Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 90 Try again (please vote)

"Sure enough, no matter where I fall asleep, I will wake up here." Lumian got out of bed and looked at the "Fate-Hunting Knife" placed next to him. No, "Fallen Mercury" walked towards it in the light gray mist. By the window.

He put his hands on the desk and cast his gaze towards the bloody "mountain".

At the top of the "peak", the fog was thick and layered, completely covering the "giant" with three heads and six arms.

"Just one glance last time made me close to losing control. If I need to face it later, I really don't know what to do..." Lumian sighed in annoyance.

He didn't fall into this mood for too long and quickly got out of it because he still had many things to do.

Lumian danced the dance that attracted strange creatures in his bedroom. He let his spirituality spread out in the crazy and twisted postures and rhythms. Combined with the force of nature, he began to "broadcast" in an unspecified direction. .

Not long after, he sensed the approach of something, and saw the transparent and blurry figures of the mouth monster, the shotgun monster, and the skinless monster reflected on the glass window.

Lumian was not in a hurry, and followed the dance movements, pulled out the ceremonial silver dagger, and stabbed the back of his left hand.

A drop of bright red blood quickly overflowed and was pulled by spirituality and natural power to form a round bead and embedded on the surface of the skin.

The three figures all moved strangely, but none of them dared to enter Lumian's house and possess him.

Lumian turned half a circle, raised his left hand, stepped forward and shouted:


He spoke the ancient Hermetic language, and the whole room seemed to shake slightly, and the light gray mist that filled the place rippled slightly.

Lumian used the ceremonial silver dagger to pick up the drop of blood and pointed it at the mouthparts monster:

"Order you!"

"Get on me!"

This is still the ancient Hermetic language, and the invisible wind is blowing faintly.

The transparent and blurry figure of the monster with mouthparts trembled obviously, as if it was lifted up by an invisible person and shaken vigorously.

Just when Lumian made the last move, thinking it would have no effect, the mouthparts monster flew into the house, landed on the ceremonial silver dagger, and swallowed the drop of bright red blood.

Then, it shook violently and penetrated Lumian's body with the silver dagger.

Lumian opened his mouth involuntarily, and thoughts such as "I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry" echoed in my mind.

He quickly turned his body and looked at the full-length mirror on the wardrobe. He saw that his face was pale and stained with cyan, and his mouth was open like a corpse rather than a living person.

Success... While Lumian was overjoyed, looking at himself in the mirror was like looking at a stranger.

It's really a bit strange.

He resisted the intense hunger and tried to sense the mouth-parts monster possessing him.

It was like he had an extra brain. Most of the area was filled with thoughts such as hunger, bloodthirsty, and madness. In a few places, there was some residual instinct to use his own characteristics.

Lumian can amplify one of these instincts with his will and spirituality, which is equivalent to using a certain trait or ability of the mouthparts monster.

Without hesitation, Lumian chose "invisibility".

The next second, he saw that he was gone in the full-length mirror.

From the body to the clothes to the ceremonial silver dagger, everything was missing.

Lumian took a few steps back and forth, but found no trace on the mirror or glass.

Of course, his footprints and his scent did not disappear.

Lumian inserted the silver dagger given by Aurore, raised his arms, and punched forward a few times.

Amidst the banging sound, the full-length mirror still didn't reflect him until Lumian actually waved his fist at the mirror.

When his fist fell on the surface of the mirror, his figure was instantly outlined. His face was white with blue, and his eyes were quite ferocious.

"Amazing... No matter how hard I try, the invisibility effect is still there, but the sound cannot be muted. But as long as I launch an attack on the mirror, the invisibility cannot be maintained... I thought it was the optical invisibility that Aurore said before, but now it seems , there should be elements of occultism involved... Attacking something means establishing a certain connection with it, and no longer being invisible in its eyes?" Lumian let the right fist he waved hover over mirror surface.

After confirming the effect and limitations of "invisibility", he could no longer overcome his intense hunger. He stomped downstairs and went into the cellar to dig out two steaks.

If he hadn't been sane, he would have gnawed on the dark flesh when he saw it.

Thinking that there was no fire yet and the steak had to be fried until it was at least medium rare, Lumian gave up on this ingredient and chose the cheese he had stored at home instead.

He didn't care at all whether it was clean or not, and he kept stuffing food into his mouth like a ghost dying of hunger.

After eating several pieces of cut cheese, Lumian finally suppressed his strong hunger.

"It seems that this is the negative impact caused by mouth monsters..." He seriously assessed, "Fortunately, I can still control

My body has not completely lost my mind... That guy does have an obsession for revenge, but he is suppressed by an even more exaggerated fear... If I say "Leave" in ancient Hermes now, it will definitely run faster than Everything is fast..."

At this point, Lumian has fully confirmed that the negative effects caused by the possession of mouthpart monsters are acceptable, and "invisibility" will become a great weapon for him to explore and fight in the ruins of dreams in the future.

This, coupled with "Corrupted Mercury", made him feel that his combat ability had more than doubled.

Lumian returned to the dining table, pulled out a chair and sat down, patiently waiting for the possession to end.

Before long, his spiritual energy was almost exhausted.

He didn't squeeze himself, stood up and did a few crazy-looking moves.

This is the same dance as attracting monsters, and its function is to make the possessed things leave.

Without Lumian's command in ancient Hermes, the vague and transparent figure of the mouth-parting monster flew out in a whoosh and disappeared from the glass window on the first floor without looking back.

"Don't run so fast, you're acting like there's a cesspit on me." Lumian couldn't help but laugh at himself.

He preliminarily confirmed that his spirituality can maintain the possessed state for about three minutes. Once "invisible", the consumption rate will be twice as fast.

Of course, this is just a normal situation. When in danger, Lumian can also squeeze his own potential to maintain the possessed state for a longer period of time, but that can also easily lead to loss of control. If you can, try not to do it.

Although the mouth monster had left, Lumian still had that hunger, so he lit the stove and fried the steak he had just pulled out until it was done.

Then, he picked up the knife and fork, quickly cut, forked, and put it into his mouth. He felt that the juice locked in the meat was so delicious.

In less than ten minutes, Lumian finished two steaks and finally no longer felt hungry.

Looking at the empty plate in front of him, he exhaled and said:

"It takes three minutes to possess, and it takes at least two hours to recover..."

This refers not only to the elimination of hunger but also to the restoration of spirituality.

Seeing that the current situation was not suitable for exploration, Lumian found flour, sugar and other materials and used the oven at home to make cookies.

This, along with cheese, will be his main source of energy in the ruins.

If he hadn't been short of time, he would have planned to get some dried meat.

-This is also food that shepherds often carry. Being in Kordu Village, he naturally knows how to make it.

While he was busy, Lumian thought about what he would do in the Dream Ruins later:

"Well, one is to go around the city wall, and the other is to consider hunting the flame monster...

"Only by improving your own strength can you better explore and unlock the secrets of dreams..."

The strength shown by the flame monster is at least Sequence 7, and it is most likely to be the "Hunter" pathway. All aspects of its abilities perfectly suppress Lumian. He had not planned to deal with that guy recently, and wanted to try to find out if there was any A weaker prey, equivalent to the "provocateur". But now, the acquisition of "Fallen Mercury" and "invisibility" makes him feel proud.

I have some hope.

After his spiritual recovery was almost complete, Lumian put the baked biscuits and cut cheese into a cloth bag and hung it around his waist.

Then, he carefully wrapped his left hand with layers of white straps and picked up the evil short knife called "Fallen Mercury".

After picking up the shotgun, clipping the ax, and carrying other items that needed to be used, Lumian walked towards the door on the first floor.

Suddenly, he had the feeling that he was a fully armed hunter, preparing for a dangerous hunt.

Many thoughts came to his mind:

"The preliminary plan is to first figure out the activity pattern of the fire monster, then rely on stealth', quietly approach it, and use the fallen mercury to stab a wound.

"Before that, hunt down a weak monster, peel off part of its bad fate, and wait to exchange it with the fire monster.

"I can't perform the ritual dance while possessed, and the black thorn symbol is half-activated, otherwise the mouth monster will leave my body immediately. So, after injuring the flame monster, how do I keep distance from it and wait for the exchange of fate to be completed? The most difficult part of the whole plan is that it is easy to be locked through traces by simply relying on stealth..."

Lumian has not yet found the answer to the latter question, which depends on the early collection of intelligence.

When he opened the door and walked into the wilderness, with these thoughts in mind, he had an inexplicable premonition:

"If I can successfully hunt the fire monster, then my hunter's potion will be fully digested."

In the area where he last encountered the flame monster, Lumian held the silver-black short knife in his left hand, carefully searching for any possible traces, and always being prepared for a sudden attack.

After carefully walking around for nearly ten minutes, he finally found the traces left by the suspected flame monster:

In the corner of a collapsed house, a certain stone had black marks from fire, but none of its kind around it had such marks.

With one, there are two. Lumian quickly locked the flame monster's whereabouts and followed it slowly and cautiously.

When the marks became fresh, he stopped and began to dance.

PS: Please vote for me~

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