Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 226 Purchase a BMW and form a cavalry

These elemental masters each have more than a thousand mental powers, and they obviously have meditation skills to cultivate their mental powers.

When the time comes, borrow their meditation skills and let the little milk babies practice them.

"Elemental masters, you should know my purpose. Yes, I want to recruit you! I also know that you will not show your loyalty for a while, so I can only aggrieve you first. During this period, you can do whatever you want in the city. Activities, I hope you like it here!”

Yi Tian looked at the ten elemental masters who looked confused and said slowly.

"Dear lord, I know our situation and understand that this is the price of our failure. Tianxin is willing to fight for the lord. I hope the lord will give us dignity and not treat us as slaves."

Tianxin stood up and spoke first.

The Qingtian Adventure Group is a supreme-level adventure group mainly composed of elemental masters.

I was originally going to explore, but suddenly received an order from the adults to attack a lord's territory.

As a result, the adults were beaten to death, and their companions also died miserably.

The lord didn't seem to deliberately kill them, he just captured them.

"Of course! In my territory, as long as you are willing to fight for me, I will treat everyone equally."

Too many lords insulted and abused slaves, causing slaves to rebel and seek death. Yi Tian has heard it many times in District 66 alone, let alone the entire Tiandao world.

Although slaves are not as powerful as lords, there are many cases where lords are killed by slaves.

Tianxin is a beautiful and mature woman. Just by looking at her appearance, one would not know that she is a violent thunder elementalist.

Yi Tian looked at Tian Xin's loyalty and knew that she was not telling lies.

After adapting to the territory, the loyalty will exceed 60. Once she gets to know him as a person and the system of the territory, her loyalty will definitely be even higher.

Yi Tian's territory contains things Tianxin needs. Thunder Lingzhu.

Silver Wood Gold Tea and Wu Ling Tea are also useful for elementalists.

"I am also willing to join the lord's territory."

Bingyun seems to have a good relationship with Tianxin. Tianxin pulled her and she said to Yi Tian.

Like her nature, she doesn't like to talk. She also looks very cool.

Yi Tian took a look and found that Bingyun's loyalty was 51.

Bingyun is the most qualified elementalist, and Yi Tian values ​​​​it very much!

The other eight, I don’t know how to choose. When they saw that Yi Tian was not very strong, they all had the same concerns as those of the five Dongfang brothers who had just arrived.

"You don't need to answer immediately. I won't force you now. You can understand my territory first."

Yi Tian smiled slightly, turned around and left after saying this.

There has to be a process of adaptation.

It's still early for the end-of-month assessment, and Yi Tian has plenty of time.

Yi Tian began to pack up the items in the treasure box. What should be planted was planted in the flower bed. The treasures of heaven and earth were planted in the two acres of top-quality soil at the back.

Two hours later, before dusk came, Gu Qianqiu reported the battle damage and loot to Yi Tian.

"Lord, our army lost eighty brothers this time, and more than 350 were slightly or seriously injured. The ten thousand-year-old ginseng beards you placed with me are almost used up, otherwise twenty more brothers will die." Gu. Qianqiu was the first to report the casualties to Yi Tian.

There are many natural and earthly treasures for healing in the territory, but with only one breath left, the only ones that can be saved are Ten Thousand Years Golden Ginseng and Thousand-Colored Cloud Flowers.

"It doesn't matter. There are still two golden ginseng plants planted under the Shatangling tree. They can be pulled out when needed. Members who died in battle are buried on Heroes Mountain."

Eighty people, most of them are Yue Fei's army and Longque Guard. Yi Tian was very sorry that they did not see the day when the fog disappeared.

"It's the lord! This time, 100 elemental soldiers were broken and 20 three-dimensional soldiers were broken. The cores of the soldiers are all well preserved."

Gu Qianqiu opened his backpack and put all the elemental cores away.

Yi Tian nodded and signaled Gu Qianqiu to continue reporting.

When the time comes, Yi Tian is ready to recreate all the soldiers. He has the design drawings of these soldiers.

"Lord, this time we captured more than 15,000 B-class warriors and more than 250 A-class warriors from Demon Wolf Abyss. In addition to Wolf Chu Er, there are three injured S-class warriors."

"More than 1,100 B-class soldiers from the Dafei Kingdom were captured."

"The corpses of the demonic wolves and the corpses of Dafei soldiers have been piled up in the lake."

Dafei soldiers, A-level and above, either died or ran away, and the black turtles and water unicorns could not stop them.

The incident between Haiguo and the Lion and Leopard Alliance came to an end, and Gu Qianqiu did not report.

"Magic Wolf Abyss doesn't seem to care much about the life and death of the demon wolves. With so many B-level demon wolves, will they redeem them?"

After all the commanders and S-class warriors were killed and wounded, the Demon Werewolves were defeated like a mountain.

Many were captured.

Yi Tian had a headache when he saw so many of them. He was not afraid of them eating them. At worst, he would have to buy them in the auction house. Yi Tian was not short of this small amount of money. The main reason is that the sky cannot hold down.

Without the restraints of the Heavenly Prison, accidents would happen to so many werewolves sooner or later. Zhanbing didn't even have time to return to Zhanbingwang Pavilion.

"This time, we obtained a total of more than 50,000 B-level magic weapons, 1,170 A-level magic weapons, and 35 S-level magic weapons. More than 1,000 armors of various levels, 14 A-level bows, and 1,500 intact A-level shields Face. Other damaged shields, armors, and magical weapons were sent to the special metal decomposition plant."

"More than 50,000 siege ropes, 5,500 bronze assault boats, and 50 silver assault boats were seized."

"We seized 250 S-level beast cores, 1,450 A-level beast cores, 18,700 B-level beast cores, and 25,200 C-level beast cores. These were seized from Dafei Country, Sea Country, Lion and Leopard Alliance, and from the Demon Werewolf There is no animal core.”

While Yi Tian was worried about the werewolf, Gu Qianqiu continued to report the loot to Yi Tian.

Apart from this, there is no treasure map that Yi Tian is obsessed with, and there are no other items.

This time the enemy used all their strength and all the soldiers were equipped with weapons that matched their strength level. They were completely defeated.

"All shields will be sent to the special metal decomposition plant to be decomposed together with the broken metal. I need a batch of A-level metals. Other weapons, except S-level weapons and A-level bows, will be sent to the large boutique warehouse. Armor, weapons and trophies, beast cores , are placed outside the city, no need to put them in the treasury.”

"In addition, more than 630 A-class weapons were taken out from the large boutique warehouse and placed together with the newly captured A-class weapons."

The A-level weapons are useless and are an eyesore in the warehouse, so they should be taken out and sold. Territory members will change their standard weapons.

The loot captured this time was too rich, and the violence of the war was almost the same as what was obtained by blackmailing the Sea Clan.

The higher the territory points, the bigger the snowball will roll.

"Yes, Lord." Gu Qianqiu took the order and left.

Yi Tian first contacted Tajikistan.

Ask him to help sell the stolen goods, but Ta Fang is not online.

While Yi Tian was waiting for the tower, he asked the Tiger King to send a message to the people in the Demon Wolf Abyss, asking them whether they would redeem their own people.

Yi Tian learned that the size of the Demonic Wolf Abyss was as large as the country.

Soon, the Tiger King told Yi Tian that if he did not hand over the ominous stone, the Demon Wolf Abyss would make him pay with blood.

At the same time, the Demon Wolf King warned the countries and tribes in the Ten Kingdoms region that they were not allowed to send resources to the demon lord, nor were they allowed to have trade relations with the demon lord.

This clearly shows that he will not redeem his own people, and at the same time, he also warns all the countries and tribes not to send resources to the demon lord. It is precisely because they are enemies that the demon lord grows stronger.

It was obviously too late for the Demon Wolf King to speak. Haiguo and the Lion and Leopard Alliance had already completed the deal with Yi Tian.

At the same time, the Demon Wolf King was standing and talking without pain in his back. You are cold-blooded, but others are ruthless. However, the King of the Sea and the Lion and Leopard Alliance dared to be angry but dare not speak out, so they could only respond vaguely.

More than 10,000 B-class werewolves! There are also geniuses like Lang Chu Er.

The Demon Wolf King is so cruel!

Yi Tian was worried that the Longlong tribe would be frightened by the Demon Wolf King and his trade would fail.

Yi Tian could only contact Guangming Island, who was not afraid of the Demon Wolf Abyss, with the idea of ​​making more money if he could.

As a result, what Guangming Island said made Yi Tian immediately hang up the chat. Not only was the price low, but he also wanted to buy his Earth Bear.

Yi Tian came to the gathering place of the werewolf prisoners, scanned them with the Tiandao Stone, and put all A-level and B-level werewolves into trading status except Lang Chuer and three other S-level werewolves.

Since the werewolves were semi-Taoist and abyssal demons, they were not easy to sell. Therefore, the price of Yi Tianding is on the low side.

Small profits but quick turnover!

The average B-level was less than 900,000 Tiandao coins, and the average A-level werewolf was 7 million Tiandao coins.

This kind of discount selling method is very good. A ray of light shines down and teleports the werewolves away one by one.

There were many werewolves among the lords. Although the werewolves were abyssal demons, their strength was there. Seeing that the rich were selling them at a discount, they all bought some to prepare for the upcoming end-of-month assessment.

Countless lords lamented that the wealth in the world was really awesome, but there were only a few dozen aborigines who came to attack their territories. There are more than 10,000 captives in the rich world, and this is just the abyss forces.

Those who were killed, including the aboriginal forces, must be at least 50,000!

How many magical weapons will be dropped? How many animal cores?

The rich will die rich, and the poor will die poor!

While Yi Tian was selling the werewolves, he was also looking for humans in the auction house.

During this time, there was a huge flow of slaves among the lords.

Many lords wanted to sell the captives and exchange them for their own kind.

Among people of the same race, it is easier to be recognized and easier to command.

In the human slave division, many new slaves were added today.

There are even a few A-grades.

Yi Tian selected 80 B-level late stage players to supplement the deaths of Yue Fei, Huo Qubing, and Guan Yu in the army.

A total of 145 million Tiandao coins were spent.

When Yi Tian buys slaves, he only buys those who are young and have good qualifications.

Even if it’s a little more expensive!

The battle has just ended, a rare slave event. After tomorrow, good slaves may not be available. Yi Tian simply bought it together with Zu Ti's men.

After thousands of selections, until ten o'clock in the evening, Yi Tian selected a thousand young talents from the human race in the late B-level stage.

These young talents require an average of 1.8 million Tiandao coins, which is far more expensive than others at the same level, with a total of 1.8 billion Tiandao coins.

In addition to these 1,000 people, Yi Tian also identified 20 late B-level people with good qualifications. They all have A-level or B-level talents and are proficient in LV.4 or LV.5 weapons.

A total of 220 million Tiandao coins were spent, with an average of more than 10 million Tiandao coins each.

These twenty people have not yet been assigned to any general.

As soon as these newcomers arrived at the territory, they were surrounded by three-dimensional warriors and stone men to prevent resistance.

Yi Tian asked Yue Fei, Guan Yu, and Huo Qubing to take away the losses in his army, and the rest were escorted by stone men to the school field to listen to Zu Ti's instructions.

These thousand soldiers were all led by Zu Ti.

The human A-levels in the auction house are all early-stage A-levels with average qualifications, and Yi Tian looks down on them.

There was no response from Ta Fang, so Yi Tian continued to search to see if there were any other human beings with good talents.

I searched for another quarter of an hour but couldn't find it.

At this time, Ta Fang finally responded to Yi Tian.

"Brother, I'm finally done!"

"I thought Brother Tafang stopped contacting me due to pressure from the Demon Wolf King." Yi Tian joked when he came up.

"No way! I will always be my brother in Ta Fang. Those old guys actually succumbed to the evil power of the Demon Wolf King. The Demon Wolf Abyss is sealed and they can't get out. My sister Queen Longlong suppresses the elders, let's continue Friendly cooperation. I have prepared furs for my brother today, do you want it now?"

Queen Longlong told Tafang that she had made another breakthrough and was now in the late S-level stage. When the Demonic Wolf Abyss came out, maybe her sister would become the king.

"It can be traded! Brother Tafang, give me the list, and I will raise the beast core or gold." Yi Tian replied to Tafang.

The Longlong tribe collected more than two days of furs for him, so there should be quite a lot of them.

"Cotton*50 million, worth 830,000 gold, plus commission worth 900,000 gold."

"Cotton cloth*20 million, worth 660,000 gold, worth 720,000 gold plus commission."

"There are 3 million ordinary animal skins, worth 500,000 gold, and 550,000 gold plus commission."

"Down*500,000, worth 830,000 gold, plus commission is worth 900,000 gold."

"Brother, we are only purchasing these at the moment."

The price quoted by Tajikistan is clear. The commission is small and the income is huge.

Among them, down is the most expensive. One unit is calculated in Tiandao coins, and it costs 1,000 Tiandao coins per unit.

The animal skin only costs 100 Tiandao coins.

Cotton and cotton cloth are synchronized with the auction house. Cotton is worth ten days of Dao coins per unit, and cotton cloth is worth twenty days of Dao coins per unit.

In addition to commissions, the total value is 1.7 billion Tiandao coins.

Yi Tian felt like he was going crazy!

If the winter beast doesn't work hard, Yi Tian will lose blood!

Yi Tian bought 10,000 A-level beast cores at the auction house, spending 1 billion Tiandao coins.

In addition to the newly captured 1450A-level beast cores, 18700B beast cores, and more than 20,000 C-level beast cores, all were traded to Tafang.

Tajikistan also traded this batch of furs.

Then Yi Tian asked Qi Wa to pile all the furs into the debris warehouse.

At this time, all the demon werewolves were sold out, and 14.535 billion Tiandao coins were obtained.

Tiandao coin balance: 15.39 billion.

"Brother Tafang, I have a batch of loot here, please help me deal with it."

Only then did Yi Tian start talking about big business with Tajikistan.

The magical weapons of the lords, after many battles and the lords' crazy use of technological crystals to make weapons, are now saturated.

Except for the market for A-level weapons, the other profits are meager.

Such as siege ropes and assault boats, the lords don't even need them.

"Of course! The queen knows that you can defeat powerful enemies and have many good things in your hands." Tafang has received instructions from the queen to take over the order from Yi Tian.

The cooperation between Longlong Tribe and Yi Tian was a win-win situation for both parties, which was very pleasant.

"There are more than 50,000 B-level weapons, more than 1,800 A-level weapons, more than 50,000 high-level siege ropes, more than 5,500 bronze assault boats, and more than 1,000 pieces of armor."

Yitian doesn't want to sell the silver assault boats. Yi Tian already has ten silver assault boats, and with these fifty more, he can afford them.

1,800 A-level weapons, including Yi Tian's storage in the past two months.

Although Yi Tian still holds C-level weapons, they are not enchanted yet.

But Yi Tian planned to make A-level spears for the soldiers during the period before the assessment.

Yi Tian has more than 8,400 orange star beads, enough for enchantment.

"Brother! This value is too great. And now that the news is tight, I want to get the stolen goods to the Blue Mountain Region next to the Ten Kingdoms region. I have an intersection with a big force in the Blue Mountain Region. But it will probably take three days." Ta Xiang said to Yi Tian.

"Three days, no problem!" Yi Tian was not short of money and could afford to wait for three days.

"Brother, your batch of goods is worth 80 to 90 million Tiandao units of gold. Now the prices between us are about the same. You must be mentally prepared." Tafang told Yi Tian after making an estimate.

"No problem!" Yi Tian had already estimated the price.

The mortgage requires 500,000 A-grade beast cores, and the Longlong tribe cannot afford so many beast cores.

Therefore, in addition to mortgaging some A-level beast cores, Tafang also mortgaged an SSS-level weapon and an SSS-level spiritual treasure belonging to the Queen to Yi Tian.

At this moment, Yi Tiancai discovered that Queen Longlong was not simple!

Judging from the situation in the Dagu region, the Longlong tribe can only be considered a mid-level diamond tribe, but it actually has SSS-level weapons and SSS-level spiritual treasures.

Even if this spiritual treasure is a defensive and auxiliary spiritual treasure, it is not as valuable as the Deep Sea Stone Lotus.

"Brother Tafang, I want to buy a batch of BMWs. Do you have any recommendations?"

After Yi Tian traded all the items, he asked Tafang.

In today's battle, if we have cavalry, it will be easier to pursue.

"Brother! Horses are divided into ordinary horses and BMWs. There are many grades of BMWs! There are ordinary ones, medium ones, high-grade ones, and top-notch BMWs that are loved by the strong. The forces in the Blue Mountain Region that have intersection with me , is a chamber of commerce force. Their business is said to be spread over hundreds of territories. They have BMWs of various grades. Unfortunately, they only do high-end business and not ordinary business. Otherwise, I can get as much fur as I want. If I like it, brother I will spend my own money to give my brother a top-notch BMW. Does he like fierce horses, fast horses, or..." Ta Fang couldn't stop talking about BMWs.

"Brother, I misunderstood. I want to form a cavalry and need a batch of BMWs, about a thousand."

Huo Qubing can ride 800 horses and take advantage of his talents.

The remaining two hundred horses are reserved for future use.

Unlike other soldiers who were all proficient in spear skills, Huo Qubing's eight hundred men were all proficient in sword skills.

Yi Tian is going to ask Zihuang Yuewu to help make a batch of A-level knives.

"Brother, the country's cavalry are generally ferocious beasts. It's such a waste to use BMWs as cavalry! BMWs are much more expensive than ferocious beasts."

Ta Fang was secretly shocked that his brother's appetite was too big. At the same time, I am very confused. The territory is mainly for defense, so what is the use of cavalry!

What Tafang didn't know was that there were generals who could increase the cavalry's combat effectiveness with their own personal charm.

"As far as I know, if you ride a tiger, lion, or wolf, not only will it not improve the knight's combat effectiveness, it will also affect the mount's combat effectiveness. At most, it will look scary and intimidating."

"BMWs are natural mounts. They have powerful strength, speed like the wind, and endurance ten times stronger than creatures of the same level, but they cannot fight. A superb cavalry can rely on the power of BMW to enhance its combat effectiveness. BMW The speed of the BMW and the endurance of the BMW are all great bonuses for knights! If a soldier riding a BMW fights with a soldier riding a liger, the winner will definitely be the one riding the BMW."

The tiger's spine cannot withstand huge force, and it jumps easily, which affects the rider's combat. At the same time, its endurance is not good, and it is not very comfortable to travel long distances.

"I dare to ask my brother, what kind of soldiers do you need to equip with BMW? If it is A-level or above, then at least a medium BMW, preferably a high-grade BMW in the growth stage, and a high-grade BMW in the growth stage can keep up with the soldiers. growth rate, otherwise they will be eliminated.”

"But..., a high-quality BMW, even in its growth stage, is still very valuable."

Ta Xiang introduced Yi Tian.

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