Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 88 Emotional Intelligence (please vote for me)

Faced with Lumian's confirmation question, Ryan nodded: "That's understandable, but if there are really other anomalies worth investigating, we can't let them go."

"Okay." Lumian actually thought so.

He didn't even plan to attend Lent lest I see the performance at the celebration and I couldn't help but do it.

The group of four quickly arrived at Lumian's house and were led up to the second floor by Aurore.

Aurore, who had changed into a pure white cotton stiletto skirt to highlight the comfort of home, pointed to the open Lumian bedroom and study room, and said to the three official investigators: "You can choose either of these two rooms."

Liya thought for a few seconds, raised her right hand, and pointed to the study with a smile, "I'll sleep here, Ryan, and you and Valentine will squeeze into that room."

"You trust us!" Aurore thought in his heart and Lumian said it at the same time.

He also thought that the three foreigners would choose to sleep in a room on the floor to avoid being targeted one by one by people with evil intentions after they separated.

Liya smiled and answered Lumian's mocking and questioning words: "My divination results tell me that both of you can be trusted." He lay down on the easy chair, looking comfortable and comfortable.

Aurore thought this was very interesting for Liya, "Don't believe blindly, divination is not a panacea."

"My mentor also said something similar, but we are in this secret situation and we are in the same house. If you don't believe it, what else can you do?" Liya twisted her body on the easy chair and smiled. replied.

Aurore didn't mind her exclusive spot being taken, so she pulled up a chair and sat down.

Their study also functions as a small living room, where afternoon tea is occasionally arranged. The space is not small and there are enough chairs.

Ryan looked around in the corridor for a while, then went to the door of the study and said to Aurore and Lumian, "I have some suggestions."

"Please speak." Luo Er politely pretended to listen.

Ryan gently led the way: "When sleeping, the doors of each fighting room should not be closed, so that everyone is essentially in the same space. Considering that we broke the altar, maybe someone will try to deal with us before Lent. Starting tonight, everyone will take turns on duty, um, from 10pm to 8am the next morning, two hours each."

"So professional!" Aurore Jinping muttered silently.

Lumian then looked at her, as if asking why you didn't think of it.

Aurore looked helpless and spread her hands, which meant that I didn’t have much experience in teamwork.

She then looked at Ryan and Valentine and said in a very definite tone, "Lumian is responsible for the period from 10 o'clock to midnight at night?"

Liya and others had no objections to this arrangement.

In their opinion, this is very reasonable, because between 10 and 00 o'clock in the evening, there must be other people who are still awake and can help him cover up.

Lumian understood that his sister's intention was not just this. He wanted to explore the ruins of the dreamland after falling asleep and could not be interrupted.

After determining the first time period, Valentine took the initiative and said, "I am used to going to bed early and getting up early. I am responsible for the period from 6 to 8 in the morning."

"I got up so early to welcome the sunrise." Lumian laughed instinctively.

Valenqin looked at him with gentle eyes.

"Yes, I want to welcome the rising of the sun and praise the shining of light." His eyes seemed to say. Sure enough, you are the only brother. .

A bit defeated by Valentine, in the "Eternal Sun" church "brother" is a commonly used title among co-believers. They are used by the two most mainstream organizations, "Evangelistic Brotherhood" and "Little Brotherhood".

"I'm not used to being woken up in the middle of my sleep!" Liya continued, "I'm worth the time from 0 o'clock to 2 o'clock."

Aurore nodded, "I like to get up late, and I can take charge from 2 to 4 o'clock. Well, you don't need to call me for breakfast tomorrow. I'll get up around noon."

"The remaining time period belongs to me." Ryan took over the worst time period with great satisfaction. "He entered the study and found a chair to sit down.

Everyone chatted casually. Although Aurore rarely went out, she was well versed in astronomy and geography. She was very familiar with Trierbeek's popular style in Rand and other big cities.

"As expected of the famous writer Aurore." Liya couldn't help but admire, "No wonder she can master any subject."

Aurore asked curiously: "Have you seen me?"

"I started reading your first book. I was still a girl at that time." Liya replied with a bright-eyed smile, "By the way, sign it for me!" as she rummaged through the paper. and pens, and the little silver bells on her veil and boots jingled.

"Is it a sealed object?" Aoluo asked slightly curiously when she saw that you had heard Lumian talk about the performance of Liya's four little bells.

Liya took out a stack of sticky notes and a pen, and casually replied, "Yes, it can proactively warn me, and it can also improve me. If I have requirements, I must be fashionable, must have a skirt, must love tickets, and look good, otherwise not only will I not be able to It plays a role and also misleads you, or leads you to run into some hidden bad things.”

"I couldn't guess for a moment whether this pair of bells were originally male or female." Aurore said with a smile.

Lumian was convinced.

If the bell originated from women, it would be a remnant of the male animal's instinct to love beauty, and it would be a pervert.

Liya smiled lightly: "It involves confidential files, I can't say any more."

She stood up and handed the note and pen to Aurore.

Aurore asked while signing: "Which of my themes do you prefer?"

"Emotional" Liya answered without hesitation, "Your first book had a great influence on me!"

"The level of young writing is not high enough, it is very immature, many passages are blunt, and many dialogues are too sensational and unreal..." Aurore said a few words modestly, a little embarrassed.

Lumian habitually "added" to help: "But the best is sincerity and novelty."

He has also read Sister's book, which tells the story of a couple's life and death, mixed with adventure, misunderstanding, terminal illness and other elements. It was a groundbreaking work in the entertainment industry at the time.

Of course, this has also attracted criticism from many conservative writers and critics. The main shortcomings are what Aurore herself just said. They even think that this is not even a literary work, but simply popular.

"Yes." Liya took back the paper and pen, looked at Aurore, smiled and asked, "Writer, is it possible for you to become our informant in the eighth round?"

"The main reason we crack down on wild Extraordinary people is because they are uncontrollable and may lose control at any time or cause disasters, or else they may use their extraordinary abilities to do bad things and satisfy their own desires."

"In the past few days in the village, I have carefully observed you siblings and confirmed that you are extraordinary people who abide by the order. Before coming to Kordu, the intelligence we collected also showed that you have never done anything bad on the surface. "

"This meets our recruitment standards, and after you become our informants, you no longer need to worry about being beaten to death by official Beyonders."

Aurore's heart skipped a beat when she heard it. She glanced at Lumian, nodded lightly and said, "I will think about it and answer you when the cycle is over."

Lumian on the side instantly understood what the sister's look at him meant: "I have no problem. Will you, a guy who has sealed serious pollution, fail the test?"

The two returned to Aurore's bedroom.

Aurore sat on the edge of the bed, glanced at the door, and said in a low voice, "Liya is a person with high emotional intelligence."

"What should I say?" Lumian also felt that Liya made the atmosphere harmonious during the time in the study.

Aurore smiled and said that she knew it.: "She took the initiative to mention me and asked me to sign for the purpose of getting closer to each other, and the purpose of getting closer to me was to propose subsequent solicitations, and the latter solicitations were to resolve the distrust and distrust in our hearts. Be prepared and we can work together better in the next few days.”

The whole process was not unexpected at all, and it did not make me feel disgusted or wary. This is a sign of high emotional intelligence.

"Study more!" Lumian thought about the conversation just now and laughed at himself.

Aurore was amused by him and leaned forward a little and said: "You are very self-aware!"

She then rubbed her golden hair and said: "I'm going to sleep for a while first. My eyes are not fully healed yet, so I need more rest. Wait until 10 o'clock, wake me up, and I'll help you keep an eye on it. It's your first time." It’s better for Zhiye to be more cautious.”

Lumian had no objection and agreed without hesitation. He watched his sister lie down on the bed without any hesitation, pulled the quilt over her and closed her eyes.

The room suddenly became extremely quiet.

Lumian quietly turned off the radio light and closed the curtains. Then he sat on the chair next to the desk. In the crimson moonlight that penetrated the room, he quietly looked at his sister's unprepared sleeping face, and his heart gradually became peaceful.

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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