Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 170: Familiar gaze (request for a monthly pass on Monday)


The response of "The Shepherd" Loretta made Joshua more vigilant. He looked at other members of the exploration team and eagerly asked:

"Do you hear abnormal footsteps?"

Dairik, who carried the "Raytheon roar" giant hammer and the straight wide sword, recalled for a few seconds, shook his head and said negation. Heinm, holding the "no dark cross," looked at the seal that had not changed, and responded. :

"Maybe your illusion?"

"No, I heard it very clearly." Joshua wearing red-red gloves frowned and expressed his opinion.

Upon hearing this sentence, Colin, who was at the forefront of the "hunter", turned his body halfway and said:

"Heinham, Antinna, you check the status of Joshua."

"Yes, the lord." Heinham immediately walked to Joshua's body and put a "no dark cross" of pure light on his teammate's forehead.

There is no change in this seal.

Then, the female soldier of the burgundy hair, Angelina, also came to the side of Joshua and raised her left hand.

Her wrist was covered with a pale gold bracelet with three small bells covered with gold scales.

The sound of Dangdang sounded and echoed around, making Joshua's mind settle down, no longer so tight and impatient.

"No problem." Antinal turned her attention to Chief Colin Iliad.

Colin’s nephew has highlighted two complex symbols of dark green. He watched Joshua for a few seconds and nodded:

"Not necessarily an illusion, but you should always pay attention to whether there is an abnormality in your body."

Seeing the chief support yourself, Joshua secretly sighed:


Temporarily let go of doubts, the Silver City Discovery Team continued to descend along the huge steps of the dusk, one layer after another.

Suddenly, everyone heard a sigh.

Dairik Berg saw with the corner of his eye, Joshua raised his hands and clutched his own neck.

Because he is a "dawn knight", his strength is extremely strong, and the suffocation has just been issued, and his hands snapped off the neck bones.

Joshua’s expression was gloomy and distorted, and his eyes were filled with unbelievable colors:

Killing him is actually his own!

"..." Although Dairik and others failed to respond in time to what happened, the long-awaited training and the experience of groping in the depths of the darkness made them instinctively form a battle formation, vigilant to follow-up. attack.

Then they heard another sigh.

This comes from the "Shepherd" elder Lojay.

This has a silver-gray long-haired woman with tight muscles and obvious twitching and peristalsis, as if growing another face.

She slammed down on the wide ladder, and the painful feeling was beyond words.

Her hands were slow but difficult to lift, holding her neck.

Just as Lovija was about to make a force, two straight swords coated with silver-grey cream stretched out and picked her palms apart.

The prepared "hunter" Colin responded in time.

Luo Weiya twitched her body, her head buried lower, her mouth opened, and she spit out a piece of broken flesh and incomplete organs.

She sighed and seemed to have finally slowed down, and then took a step forward with her elbows, licking the flesh and blood organs that had just spit out, swallowing back one by one, pious and humble.

Colin, who had several old scars on his face, looked at the scene quietly and did not stop it.

Finally, Luo Weiya lifted her head and said that she didn’t have a focal length:

"It is fallen.

"It is the fall of everyone."

"Do you have a solution?" Colin asked without change.

Luo Weiya nodded without hesitation:


As soon as the voice fell, she had already held the index finger of her left hand with her right hand, and broke it with a slamming sound. She pulled it out hard, and even the blood was stuck in the entrance, while chewing and whispering:

"The Lord who created everything;

"The master behind the shadows;

"The fallen nature of all living beings..."

The name of the "real creator"... Dairik heard a slap in the eyelids and suddenly felt that there was a subtle change around him.

The orange dusk glows a little more intense, closer to the color of blood.

Above the fog, the expression of "The Fool" Klein is also instantly becoming dignified.

Although he did not see anything through the "real vision", he was faintly aware that gaze was cast from a distant place, so that he interfered with his own observations, resulting in a weakening of the degree of clarity and scope.

In addition, that gaze gave Klein a strange familiarity.

It’s hard to be unfamiliar. I lived in the first half of my life. He is dealing with Him—his Son of God, His God, He wants to come, the things left by His followers, His crazy slang, He Related to various murals... At this moment, Klein is completely certain that it is the "real creator" who began to look at the Silver City Discovery Squad.

Frankly speaking, when Lovija began to mourn the name of the person, Klein wanted to give her a "lightning storm" directly, to eliminate the problem before it appeared, but he finally resisted the impulse because he I am not sure that I can kill the "shepherd". The evil spirit of Luo Weiya's grazing should have a sequence of 3 personalities. Although it has already died, the current comprehensive strength still has a sequence of 4 levels, close to but not yet reaching the angel. The support of the "Lightning Storm" of the order is not a problem.

And once the "fool" can't simply and simply kill Luo Weiya, it will be revealed in the eyes of "The Demon Hunter" Colin.

In addition, Klein believes that Colin Iliad is happy to see the "Shepherd" elder Loyya mourning the "real creator" name, he wants to balance the "fool" to achieve a certain balance.

This is actually a kind of disrespectful behavior in front of the gods. It is easy to annoy those great beings, but Colin Iliad has no way. He will not and cannot believe the "fool" and "real creator" as simple as possible. Only work hard to maintain, try on the edge of the cliff.

Only in this way, Silver City will not be suddenly destroyed, like those city-states that have been buried in the depths of the dark and covered with historical dust.

It is a pity that this time, if there is no "dark cross" in my hands, I will fully mobilize the power of the mysterious space above the fog. It is hopeful to kill the silver knight evil spirits... This is a natural restraint... Klein silently sighed a few words and could only accept such development.

- He had not found any abnormality in Joshua until the silver-colored warrior wearing red-red gloves caught his neck and he saw the spirit of the other person become dark and gloomy.

Just as the "Shepherd" elders said, this is their own "fallen", and it is not much different from the loss of money and beauty, and it is difficult to be perceived by external forces.

"That ladder should be a decent remnant of the degenerate, integrated into the environment, difficult to find, difficult to confront... The stone man before did not have wisdom and no spirituality, but was not affected... From the point of view, The 'real creator' has the power to fall into the self, just watching, can let the corresponding force fade..." Klein adjusted his mentality and continued to observe the subsequent development.

In the process, he couldn't help but think about a problem:

Is the “real creator” now, like himself, watching the action of the Silver City Exploring Squad in His Kingdom of God?

... On the earth, this is called watching the same live broadcast of friends... If I want to "reward", will the "real creator" "reward" more? Klein used the idea of ​​ridiculous and vomiting to alleviate the tensions and worries caused by the "real creator".

That is a true god, no matter Adam or Amon, not enough to be with Him!

At this time, "Shepherd" Luo Weiya had already got up, and the missing left index finger also squirmed and grew out.

She looked to the chief Colin Iliad:

"This area is no longer degraded."

This means that the step position is not so dangerous.

Normally, the exploration team will not take care of Joshua's body at this time. Whether they are moving forward or backward, they can't waste time and stay in an extremely dangerous area for too long, which will cause other players to have accidents, but Since the "six-member parliamentary group" elder Luo Weiya uses a certain tone to indicate that there is no problem in the vicinity, it can be slightly retired and dealt with.

Dairik put down Heinham's broad sword and walked to Joshua's side, staring for a few seconds, bending over and picking up the other's red gloves and wearing it to the left palm.

He still remembers that Joshua always showed off the magical items he had acquired in the exploration. He also clearly recalled that when he walked out of the afternoon camp, the other party said that the exploration was over and he would be forced to marry and not know his wife. Who will be, and an hour later, the teammate turned into a cold body.

For everyone in Baiyincheng, this is the daily life. No one is crying and collapsing. It just shows some emotions that have been integrated into the bone marrow and blood, and the emotions mixed with grief and grief.

They watched Dairik raise his left hand and pointed Joshua's body with his palm.

A blazing flame flew out, covering the teammates they had just fought side by side.

After the burning, the "hunter" Colin put away the extraordinary characteristics of the precipitation, and the rest of the players grabbed a piece of ashes and put them into the pocket of the clothes.

In silence, they continued to descend and came to the bottom of the ladder, where there was a palace that was bathed in the evening light, and the rear was the corridors and steps leading to other areas.

The palace's main door was open, and the inside was dark and there was no light to shine.

"Hunter" Colin carefully observed for a while:

"It's the same as the outside world."

What he means is to keep the light in various ways, and don't let himself fall into absolute darkness.

Thus, Heinham inspired the "no dark cross" glory, so that it enveloped all teammates, Andilna ignited a lantern, put it in his hand, to prevent the sudden failure of the cross.

The group entered the palace and walked in the hall that seemed to be extremely empty. Their footsteps were far away and they did not return.

Walking, Dairik suddenly felt the eyelids become heavier and produced a strong sense of drowsiness.

It was at this time that he heard the chief’s low voice:

"Don't fall asleep!"

Dairik suddenly woke up and got rid of the exhaustion that couldn't open his eyes.

At this time, a female warrior was soft and fell to the ground, seemingly sleeping.

Then she disappeared out of thin air, and it disappeared like that, and disappeared directly in front of everyone.

"Demon Hunter" Colin and "Shepherd" Luo Weiya looked at each other for a while, and shook their heads and led the team to move on.

In the process, they hurt themselves from time to time and exchanged pain for waking.

Finally, they passed a heavy arch vouchers and saw that the front is no longer a darkness that cannot be dispelled.

With the light in the team, they found that it was a hall depicting countless murals. The center of the hall was filled with a dark red long table surrounded by a high back chair with complicated patterns.

This... Dairik inexplicably thinks this is a bit familiar.

He immediately realized that this is similar to the scene of the Tarot party!

Suddenly, a group of lights lit up, and there was a whispering sound around them.

Around the hall, above a stone pillar that was erected but did not support the dome, the red flames were ignited one after another, and the surroundings were illuminated.

The whispering voice grew bigger and it seemed to finally pass through the long and distant time and space, arrived at the destination, and made the hall lively like a party.

Around the dark red long table, a blurry and illusory figure swelled up and sat on different high-back chairs, a total of eleven.

PS: I want to recommend the monthly ticket on Monday~

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