seconds, pressed the golden straw hat on his head, turned around, and walked towards the stairs leading to the ground.

The two bodyguards with guns on guard still maintained their original posture, and they had not yet come to their senses to figure out what happened.

Lumian did not "wake up" them and walked up the stairs step by step.

Georgia, who was on the ground, heard the explosion, and left the small living room with Lugano, heading towards the stairs, just in time to see Lumian coming up.

"Are you sure the situation is okay?" the lady asked with concern.

Lumian smiled and said, "It's been solved."

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