Lord of the Night

Chapter 291 The abnormality of the old devil

The Yin Shen Palace is a little worried. Is his disciple too kind?

What does it mean to kill a few of your own people for your own safety? Besides, if the Night Demon Sect and the Illuminating Sect are called their own, then?

Why, those guys are always trying to teach us to eat!

How can we count ourselves as one of our own?

"If we both belong to the Self-Orthodox Sect, we are our own people? Then Ren Zhongyuan and I are still our own people! So what? Your master Sun Yuan and the Wang family and the Li family are still our own people! So what?"

"According to this statement, we and the guarding hall belong to the same continent, so aren't we also our own people?"

Yin Shen Palace was angry: "Hurry up and get rid of this inexplicable idea of ​​yours! You are already a powerful night demon, and your ideas are still so childish?!"

Now, Fang Che is not in front of Yinshen Palace.

If he were here, the old devil would definitely punch and kick him.

How could you think so!

This is so wrong!

What happened to killing them?

Not to mention threatening life and death, even if there is no danger at all, you can kill anyone who just doesn't like it.

"You bastard! If you were asked to be a devil, you'd become a poet. You're so sentimental!"

Yinshen Palace scolded mercilessly.

"Master, it's not that I'm sentimental... The main thing is that this afternoon, I was promoted to the second-level Silver Star Deacon at the Guards Hall celebration. A deputy chief from the Southeast Headquarters specially came to host it..."

Fang Che explained the matter again and said: "...in full view of everyone...reward me with twenty meritorious deeds! Such humiliation makes me feel that it is not worth it for me to have killed so many of my own people."

Fang Che said aggrievedly: "Master, do you think I lack these twenty merits? I started from nothing and worked hard to now have close to fifteen thousand merits. How do I lack his twenty?"

"You humiliate me like this in front of so many people! How will I behave in the future? I am also a second-level Silver Star deacon. This is still my promotion ceremony... I really can't live. Master, I want to return to Yixinjiao..."

"Zhao Shanhe is going too far!"

"Sooner or later I will kill this old guy!"

"Twenty meritorious deeds! I'll get the special code!"

"This old bastard just wanted to amuse me and humiliate me! He did it on purpose!"

Fang Che was crying.

He tried his best to show his grievances in order to win the sympathy and comfort of Yin Shen Palace.

But this time it backfired.

The Yin Shen Palace was silent, letting themselves complain, but not a word was said.

What's going on?

Fang Che was startled. Could it be that this old devil...had any fluctuations in his mind?

You didn't come to comfort me!

I have been waiting anxiously for a long time.

News from Yinshen Palace came: "Who is the deputy chief from the Southeast Headquarters?"

Fang Che was stunned.

Aren't you supposed to comfort me? Why...are you asking about this?

So he replied: "An Ruoxing."

Yinshen Palace stopped talking again.

Fang Che was stunned.

What's going on?

So he was cautious and sent a message: "Master, why don't you comfort me?"

The main focus is a cute and cute character.

This time the old devil replied quickly: "Get away!"

Fang Che was so frightened that he jumped on the spot!

I am Cao!

unusual! This is definitely not normal!

Why is the old devil so irritable? Does it mean he doesn't love me anymore?

Then there was no more news from Yin Shen Palace.

Fang Che arrived at the helm uneasily and immediately began to lose his temper.

I was wronged in the righteous way, but in the devil's sect, I didn't even get any comfort, I just scolded him; I can't live this life. This tone must come out!

So Zhao Wushang and Zheng Yunqi were beaten and scolded wildly by him, and all the little devils in the escort agency were not spared, and they were all beaten with sticks.

"Incompetent bungler!"

"I only know how to poop but not how to wipe my butt!"

"I'll beat you to death!"

"Hang them both up!"

"Bring me the whip!"

"Why so slow? Even he was hung up!"

Bang bang bang bang...

After a crazy fire, the starlight helmsman left.

"Cooperate with your Deacon Fang tomorrow! I don't care! Follow the original plan! Something went wrong. I will beat your muscles one by one and peel off your skin!"

Zhao Wushang and others were put down, and everyone was confused.

What's going on?

After a long time, everyone came to the conclusion: "He must have been scolded by the Yin Cult Master! Otherwise it would be impossible..."

"Speaking of which, it's our fault for being scolded...so come and deal with us..."


"Let's work tomorrow... Let's discuss how to cooperate with Deacon Fang and others. You guys, hurry up and find someone who you know well and have a good relationship with. Quickly recruit him to work at the helm..."

"And you girls, please go out and search, or send out a secret signal to find your best friends...come all over. Otherwise, we will report you and kill you outside..."

"The helmsman must have a bad temper these days, so everyone should pay attention."

Fang Che went home to sleep.

Ye Meng copied Ying's message as usual and then passed it on.

Work relaxedly and happily, and then practice.

Later in the night.

The rich spiritual energy fluctuations suddenly spread out like ripples.

Ye Meng opened her eyes with a look of surprise.

Breaking through the handsome level!

Handsome level one.

Just when I was overjoyed...

Another breath of breakthrough came out, this breath was much more powerful than Ye Meng's breakthrough.

Far and wide, countless spiritual energy gathered silently, and the Milky Way flowed into the small courtyard like an upside down river.

Fang Che broke through.

Handsome level three.

Ye Meng was too close to notice, so he couldn't help but open his mouth with a confused and aggrieved look on his face.

Is there such a big difference?

Also, is it such a coincidence?

I just broke through the first level, and you broke through the third level, and the fluctuation was dozens of times that of mine...

So infuriating!

Fang Che was in the room, frowning and thinking.

He has been suppressing his cultivation and not allowing breakthroughs; he wants to increase the mist-like air vortex in his dantian and consolidate his foundation.

But the effect brought by this Shuiyun Tianguo is really too miraculous.

The bottleneck of level three was reached very early.

Just now when he was sleeping, his spiritual energy suddenly fluctuated, and a large wave of spiritual energy rushed towards him. As a result, Fang Che, who was in a daze, had no time to control it and broke through directly.

This is crazy...

Simply speechless.

Fang Che came out with a dark face: "Have you broken through to the handsome level?"

"Yes, sir."

Ye Meng happily came up to take credit: "I just made a breakthrough."

"Come on, let's compare notes."

"Huh? But I'm no match for you."

"Help you lay a solid foundation."


After a sparring session, Ye Meng was beaten up by Fang Che.

He was even punched several times in the face, with a sad look on his face, and he was lying weakly, unable to lift a finger.

"Master, do you want to hit me on purpose?" Ye Meng woke up.


Fang Che said.

Ye Meng lay on the ground and beat her fists on the ground.

I’m so angry! I’m so angry!

How could I have been fooled by this evil person!

Now my whole body is falling apart. Wuwuwu...

Fang Che grabbed her clothes by the back, carried her into her room like a puppy, and threw her on the bed.

"have a rest."

Just walked away.

Ye Meng was thrown on the bed and rolled over. She couldn't help but lie on the pillow and beat the pillow with her small fists: "Ahhhhh..."

It feels like my chest is being strangled while being carried...

So he punched the pillow again: "Ahhhhhh... Damn it, ahhhhh..."

Fang Che was in a happy mood and rushed to the guard hall.

One night passed, and there was no news from Yinshen Palace.

Fang Che was puzzled. The old devil was obviously abnormal, but Fang Che couldn't guess it. He couldn't help but murmur in his heart: "Could it be that... Old Man Yin and An Ruoxing... are having an affair?"

After arriving at the Deacon Hall of the Guard Hall, everyone turned their eyes to look at his face.

Zhao Yinger stood up immediately and asked with concern: "Fang Che, are you okay?"

Facing everyone's concerned or concerned looks, Fang Che nodded lightly, and then said indifferently: "Tang Zheng! Let's go! Go patrolling the streets!"

The coat was turned over, and the bright silver badge on the collar lit up.

Fang Che turned around and walked out neatly.

The cloak flashed at the door and the person disappeared.

Tang Zheng agreed and walked out proudly.

Deacon Fang was on duty today, but he didn't say hello to anyone.

Everyone was talking about it.


"This is too much grievance."

"That's right, if it were me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be here today..."

"Deacon Fang is still young, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. I'm afraid I can't think of it..."


Listening to everyone's discussion, Zhao Ying'er bit her lip with worry on her face.

She had a clear feeling that... Fang Che would be guarding the hall on this day, and all the newly established emotional bonds that belonged to him were cut off at this moment.

Be crisp and decisive.

Fang Che's face was cold and he strode forward.

Tang Zheng trotted behind him and said indignantly: "Deacon Fang, don't take this kind of thing to heart. Everyone's eyes are bright and they all understand that you have been wronged. But with your ability here, sooner or later you will You're the one who stands out. Don't take it too seriously."

Fang Che stopped and looked at Tang Zheng with an eyebrow.

Tang Zheng has changed a lot these days, he is more active, and his courage seems to be getting bigger.

He also dealt with things more quickly. Although he was afraid of danger, he did not run away.

I am already transforming into a qualified deacon.

The ice and snow in Fang Che's eyes melted slightly, he patted Tang Zheng on the shoulder and said in a deep voice: "Tang Zheng, you have to work harder."

"Yes, Deacon Fang."

Tang Zheng felt hot in his heart, sore in his nose, and almost shed tears.

With a trembling voice, he said: "When I got home, they all said that I became more like a man. My mother also said that she would come to thank you."

Tang Zheng was very excited: "Really, Deacon Fang, I have lived for more than thirty years, and I have never felt like a man like I do now. Moreover, I am also a hero. Deacon Fang, thank you!"


Fang Che turned his head, looked at the bustling street, sighed slightly, his eyes were a little confused, and said softly: "Thank you for what I am, I don't even know. Whether I am helping you or hurting you."

He strode forward, but out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that there seemed to be a figure in white?

That special temperament...

Fang Che remained calm and his voice was indifferent, but when he spoke, he suddenly turned a corner and his voice became louder.

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