Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 151: Different dilemmas (monthly lucrats)

Seeing that her own lady showed a clear interest in the ghost legend, Anne aimed at the rest of the maids who were preparing hot water, combs, etc., and continued:

“Doctors and nurses want to ask the bishop of the church to do a mass, and the rest of the patients are strongly opposed. I am looking forward to meeting the ghost. They all call it the 'clown angel' and say it’s terrible look. It is a clown who is specially dressed up, but it is actually an angel who solves the pain and torture."

"This title is very interesting..." Audrey smiled and said something.

In the past, she was definitely interested in this. She was eager to try to go to the hospital for a night through the "dream shuttle" to find out what the so-called "clown angel" was, but the outbreak of war made her mood lower. I feel that there are too many serious and important things to do, and there is really no feeling of inquiry.

In fact, if I have not experienced the air strikes personally and have seen those who have been injured, in the past few days, she will definitely have a war never broke out. Beckland is very peaceful.

This is because after the airstrike, the airship units of the Kingdom of Lun entered the war, the air defense standards of the coastal cities were all raised, and Beckland was no longer attacked. At present, the battles of Fossac and Lun are mainly concentrated in three places, one is the Amanda mountain range in the winter county, the second is the heavy industrial city group on the east coast of the sea, and the third is the several ports along the coast of the Sunia Sea. They are in a stalemate, and no one is too big and cheap. Even if there is a death or injury, there is no real impact on Beckland. In addition to rising prices, newspapers always have news, the city is just a few short. It seems that the calm has been restored within a few days.

But Audrey doesn't know this. Her father and brother have been busy all the time. They always go home late, or gather a group of nobles, parliamentarians, and clergy to come to the house for private gathering. She teaches other charities through the night. I learned about the specific number of people killed and injured in the front line of Port Pritz, Amanda, and even saw some photos of the battlefield. She is trying to raise funds, contact major pharmaceutical companies and regular hospitals, hoping to organize battlefield rescue, charity and medical care.

Who can think that the adventurer in the name of madness not only took out the extra food in the manor, but also donated an extra 7,000 pounds of cash... Audrey secretly sighed and began to let the maid be busy on her own.


South Bridge, Rose Street.

Emlin White donated 10 pounds of banknotes to a charity fundraiser, pressed the top hat and walked up the steps to enter the harvest church.

At this time, there was no believer in the church, but as if the half-giant priest Utlavsky sat in the forefront and prayed devoutly.

Emlin was not in a hurry to change the priest's robes, sat down beside the priest, and wanted to say something, but after opening his mouth, he became a "squeaky" laughter.

"It must be your standard Fossac appearance and body that the believers are afraid to come over." Emlin looked at the altar in front of him, and said casually.

Bishop Utravovsky put down his hands and opened his eyes:

"I can understand them."

"What is the use of understanding? If the war is more intense, there will be more soldiers killed. Maybe those believers will come here, burn the church and hang you." Emlin looked at the life of the emblem.

Father Uttraski shook his head very small:

"No, they won't. They sincerely believe in the mother god, will not burn the church, and at the same time expel me. If I say that I have given up the nationality of Fossac, there will always be someone who understands me and accepts me."

Emlin "snapped" and said that the line of sight did not move:

"If Fernett also joined the war, attacking the land of Ron in Desi Bay?

"If the Mother Earth Church calls on all clergy to be enemies with Lun?

"You obey the orders of the church, abandon the believers here, or pretend that you don't know anything. Continue to promote life as valuable as you can now. The harvest is gratifying, or directly organize those believers to be enemies with their compatriots. Blood and sacrifice to prove faith?"

Bishop Utławsky slowly looked at the altar and the symbol of life on the altar, and for a long time did not speak.

Emlin did not ask any more questions and became silent like the priest.

The entire harvest church was quiet.


On a colonial island, Alger Wilson, who had not yet had time to return to Paso Island, did not leave the "Blue Revenge" on the principle of caution. He only sent sailors to take turns to inquire about intelligence.

"Captain, there is still no news to call us." A sailor with a strong alcohol, reported to Alberte today's harvest.

Alger waved his hand and let the subordinate exit the room, then frowned slightly and said to himself:

"The church seems to be a little less concerned about this war..."

In Alger’s cognition, this should be a fierce, wide-ranging war. As an invader, the storm church will inevitably mobilize all forces to defeat the enemy, including the “captains” who drive the sea. , given the corresponding task, until this moment, Alger did not wait for the order from Pasou Island.

This is not to say that the storm church is passively absent, the active church power in the Lun army, the high-altitude deployment of the major cities, and the activities of the semi-god strong are all indicating that the storm church is seriously fighting the aggression of the Fossac Empire, but it is not enough. Desperate.

“Is it still in the early stages of the war? Does the church want to retain some of its power to a critical moment?” Aljek kept the heart floating and waited for further information.

In the evening, another group of sailors came back. The news was not related to the war.

"Captain, there seems to be something hidden on this island. Many pirates say that when they drink too much, when they go out to pee, they encounter terrible things. Some of them are slapped by the branches of the trees, and some see themselves. The body grows fruit, all of which are blood and flesh, while others encounter slender ghosts and ghosts on the face..." A sailor who is still awake describes the rumors of the inquiries.

Ghost legend... Alger did not go to the idea of ​​finding out the truth, nodded and solemnly warned:

"Don't go out at night."


After being a strange story at Beckland and Port Pritz, Klein never went to those hospitals again, fearing that he would directly meet the secret brother of Charato.

With the "squirming hunger" and the ability to "travel", he expanded the scope of making horror legends, sometimes in the Sea of ​​Sonia, sometimes in the foggy sea, sometimes in Rumburg, and sometimes in Fenetport, sometimes appearing In the East and West, the plateau, the valley and other places, and do not follow any rules, all by the moment of inspiration, some cities will go two or three times repeatedly, and some will not be involved.

In the process, Klein had a strange feeling in the inexplicable feeling, that is, an invisible tentacles stretched out in the darkness of terror, or pursued his own whereabouts, or tried to prejudge, intercepting in advance, silent and cold, Once they are entangled, the results are unimaginable.

Klein knows that this may be the "seeking" from Charato. The best way for him is to temporarily stop playing and wait, but it is this subtle feeling that he hopes to digest the potion as soon as possible. The power of fog - every time you randomly select a target location, Klein will first go to the risk of divination above the fog, and interfere with the paper angel.

At this moment, he was "transferred" to the Kukova city of Uttar Pradesh in the state of West Blang.

This is where he killed Ins Zangweier, revenge for himself and the captain.

As soon as the figure appeared in the white feather square, Klein suddenly noticed a slight anomaly.

The general's house in front of Messanes was too quiet, quiet to make people's backs cool, and the hairs stood tall.

- Messanes is an indigenous general who bought arms from Dawn Dontes. He is an extraordinary person in the "Death" way, and relies on the Knowledge Church.

What happened? Klein brows slightly, considering whether or not to go in and confirm the situation, after all, it is his own "partner."

Moreover, if it is possible to encounter a weak enemy, it will be a good opportunity to play. Klein has just done a self-assessment, thinking that if he can make a few horror legends with the saint-level demigod, His "Mage Master" potion will digest almost the same.

Of course, the premise of everything is safety, and it must be cautious and careful... Klein makes the secret actor Chunas Colger turn into a look of Dawn Dontes, and licks a gold coin.

This time, the revelation he got was not dangerous.

Strange... Klein didn't care, the body suddenly vanished, turned into a shadow, disappeared into the darkness of the night, and the secret cynthia Korge took the face of Dawn Dontes and walked slowly. The estate of Messanes.

- This is the "shadow hiding" of "sweet hunger" itself.

As for Klein's other secret, Enuni, waited for almost 1 kilometer, and the "mouse" belonging to this secret couple was nearly 1 kilometer away from the secret, but could not do anything.

Soon, Dawn Dontes came to the front door of the general's house and opened the "line of the spirit" vision.

What caught his eye was a messy "growth" of black illusory thin lines that seemed to come from different people, but with a distinctly similar "breath."

The normal "spiritual line" does not exist at all.

Dawn Dontes was silent for a few seconds, reaching out his right hand and pushing the open door that was not closed.

The scene inside is different from Klein’s memory. The gold foil wrapped on the pillar, the gold statue on the wall and the gorgeous staircase are like a huge hedgehog with a golden spike. Then one sharp stone pillar was raised, and the broken glass was everywhere.

In addition to these, there are more unreal illusory bookshelves in the hall. The different places of the bookshelf hide the black shadow of a beach. In some cases, they will curl up and stretch like an eye.

As the main entrance opened, the liquid shadow of the beach suddenly came alive and gave the same sound:

"It's you!

"I predict that it is true, you are the one who helped me solve the trouble!"

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket on the last day of October~

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