Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 78 Traces (Fourth update, please vote for me)

Lumian was startled. He had no time to avoid and could only let the invisible force fall on him.

He suddenly felt warm, and his body was filled with courage, as if the sun had finally come to him in the winter when he lacked clothing.

Other than that, there was nothing unusual about him. It was exactly the same experience he had at the castle yesterday afternoon.

Hey, as a "dancer", I was not harmed? Lumian couldn't help but glance sideways at the short Ryan and the scary-looking Liya, and found that there was no black mist or green smoke rising from them.

Immediately afterwards, Valentine, who existed in the form of a light man, made holy water and gave a few drops to Liya and Ryan respectively. However, the two still maintained their changed appearance and did not get any better.

"Purification and exorcism have no effect? ​​Lumian asked.

He hopes to figure out why it is possible and why it is not possible. In this way, he who has received the "gift" will know which situations to avoid in the future and which situations he can pretend nothing happened.

Ryan briefly explained two sentences to him: "Purification and exorcism are not omnipotent. The corresponding power required belongs to the category of evil. For example, the breath of depravity and all undead. The latter is not necessarily evil, but is incompatible with the real world." Rong needs to return to the spiritual world, so it can still be purified and expelled."

"Just as our definition of evil gods is mainly based on their behavior, the power of evil gods is not necessarily evil."

Lumian probably understood a little bit, and he asked thoughtfully: "Destined, uh, power, does not belong to evil, nor does it represent corruption?"

So it can’t be purified and expelled?

"Yes." Valentine has confirmed this through the previous attempt.

From this point of view, it is normal for me to be able to withstand that aura, but why can the holy water activate the black thorn symbol on my chest and make me hear that terrifying sound? Because the pollution in the seal does not currently belong to me, and is incompatible with me. It makes my body no longer pure, so it needs to be purified? Lumian began to guess in his heart.

He originally wanted to use people like the shepherd Pierre Berry who had received the gift as an example to ask whether physical changes also fell into the category of evil and depravity, but the current situation was urgent and he could not discuss it slowly.

Lumian tried to walk towards the basement door.

Just after taking two steps, his ears suddenly buzzed, and he vaguely heard the sound that seemed to come from infinite distance and yet seemed to be close in front of him, but it was not clear enough and very vague, and it only made his chest feel slightly warm. There was a little mental confusion.

This was very close to the state he was in when he saw the "Noodle Man" dancing.

This made Lumian confirm that the black thorn symbol on his chest was semi-activated.

He quickly turned his body and looked at Ryan, Liya and Valentine, and found that they didn't have any abnormal reactions.

Lumian was a little disappointed. He originally thought that the two symbols on his chest could suppress and weaken extraordinary people to a certain extent. Now it seems that they can only target monsters in the ruins of dreams, especially those who have received the gift of the black thorn symbol from the owner. kind of.

Of course, he was not sure whether fully activating the chest symbol would have any impact on the surrounding Beyonders.

"Has my condition changed?" he asked Liya and others.

"No." Liya and the others shook their heads at the same time.

Lumian nodded slightly and basically confirmed two things: First, the black thorn symbol on his chest, or the evil god pollution sealed in his body, could indeed help him "fight" the anomalies in the basement.

The second is that he was really lucky just now and was affected by the power of "now".

After waiting for a few seconds, Lumian tried to take a step diagonally forward.

The slight heat in his chest did not weaken and remained as strong as before.

"Has there been any change this time?" He asked Ryan and the others again.

Liya was the first to shake her head: "No."

Lumian breathed out quietly and muttered in his heart: "With the protection of the black thorn symbol, I can pass freely here, www.youxs.org..."

"Wait a minute, the priest has not received the gift yet, and there is no thorn symbol! How could he reach the altar safely before? The latest and fastest update first"

Thinking of this, Lumian vaguely understood something and turned his gaze to the ground.

With the help of the light emitted by Valentine, he saw many messy footprints that were invisible to ordinary humans.

Except for a few, they are everywhere, and they generally follow a certain pattern, extending all the way to the front of the altar.

Lumian immediately overlapped the location of the nearest part of the footprints, and the slight heat in his chest began to slowly weaken.

This means he is back in the "present".

Sure enough, there is a safe route here, the route of walking in the "now"! Lumian suddenly became very happy, because this was something that the three powerful Extraordinaries, Ryan, Liya, and Valentine, had not discovered, and his little Traces found by "Hunters".

This reminded him of something his sister Aurore said: "Each path has its own specialty. Before being a demigod, when encountering a specific situation, the Sequence 9 of some paths may be better than the Sequence 5 of another path. It still works.”

Lumian was originally because during these two days of exploration, he could hardly perform in front of powerful extraordinary people.

In the whole process, I was in the position of guide and protection. I felt a little inferior and depressed, but now I have finally regained a lot of confidence.

Finding faint traces of reality is the specialty of "hunters", don't you know that?

Of course, Lumian did not forget it, and Aurore added at the end: "But there are ways to be good at everything."

He calmed down his thoughts, turned around, and directed Ryan, Liya and Valentine.

"You all take a step toward the altar at the same time."

Ryan and others were obviously puzzled, but they could not fully trust Lumian and did as he asked regardless of the reason.

Lumian had no choice but to explain: "Look at the ground, there are many footprints. They were left by the priest's group, marking a safe route!"

Ryan, Liya and Valentine, who did not have the corresponding abilities, relied on the light of the "sun" to reluctantly find some traces and believed Lumian's statement.

--In the official Intis, there are many Beyonders of the "Hunter" path. They have cooperated more or less. Knowing that some sequences are very good at finding faint traces and following Lumian's prompts, they all walked to safety. on the route.

Almost instantly, Lumian saw Ryan growing taller quickly, Valentine getting darker and darker, and Liya's face gradually returning to normal.

They are back in the "now" and no longer in the "past" and "future".

After a while, Lumian easily returned to the team along the safe route.

He smiled and said: "Don't make another wrong move. Another change in status may make it impossible to save."

He was imitating Ryan's tone and tone, which he thought was very suitable for the current scene.

In the past, given his character, he would most likely have ridiculed him directly: "Haha, are you blind? You can't even see such obvious traces. If you make the wrong move, you will be hopeless!

Liya touched her face, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "We will follow you."

Lumian was not modest. He carefully distinguished the footprints on the ground and moved closer to the altar step by step.

This is not as brisk as when he came back just now, because it doesn't matter if he goes wrong himself, but Ryan and the others can't.

This time, the silver bell on Liya's body made no sound.

It wasn't until the four of them arrived at the altar that they tinkled, sometimes soothingly and sometimes fiercely.

"There is danger, but you can find ways to avoid it." Liya, who has enough experience, gave an explanation.

Ryan nodded immediately: "Let's not touch anything here for the time being, just observe.

Lumian had already set his sights on the altar.

It was sunken toward the bottom, as if it was meant to hold something. There were gray-white candles, small bottles of transparent liquid, and tightly closed wooden boxes scattered inside.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is a black piece of clothing.

It is a robe with a hood.

On the front of this clothing, in the middle surrounded by other things, there is a ring symbol composed of thorns engraved on it.

Every part of it is twisted, and the whole body is pitch black, as if it is coated with some strange paint, giving people the impression that it is flowing slowly.

As soon as he saw this symbol, Lumian felt dizzy and his ears were ringing.

Ryan snorted, and a little morning light naturally appeared around him.

This helped Lea and Valentine suppress their mental turmoil.

"Don't look at that symbol too much." Ryan said in a deep voice.

5mian quickly shifted his gaze and looked to the side.

His dizziness and tinnitus subsided.

The altar seems to be like this. Let's look for anything else around... Just as Lumian was about to say this, he heard Liya asking Ryan: "Will your morning light stimulate the altar?"

Ah? Lumian quickly turned around and subconsciously looked at the altar.

Tinkering, the small silver bells on Liya's veil and boots rang fiercely and urgently.

Almost at the same time, the hooded black robe stood up on the altar, as if it was put on by an invisible person.


The cold wind swirled over, and Lumian saw transparent faces under the hood.

They are all ferocious and twisted, exuding strong hatred, and are gathered together in a hugging posture to form a weird and terrifying head.

One of the faces was very familiar to Lumian. It belonged to Raymond. He was pale and swollen, and his eyes were full of blood and tears.

Lumian didn't care to take a closer look, took two steps sideways and hid behind Ryan.

"Save us! Save us!"

The transparent faces spoke at the same time, and the sharp voices were like countless fine needles, piercing into the souls of Ryan and others, stimulating them to the point of fainting.

Valentine was in top form, arms spread wide.

A pure, sacred beam of light surrounded by illusory flames instantly fell from the sky and landed on the black robe worn by the invisible person.

The light burst out, and Lumian and Liya instinctively closed their eyes.

PS: Fourth update, please vote for me~

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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