Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 132: Hidden secret

"The sacred sage" Buttis... Fors has experienced a lot of things recently, and may even be watched by the king of angels, so he has a strong ability to withstand. Exposed to the anomaly, the same natural recovery of his eyes, did not slow down, facing the man wearing a black trench coat across the road.

After a few steps, the two passed by.

"... Did he accidentally pass by here because of the attraction between extraordinary characteristics? If he knew that the teacher was here, he would certainly not be so slow, but directly 'transfer' to catch up..... Fortunately, the teacher has already got into the carriage and left the hotel..." Firth fell back to the original position, and the tight thoughts were slightly relieved.

Going a few more steps, she looked up at the sky and seemed to be sure that it would rain.

At this time, a crow flew from afar and landed on a street tree, facing the place where Firth had just passed.

Fols didn't think about the "secret saint" Buttis, kept the speed and left the street.

Since Aurora has not been held in Beckland for a long time, and the goal is a half-god, Forth has no idea of ​​revenge for the teacher. I don’t mention the problem of fighting ability. I just search for it. Locking a "secret mage" is a difficult thing to do.

"...I still wait for me to become a 'traveler'. It is possible to entrust Mr. World with the corresponding task after the encounter with Bustis. During this time, I will pay well... now I can confirm One point, the Aurora will have a Saint in Beckland recently... I don’t rule out that Boutis’s “travel” to somewhere today, influenced by the attraction of extraordinary characteristics, accidentally lost. The potential of Beckland..." Fols naturally considered whether or not to find the "world" of German Sparrow to help.

As far as she knows, this gentleman has at least killed two and a half gods by himself, and he has only become a demigod for three months!

In the high-level church of the Seven Great Gods Church, the real demigod is only ten places... According to the progress of Mr. "World", in the last two years, the power of a church can be emptied.... .. Of course, the reality is not this ideal model... After receiving higher education, the surgeon's thoughts gradually spread, and went to the street and got a rental carriage.


Above the fog, a small gathering of only the "sun" Dairik, "downside down" Alger, and "world" German Sparrow.

But unlike the previous situation, this time, Mr. "The Fool" witnessed, because the main purpose of the "Sun" Dairik is to figure out which seal is more pleasing to the great existence and thus to the legacy of the Creator. That cross.

At the same time, he still had some doubts and would like to ask Mr. "downside" and "World", so he applied for this private exchange.

"Silver of Silver Skull", "Twilight Mask", "Life Cane", "Degraded Flute"... These are all items that are equally outstanding in their own ability and negative influence, and need to be sealed. This also means that Silver City does No one who has no "artisan" approach, all the gains can only rely on natural formation, even if there are god-level seals, they can smash the characteristics, and they can't make them better reorganized... "Folk" Klein side Listen to the description of the small "sun" and quickly analyze the pros and cons of different seals in your mind.

The first thing he ruled out was the "twilight mask", because the negative effect of the seal from the former chief of Silver City was too great.

Although Klein can let the secret mate wear this mask and cut off the hearing connection, thus avoiding the screaming and screaming, and don't worry that the secret of the object is the slave of the "twilight mask". But as a result, his body will become a member of the unprovoked, sudden, and deadly people.

Then, for the same reason, Klein gave up the "fallen flute". The ability of this seal to predict danger in advance is indeed better than the "desire apostle" in "squirming hunger". It is eye-opening, but the negative impact is also not so good to avoid:

If Klein's body uses this flute, it will gradually become cold and lose normal emotions. This is completely contradictory to his idea of ​​confronting divinity and maintaining balance with human nature. If he is handed over to the secret couple, his body will bear the ability to think around. Significant decline, the terrible effect of easy mistakes, which will lead to the passive loss of the core advantage of the "Divination" approach.

"In addition, this flute will also let the people in the place be degraded, and the desires will flow. I don't want people in Berkrund Street to become a carnival of morality. When it comes to, how many illegitimate children are born... Can consider 'Silver of the Silver Sword' and 'Life Cane'..." Klein silently sighed two words and quickly started the topic of two choices:

The statue of the head of the "Silver of the Silver Sword" has a living character. For Klein, this means communication is possible. As long as it can communicate, many negative effects can naturally be reduced. As for the limitation of height, he can't be big. Don't talk about thickness, just talk about height. In any case, the "clown" with strong balance ability does not affect the play;

The "life cane" can make the body change in the body of the holder. It can be circumvented by handing over to the singer, waiting for the missing or more organs, and then using the "blood flower" ring to repair, and the surrounding area is full of vitality. The influence of the proliferation of animals and plants is actually not so negative.

Since the negative effects of the two seals are not too big, what needs to be considered is their role. The "Sword of Silver" is obviously derived from the "hunter" of the "warrior" route, regardless of attack or defense. They are quite powerful and can hide maliciousness and be good at dealing with demons. "Life cane" is good at creating and causing distortion, which is quite a sinister type.

After a few seconds of consideration, when the "Sun" Dairik asked for an answer, the "fool" Klein was not too fast or slow, as if to discuss an ordinary thing:

"Just a cane."

He finally decided to "life cane"!

In fact, the "Silver Sword" and "Life Cane" have their own strengths, not so good choices. Klein's final decision is based on a less common reason:

The ability of the evil "life cane" can afford the adjective "secret", which can effectively assist him to play "诡师" and improve the speed of the digestive digestion!

"Yes, ‘Mr. Fool’!” “The Sun” Dairik replied with joy.

This means that when the sacrifice and the ritual are completed, he will receive the cross from the Creator.

Determined this thing, he turned his attention to the bottom of the bronze long table:

“Mr. ‘World’, in addition to the complete brain of the adult mind dragon, do you need a higher sequence of potion recipes from the ‘cultivator’?”

Because the secret passage of the "Giant Wang Ting" was shared by the "world", Dairik asked only the object, not the "fool".

Of course, in Dairik's view, the "world" is the leader of Mr. "fool", and his answer to some extent also represents the meaning of "fool".

The "cultivator" approached the higher sequence of the potion formula... Sitting on the top of the bronze long table, "The Fool" Klein had a headache and fell into a fierce inner struggle.

He probably can understand what the chief idea of ​​Silver City is. The senior "hunter" hopes to find a bright future through the exploration of "Giant Wang Ting". On the other hand, he is cautiously not holding. There is too strong expectation, and I am ready to continue to stand in the darkness. Therefore, he proposes that the "cultivator" potion formula mainly depends on whether Mr. "fool" has the corresponding authority, or that some of his powers are ignored. Whether it is needed, if it can bring feedback, it will effectively improve the living environment of Silver City.

On Klein's side, Frank Lee recently wrote that the study was only one step away. When he became a "druid", he should be successful. This made Klein very hesitant to push him.

...... I don’t know what kind of future I will have... Let’s take a look at it now, a sequence of 5, even the extraordinary who have no divinity, can’t make too serious things, and, Ms. "Hidden" is already a god, and it is not too big a problem to see Frank... Kline thought for a while, let the "world" German Sparrow open:

"Sequence 5."

"If there is still higher?" "The Sun" Dairik asked.

... Klein has a feeling of being tested, silently a few seconds later:

"If you want to give it, you can..."

"Okay." "Sun" Dairik did not ask more, but turned to ask people who are next to him. "Mr. 'Down man', I always feel that this thing is a bit strange, why did the chief suddenly mention the 'farmers' approach? What is the higher sequence potion recipe?"

"Inverted" Alger looked at the "world" of German Sparrow Road:

"This should be a temptation for your chief to see if the environment around Silver City can be changed.

"I remember you mentioned before, you only know that there is a 'bumper goddess' is the queen of the giant king, and the 'moon' according to the blood family records, the 'bumper goddess' is called Omega, your silver city originally believed It is actually He.

"I originally only made sure that the name of Omega is true. There is no tendency for other claims. Now, your chief suddenly took out the higher-class potion formula that you did not know before, the 'cultivator' route. I suspect that the 'moon' argument is correct.

"This shows that for some reason, your Silver City hides the fact that you used to believe in the ‘Blood Goddess’, and even his real name is deliberately not mentioned.

"There is definitely no secret in it."

"No small secret..." "The Sun" Dairik seriously thought about it, but couldn't think of any secrets.

Fortunately, this is not too important for him. He quickly ended his private exchange and returned to Silver City to prepare for the exchange of seals.

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