However, halfway through his laughter, his expression froze on his face.

Not only him, the expressions of the group of people behind him were also the same, they were all filled with disbelief, and soon became filled with overwhelming anger.

In front of their eyes, a bloody head was lifted out by Chen Batian. They were no strangers to Chen Batian, and they were no stranger to this head.

After Chen Batian came out, he threw the head away like garbage, impartially, and just rolled it in front of them.

Huo Qubing on the other side just watched with cold eyes.

“So brave!!!”

The little bandit leader's eyes widened and he shouted angrily.

"Chen Batian, I don't know how you got involved with this city, and I don't know what your relationship is with this city, but just because you blatantly killed our people from Black Wind Mountain today, you can't Maybe get out alive!”

After saying this, he looked at Huo Qubing again. Obviously, in their opinion, Huo Qubing had something to do with this matter.

"Before, I only wanted the property of the women in your city. Now it seems that I was too kind to you. I actually had an affair with Chen Batian. In this case, no wonder I am cruel."

Speaking of this, the little bandit leader's eyes became colder and colder.

"Brothers, kill me and leave no one alive!"

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