Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 139: Look at the situation

"Outside! No!! The kingdom declared war on Fossack!"

Klein, who returned to Beckland from Meige Manor, sat in the carriage and listened to the newsboy who was walking fast on the street.

Although it was already prepared, it was confirmed that after the war broke out completely, Klein was still embarrassed, and the mood was hard to contain and fell a little.

"The hatred of the key territory of the island of Sunia... the entanglement of the interests of the colony... the failure of the previous war... the economic downturn caused by pollution control... Since the enactment of the Grain Act, domestic farmers have been hit by foreign food products A large number of bankruptcy... The living conditions of the people at the bottom are extremely bad... The gap between the rich and the poor is deepening...

"The middle class are blindly confident in Ron’s national strength and are eager to have the opportunity to improve their status... The conflicts between different parties in the upper class have intensified and they have torn apart... The king and his faction want to get a large-scale war... ... With so many factors added, from the objective conditions, from the perspective of materialism, it is almost inevitable that Lun will export wars outside... The reality is the best writer..." Klein jumped out of his past position to stand by The perspective of the person re-examines the situation in the country of Lun, and finds that the wave of the times has already formed, rolling in, no real God is coming, really can not stop.

In comparison, he is more puzzled about why the Fossac Empire is willing to take the initiative to launch a war.

Even if the members of an ancient secret organization are indeed the top of the Fossac or God of War church, they are the key figures who are qualified to make decisions. On such a major matter, there is no possibility of arbitrariness, and how others will agree to a world war. ?

"Isn't the contradictions in all levels of Fossac intensified, and there is an urgent need for a war?" Klein lacked sufficient understanding of the northern empire and could not make an accurate judgment. "But they have just won the East." The Long War, which took more colonial interests, is unreasonable than the situation of Lunen... Well, the Royal Einhorn family is in charge of the 'Red Priest' route, eager for war to understand, but the God of War Church has no reason not to stop Ah, as a member of the Alliance of Gods, they lack sufficient motivation to help Amon’s brothers advance to the sequence of 0."

Thinking of this, Klein suddenly had a guess:

"Is the Amon brother aware of the fact that the goddess has got the 'sexuality' of the 'death' route, and at the crucial moment, revealed this information to the 'God of War' church? And the 'God of War' is adjacent to the goddess. It is impossible to ignore this matter and will inevitably make a fierce response...

"Of course, it may not be done by the brother of Amon, or it may be that the angel of the spiritual group of the goddess of death, Heiter, was discovered in advance by the conspiracy expert of Soren Einhorne Medici. Abnormality, on the one hand, pretending nothing, continuing to arrange temptations, on the other hand introducing the 'God of War' church, making the situation worse and more chaotic... The 'red angel' evil spirit is really a symbol of war... ...

"If this is the case, then Fossack’s war is inevitable, and the 'death' approach to 'uniqueness' cannot be reconciled. At the crucial moment, 'God of War' may come directly, after the Quaternary. The unexploded war of God broke out...

"This Falsack air-to-aircraft formation can pass through the coast to the nearly 100-kilometer area of ​​Beckland, and it will not be noticed. There must be a 'weather warlock' to provide shelter, or else it will take a detour to the sparsely populated area. It will certainly be seen in advance, and will be intercepted by the Ron Airship unit... 'Weather Warlock', this is an angel. Since the Fifth Age, the number of such extraordinary people in the war has been absolutely small. Less... The great emperor is behind, and in the various colonial wars, most of the soldiers do not even know that there are extraordinary people... What does this 'weather warlock' mean?

"This is really a sweeping world, involving all levels of war. Is this what Amon’s brother wants?

"At that time, 'The Lord of the Storm', 'Eternal Liyang', 'The Mother Earth', 'The God of Steam and Machinery', and the 'God of Knowledge and Wisdom' will choose their respective positions, temporarily suppressing between them. Will the contradiction of a thousand or two years be intensified...

"'The Mother Earth God' likes the giants, even the gods have the Foss, and the kingdom of Feinport, the division of Inleborg, Maxi, and Segal, has a relationship to Lun and Intis. In the bones of hatred, the king’s power and the will of the gods can be reconciled with great probability. It is likely that they will form an alliance with Fossac and attack Lun and Intis from the south to the north. Of course, the country and the knowledge church in the middle of Lenburg will definitely Blocking, oh... Desi Bay, Fernetport and Lun are directly bordered, and the South will not be peaceful..."

The more Klein wants to think that the situation on the North Continent will become extremely chaotic, and no matter which aspect, he can't stop it.

Even a half-deity of sequence 4, under the wave of this era, in this situation that may lead to the war of God, there is no way to exert a critical influence. It is not bad to protect yourself and the people concerned.

When the former Falsack airship struck, Klein first arranged for the butler Walter and others to hide in the underground area that served as the wine cellar, and then 'transfer' to the Beckland Technical University. At that time, there was already A bomb was dropped, someone was killed and someone was injured. Klein was only fortunate that his sister Melissa was not in the explosion.

By the time Melissa and Benson rendezvous, Fossack's airship did not stop, and quickly withdrew from Beckland, he returned to the house of Daun Dontes.

Huh... Klein slowly vomited and turned to look out the window. I saw the pedestrians on the street heard the kingdom’s declaration of war against Fossac. A small part of the fear appeared. It seemed to recall the early morning air raids. Suddenly, I was a little scared and wanted to do something but I didn’t know what to do.

They may not be able to truly understand what such a war will bring, but instinctively feel that peace has been broken, and the future is chaotic and full of dangerous unknowns.

Klein took his eyes back and looked at the opposite man, Enuni, who found himself in his eyes a little dazed.

Half-smile and a half sighed, Klein raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, gathered up the frustrated helplessness, thinking about what he could do, what to pay attention to:

"In any case, with this experience and lessons, the king’s faction also launched a war. Before Ruen’s all-out defeat, Fossack could hardly invade Beckland again, Benson and Melissa stayed. It’s safer here...

“There is a shortage of food and all kinds of assassinations. The latter is nothing. The place where Melissa and Benson lived and their own level decided that they could not reach the important people who were easily assassinated, and they would not be affected. The laboratory of Portland Momont has just been formed. No results have been made yet. It will not become a target that must be destroyed. As for the former, Miss Audrey can provide certain 'assistance'...

“The winter is located in the northernmost part of the kingdom, adjacent to Fossac. It is the front line of every war. Ms. Arianna may return there to help the military. Well, he may also be sent elsewhere to protect. Coastal, after all, Beckland's defense is enough, the royal family must have a '0' seal, and there are angels. Most of the three churches also have hidden means... In this way, my greatest reliance is gone, at most from the church. There was a certain amount of assistance there, using some seals...

"I didn't worry too much about the impact of the return of the "Red Angels" evil spirits. I must now increase my alert in this regard.

"Patrick Breen is clear that Daun Dontes is equal to Galman Sparo equals the 'Death of the Dead', which I deliberately revealed, hoping to lead the doubts to Mr. Azick, the 'Death Archon' 'And now, this means that the 'Red Angel' evil spirit will take a long time to grasp this information...

"The 'Red Angel' evil spirit is only a high level. The actual level should not be restored to the angel level. I have nothing to defuse and he does not have what He wants. He knows that Dontes is equal. Mann Spalo, the possibility of dealing directly with me is also very low and low...

"In addition to direct shooting, what harm does He bring after he masters this situation?

"In this way, arrange a conspiracy, or sell the information to the people in need?

"What conspiracy... who will need..."

Klein’s mind emerged one after another in thought and one after another, but he was quickly ruled out by him, including the brother of Amon and the "destination angel" Uluos - before the "red angel" evil spirit The action shows that He is not currently in contact with the "redemption of the rose", and the brothers of Amon and Medici are also deadly enemies.

Suddenly, a name is highlighted in Klein’s mind:


The leader of the congregational chateau, from the madness to the normal "divination" route sequence 1 Angel Chalatu!

According to the feedback of "Magic Mirror" Arrods, this powerful and secret existence has left the original place, and I don't know where to go.

Klein had previously speculated that Chara will come to Beckland because of the extraordinary property aggregation law.

"The Medici and the Charato family, the Zoroastrian family are all playing for the Solomon Empire. They are very familiar with each other even if they have no friendship. In the foggy town, Charato sees Gelman. Sparo, what I want to pursue, I will definitely go to a crazy adventurer..." Kline’s heart, the instinct began to assume that Charato is in Beckland, looking for the trace of German Sparrow And use this as a premise to analyze other anomalies.

Almost instantaneously, Klein remembered one thing, Sharon’s failure to unite with the blood family:

"The Rose School is also looking for German Sparrow. Will Charato, who got the news, cooperate with them?

"At that time, the action was almost successful. The head of the Rose School in Bakerland was very hasty to evacuate. It is obviously the last minute to detect the problem. This is unlikely to happen if the blood family has prepared the corresponding seal. Even the duke was puzzled and puzzled, but what if it was a tragic premonition of a 'divination' route?

"This will be a good explanation!

"At the time, Charato was sitting opposite the head of the Rose School Bakerland?

"The Rose School has been hurriedly evacuated. It also deliberately left the dolls, made moonlight, and cleaned everything to cover up the existence of Charato.

"And, it's not a secret that German Sparrow and the 'Death Archon' have something to do with it. Will Charato be all over the secrets, and will there be any death force in Beckland?" Patrick Brian When the ceremony was held, there was actually a secret figure of Charato staring around?

"If the "Red Angel" evil spirits have sold the information to Charato, then I am returning to Berkrund Street in this chaotic situation. Isn't it just a self-investment?"

Klein's light shrank, and immediately opened, to the front of the coach:

"Just stopped here, I suddenly thought of something else to deal with."

After saying this, Kline’s spirit was very tight, and he was afraid that the driver could not answer and continued driving.

Fortunately, all this did not happen, the carriage stopped to the side, and Klein walked to a nearby alley with a close-fun servant Nyuni.

Then, he slammed a finger at the unmanned place, letting the red flame flow out of the pocket of the clothes, covering himself and the secret couple.

He wants to rush to the church of St. Saul in as soon as possible!

In the flash of fire, Klein and Nyuni's figure disappeared into place.

But after he finished a jump, the flame in the induction suddenly disappeared and all disappeared.

Immediately before his eyes, there was a spacious living room, an ordinary easy chair, half-lying on the top, thin and tall, young, with a southernern lineage, a good facial features, and a lack of blood.

"Red Angel" evil spirit, Soren Einhorne Medici!

This "red angel" is playing with a red flame in his hand, and his mouth is slightly tilted up:

"It was even earlier than I expected.

"Oh, play ‘flame jump’ in front of me...”

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