Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 28: I have a dependent

The silver snake looked down at Audrey, opened a blood-red mouth and said:

"The Order 1 potion taken by the leader of the Order, Chalatou, comes from a 'secret waiter', that is, he possesses an extra feature of the 'miracle master';

"Similarly, the ancestor of the Antigonus family was also the same. Of course, if they have a favor and are willing to cultivate a goal, as an angel of sufficient height, they can separate the extra 'miracle teacher' extraordinary. Characteristics to each other

"The third miracle master's extraordinary characteristics combined with the mysterious characteristics of the past, and became the seal '0-05', which is also called 'wishing magic lamp' ... Once there was a true **** trying to destroy this item and separate the characteristics, Reunited with each other, with unsuccessful results;

"The extraordinary characteristics of the fourth and fifth 'miracle divisions' exist as '0' class seals in the 'Eternal Sun' and 'Lord of the Storm' churches, respectively, a codename '0-13', originating from the third The creator of Ji, called 'The Last Feast', a codenamed '0-32', is the product of the 'Fight of the Four Emperors' and is called 'The Theater That Never Ends'.

"The extraordinary characteristics of the sixth" miracle division "may be in the land abandoned by God. In the third age, a surviving" Ughan Demon Wolf "appeared occasionally, and it was completely lost after the cataclysm."

Audrey listened very attentively, and pondered for a moment:

"You mean that when the" Secretive Servant "is full, there can only be six" Miraculous Masters ". Now, for the" Secretive Servant "in sequence 1, you only mention the prince leader, Chalatou and Antigonus. The ancestors of the family did not seem to be full.

"In this case, there may be extra extraordinary miracle teachers."

This is not what the "world" German Spall reminded in advance, but Audrey starts from the details of the other party's answer and combines her own knowledge of occultism to come up with her own problems.

The silvery snake's bright red eyes moved slightly:

"Indeed, there should be three‘ secret waiters ’full.

"But in the Second Age, when the ancient **** Freguera was still alive, the third" stealth waiter "had the extraordinary characteristics that disappeared. No one knows its whereabouts, and its corresponding" miracle master " The same is true of extraordinary features. Maybe it has been combined with it. Maybe it has found a concealment enough to hide itself. "

Audrey nodded gently:

"I see. I'll pass these on to Mr. Dawn Dontes.

"Well ... he also asked me to ask if there is anything he needs to help?"

The silver-white giant snake moved up a circle and a third of its body stood up:


"A little thing.

"Well, I have a dependent, an outstanding foodie. He has a wish to taste the ice cream of various aristocratic families and judge the most delicious one."

... This request ... Mr. Snake, uh, maybe Ms. Snake, is very kind to her loved ones ... His tone is like he can't wait ... 唔 ... It's too simple, I can help the "world" The sir promised to do it on his own, and to accumulate the feats needed for the potion formula ... Audrey said thoughtfully:

"no problem.

"But how can I give him ice cream?"

The silvery white snake slowly lingered:

"I am sacrificed to him. He is already the saint of sequence 3 and can accept sacrifices in the same city.

"His honorable name is the incarnation of luck, the monsters who foresee the future, the spread of the disaster of distress, the witness of all destiny of Beckrand, the chaotic and crazy guard."

There is some difference between this honorable name and the normal sequence 3 honorable name. In the end, there was no name ... Audrey's eyes turned slightly, without saying more, nodding in agreement.


"Chaotic and crazy guards ... Will's last title is a bit interesting ... This should not be the name of the" Fate Serpent ", but it was used in sequence 3 and has been improved afterwards ... The 'monster' approach guards chaos and madness? Or, in this world, even if destiny, the bottom is chaotic and mad, 'monsters' are trying to fight these and make everything look normal? Klein listens to Miss Justice In return, he was not surprised at all about Will Onsetin's request for ice cream, but was more interested in the honorable name of the speaker of the life school.

Oh, having a dependent is about a friend ... Will you learn from me? No, I have a real dependent, Daniz! Looking back, let this guy sacrifice me something to eat, can't really eat those distorted monsters, or summon projection from the historical aperture? Well, I have the opportunity to invite the young 'Sun' to taste it together. Don't let him indulge in Frank's mushrooms ... Well, Will's family members will not be less or even more than me. He has such a large organization of the life school ... Klein appeared in the "world" Gullman Spallo, and asked him to respond to Miss Justice, saying that ice cream is worth a lot of merits.

After finishing all this, he tapped the edge of the mottled table with his fingers, and seriously thought about the question of the master material of the "miracle master" potion:

"There is no need to think about the extraordinary characteristics of the 'miracle master' at Chalatou. He cannot divide it to me. He just wants to turn me into his secret puppet ...

"The two copies of Antigonus are not hopeless, but in this case, I have to ask the goddess again. I can't come up with the equivalent ... Fear ... And, the goddess may not get it. Therefore, it is necessary to seal the uncontrollable half of the 'Fool', because it is impossible to kill him. Once killed, this one can get out of the current predicament and be resurrected somewhere, as if I was out of Amon's control. Now, the goddess can't separate the extraordinary characteristics of 'miracle master' directly from Antigonus ...

"There is no need to think about‘ 0-05 ’, which cannot be shattered by the true god. It ’s impossible to get it ... the origin of this seal is really mysterious and very problematic ...

"The" 0-13 "of the Eternal Sun Church is called the" Last Feast ", from the creator of Silver City ... How does this always like to take a dangerous name ... The" 0-32 "of the Storm Church is" Never The ending theater '... sounds like it can imagine what the state is ... the two' 0 'grade seals may get very low, but not without, it depends on whether the' Eternal Sun 'and the Lord of the Storm are willing Support me to grow to contain Amon ...

"Well, so far, they have not shown goodwill, and I can't find a suitable way to contact the right people. I can't use divination again to peek at the" eternal sun "and communicate with him through the air? In that case, wouldn't it be better if He directly invaded the 'source castle' and held it in his own hands?

"If you train Mr. 'Inverted Man' and wait for him to qualify for a '0' seal, I will most likely become Amon ...

"The 'True Creator' knows the third clue of the extraordinary character of the 'secret waiter' ... his kingdom or the sanctuary where he was abandoned ... there may be some correlation ...

"Two miracle traits and one" stealth waiter "trait are most likely in the place abandoned by God ... I don't know which one is in North's ruins?

"Yes, the‘ Real Creator ’should only know the clues and not be sure of its whereabouts. Otherwise, before the‘ Fight of the Four Emperors ’, you should get the extraordinary characteristics of the‘ secret waiter ’and effectively improve your strength ...

"In other words, the extraordinary characteristics of the" secret waiter "cannot even be obtained quickly by a true god. Depending on the search, it may not be so easy to be met by Amon, so as to set traps ... The danger is only recently. It has just 'migrated'. It is in line with this feature ...

"It seems that we still have to go there, but we must be careful enough. The danger comes from both Amon and the things in the ruins. Well, divination first, and then outside observation and intelligence gathering. Don't enter blindly, and have full patience. "

Klein had a pen and paper, and was about to write the corresponding divination sentence. Suddenly, he remembered something and decided to confirm it again.

He drew intricate and peeking complex symbols, threw them into the crimson stars representing the "magician", and asked the direction "Magic Mirror" Arodes to question in the image and tone of Gullman Spallo.


Beckland, East, Frost, who was about to move, pulled the curtains, lit candles, set the mirror, and found Hugh to be a bystander.

She immediately drew the symbol given by Mr. World on the paper.

In the room, the environment gradually became dark, and a trembling cold wind was blowing.

Sudden water waves oscillated on the mirror surface, condensing the dark red ancient Fusak text:

"You have called the great Arodes, and you must obey the rules.

"Ask a question and answer a question. If you lie or refuse to answer, you will be punished."

"Okay." Frost, who had been reminded, responded calmly.

Then she asked the question curiously:

"Where can I get the main material of the 'miracle master' potion?"

On the mirror surface, the dark red words appeared one after another and disappeared, answering this question in detail.

It is basically the same as Will's answer ... Above the fog, Klein saw the specific process through the crimson star representing Miss Magician, and nodded slightly disappointed.

"It's your turn to ask your question," Fols said slightly nervously, remembering the answer.

The dark red word creeps and forms a new sentence:

"Have you had a peach-colored dream in the past year?"

Huh ... Fortunately ... Furth breathed a sigh of relief:


This is human, and she doesn't feel that there is anything to be ashamed of.

Immediately after, she asked a second question:

"What advice do you have on the material of the 'miracle master' potion?"

"Magic Mirror" Arodes scattered the original dark red text, and used silver to outline the new word:

"The Abraham family also maintains a potion formula for the 'Apprentice' route sequence 2 'Mage Brigadier', and the corresponding powerful seal, two.

"There is also an Aurora."

This ... Klein looked brighter, thinking of new possibilities.

"That's ..." Furth frowned slightly. "It's your turn."

On the mirror surface, the silver disappeared and the dark red reappeared, forming a sentence:

"Who are the protagonists of your peachy dreams besides you?"

Frost opened his mouth, his face flushed.

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