After hearing Cao Qingtian's words, my entire body was trembling. Without him, he was too excited now.

[I'm cheap, so I'm here]: "Boss, let's not talk about other things. You really trust me so much. Putting these twenty units of Wujin Mine outside can directly overturn all cities and make all city owners fight for it." It’s so crazy!”

[Emperor Cao Tian]: "We are all our own people, no matter who you trust or not."

[I'm cheap, so I'm here]: "Okay boss, then, you can leave these black gold mines to me to help you make them. To make high-end equipment, other materials are not worth mentioning. There are many channels for output, so the price is not high." Expensive, only this Wujin mine is the most precious and expensive.

And boss, you have helped me a lot these days, and you even gave me two units of Wujin Mine. Plus the unit of Wujin Mine from the Alliance Private Store, that’s three units of Wujin Mine. , so Xiaojian has included all the other materials! "

[Emperor Cao Tian]: "Thank you then."

Soon, I, the humble one, received twenty units of Wujin mine from Cao Qingtian, as well as the manufacturing requirements.

When these twenty units of Wujin Mine really came into his hands, even he himself did not believe in his own character. He was afraid that he would steal these twenty units of Wujin Mine and run away. .

There is no way, the value of these twenty units of Wujin mine is simply immeasurable. If he takes it all, then his city will easily become a top city.

"Lord City Lord, why don't you continue talking, what exactly is long hair and big waves?"

Tsui Chui's words also pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Ask, ask, just ask, work quickly, these black gold mines must be made into high-end equipment as soon as possible!"

"Boss Cao Tiandi trusts me so much, I can't let him down!"

In Chaos City, Cao Qingtian began to practice after delivering the Wujin Mine to me, so I am here.

As for these black gold mines, Cao Qingtian's idea is to make some of them into weapons and some into armors. First, arm the two fierce men Huo Qubing and Han Xin to the teeth.

The sun slowly climbed into the sky, and the mist between the mountains and forests slowly dispersed.

The day's plan begins in the morning. After breakfast, the residents of Chaos City went out to work in the city with hope and energy in their eyes.

In the past, they could only eat two meals a day at most, and it was not impossible to starve for three days at a time. Moreover, the food they ate was only porridge with wild vegetables and clear soup with little water.

But now that they have arrived in Chaos City, they can have three meals a day. Not only are they full, but they also have meat for every meal.

In today's world, there is a word called carnivore, which means that those who can eat meat are all rich and powerful people.

Now their life may be better than that of rich and wealthy carnivores. In troubled times, they are extremely easy to be satisfied. If they have food to eat and a place to live, it is perfect.

Therefore, they are all very motivated to build Chaos City, because they are building their common beautiful home.

Huang Shichen, Chen Batian and others went out of the city to absorb the scattered troops of the Yellow Turban Army as usual, while leaving some of the Yellow Turban Army to open up wasteland around Chaos City.

As for the military camp, the scouts sent out overnight yesterday had already received news. Han Xin, who received the news, had no expression on his face and led a group of troops out of Chaos City.

"What are you barking at?!"

Early in the morning, an angry female voice came from the medical center.

Listening to the sound, it was Cuihua who didn't run away.

At this moment, Cuihua's eyes were almost on fire as she stared at Zhang Shouhou lying on the hospital bed.

"Sister, I'm so useless, I'm so useless"

Zhang Shouhou, who was on the hospital bed, blamed himself very much for this incident.

"I'm so useless, I should die in Black Wind Mountain!"

After hearing Zhang Shouhou's words, Zhang Cuihua immediately became furious and slapped Zhang Shouhou hard in the face.

"If you keep talking nonsense, you don't need to die in Black Wind Mountain. You can just find a hole and jump in, and I will help you bury it!"

"The city lord spent so much effort to rescue you, but you are so helpless. How disappointed will the city lord be if he finds out?"

"Your top priority is to recover from your injuries as soon as possible, and then shine for Chaos City and let the city lord know that he is not wrong about the person!"

Li Heiniu stood aside timidly and glanced at Zhang Cuihua secretly, not daring to be discovered by her. He felt that Zhang Cuihua at this moment was even a hundred times more ferocious than the beasts outside.

However, this did not stop him from pursuing Zhang Cuihua. He even felt that he loved Zhang Cuihua more.

Li Heiniu glanced at Zhang Shouhou.

Zhang Shouhou's eyes were red, his lips wriggled several times, but he finally didn't speak. He lay quietly on the hospital bed, his eyes slowly becoming firmer.

Seeing this, Zhang Cuihua said nothing more and turned around and walked towards the other wounded.

Because of these days of fighting, there are many wounded people in the medical center now. Fortunately, Cao Qingtian summoned a lot of doctors, otherwise Zhang Cuihua alone would not be able to do it at all.

Seeing these wounded people, Zhang Cuihua always had a dim light in her eyes.

"What has war brought to us, and what is the meaning of people fighting?"

Zhang Cuihua has always been unable to figure out these problems, and she also knows that she cannot figure them out, and all she can do is shine in her position.

"Brother, you need to take good care of yourself and cheer up. I'm going hunting outside. I'll hunt whatever you want to eat."

"Thank you, Brother Li. I understand your thoughts. I want to be alone."

Compared with the previous few days, today is relatively dull, at least in Cao Qingtian's eyes.

It was such an ordinary day to eat, practice, and understand the current situation of the city.

This day has passed, and the available resources in the city have been exhausted.

Fortunately, the upgrade progress of Chaos City is also full.

[Ordinary buildings]: Main city (enhanced)

[Level]: LV.4 (100/100)


1. One hundred farmers can be generated every day, with random levels (C: 70%, B: 20%, A: 9%, super farmer: 1%)

2. The world is unified, which can absorb the surrounding refugees, and the loyalty of the refugees absorbed will be directly increased to 50.

[Capacity population]: 1660/5000

[Building capacity]: 400/400

[Number of buildings that can be built simultaneously]: 0/40

[Resource Warehouse]: Food (590/200000), wood (840/200000), stone (500/200000).

[Upgrade]: Requires food*100000, wood*100000, stone*100000.

With a thought, Cao Qingtian directly upgraded the city.

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