Lord of the Night

Chapter 240 A group of demons enter the white clouds

Dongfang Sansan frowned, paced, and thought over and over again.

Finally confirmed.

There was really no flaw in what Fang Che did!

It’s so rough, but there’s no flaw yet!

This makes everything this wise man says feel a bit dreamy.

This shouldn't be the case.

"It makes no sense..."

But Yueying over there is still waiting for a reply...

Fang Che had settled the matter and didn't care about anything else, so he had to deal with the aftermath himself, including explanations.

"This guy actually arranged work for me without saying a word!"

Dongfang Sansan rubbed his eyebrows, sighed, and immediately replied to Yueying.

"Don't worry. In fact, this is the origin of your name Yueying. The moon and the shadow are two existences. You are the moon, and the one who delivers the message to you is the shadow. One of our own!"

"The identity of the shadow is sensitive and cannot appear. It can only be manipulated and transmitted through you."

Dongfang Sansan sighed while editing.

Fang Che was thrown over there, and he was actually responsible for making up lies... I was really speechless.

He felt like he was wiping his butt every day.

After wiping this one, wipe that one again.

There is endless butt waiting for you every day.

But I can't help but wipe it.

Ningxue Jian's butt, Xue Fuxiao's butt, now...

Especially Fang Che, who is definitely an unprecedented big butt.


Master Jiu was a little depressed.

Depressed and happy.

After finishing the processing, he sent a message to the guard hall: "About the people who came from Wei Wo Zhengtong, so, so, so..."

Finally finished.

Dongfang Sansan went out with his hands behind his back.

Although Fang Che's side is rough, he does a good job, and it seems that he finally doesn't have to worry about his exposure.

The mood is very happy.

After doing so much work, I can finally relax and go chat with Xue Fuxiao.

By the way, let’s discuss the issue of the Shit King.

What a pleasant day...

Fang Che went to the guard hall to go on duty as usual.

As soon as I walked in, I felt that everyone's spirit was obviously different.

Nervous and serious.

Everyone has their own weapons, hidden weapons, protective clothing, etc...

fully armed.

In the early morning, the main hall held another meeting to report the enemy's situation.

"According to intelligence, people from the Were Orthodox Church have entered various continents one after another in the past few days. Specifically, a fierce fight has taken place in Bai Pingzhou. Bai Pingzhou was guarding the main hall and nine people died in the line of duty. The enemy escaped without a trace. Traces. In Baixiangzhou, two fights occurred. Baixiangzhou was guarding the main hall, and thirty-five people died in the line of duty."

"Based on this situation, it can be judged that those who believe in the Solipsism have already entered."

Song Yidao said in a serious tone: "Comrades, please be prepared."

There was a deathly silence below.

There was only the sound of people breathing heavily.

Nine people died in the line of duty!

Thirty-five people died in the line of duty!

This bloody reality suddenly appeared in front of us.

"Everyone, Baiyun Martial Arts Academy has put the fifth-year students on vacation and dispatched 500 teachers to lead the students to help us strangle the demon sect. Therefore, we in Baiyun Continent are still in the best situation, but we cannot take it lightly. After all, the demon sect The people in the religion are extremely cruel..."

"Now allocate normal tasks... Everyone should bring a distress signal. Once something is discovered, send it out immediately!"


A group of young people, divided into several waves, lined up neatly with warm smiles, submitted for identity verification, and entered Baiyun Continent.

They have gentle faces and friendly smiles. The man is tall and strong, and the woman is delicate and cute.

It is youth, infinitely beautiful.

Just looking at it this way, no one would have thought that this was actually the devil of the Demon Cult.

While they were chatting and laughing casually, they were talking to each other in their hearts using the Five Spirit Gu.

"This Baiyun Continent is really a pure land. I've been here for so long, until I entered the city, and I've seen so many places, but I haven't seen any trace of our teaching."

"Last time, it was said that... the ancient jade incident ruined the Baiyun Continent, so this time, the Baiyun Continent branch is also determined by the subordinate sect."

"And this was originally the territory of the Yixin Sect, and the branch was very secretive, but... it was also destroyed. So it became an opportunity for the Night Demon Sect, the Light Sect, the Tianshen Sect, and the Three Saints Sect."

"We are helping the Night Demon Cult this time. The leader of the Night Demon Cult, Hai Wuliang, has spent a lot of money and actually sent a ninth-grade king-level man with four Wuhou here to establish a sub-ruler. We must completely replace the status of Yixinjiao.”

Speaking of this, several people were a little overjoyed.

"Do you know? This matter was stimulated by the Yin Shen Palace. That Night Demon... Hehe, he is the apprentice of the Yin Shen Palace. The Yin Shen Palace gave its apprentice the name of the Night Demon. It is said that the plan is to raise Gu to become a god. That day, when Night Demon knelt down in front of everyone and shouted, 'My Night Demon has come to see the leader,' and 'My Night Demon has kowtowed to the leader,' Hai Wuliang's face was as angry as a pig's ass."

"What does a pork butt look like?"

"Ha... So this time we are helping the Night Demon Sect. Our main opponents are the Three Saints Sect, the Light Sect, and the Celestial Sect? The Yixin Sect's rudder is gone."

"And guard the main hall! The most important thing is to guard the main hall."


"This time we are here for the assessment. Returning alive and completing the tasks we participated in are the content of the assessment. Don't say I didn't remind you, this is really a matter of life."

"Yes, our collateral descendants basically have no chance to participate in the plan to raise Gu to become a god. We can only get the chance to stand out in such an assessment."

"But if you die here, you will have nothing. Therefore, this is equivalent to our plan to raise Gu to become a god. It is less cruel than theirs, but more complicated."

"We can only rely on our own efforts. But we can still work together."

"Haha... Faced with the numerous defenders chasing and intercepting the whole hall, once they are exposed, what's the use of holding together?"

The young man who spoke was obviously the leader among the crowd, and his words were to the point and very insightful.

"It must be low-key."

"It is said that several guys from the Shen family and the Pang family were used to being arrogant and were exposed as soon as they arrived. Several members of the Shen family were seriously injured and escaped and were caught. They have died in the prison of the guard hall; while several members of the Pang family were shot dead on the spot. If you are If you disobey and act recklessly, I can only leave you and act alone!"

"We all listen to Brother Zheng and Brother Zhao."

"Go in, Master Liu of the Night Demon Cult has been waiting for us for a long time."

In all directions, the gates of Baiyunzhou City are wide open, and people are flowing in and out. Tens of millions of people are processed every day. It is really common for a few people like this to come in.

No one will notice at all.

This is where the difficulty lies for those who believe in the orthodox religion.

Because the Five Spirit Gu is really amazing.

The guardian has been unable to find a way to crack the Five Spirit Gu for so many years.

Even the Five Spirit Gu cannot catch it: as long as a person does not betray the Demon Cult while he is alive, the Five Spirit Gu will be safe. Once he betrays, he will die immediately. After a person dies, the Five Spirit Gu automatically turns into smoke and dissipates.

To tell people who don't have the Five Spirit Gu in their bodies about the information about the Solipsism is tantamount to betrayal.

The Five Spirit Gu may not be accurately analyzed, but as long as you realize that there is no Five Spirit Gu in the opponent's body, and the person you live in is being interrogated, you will immediately have a stress reaction.

Dongfang Sansan once commented on Five Spirit Gu: a wonderful thing that only gods can create!

And now Fang Che is studying this 'wonderful thing that only God can create'.

The five spiritual Gu are wrapped in the immeasurable scriptures, and then the spiritual power is slowly raised.

Five Spirit Gu swallowed the spiritual power gratefully, feeling extremely comfortable.

Send out a flattering humility.

Because it had just been drilled hard eight times.

Put the refining edge back, continue to grab it back for refining, put it back again, and then...

Five Spirit Gu went back and forth eight times while being frightened out of his wits.

Now I am eating delicious food in a warm and comfortable environment, and I am filled with gratitude.

I just don’t understand.

I haven’t practiced for a long time. What’s going on today?

Fang Che's spiritual consciousness communicated with the Five Spirit Gu: "Why can't I feel who is one of my own?"

Five Spirit Gu: "???"

"Are you hiding it so that I don't feel it?"

Five Spirit Gu shook its two tentacles in a panic, as if you had misunderstood me if you listened to my explanation.


Fang Che relaxed a little.

Five Spirit Gu breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly began to explain at a faster pace.

It’s not that I don’t give, it’s that I don’t have the ability to identify myself.

If people who believe in solipsism want to distinguish, they also need different codes.

It does not mean that, as Fang Che thought, his Five Spirit Gu can sense that others have Five Spirit Gu. This is impossible.

Fang Che thought for a moment, feeling a little disappointed.

It seems that you still need to work hard on your own, track the golden horned dragon, and sense the evil spirit with your spiritual consciousness.

Looking at the deacon hall, apart from the deacon who stayed behind, he was the only one left.

He stood up and put on his cloak expressionlessly. Today, he was not wearing a uniform.

Eyes squinted.

Tang Zheng stood up with a solemn expression and followed Fang Che out.

Even when they reached the street, they still didn't speak.

Although the body is shaking.

"Why are you so brave today?" Fang Che asked as he strode forward.

"I...I'm afraid of death..."

Tang Zheng's lips were trembling and his face was a little pale.

"I have been timid since I was a child... Even after I learned martial arts, I didn't dare to fight. When I saw someone fighting, I was so scared that I hid aside. I know I am a coward..."

Tang Zheng said with shame, "I know that everyone looks down on me, but I'm just afraid."

"For this reason, no woman would like me..."

"But now, everyone is like this. There is no way to retreat. Besides, let alone following you..."

Tang Zheng smiled as if he was crying: "Just die, anyway... it's not shameful to die fighting the demon sect, and it can also exchange some resources for the family."

Fang Che couldn't help but look at this boy with admiration: "Oh, you are quite enlightened."

Tang Zheng had a straight face.

Who wouldn't want to live if I wasn't following a fool like you?

Isn’t this impossible?

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