Lord of the Night

Chapter 212 No way out

Sun Yuan was suddenly surprised: "Ah, this is... someone who is not married yet... right?"

Wang Weihan laughed loudly, put his arms around Sun Yuan's neck, and winked with joy, saying:

"There is a third lady in our Wang family. Well, brother Sun, don't get me wrong. She is not a direct lineage, just a sideline. It is impossible to have direct bloodline, hahaha..."

Sun Yuan smiled apologetically: "I understand, I understand..."

Wang Weihan said: "This third young lady has a beautiful face and is only seventeen years old. And the night devil... haha, so I thought about being an in-law. Naturally, you can think of this as a chess move of our family, you know .”

Sun Yuan naturally understands.

Leisure chess.

This is a routine operation for aristocratic families. Use a so-called family lady whose status is not very important to win over a genius and turn the genius into a relative.

Then if a genius rises to the occasion and soars into the sky, then naturally heavy resources will start pouring on him.

It doesn't matter if this genius disappears into oblivion.

Quan should be raising a man of leisure, since girls will get married anyway.

Sun Yuan couldn't help but start thinking about it.

The Wang family is not small.

If Fang Che can establish this relationship, the future will be much easier. And with Fang Che's genius, Sun Yuan is fully confident that the entire Wang family will bet heavily in the future!

But the question now is, is this true or false?

Also, this Wang Weihan is from the Wang family, why didn't he say he had a niece? But the third lady?

As an old Jianghu, Sun Yuan had long noticed that there were countless things wrong. I was pounding in my heart and just wanted to leave.

"I'm afraid I can't make the decision on this matter. It's up to the leader to make the decision."

Sun Yuan said cautiously.

"Hey, what did Brother Sun say? You are the one who made the decision. Just pass on the message. Our Wang family has a reason for doing this. And for the Night Demon, it is almost like giving help in the snow."

Wang Weixue said: "The Night Demon killed many people in the headquarters during the plan to raise Gu to become a god. Now those families want to take revenge on him, but at this moment, you are focused on teaching and cannot save him. So our Wang family That’s when I came up with this method.”

"On the one hand, our Wang family cannot bear to see the genius fall, but on the other hand, it is a huge gamble for the future of the family."

Wang Weixue said: "I know what concerns you have in your heart. But Brother Sun, don't worry. None of our Wang family members will die this time when they enter the plan to raise Gu to become gods. So there is no such thing as revenge."

"Besides, even if this Night Demon is married, it remains to be seen whether they can seize the opportunity and break through the siege under the protection of our Wang family."

"It was only after the third lady heard about Night Demon's deeds that she showed admiration and fascination several times, which made us come up with this sudden plan... Haha, Brother Sun, drink and drink."

This meal of wine made Sun Yuan's heart go up and down.

The Wang family is very enthusiastic.

But Sun Yuan could also feel that there was also alienation in his enthusiasm.

Sun Yuan also kept the secret as much as possible during the banquet.

Moreover, out of caution, Lao Jianghu did not dare to make any promises.

However, the fact that he knew Night Demon was inevitably leaked.

Because at that time, it was impossible to stay calm.

"Brother Sun, you will know the specific matter after you go out and inquire about it. Why does our Wang family place a heavy bet on Night Demon? Haha, our Wang family is not a family that just marries anyone we find. .”

"I hope Brother Sun will consider it carefully and help us with this. Of course, if Brother Sun is not willing, we can go directly to the leader of the Yin Cult."

"It's always a pleasant thing to do things like keeping a matchmaker and getting slimmed."

"Let's increase the communication. If anything happens in the future, please keep in touch. When Brother Sun arrives in Xuanwu City, he must tell us that he must come and sit down."

A banquet ended happily.

When Sun Yuan returned to his residence, his head was still confused. He drank a lot but was not drunk; but this incident had a great impact on him.

Night Demon, that little guy... wasn't he a talented martial artist when he left?

Why did you become a general?

And he also participated in the plan to raise Gu to become a god?

And he even won a championship?

Is this too unexpected?

But Sun Yuan knew that this was definitely true. There is only one name in the Yixin Cult that offends the leader of the Night Demon Sect, and that is his own disciple.

After thinking for a while, he walked out of his residence again.

Because in the world of divine empowerment, no communication can be received at all. The only option is to get out.

After going out, take out the communication jade.

First contact Fang Che: "Have you participated in the Gu-raising-to-god-god plan?"

Fang Che's message immediately came back: "Yes, Master, are you back?"

Sun Yuan's heart moved, and it turned out to be him, so he said: "Champion?"


"Offended a lot of people?"

"It's okay to offend others. How can you not offend others by killing someone?"

"I understand. I'm still in Xuanwu City. I'll tell you after I get to know you better."

"Yes, Master, please come back soon, I miss you so much."

Sun Yuan chuckled, his smile a little warm.

This little bastard has made such rapid progress. Still so respectful and attached to me.

It's not in vain that I paid so much for him.

So he replied: "Practice hard. You are in a lot of troubles and crises now. You must seize the time to improve your strength quickly."

"Yes, Master."

"When I get back, I will show you my sword manual that I told you about."

"Yes, Master."

Sun Yuan immediately went to find Qian Sanjiang.

Because, although Qian Sanjiang's cultivation level is much higher than that of Sun Yuan, he is the most talkative one. As for Mulin Yuanyin Shrine and others, their status was too high... Sun Yuan did not dare to disturb them.

"Sun Yuan? Are you back?"

Contrary to Sun Yuan's expectation, Qian Sanjiang was so enthusiastic.

Sun Yuan just started, and Qian Sanjiang explained the matter again.

After hearing this, Sun Yuan felt more and more important that the matter was serious.

So he plucked up the courage to send a message to Yinshen Palace and told Yinshen Palace the purpose of the Wang family's visit.

Yin Shen Palace is also a little unsure.

Immediately send a message to someone at headquarters to check.

It turned out that none of the Wang family members who entered the Gu-to-become-god plan died.

What the hell...

Yinshen Palace also had a headache.

What does the Wang family mean? Are you really interested in Night Demon's potential? Or do you have other intentions?

But this thought only passed through his mind for a moment before Yin Shen Palace made a decision.


Yinshen Palace thought very clearly.

The current identity of the Night Devil is secret, which is the biggest life-saving barrier.

Even if there is a real marriage with the Wang family, Night Demon seems to be protected, but his identity information will definitely be exposed.

Only then will there be real insecurity.

Sun Yuan received the news.

Understanding from heart.


"Then you immediately think of a way to leave Xuanwu City, change your identity, go to Baiyun Continent, and personally protect Night Demon."

Yinshen Palace said.

"Yes, leader."

And that night, the three Wang brothers and several other people were also discussing.

"Do you think it will happen?"

"Absolutely not."

Wang Weihan said calmly: "But we were just asking for news. Now we have the news, and there is an unexpected surprise."

"What unexpected surprise?"

"The unexpected surprise is that Sun Yuan knows Night Demon, knows Night Demon, and has a close relationship. Although he tried his best to hide it, when this topic suddenly came up and he was shocked, some traces were still revealed. "


"But Sun Yuan is so cautious, which further proves that Yinshen Palace values ​​this apprentice very much. Therefore, the biggest resistance this time is Yinshen Palace."


"But the Yixin Sect is already in the process of closing the sect for rectification, and the Yin Shen Palace will not be able to leave at all in a short period of time."

"So what you mean is..."

"My brother's revenge must be avenged!"

A young woman with a look of hatred on her face.

There were several other people, all looking sad and angry.

"Then let's work it out and ask Sun Yuan to go back quickly. And your people will follow Sun Yuan overtly and covertly, how about it?"

"Thank you, Brother Wang, for your help. The three of us will never forget the Wang family's help this time!"


On the next day, Sun Yuan received a notice that you could leave the customs and go back.

Sun Yuan knew that this was probably the fault of the Wang family.

Anyway, I couldn't resist, and Yin Shen Palace happened to have the same request, so I just agreed and walked out with my luggage.

Then he froze.

He saw Wang Weihan and a young woman smiling at him. There were two people standing behind the woman, who seemed to be two guards.

"Brother Sun, are you going back now?"

Sun Yuan complained in his heart and said: "Yes, yes, it was just yesterday..."

"Hey, don't take it to heart."

Wang Weihan smiled broadly and said: "This is my third niece, her name is Wang Yun'er. She is fascinated by the Night Demon. Hahaha... Brother Sun, this little girl is too willful. She insists on seeing the Night Demon... I don't want to There’s nothing we can do about it.”

Sun Yuan: "..."

Damn it, do you want me to take a girl back to the Night Demon for a blind date?

"Brother Sun, please take a lot of trouble along the way."

Wang Weihan has obviously confirmed this matter. You, Sun Yuan, must take it with you whether you are willing or not!

Sun Yuan really has no way to deal with this!

Wang Yun'er was shy and timid, and quietly stepped forward: "Senior Sun, just think that I am going there for a trip and have fun, and just escort me there. As for whether you can see me... Lord Night Demon... it depends on fate, you see Is it ok?"

When she mentioned "Night Demon", Wang Yun'er's eyes flashed with a hint of shyness and expectation. It's very much like the young daughter's first love.


What could Sun Yuan say?

People have reached this point and can't even say no.

Said: "It's just a bumpy road and a long journey..."

"It doesn't matter."

Wang Weihan clapped his hands, and there was a clanking sound, but four one-horned dragon horses came over.

Sun Yuan felt cold all over while carrying his luggage.

The opponent counts every step and forces himself into a corner with every step.

There is absolutely no possibility of rejection.

out on a limb!

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