Lord of the Night

Chapter 272: Thunderbolt Means, Bodhisattva Heart

He shot into the sky with one strike.

With an awe-inspiring fighting spirit, we advance without retreating.

Hate the sky without eyes!

The evil spirit explodes to the extreme!

This is a head-on attack without hesitation!

"Get down here!"

The man used the Burning Blood Technique to escape, which was originally the final means of escape after being seriously injured. After enduring several blows to break out of the encirclement, he ran so far. Who would have thought that there was an ambush here?

I just felt stupid at this moment.

Why are you laying an ambush here? Why don't you just follow the brigade and take action?

It's simply...unexpected.

Moreover, the evil aura rushing toward his face was so strong that it made people feel terrified.

In shock and anger, he suddenly burst out with all his strength: "Get away!"

Strike with all your strength with the sword in your hands.

Swords clash. A dazzling brilliance collides in the night sky!

There was a bang.

Fang Che groaned miserably, and a mouthful of blood spurted out uncontrollably. His body flew backwards like a ball, crashing through two walls one after another, and then hit his back heavily against a big tree.

But the man in the air was even more uncomfortable. His indomitable escape was suddenly stopped by Fang Che with a knife, and he even retreated three feet in the air.

With a "wow" sound, another large mouthful of blood spurted out.

Venus was flying around, and his eyes were a little blurry.

There is only speech in my heart.

I rushed out with all my energy and energy, but unexpectedly I met such a stupid person who was desperate for his life.

I wanted to rush into the B\u0026B, capture some ordinary people to drink blood to recover, and then prepare to hide. If that didn't work, I would take hostages.

However, all the wishful thinking was interrupted by this knife.

His flight was stopped, he couldn't take a breath, and his body fell uncontrollably.

At this moment, his face was full of despair.

Swish, brush, brush...

Three king-level masters guarding the main hall came flying over and surrounded the man in the middle.

You can't escape even if you have wings!

The three of them were extremely happy. They didn't expect that there was a king-level hidden among them. It was so thrilling. The three of them besieged him, but he actually escaped.


The little deacon tried his best to block it, otherwise, if the devil was seriously injured and escaped into the residential area, the consequences would be unimaginable.

With the strength of this demon, it is easy to cause the death of hundreds of thousands of ordinary people.

The man on the ground was vomiting blood constantly, and his ferocious face was full of violence.

"This is life! This is life!"

He looked hard at the direction in which Fang Che flew backwards and shook his head: "You can't survive either! You can't survive either!"

Suddenly his eyes bulged outward and he looked ahead in shock, his mouth wide open and unable to speak.

I saw only ruins.

Fang Che held the knife in his hand, moved it out step by step, and raised his head: "Who the hell are you saying won't survive?!"

The man stared in shock and said angrily: "How come you're not dead? Why aren't you dead!"

Fang Che held the knife and gasped: "Don't talk nonsense to him, he is delaying his recovery...kill him first!"

The three kings suddenly woke up and took action at the same time.

The man from the Demon Cult roared angrily: "You damn bastard..."

But he was immediately overwhelmed by the attacks of the three kings.

Bang bang bang...

After a series of blows, the man's body was like a pile of mud and he collapsed on the ground.

Before he died, he was still looking at Fang Che fiercely with his eyes.

I wanted to curse something but I couldn't say it.

Fell to the ground.


"Twenty-seven people, not one of them ran away!"

A king-level man walked up to Fang Che with a smile and gratitude on his face. He personally used kung fu to heal his injuries and said: "Deacon Fang, well done! The three of us are shameless for this king-level achievement. It’s done, and the remaining 70% belongs to you!”

"You're welcome, Your Excellency."

"I'm not being polite. If it weren't for you, at least hundreds of people would have died in the hands of this devil. The three of us did something wrong and let him escape. We would have been ashamed and shameless."

"Oh well."

Fang Che took a few breaths, bared his teeth and said, "It's been really bad these days, and I've been injured one after another."

Just now he took another Danyun Pill.

Otherwise, this demon is king-level after all. Although he is close to running out of gas and his strength is less than 10% of the usual strength, the shock of a full blow is enough to take away Fang Che, a handsome second-level man!

"To be able to fight against a king without dying, Deacon Fang's cultivation level is already that of a king."

Everyone was relieved to see that Fang Che was fine.

So we began to clean the battlefield and collect evidence.

In the B\u0026B where Fang Che had just knocked open two big holes, the whole family was hugging each other and huddled in the corner, shivering.

Looking at Fang Che and others with horrified eyes.

This family can be said to be extremely unlucky.

It was already late at night.

My wife and children are sleeping soundly as a family.

With a bang, two big holes were knocked out of the bedroom wall.

From the east wall to the west wall, it actually becomes a road!

Fortunately, the house didn't collapse and no one was hit, which was a blessing; but the house was obviously uninhabitable.

"You're in shock."

Fang Che moved his body and put down the ten thousand taels of silver notes.

"After daybreak, go to the guard hall to report the damage... As for these, you can take these and buy some good food for the children."


"Take it. Pack up the valuable things in your home, and be careful not to let the roof collapse and hit you."

Fang Che sighed, stood up, and said softly: "Put away your banknotes and other things quickly so that no one can see you... Life is not easy, so live well."

"Thank you, sir!"

The whole family hurriedly saluted, with tears on their faces. But I feel warm in my heart.

Others, Zuo Guanglie and others, watched this scene quietly.

A king said softly: "Deacon Fang... you have a bodhisattva heart."

Zuo Guanglie also nodded and said with admiration: "Deacon Fang is a role model for us in dealing with demons with thunderbolt methods and with a bodhisattva-like heart towards the common people."

Many of the people guarding the main hall caught the devil and rarely stayed there to appease the people.

Because of this, people from the government will naturally handle it, and there are also specialized departments responsible for compensation to the people.

Of course there are people who are as considerate as Fang Che, but... not many.

By this time, the people cleaning the battlefield had come back to report.

"There are twenty-seven people in total, and their identities have been verified correctly. Some of them are from aristocratic families at the headquarters of the Solipsistic Orthodox Church; and this king-level leader is a worshiper of the Three Saints Sect..."

Everyone sighed, a little uninterested: "It's not from the Night Demon Cult... What's the use of the Three Saints Cult... It's just some merit."

"Close the team, close the team, go back and rest."

"Deacon Fang, I'm carrying you."


Everyone quickly returned, and the government officials had already arrived and began to take over.

A ray of dawn has also lit up from the east.

The family in the ruins watched Fang Che and others leave with gratitude and bowed deeply.

"Deacon Fang, where did your healing elixir come from? Is it so effective?"

As Zuo Guanglie walked with Fang Che on his back, he could naturally feel that Fang Che's energy and blood were rapidly recovering.

"Hey, an elder gave it..."

Fang Che sighed: "I have used two of these life-saving things in the past three or four days. My heart is bleeding..."

"It's good if it can save your life. One of these good things is priceless."

Zuo Guanglie was indescribably envious.

But he also knows that no one can have too much of this kind of good thing.

Deacon Fang has already used two pills, so there are at most one or two more pills left. So I just expressed my envy and didn't make any excessive demands.

One pill of this medicine saves a life.

Want it from others? How come you have such a big face!

Anyone who has some experience will not be able to open his mouth.

Back at the guard hall, Zuo Guanglie and others went to report, and the person responsible for verifying the merits immediately set off to verify.

Fang Che arrived at his seat in the deacon hall early, meditated and took a nap.

Inside, there were more than sixty deacons on duty all night.

They all stared at Fang Che with rabbit-like eyes.

"Deacon Fang, so early?"

"...Why is it so early? I haven't slept all night."

"That Deacon Fang went to earn merit again... Hey, we stayed up all night and got no merit at all... This is called staying up in vain."

Fatty Hong Er... Well, Cripple Hong Er looked miserable.

This guy has always been mean-mouthed.

He often talks a lot about all the female deacons. From the older deacons in their 170s to 20s, down to the young deacons in their twenties, regardless of whether they are beautiful women or average-looking, there is no one who does not talk about them.

I don’t know how many times I was beaten for this, but I never changed my original intention.

But Fang Che just discovered today that this guy has the same mean tongue when it comes to men.

He held his head and said coldly: "If your fat body were exchanged for meritorious deeds... I guess you would be the master of the hall now."

Hong Er Laizi: "..."

Fang Che said: "If your cowardice could be exchanged for meritorious service... I guess you would have been promoted to the headquarters by now."

Everyone: "Hahahahaha..."

The laughter almost lifted the ceiling of the hall.

For the first time, I discovered that this deacon Fang was a much more mean-mouthed person than the lame Hong Er.

Cripple Hong Er looked miserable.

I can't beat Deacon Fang even if I beat him, and I can't compare to him as a mean talker...

Tears ran!

During this day.

Starting at midnight.

The World Escort Bureau is in full swing.

Various decorations are carried out quickly.

A row of small houses shot up from the ground in the yard.

The grand entrance building was built in a short time, and it is powerful and domineering.

A large gilded plaque was nailed to the door. The whole street was illuminated with golden light!

All kinds of decorations are completed as fast as possible.

Each of these little devils is a rich man. They spend money like water. They use their own money to buy things to decorate the boss's company. They only buy expensive ones and not the right ones!

Only buy high-end ones, not ordinary ones!

Just buy what you need regardless of the price.

The main focus is speed!

Everyone is full of energy.

A few of them paid for the surrounding yards and bought them.

Then a few people bulldozed it, and even the big trees were bulldozed.

The courtyard wall looked like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, rising three feet with a whooshing sound.

The escort flag of the World Escort Bureau stands high.

Blowing in the wind.

There are also smaller escort flags, which are erected in two rows, from the gate to the hall, and then separated in a swallow-wing shape, and go around the backyard to circle the large playground.

All made of stainless steel.

Use the most expensive satin to embroider the big characters of Tianxia Escort Bureau into it, making it look grand and impressive.

When there is no wind, a few handsome masters are actually arranged to use the wind of their palms to make the dart flag flutter. It cannot be hung like a dead fish at any time.

The floor of the head escort's reception hall is actually covered with a large area of ​​white jade.

The surrounding walls are all filled with famous people's calligraphy and paintings.

The throne of the chief bodyguard is high above the ground, made entirely of gold, and covered with the thick skin of a white tiger, an eighth-level spiritual beast. There are actually two purple and gold faucets on the armrests on both sides.

Mighty and mighty.

It focuses on a high-end atmosphere and high-grade, high-profile luxury and connotation!

The windows are bright and spotless.

The tea sets for entertaining guests are actually made of spiritual crystals, and there are more than a dozen spare sets.

Tea leaves cost tens of thousands of taels of silver per pound, and yet, the demons are still complaining that good tea cannot be bought in Baiyun Continent.

On one side of the hall, there are shelves of weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds.

Every weapon is an absolute magic weapon!

Cold light flashed.


[Single chapters are set to be paid, I might as well modify one more chapter. I will post the single chapter separately. This chapter is just an apology. I charge you three cents. Sorry, the settings are wrong. 】

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