Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 40: resonance

As Anthony Stevenson's words echoed in Memorial Square and spread elsewhere, the Rouen people who participated in this sleeping mass were moved, sad, warm, and low.

In different squares, different choirs recited the psalms, and the ethereal and holy voice seemed to sound deep inside everyone's heart:

"The crimson full moon rises, reflecting the earth,

"Everyone is in a sweet dream, dreaming of themselves,

"Dream of parents, wives (husbands) and children, this is forever ..." (Note 1)

Unconsciously, everyone feels that their spirit has been baptized, and spirituality naturally expresses itself.

They really seemed to be in a dream, strolling in a quiet darkness.

Here their children, their parents, their wives, their husbands, their friends, these dead people no longer suffer, no more pain, a calm look, and a soft expression.

"We will look up at the night sky,

"Tender his name tenderly:

"'Night Goddess!'

"... If He hears, He will promise,

"A pure smile will surely be revealed to the dead:

"'Come, rest, sleep, my children!" (Note 2)

The people who wandered in the dream had a strong sorrow again, and seemed to understand that it was time to say goodbye.

They recalled all the good clips of the past, recalled the scene of a family sitting around the table enjoying a delicious meal and indulging in laughter, recalling the person who looked at him tenderly, recalling seeing them hurt and hearing their passing It seemed to be able to tear the pain of the soul, remembering the clouds and partings brought by this war.

They rested in this peaceful country, no more trouble, but the survivable people must be tortured and withered day and night.

One drop of tears slipped, another drop of tears fell, and the people at the remnants of Mass on Memorial Day could no longer suppress their inner emotions and silently and unreservedly released the accumulated pain.

Huge sorrow pervaded, intertwined in the choir's recitation, as if it had a physical form.

"Fold your hands,

"Place it on your chest,

"Do that silent prayer,

"And shout with your heart:

"The only destination is peace!" (Note 3)

People with closed eyes and silently crying subconsciously followed the content of the Psalms and made similar actions, and then shouted infecting each other:

"The only destination is stability!"

Grief reached its extreme, and more than 10,000 hearts resonated strongly on the square.

At this moment, Audrey opened her eyes, bent down, and took out a bottle of potion from the small leather bag carried by the golden retriever Su Qian.

The potion floated with countless pieces of light, as if the collective subconscious sea manifested itself.

Audrey didn't hesitate. In such a scene, unscrewing the bottle cap and grunting out the liquid inside.

Unlike in the past, who can still experience the potion slipping through the throat into the stomach bag, Audrey appeared abnormal.

She felt that she couldn't sense her body anymore, and the whole person seemed to condense into a mass of thoughts, blending into the imaginary sea around her.

This is the first time she has not passed through the "island" of dreams and hearts, seeing the collective subconscious ocean directly, just like returning to the unborn, to her mother's arms, back to the original, the imprint left by the ancestors of mankind The tide is washing away, disintegrating and affecting.

There was fear, madness, and all kinds of terrible mental pollution. Audrey couldn't resist it for a while, her consciousness faded, the "shadow" shook, and it was about to melt away.

However, the nearby "sea" was not peaceful, and there was a certain degree of ups and downs, rendering intense sorrow and pain around.

Affected by this, Audrey, whose self-awareness is about to be assimilated by the collective subconscious sea, also resonates, creating grief that is difficult to contain.

Grief passed from one thought to another, and soon occupied the "thoughts" of Audrey's "mutation", piercing her spirit body and piercing her soul.

Audrey finally sobered up, calmed herself, gave continual hints, and decontaminated, until she recovered her senses.

A voice near her ears became more and more obvious and louder, and finally echoed in this collective subconscious sea:

"The only destination is tranquility!"

"The only destination is tranquility!"

"The only destination is peace ..." Audrey repeated the prayer, her figure quickly and clearly.

She was just a thought, and she had a number of transparent and unreal herself separated, traveling in the collective subconscious ocean, arriving at the spiritual island representing different people and climbing up.

In these "places", she intuitively saw where the sadness of different people came from:

From the shells that fell from the sky, from the airships that formed the formation, from the letters sent back from the front line, from the bad news from the postmen, from the flutter of flesh and blood, from the sudden fall of the beloved, from the one without the owner Pile of toys, from a cough in the heavy haze ...

"The only destination is tranquility."

The golden retriever Su Qian also closed her eyes in the Mass and recited the words in her heart in human language, and did not notice any changes around her.

Suddenly, Audrey's voice sounded in her soul and in her mental body:

"Suzie, I succeeded ...

"I've always been worried before, because as the sequence progresses, I will be more and more indifferent to the potion, becoming more and more indifferent, more and more like a mythical creature instead of a person."

Su Qian looked up blankly, only to see the blond girl beside her closed her eyes, but she did not know when her face was covered with tears.

Then she heard Audrey saying in her heart:

"Fortunately, I can still feel their sadness.

"that's nice……"

In Su Qian's eyes, another tear dripped from the corner of the blonde girl's eyes, crystal clear.

At this moment, the sun stowed the last light, and the night brought tranquility.

Everyone opened their eyes at the same time and said in a calm voice:

"The only destination is tranquility!"


After crying without restraint for a while, Audrey, who was originally sunny, was calm and a little weaker, with a touch of sadness, so that everyone who saw her would have a feeling of compassion from the heart.

Under various protections, she returned to Queens and returned to her room.

Until then, she had the opportunity to take a closer look at herself, digesting the knowledge and experience gained from potions and the collective subconscious sea.

Others may not see it, but Audrey knows very well that the beautiful girl with tall blond hair in the mirror has super power and exaggerated dragon scale defense, which belongs to the kind that can blow a piece of steel with one punch.

"Well, I can also 'dragonize', which is equivalent to using incomplete mythological creature forms, but this must wait until I get used to the potion and continue to stack up with the correct psychological hints, otherwise it will be out of control ... Each 'dragonization' cannot exceed a certain time, otherwise, even if there is a healing method for the spirit and soul, it will be deeply invaded by madness and chaos, leading to out of control ... My current limit is about a minute ...

"The core competence of the 'operator' is called 'manipulation'. I can let the mind body enter the mind island of others through the collective subconscious sea, directly tamper with their subconscious, read their thoughts, and drive them silently. All kinds of things ...

"The" virtual personality "is matched with" manipulation ". I can virtualize many personalities so that they have corresponding mental bodies. On the one hand, it can counteract many influences of the spiritual realm. On the other hand, it allows me to talk to others. While communicating, with the help of 'them', they silently invaded the target's consciousness island without any sign on the surface ...

"I have only thirteen personalities ...

"The" operator "can also create the terrible" psychic plague ", using the collective subconscious sea to spread various mental illnesses and extreme madness ...

"Well, 'deterrence' has become a wide range of 'mental deprivation', and there is no longer just an effect of deterrence ...

"I can also turn my designated thought into a 'psychological storm', which sweeps around and affects all enemies ...

"Hehe, as a 'manipulator', the ability to swim in the collective subconscious sea is also necessary. This is called 'conscious walking', otherwise I will slowly arrive at the scheduled place after complex manipulations like before, The target has already left ... "Audrey looked at herself in the mirror and suddenly gave a slight smile.

Then she bulged her cheeks and opened her mouth as if to spit something.

Since her mythical creature form is a psychic dragon, it must be breathless.

This can directly stimulate and harm the target's mental body and mental body. It belongs to the scope type and has an enhanced version of "spiritual piercing".

Audrey immediately turned her eyes slightly, retracted her gaze, and sighed in her heart:

"This is a demigod and a half-man, these abilities make me feel scared ... how powerful Mr." World "to kill Herwin Rambis ..."


Above the mist, inside the ancient palace.

As the participants of the hunt prepared themselves, they decided to organize a private party to discuss specific details.

"The" manipulator "is so terrible?" "Magic" Furth looked at the "Miss Justice" beside him, blurted out in amazement.

Just now, "Justice" Audrey briefly mentioned the changes after she became a demigod. Although she did not say anything in detail to protect the hole card, she still allowed the "magician", "hermit" and "trial" Shocked with "Stars".

"It's not that scary, Mr. World is very clear." Audrey set her eyes to the bottom of the mottled table.

"World" Gullman Sparo didn't nod his head.

"I also have a strong helper to kill Herwin Rambis."

He paused and said instead:

"Before discussing hunting operations, I want to know how to make the Abraham family feel my friendliness?"

Note 1: Adapted from Tennyson, The Lotus Eater

Note 2: Adapted from Y.B. Browning, The Cry of Children

Note 3: Adapted from Thomas Hood, Bridge of Sighs and Tennyson, The Lotus Eater

PS: change first and then change.

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