Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 58: Love for Talent (please vote for April)

After two nights of exploration, Lumian discovered that the monsters in the outer areas of the dream ruins were not as numerous as he imagined.

After getting rid of the skinless monsters, the shotgun monsters, and the monsters with black marks, he circled around and found no targets for hunting. He only found a few pieces of flesh and blood that could still squirm to a certain extent.

Their only function is probably to serve as food.

Lumian had already discovered that he did not need to eat in his dreams.

Every time he comes in, he is full of energy and does not feel hungry. After exploring or fighting for a while, as his spiritual energy is consumed and his fatigue deepens, he will appear in a state similar to hunger, but it is quite mild and does not require additional energy replenishment.

When this feeling of hunger becomes impossible to ignore, Lumian's spirituality and physical strength are often exhausted, and he is very tired and needs to escape from the dream.

After the actual eating and "recuperation", the next time he enters here, he will undoubtedly be full of energy and not feel any hunger.

During the exploration, Lumian observed the environment while searching various collapsed buildings, and found some coins, but not many, and the total did not exceed one gold Louis.

There are only a few little blue books that have writing.

As a last resort, Lumian tried to go deep into the ruins.

He slowly penetrated deeper into the light gray mist, gloomy environment, or collapsed or remaining walls.

Suddenly, he discovered a set of shallow and strange footprints.

It's hard to even call it a footprint, because the one on the left is normal, but the one on the right is a mark left after pressing with the palm of your hand.

Another monster? Lumian followed quietly along the footprints, not forgetting to scan the surroundings along the way and imagining the most suitable battle scenarios for different environments.

Finally, he heard some movement, so he stopped moving forward, made a slight circle, climbed to the top of a collapsed building, and used the messy and heavy stones to cover his body.

Then, Lumian carefully stuck out part of his head and looked at the place where the sound came from.

It was a very clean wasteland without any debris, and in the center stood a guy who didn't know whether he could be called a human.

"He" looks like a human being at first glance, but upon closer inspection, he is full of incongruities:

Two eyes are located on the nose, with a mouth above and a pair of ears below. The nose is embedded at the edge of the temples. One leg and one hand appear in the area corresponding to the shoulder. There is also a leg and a hand from the waist down. The whole looks like a random patchwork of different human parts.

This made Lumian instantly understand why the footprints he was following looked like that.

At this time, the monster was wearing a brown short jacket and dark blue trousers commonly worn by the people at the bottom of Intis, without shoes or hat, walking back and forth on the wasteland.

Lumian was not in a hurry to hunt, but patiently observed.

Not long after, the monster raised its arms and assumed a posture with its body bent backwards and its head touching the ground.

Very flexible, suitable for dancing... Lumian sneered in his heart.

As soon as he had this thought, the monster really started dancing.

Its movements are sometimes sonorous and powerful, sometimes beautiful and soft, sometimes weird and outrageous, but they are all very rhythmic.

More importantly, this guy seems to have no bones, his arms can be folded behind his back, and the legs and arms underneath can even intertwine with each other.

As the prank king of Kordu Village, Lumian instantly thought of what kind of nickname the other party could have:

Noodle man!

Based on what he just discovered, he had a corresponding plan for the next battle:

"You can't think that you can avoid attacks by ducking behind the target. Noodle Man can be consistent...

"Be careful of snake twisters...

"I'm not sure if it's critical, but since I have a head, let's cut off the head first..."

As his thoughts swirled, the monster's dance became more and more intense. From time to time, it spread its arms and legs and jumped upwards, as if it wanted to embrace the sky.

Lumian was a little bit affected and wanted to twist his body and jump around.

He couldn't help but recall a melody in his mind that his sister often played:

Move again and again, move again and again...

Suddenly, Lumian felt a little heat in his left chest, and there were faint words that were almost non-existent echoing in his ears.

This made his scalp numb slightly and his body trembled slightly, as if he would hear the mysterious sound that made him on the verge of losing control in the next second.

Uh... Lumian hurriedly opened the leather jacket with his free left hand, unbuttoned the gray-white cotton shirt underneath, and looked down at his chest.

He saw that the black thorn symbol that locked his heart was highlighted again, and the blue-black symbol that seemed to be composed of eyes and insects slowly emerged, pressing on the former.

Lumian was startled at first, and then thought one after another:

"I didn't meditate, let alone maintain that state for several seconds...

“Inspired by the ‘Noodle Man’ dance?

“His dance involves mysterious realms and contains supernatural power?

"Fortunately, when the thorn symbol is activated in this way, the terrifying sound is almost inaudible. It will not make me on the verge of death or completely out of control. Only my head will throb and the slight shaking of my body will not stop. I am, uh, mentally confused..."

After Lumian became a "Hunter", he has not tried meditating in dreams again to show his specialness, because he felt that the risks were much greater than before.

Before, he was on the verge of death, and it would be fine if he recovered. Now, in the state of near-death, he is likely to lose control, and it is impossible to save him!

Moreover, he suspected that if he listened to that mysterious and terrifying voice too much, even if he was lucky enough not to die or lose control and turn into a monster, he would still be left with an incurable mental illness.

It's not that there is no other way, he won't take any more risks.

Two or three seconds later, Lumian was no longer surprised that the thorn symbol was inspired by the "Noodle Man"'s dance, and he felt indescribable joy in his heart.

He can completely bear this bad state now!

"So, is there a possibility that I can learn this 'Noodle Man' dance, and when I'm hunting powerful monsters, I can dance a bit in advance, stimulating, uh, not completely stimulating my own specialness in the dream, and then rush towards the target? How many times can you defeat a target that is intimidating?

"Even if you rely on dance and the 'special' cannot be fully activated, it should still have some effect. I don't expect the target to just give up resistance like the shotgun monster. It is enough to greatly weaken them..." Lumian's thoughts rushed, and he became more and more The more pleasing it is to see the dancing "noodle man".

What kind of eyes are on the nose, what kind of mouth is high on the forehead, what kind of arms act as a leg, how can there be a magical dance to watch?

In an instant, Lumian developed a strong "love for talent" and found a reason:

"Aurore said that talents cannot be selected according to uniform standards, so why does it have to be a human being and not a monster?"

He decided not to hunt the "Noodle Man" until he learned the dance, and would come and watch it several times every night, trying to master it as quickly as possible.

Of course, he now plans to use the other party as an experiment first:

He wanted to try what effect the incompletely activated "special" would have on monsters!

Lumian made a quick decision, unbuttoned his clothes, left his left chest bare, bypassed the barrier, and jumped from the collapsed house to the wasteland.

The "Noodle Man's" dance suddenly stopped.

It began to tremble.

It turned to Lumian, crawled down, and lay on the ground.

Lumian stopped, no longer trying to get closer, and kept a safe enough distance.

The "noodle man" didn't move.

Lumian nodded slightly and said to himself:

"Even when faced with a 'special' that is not fully activated, this kind of lower-level monster will directly give up resistance and express its surrender...

“I don’t know what will happen to those at higher levels or with extraordinary characteristics…

"What is certain is that the effect is not that good..."

Lumian looked at the "Noodle Man" and smiled:

"Come on, dance again."

"Noodle Man" didn't dare to raise his head, and he didn't know if he understood what Lumian was saying.

Seeing that good words were ineffective, Lumian increased his tone:

"Quickly, give your grandpa another dance!"

"Noodle Man" was trembling all over and still crawling.

Monsters can’t understand human language? How to communicate with it? Lumian was quite helpless.

He learned what he was learning now and used the few Hermetic words he had just mastered to say:



Lumian did not say anything later, but began to dance with body movements.

The monster didn't even look at him, and pressed its face firmly against the dirt of the wasteland.

"Are you a fool?" Lumian couldn't help but curse.

He himself felt that his scolding was unreasonable. After all, among the monsters before and after him, which one was not stupid?

The shotgun monster with the most combat intelligence is also suppressed by human IQ!

At this moment, Lumian felt the slight heat in his chest disappear.

He instinctively lowered his head and saw that the thorns symbol and the blue-black symbol had disappeared at the same time.

Almost instantly, Lumian set his sights on the "Noodle Man".

"Noodle Man" just happened to raise his head and look at him with his eyes on his nose.

One person and one monster. You looked at me and I looked at you, and I was stunned for a second.

With a kick, Lumian turned around and ran away.

The "Noodle Man" jumped up and gave chase ferociously.

Lumian was very familiar with the surrounding environment, and his running speed was faster than the monster with uncoordinated legs and hands. He easily got rid of it, circled back to the wasteland, and hid in its original position.

He didn't run away because he was afraid of the other party, but because he was worried that if a fight broke out, he wouldn't be able to hold back, and he didn't know if he could find another "noodle man" who could dance in the ruins of the dream.

He had no intention of hunting this strange monster until he had learned its mysterious dance.

After waiting for a long time, Lumian saw the "Noodle Man" returning to this area.

He nodded and said silently to himself:

"Sure enough, monsters have their own 'territory' and are used to moving in a certain place or patrolling along a certain route...

"It's very similar to a wild beast..."

Next, Lumian patiently waited for the dance that might or might not happen.

Nearly two hours had passed. He was mentally exhausted and felt a little hungry.

The "Noodle Man", who had rested for a long time, walked to the center of the wasteland again and raised his arms and legs.

PS: Please vote for April~

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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