Lord of the Night

Chapter 311 People’s hearts are available

"Even if Starlight Helmsman is praised to the heavens by us, the family will only thank him a little bit, but being recognized for our abilities is related to the future of our lives."

Zhou Meier said: "So in order, you have to understand it first."


Zheng Yunqi suddenly woke up and started writing again.

"The key is to write about our growth. How much we have grown since we came here, what we have learned, the growth rate of our cultivation, everyone's discussion, life and death fighting experience, and the escorts going out to see all the mountains and rivers..."

"And I know what to do with different identities in different places. Sometimes you need to show something, and sometimes you have to be honest... For example, we now know Baiyunzhou's code by heart..."

"These are the capital. Don't underestimate memorizing the code. In the eyes of the old fritters at home, this is a model for surviving anywhere. As the Starlight Helmsman said, this is better than the self-protection we teach. Baoyi is even more awesome!"


Zheng Yunqi explained while writing, while Zhou Meier continued to add.

Some unexpected additions from others.

Then I wrote a long page eloquently before finishing my achievements.

Then I started writing the bad news.

"... Niu Xiaohong, Hong Laohu... and others were killed. The specific situation is as follows... We were taking exams, and suddenly..."

"According to our analysis afterwards..."

This is another complete fact.

"Finally, it's confirmed that it was... taught by someone."

There are three empty words in the middle of this sentence. If the investigation reveals it, add the name. If the investigation fails, delete this sentence.

This completes the letter to my family.

Then begins a letter to the elders of the deceased's family. This letter was more difficult to write, and it was delivered through an elder in my family.

"... Since Niu Xiaohong came to the branch, we and I immediately applied for official status and started escorting. Everything was normal. During this period, Xiaohong's mood... improved... cultivation... knowledge... experience, etc... made great progress. .”

"Just last night, when we were taking the exam..."

It's the original and true story of what happened and the aftermath.

"...Xiao Hong was brutally killed, and we were all seriously injured. Lord Starlight tried his best to protect him, but was seriously injured. Seeing no luck, the guard hall came to the rescue at the right time... The guard hall inspected the corpses, and the raiders all had gaps in their hearts. There was no doubt that... he was a member of our sect, so the Starlight Helmsman began to investigate, and finally determined that... the sect was responsible."

As usual, leave a few words blank.

"Now Xiao Hong and other brothers are behind the wheel. How should we act? Please... come up with an idea and reply as soon as possible to prevent it from taking too long..."

"In addition... we also suspect that the killing of the children of the aristocratic family some time ago is related to this group of people, but there is currently no solid evidence..."

Then he wrote about the grief of himself and others, how deep the relationship was, how harmoniously they got along, how things are now, vowing to avenge blood, etc...

Then everyone circulated it and gave their opinions.

Modify verbatim.

There is only one goal, to distance yourself from the relationship and try your best to blame others.

After dozens of people had watched and approved, it was early morning.

Then everyone started to plagiarize based on these two letters... Well, change the tone, make some deletions, and try to add a little bit of my personal situation that is innocuous...

Finally, it's almost done.

"Sleep and rest first... wait until the helmsman comes back in the evening to see if there are any other discoveries. If the murderer has been found."

"The helmsman is away every day during the day. I don't know where he went. Didn't he say he resigned?"

"Haha... Do you believe this too? I believe that the helmsman has ten fake identities in Baiyun Continent. Of course he is busy with those identities during the day..."

"That's awesome!"

Late at night, the starlight helmsman came.

"The person who took action was someone from the Night Demon Cult, there is no doubt about it!"

"This is determined personally by the leader of our Yixinjiao Seal Palace!"

"Report it."


the other side.

The residence of wise men.

Ye Meng was also quickly compiling news.

Everything Fang Che did, Ying had already informed Ye Meng in detail.

The details are outrageous.

Even the letter written by Zhao Wushang and others was clearly conveyed.

Then send it immediately.

Then I got a little worried. Worrying Shadow, how come you know everything? Will Fang Che find out?

On the one hand, he was worried about Fang Che.

There is such a person beside you. Do you know it yourself?

Guardian Headquarters.

Dongfang Sansan carefully read through more than ten pages of information.

His brows were slightly wrinkled, but his eyes showed joy.

He walked slowly, thinking and calculating nervously in his heart.

He had a bigger goal in mind: "Can we use this method, this time's incident, and the help of the Solipsism Orthodox Headquarters to directly kill the Night Demon Cult?"

After thinking about it, I always felt that there was something missing.

But things have reached the point where everyone is pushing against me. If I don’t work harder, I always feel like there is something wrong with it.

He pondered, walked to the door, opened the door and shouted: "Here comes someone!"

His house is a natural soundproof barrier. As long as the door is closed, the outside cannot hear what is going on inside.

So he could only shout at the door, because in order to keep it completely confidential, he didn't even set up the communication bell on the table.


A figure appeared immediately.

"Master Jiu."

"Well, please give me an order. Only the people over at the Orthodox Church headquarters can help fuel this matter. That's it..."

"Master Jiu, it's already very difficult for them to open a store and do business there, and there is no Five Spirit Gu, so it's easy to be discovered. If they do this this time..."

"You don't have to show up, just do it in the New Chu Kingdom. You can do some secret communication or discuss things in the restaurant. There is no danger this time, because in about a day, everyone will talk about it at the headquarters of the Solipsistic Sect." This matter...then the rumors here and the rumors over there will be fine. As for whether it can succeed...it's up to God."


"The second thing is to ask Yang Luoyu to go to the southeast and bring a few experts to closely monitor the head of the Night Demon Sect. If any abnormalities are found, you can decide to take action on your own without asking for instructions."


"Inform Zhao Shanhe to pay full attention to the movements of the Southeast Night Demon Sect and be ready to cooperate with Yang Luoyu at any time."


"Inform Zhao Shanhe that no powerful person above the emperor level from the Demon Sect is allowed to enter Baiyun Continent!"

"...Jiuye, this is a bit difficult."

"I know it's a bit difficult, let Zhao Shanhe figure it out on his own."


"Go ahead and convey it as soon as possible."

Dongfang Sansan turned around and returned to the room.

He frowned and thought carefully, reviewing the decision he made again and again. After a long time, he sighed slightly and said: "The key to this matter lies with the Solemnity Sect. The grief is raging and people's hearts can use it. It would be great if someone gave me another push. Maybe the Night Demon Sect can be completely eradicated... It's a pity. ,pity."

Of course, even if Dongfang Sansan was as smart as the sky, he would never have imagined that the Yin Shen Palace had already done what he needed from someone to push him. His report had already reached the headquarters of the Solipsism, and by chance, it became the first weapon.

Because it was impossible for Fang Che to report all the contents of Five Spirit Gu's transmissions to Dongfang Sansan.

He could only respond based on the summons, and then hand over the response content to Ye Meng.

If the news about the Shadow Company's Five Spirit Gu summons could also be known, then it would basically be Fang Che himself who was exposed.

No matter how much he trusted Ye Meng, he would not be able to do this.

The headquarters of the Solipsistic Orthodox Church is now in chaos.

Almost every day, bad news comes, and then a family, or a branch family of the family, hangs white flags.

It symbolizes that another person in this family died outside.

During this period, almost all those who died were young people, and the oldest was no more than thirty-five years old.

The white-haired person gave the black-haired person a gift, which made the sadness even more intense.

But it also gave birth to another industry, that is... Shengyuan Dan suddenly became very popular.

This Shengyuan Pill has no other uses, except for one: after taking it, it is easy to get pregnant.

Many people have gone to work making trumpets after grieving.

But when the drummers play, basically more than a dozen families do it together every day.

The city is so big that it is almost impossible to meet each other, or even hear each other.

But in the ears of advanced practitioners, it is clear that they always feel... Why the hell are people dying every day?

On this day, there was another funeral.

Zheng Zhicheng, the head of the third branch of the Zheng family, was watching the crowd of people dressed in white below, wearing white flags and crying loudly as they passed by in the teahouse, feeling a little concerned in his heart.

I wonder how my son is doing in Baiyunzhou?

At this moment, news came from Five Spirit Gu.

Zheng Zhicheng's expression changed and he hurried home.

This news must be read together with his wife. Yunqi is her lifeblood. When news comes, she is never allowed to read it first.

She, the mother-in-law, must watch it with her.

Although Zheng Zhicheng is not afraid of his wife, he does not dare to offend her.

Rush home.

"Sanniang. Yunqi has news."

"Really? Come on, come on! Let me see!"

Sanniang looked surprised, wiped her hands and rushed up.

"Go back to your room and see."

Zheng Zhicheng said with a smile.

It would be great if there is news about my son.

Go back to your room.

Zheng Zhicheng sat on the edge of the bed, and Sanniang put her head on her husband's shoulder, excitedly and anxiously: "Take it out quickly...quickly..."

The communication jade was taken out and lit up.

A piece of writing came out.

"My father is in good health. Please ask about the health of our ancestors on behalf of my children. The elders of the family are blessed with blessings like the sea."

This first sentence made Sanniang immediately furious.

"I only know his father and don't ask his mother! This son is really wasted."

"Let's take a look first."

Zheng Zhicheng frowned suddenly, there was something wrong with this beginning.

Why do you still greet the ancestors and the elders in each house?

Looking at it, Sanniang became excited again: "My son really lived up to his expectations. Not only did he succeed in lurking, but he also got an important position. In what...he devoted himself to teaching this division, the second in command, under one person and above ten thousand people." ,amazing."

Zheng Zhicheng rolled his eyes and thought that it was just a branch of a subordinate sect. How many people could there be?

Actually one person is inferior to ten thousand people?

However, he never objected to his wife's words and nodded.

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