Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 49: Ominous Box

Regarding the return of Butes ’" 0 "grade seals, or the situation returned to normal, the" Hidden "Jia Delia and" Justice "Audrey have made certain plans, after all, they were not sure in such a short time Kill a demigod.

If it wasn't for Butis who fell into the trap and suffered consecutive "psychic plagues", "sleeping beauties", "frenzy", and fatal blows, and was in a state of madness and dementia, he actually has many opportunities to directly "transport" and leave.

In that case, Capella and Audrey can only wait for Butis to return to the "safety house", release Firth, and wait for Firth's "spy eye" to give feedback, and then exert influence remotely to give The Miss Magician created an opportunity to summon historical pore images.

At this moment, in the face of Butis, who has apparently been unable to reverse in the out of control channel, and in the mad manner of trying to fully open the "0" grade seal, at the center of the scene, Capella and Audrey hidden outside the woods. At the same time, he made a similar action, that is, took out a slightly transparent gloomy spell, and spoke a giant word:


This is a "teleport" spell. Klein created the spell based on the "record" patterns, logos, and symbols on the "Lemano Travel Notes."

——Since "Yuanbao" can mobilize the power of the "Stealer" approach, there is no reason why it cannot respond to the prayers in the "Apprentice" field!

As for the materials required for the spell, both the "mystician" Jia Delia and the "traveler" Firth have a certain understanding, without the need for "Fool" to teach separately.

When the two Audreys were about to inspire the spell to "teleport" to leave, and prepared to return for a minute or two before confirming the situation, with cruel smiles, their eyes were full of crazy Buttis, and the action suddenly stiffened.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open the third floor of the Old Box!

This was extremely heavy, as if wrapped in layers of force, suppressed, and unable to open at all.

This makes Buttes like trying to open a new world, not a box.

After an instant, he didn't know what was being sensed, and the madness in his eyes receded, and the emotions of extreme astonishment and horror emerged.

Ticking, ticking, Buttis's body surface slipped one after another, they touched the ground, turning them into worms that were condensed by bright stars.

The worms' bodies bent into a semicircle, enclosing a wonderful light, like another illusion door.

Butis, who was changing the incomplete mythological creature form, was so sudden and irresistible that it collapsed and disintegrated.

With two clicks, his eyes fell to the ground and became dusty.

These two eyes were frozen with unspeakable terror, kept intact enough, and very different from other parts of the body.

A "secret mage" of sequence 4 thus died.


The "old box" inlaid with silver and black on the surface was dropped beside Buttis's two eyes, just like the kind of jewelry box commonly found in noble families.

In the fog, in the ancient palace, Klein breathed a sigh of relief, and put down the "Poseidon Scepter" in doubt.

He was about to mobilize the power of "Source Castle" to push the "Lightning Storm" at the angel level to prevent Buttis from opening the third layer of the "Old Box". As a result, the "Mysterious Holy One" pulled The counterattack that everyone died together was unsuccessful, and at the beginning he encountered an unexpected failure.

—— "Judgment" Hugh left the first battlefield, and immediately prayed to Mr. "Fool" according to the plan. Klein was reminded to find the opportunity to enter the fog, through "Hidden" and "Justice" The corresponding Crimson Star, monitors the battle.

And in the process of moving to the second battlefield, "justice" Audrey also looked for a chance to pray, so that Klein could use her crimson stars to directly interfere in the real world.

This is why Audrey's body arrived at her destination a little later than the "Hidden" Kadrija.

"According to the" Magic Mirror "Arodes, the third layer of this" Old Box "hides a terrible thing, and I thought that the" real creator "gave it to Butis in order to make it at a critical moment A terrible disaster, showing the true nature of the evil god, no one can open it ... "Klein glanced at the crimson star representing the" magician ", and found that it was covered with a layer of black and gray, and seemed to freeze. Get up so much that you can't see the scene inside, and confirm the status of Miss Magician.

This is the first time he has encountered a similar situation, which shows the level and strangeness of the "old box".

The "Sleeping Beauty" magic and "Langinus's Gun" that he saw earlier also gave him some ideas:

Knowing the extraordinary ability of "mysterious reproduction" at private parties, Klein overturned past speculations about Bernadette's fairy tale magic.

He originally thought that it was made by the emperor specifically for his daughter based on the earth's fairy tales, or that Bernardé was deliberately created according to the fairy tales he had told, and placed his grief, but now it seems that the answer should not be this way. Some fairy tales before the First Period may be "mysterious".

This means that those fairy tales originated from the mysterious events that actually happened. They spread among the people and gradually became stories. They were recorded by the writer and reprocessed.

"This corresponds to the prophecy of the return of the stars. The mystery has never been far away and has always been, but in the" Earth of the Earth "before the first age, they were suppressed or sealed by some force ...

"If this is the case, some of the legends and stories of the earth will be explained from another angle ... No wonder there is a" gun of Longinus "... I don't know if Tao Huayuan is involved in mystery. Turn back and tell Ms. Hermit, look Can she use it to create new magic ...

"I do n’t know if Bernadette became a 'mystician' before the fall of the emperor. If so, it is really unclear whether these fairy tale magic was made by the emperor who went to the 'voyeur' sequence 1 or ' The mysterious queen 'Bernarde created it herself ... but in any case, the emperor should have found that these fairy tales are also mysterious in his later years, and can draw strength from it. Well, Bernadette has no corresponding diary, and I cannot see the emperor's Reactions and guesses ...

"One of the reasons he insists on going to the moon, is he trying to verify something?

"Unfortunately, most of the myths are false. They can't draw power, and so are the novels in the Internet age ..." Klein sighed slightly, leaning back on the back of his chair and continuing to focus on the battlefield.

In the collapsed woods, the "hermit" Jia Delia and "Justice" Audrey faced the mutation of Butis, tacitly gave up the infusion of spirituality and used spells.

Audrey, still in a "dragonized" state, is still hiding in the darkness outside the woods, alerting to possible accidents and perhaps the official demigod who has come to look at it.

The "Hermit", Capriella, was driven by the wind to the area where Butis died, carefully avoiding the "old box".

Because the "Recorder" itself can use a variety of abilities, and the demi-level seals often have a strong negative effect, in addition to the "Old Box", Buttis only left a black pocket, which seems to be Part of the robe on him.

In addition, the extraordinary characteristics, two eyeballs and about ten "Star Bugs" that are gathering together-most of the "Star Bugs" have been destroyed.

Considering the horror shown by the "Old Box" and the fact that Buttis is the high-level of the Aurora Society, there may be a **** in his body. Capella has not rushed to pick up those items, afraid of accidents, and let the situation develop in a bad direction .

When discussing in a private meeting beforehand, how to deal with the similar situation, that is, if there is time and opportunity, first sacrifice to Mr. "Fool" and then distribute it over the fog, after all, many items are not known negative The effect of contact is likely to bring unknown danger, but Butis has a high probability of being a "0" seal.

Seals at this level, sometimes just know that it exists, understand a certain information, and then suddenly die.

According to "Star" Leonard, such seals are best not to touch, to inquire, to describe, not to snoop, and only the existence of a real high position can be suppressed.

Without hesitation, Jia Delia took out ritual items such as silver candles from each of the dark bags of the purple patterned black robe, and everything was simply arranged to start the sacrifice ceremony.

In the process, she pinched her lips, blew a whistle, and created an invisible servant to help, and it only took ten seconds to complete the altar.

After quickly chanting the honorable name of Mr. "Fool" and opening the "Gate of Sacrifice and Giving" with spiritual materials, Capella was slightly relieved, and the invisible servant put the "old box", black pockets, two Eyes, the extraordinary properties of aggregation, and the nine "Star Bugs" were moved over and placed on the altar.

In the rumbling wind, these items flew up and passed through the illusory door.

At the sight of Capella, immediately pinching her lower lip with her thumb and index finger, she was ready to whistle again and no longer maintain the existence of invisible servants.

In the delicious whistle, the "servant" remained motionless and seemed to have nothing to do with Capella.

The "Hidden Man" Jia Delia's eyelids flickered slightly, and her right hand was slammed into a fist, reaching her mouth, ready to use the "magic horn".

At this time, a group of fiery silver-white, intertwined electric snakes were created out of thin air at the altar. They formed a storm of destruction and wrapped the invisible servant in the middle.

All this quickly subsided, and the mutant servant was completely destroyed.

Catherine sighed, lowered her head, and thanked Mr. Fool sincerely.

Then, she ended the ceremony in accordance with the procedure, packed up the items, and treated the scene with "Snow White" closer to the prophecy, eliminating traces.

At this time, "justice" Audrey had left the scene using the previous "teleport" spell.

Capellaria looked around, considering that Mr. Fool might need to be more ritualized, so he pulled a card from the dark bag of his robe and threw it into the middle of the collapsed forest.

This card was half-inserted into the dirt, revealing the image of an old man with a glass lamp, exploring alone.

The "hermit" of the Tarot cards.

PS: I wish you all a happy last day of 2019.

PS2: Recommending Friends to Sweep the End of the World's new book "Fortune Map" is a story of redefining words and changing the fortune. Very interesting, more than 300,000 words, can be killed.

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