Lord of the Night

Chapter 243 Is today over? [Additional update 15 for Silver Alliance Old Bookworm No. 6]

Ren Chang walked alone on the street.

Although Ren Chang is a deacon, he has already despaired of martial arts after years of hard work since he became possessed.

So I didn’t get married.

I have always lived alone.

Finally, I paid my dues and went to buy some vegetables and two jars of wine, then I carried them home leisurely.

A very small yard and two houses.

The surrounding area is very dilapidated and can be regarded as a residential area for civilians.

The courtyard door across the house opened, and a charming woman who looked to be in her forties came out and smiled: "Are you on duty?"

"It's worth it." Ren Chang smiled.

This woman's name is Kong Xiang, Ren Chang's childhood sweetheart; the two still had a crush on each other. Later, Ren Chang's martial arts was ruined and his pubic area was seriously injured. He didn't want to delay Kong Xiang, so he cut off their relationship ruthlessly.

Kong Xiang got married, but later her husband died, so she moved back to her hometown and lived next door to Ren Chang, often taking care of Ren Chang's daily life.

This kind of life lasted for more than twenty years.

At this moment, when I saw Ren Chang coming back from buying vegetables, he came over with a smile, took them skillfully, and went to Ren Chang's room to light a fire and heat the vegetables.

Cut the meat into slices evenly.

After preparing one plate after another, he said softly: "Drink less wine."

"I know."

Ren Chang didn't dare to look at the other person's eyes, so he could only answer impatiently.


The woman lowered her eyes, and the slight disappointment in her eyes, and sighed: "Then I'm going back. You go to bed early. You have to go on duty tomorrow."

"I know."

The woman left.

Ren Chang lowered his head and was silent for a moment, feeling a little sad under his gray messy hair.

He knew Kong Xiang's thoughts and his own.

But he didn't dare to say anything, let alone do anything.

You are already a useless person, why do you think so much?

Looking at the room that had been tidied up for some time, Ren Chang was reluctant to destroy the neatness.

The oil lamp was lit in the room, but the table was moved out of the room.

Put the food and wine on the table, wash your hands, open the wine jar, take a greedy sip, and sigh with satisfaction.

Sit down quietly, in the yard, facing the moonlight, pouring and drinking.


Dead trees.

Cold wind.

White hair.

He drank one cup after another and ate the food in small bites. There was no expression on his face, and he didn't even know what he was thinking.

For many years, he spent his time like this.

The superiors do their duties faithfully, while the inferiors have nothing to do, just drink, sleep after drinking, and continue to be on duty tomorrow. When I occasionally take a vacation, I sleep in my room.

A jar of wine.

Ren Chang sighed slightly, feeling slightly tipsy. Looking at the moonlight, he murmured: "Another day has passed."

I patted away the second jar of wine and was about to pour it into the bowl when my movement suddenly stopped.

The ears moved.

There seems to be other sounds in the wind?

And it’s not far from here?

It was a suppressed whimper, with some hissing, very slight. It should be in several yards within a radius of dozens of feet.

Otherwise it wouldn't be so clear.

As warriors who have been fighting life and death for many years, they can clearly distinguish any slight sound.

For example, ordinary people would have no reaction when hearing the sound just now.

But as an old deacon for decades, Ren Chang heard it immediately.

This was the last cry of a person after being killed, and the hissing sound was the sound of blood spurting out of the body, and this sound could only come from the throat area.

Ren Chang frowned and murmured: "I have already made my decision."

So I went to pour wine.

But his eyes struggled, and he finally sighed, filled a bowl of wine, and immediately drank it.

"What a damn sense of responsibility..."

He crouched and jumped out.

When passing Kong Xiang's yard, he smiled. I feel warm and sour in my heart.

Then he passed by.

This was an abandoned courtyard. Ren Changji walked in cautiously, feeling the atmosphere increasingly gloomy and his heart beating like a drum.

It seemed like there was a demon watching him secretly.


This is the touch of Lao Jianghu.

He just wanted to go back.

"It's a bad sign. I opened the wine but didn't finish it. Could it be that God didn't let me finish the jar of wine?"

But who died?

The smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger.

"But I'm a damn deacon...hey, this damn profession..."

He sighed in his heart and pressed himself against the window gently.

At first glance, I saw a young man in white clothes inside, with his mouth full of blood. Looking up, he saw the body of a woman in the hands of the young man in white clothes, with her throat cut. The woman is not dead yet, her body is still convulsing...

Apparently, the young man was drinking blood.

When the young man in white saw Ren Chang, he was not nervous at all. He grinned and said, "You want a bite too?"

The rocket that Ren Chang had prepared long ago shot up into the sky with a roar!


Then he rushed in with red eyes: "Devil!"

At this moment, he didn't think about anything.


Fang Che went to the helm, ready to wait and see.

As a result, no one came until midnight.

Thirty-six stores... Are they doing such a good job of keeping secrets secret?

Fang Che was depressed.

At this moment, a sudden explosion was heard, which was a rocket exploding in the air.

There is a situation! Not far!

Fang Che jumped up.

The body rushed out instantly.

In the moonlight of the dark night, Fang Che's body was running wildly in the dark alley, the bones in his body were crackling, and he had changed from a star to Fang Che's original appearance.

The sounds of battle are not far away.

Fang Che was shocked.

We have arrived at the collapsed ruins, which should be here.

Divine consciousness enveloped the whole situation, and he rushed in without hesitation.

Then he saw Ren Chang.

Among the collapsed ruins, Ren Chang was lying on the ground, his gray hair messy in the wind. He was still panting, but his chest had completely collapsed and his internal organs had already been shattered.

His knife, on one side, had been broken into two pieces.

But he held on, relying on the strength he had gained from so many years of practice.

He was extremely conscious and tried his best to control his breathing rate. He could not breathe heavily when he was about to die, otherwise the blood would flow quickly and he would die quickly.

But I am the only one who knows the information, and I cannot die.

You have to wait for someone to come.

He lay quietly, panting slightly, looking into the sky.

Very indifferent.

Fang Che rushed forward and immediately put his hand on Ren Chang's chest. The spiritual energy instantly separated the injured area; the body under the neck was separated and wrapped with spiritual energy.

He was an old man from Jianghu, and he could tell at a glance that Ren Chang was dead.

No elixir can save a life.

But his method can reduce Ren Chang's pain by 80%, and he can use spiritual stimulation to make Ren Chang say a few more words.

Seeing Fang Che, Ren Chang's eyes burst out with light. He gasped and said intermittently: "The blood demon...gong, sucks human blood...I grabbed a piece of his flesh...under my fingernails..."

He knew full well that he was no match for the opponent, and if he charged forward, he would die.

So he rushed forward and almost didn't fight. He used his nails to scratch a piece of flesh off the opponent's arm with all his life force.

As an old deacon of more than thirty years, he knows that these are enough.

Because he can't do more.

"I see!"

Fang Che said quickly, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Ren Chang breathed hard and smiled: "Today...is today...over?"

Fang Che nodded heavily: "It's over. Don't worry, today is over!"

Ren Chang's eyes showed complete relief, and there was actually a kind of happiness overflowing: "...It's really good. It's... somewhat meaningful..."

His eyes smiled with a little hope.

Seems to be waiting for something.

There was a lot of movement here, and many neighbors were woken up, but they didn't dare to come out to see. A kind of panic spread in the air.

But a woman ran over like crazy.

"Ren Chang!"

the woman shouted.

A trace of guilt flashed in Ren Chang's eyes, and he watched the woman rush to him: "Ren Chang!"

The woman shouted plaintively.

Ren Chang's eyes that had been waiting for him suddenly lit up, he smiled, and put down all the normal smiles of satisfaction. Blood came out with balls of foam, and struggled: "I... I will marry you in my next life!"

Suddenly the eyes lost their luster.

He finally saw the person he wanted to see and wait for the most.

he died.

The woman's body suddenly froze, and her eyes seemed to lose color.

Fang Che gently picked up Ren Chang's hand and saw a small ball of bright flesh and blood under the nail of his middle finger.

"Little Jiao!"

Fang Che's voice was cold.

The golden horned dragon has already rushed out.

Just after the battle, the aftermath has not subsided, and the vibration in the air is still there. Humans may not be able to detect it, but the golden horned dragon can completely track it.

There was a sound of clothes in the air, and the people guarding the main hall were coming.

A voice came from afar: "Is there anyone guarding the main hall?"

"it's here!"

Fang Che raised his voice to reveal his position.

In the night, several figures appeared in the sky like the wind.

Someone has already taken over here.

Fang Che suddenly stood up and was about to fly to follow the golden horned dragon, but heard a popping sound.

She turned around in shock and saw the woman just now holding Ren Chang's broken knife in both hands and inserting it into her own heart with all her strength.

Then the body fell on Ren Chang.

"...In the next life, I'm afraid that I'll miss it if it's too late..."

There was a hint of happiness and apprehension on her pretty face.

She had been waiting for half a life, and finally waited for these words, even though it was in the next life...

Therefore, she was afraid that she would be late.

In the ruins of the cold wind, the woman's body lay quietly on Ren Chang's body, both of them had a faint smile on their faces.

Ren Chang's gray hair and the woman's black hair were blown up in the cold wind at the same time.

Flying, intertwined.

Fang Che's whole body was cold and he felt his blood suddenly solidify.

His face also suddenly stiffened.

Suddenly I thought of Ren Chang's warning this afternoon.

"The flowers are in full bloom."

Fang Che sighed sadly, stretched out his hand, and the two pieces of ice turned into two delicate ice flowers in his hand, intertwined together.

Place it gently on both of them.

The petals are crystal clear and delicate.

The two of them hugged each other and smiled peacefully.

"These four words will be given to you again. May your flowers bloom in your next life."

Then Fang Che's body was swept out like a hurricane.

The body rolled over, and the furious speed split the air into a crazy roar.

Murderous intent spreads wildly.

"Today is not over yet. Just wait. When I bring the murderer back, your day will be over. Ren Chang."

"Wait a minute, I'll ask him to give you a ride!"

It was my birthday yesterday, thank you all for your wishes. There was a boil on my butt, it happened to be in an indescribable place, and I couldn't drink it.

The boil is not yet ripe and tastes extremely sour.

Then I would like to ask everyone one thing. Looking at the background subscription, I found that there are very few jumps. If everyone is generous, please make up for the undecided chapters. I can’t afford to hurt my obsessive-compulsive disorder...

For example: they are all data of more than 200, with a few data of more than 100 sandwiched in between.

Every time I open it, I feel uncomfortable. But every time I open it, I still check: Have you made up for it?

I wish I could open a small account myself to make up for it...

There aren't many jumps at the moment, so raise your hands and spend the money. thanks thanks

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