Lord of the Night

Chapter 386 Feng Yun! 【Million words! 】

Ning Xuejian had some thoughts in his heart.

I wonder if the guardian did this?

But if someone is killed in Baiyun Continent, the possibility of being killed by the defenders is very high. He was talking nonsense, but with a frown on his face, he was already ready to throw a shit basin at the opponent.

If you say it was the guards who did it, I will immediately accuse you of being a solipsist.

If your son doesn't collude with the demon sect, can the guardian kill your son?

This reason is perfect!

He was ready to do it as soon as he thought of it, and a fierce glint began to brew in his eyes. Well, I’m not going to be reasonable anymore!

Shang Changzhen once heard someone say that Master Jian had a very bad temper, but he never dreamed that even though his son was dead, the other party would still resent his death... Are you talking about this in human terms?

But facing a person who could reunite his father and son with a wave of his hand, he could only swallow his anger and sighed: "My child... Hey, I don't know why I met a night demon from the Xinxin sect here and fought with the night demon. Being defeated and killed...hey..."


Ningxuejian's eyes suddenly lit up.

He was actually killed by the Night Demon of Solipsism? This is exactly...isn't this pie in the sky?

Thinking of the identity of the other party, Tiangong, I suddenly felt that the phrase "big pie fell from the sky" had a very appropriate meaning.

Ningxue Jian was immediately reassured and relaxed. He chuckled and said, "It was actually the Night Demon from the Yixin Cult who killed him. Your son is really a talent. He has such a vision. He even died in such a fitting way... He died at night." It’s really wonderful in the hands of the devil... Ahem, I mean you go over there. Be careful from now on, don’t you look at the road when you walk? You’re not blind, can’t you see such a bright sword?!”

Ningxuejian reprimanded: "You must cherish your life!"

Shang Changzhen cursed in his heart: Your son died just right! Is it appropriate for you to say this since my son is dead?

Besides, is your sword something I want to touch? You're going to stick on my neck. I'm not as fast as you, and I'm not as strong as you. What can I do?

But he never dared to say it. He knew very well that as long as he dared to say it, Ningxuejian would definitely send him to reunite with his son.

"Thank you Master Jian. I will go down first. After finishing this period, I will make a special trip to say hello to Master Jian."

Ning Xuejian said calmly: "There is no need to make a special trip to greet you. I feel very panicked when I see you. Just be careful not to reunite with your son's family."

After saying that, he left first with a whoosh sound.

You just reunited with the guardian who died before! You're going to reunite tomorrow!

Shang Changzhen murmured something in his heart, and landed in Baiyunzhou City even with some caution. Then he found his wife's location and walked over in an orderly manner.

The masters of the Heavenly Palace behind him were all well-behaved. The coercive aura of 'dispelling clouds and controlling lightning, becoming a man among gods' when they came just now was gone.

Ningxue Sword is watching from above, how dare he be so arrogant?

What should I do if I act coquettishly and Master Jian can’t stand it?

For example, here's a sentence: Hey, he's actually better at showing off than me.

So if you get a little angry, wouldn't you feel like crying without tears?

Striding all the way into Zhu's house, he finally maintained some dignity.

As soon as he entered, he saw Gu Yunlan rushing up and crying loudly: "Shang Changzhen! You who kill a thousand swords... why did you come now! You are late, Meng Yun is gone, gone wuwuwu... "


Shang Changzhen's expression changed and he shouted.

Then it wasn't until I saw my son's body that I finally believed that this thing was true.

Is this headless corpse on the bed my only son? The continuation of my family’s bloodline?

Shang Changzhen's face suddenly turned pale. He looked at his son's body blankly and asked in a sleepy voice: "Where is my son... Meng Yun's head!"

"After being killed by the Night Demon, he has never been seen again... It must have been destroyed..." Gu Yunlan sat on the ground in despair, her hair disheveled and her eyes dull.

"Night Stalker!"

Shang Changzhen took a few steps back, sat down on the chair, but smashed the chair. He sat on the ground with a bang, and murmured: "You and the Welfare Orthodox Church have always had a good relationship, haven't you? Meng Yundu I have cooperated with their people several times, and I have also intercepted and killed guardians with their people... I didn't listen to them, so how could I be killed by the Night Demon of the Solipsism?"

"The only people I believe in are just a bunch of bastards! They have absolutely no humanity at all!"

Gu Yunlan cursed angrily: "How can those beasts of theirs who have killed a thousand swords care about our friendship in the past!"

Shang Changzhen listened to his wife's story, crying and cursing, with infinite grief.

He called Zhu Shaoyun over again, confirmed it on one side, and slowly went through the whole thing.

Finally I understand everything.

From beginning to end, he turned his back to his son's body. In addition to the immediate grief, Shang Changzhen now gives people the feeling that he seems to think his son's body is ugly, so he hates it; he doesn't want to take a look.

But this did not affect the grief and anger in his heart.

And an inexplicable emotion was also rising. This emotion made him ask several times more about his wife going to see Wu Xiang.

Then it exploded.

"The Night Demon taught by Yixin?"

"You went to see Prime Minister Wu? Not only did Prime Minister Wu not make friends, he also slapped you?"

"Why did he slap you? Slap?!"

Shang Changzhen was angry.

"A slap is always given by a husband to his wife. Why does Mr. Wu slap you?"

The merchant said excitedly.

When these words came out, even Zhu Shaoyun, who was heartbroken, was stunned for a moment, almost not believing his ears.

I don’t understand what’s going on in Mr. Xingjun’s mind at all. How could he ask such a question at this time?

Gu Yunlan was also stunned, staring at her husband: "??"

"So what's the relationship between you and Wu Xiang?" Shang Changzhen asked.

Zhu Shaoyun found that when he looked at Gu Yunlan, his eyes were really full of scrutiny.

Gu Yunlan was stunned!

It can be clearly seen that she did not react directly to this problem.

Before the tears in her eyes dried, they turned into a confused expression: "Shang Changzhen, what did you say? What do you mean?"

"Didn't I express myself clearly enough?"

Shang Changzhen said with a gloomy face: "How many times have you and Wu Xiang hooked up over the years, don't you know? You don't know how many things the Southeast Headquarters of the Only Wo Orthodox Sect has done through you? The Five Southeast Sects of the Only Wo Orthodox Sect Do you have no idea how much you have helped with the work? You have rescued tens of thousands of Solipsistic Orthodox believers who should have been arrested and executed, but you have no idea in your mind?"

"How many of these are you taking the initiative to help? Don't you know?"

"You have done so much for the Solipsism, and then your son died and you went to Wu Xiang to ask for someone to come out, and you were slapped? It was like a man slapping his unreasonable wife. , why do you think this is?”

"Wu Xiang is the chief commander of the Southeast Headquarters of the Solipsistic Orthodox Church. How could he be so ignorant? Besides..."

Shang Changzheng said: "Why didn't Prime Minister Wu draw a sword? Instead he used a slap? Why does he tolerate you so much?"

Gu Yunlan felt as if her head was buzzing.

In just a few words, she was immediately pissed off.

Her eyes instantly turned red with anger, and she asked in a daze: "You mean... I cuckolded you?"

Shang Changzhen snorted and said, "I didn't say that. I was just wondering why Mr. Wu slapped you!"

"Shang Changzhen, I will fight with you!"

Gu Yunlan rushed up like crazy, and with a brush, five fingernail marks on Shang Changzhen's face were dripping with blood.

"Crazy! Presumptuous!"

After all, Shang Zhen was higher in cultivation than his wife, so he immediately controlled her: "You're so crazy!"

Gu Yunlan cursed loudly: "Shang Changzhen, you bastard, what are you doing? You actually doubted my mother. If I hadn't avenged my son, I would have been beaten. You didn't care about the child when he was young. Now something like this has happened." The big thing is that the first thing you did when you came here was to suspect that I had cuckolded you! Are you still not a human being?!"

On one side, two guards cautiously said: "Xingjun, you are wrong to blame the general inspection. When we left, Prime Minister Wu had already set up a large formation, and he was chasing us with his body and sword..."

Shang Changzhen was stunned for a moment and said, "So, they don't have an affair?"

Everyone was dizzy.

How on earth did your mind turn to this?

Gu Yunlan went crazy and struggled desperately: "I have an affair! Your father and I have an affair! You are an inhuman beast, a heartless bastard... A bastard with only jealousy in your heart... You deserve to be a bastard... …”

Shang Changzhen resisted in embarrassment, firmly controlling his wife's hands, and then simply controlling her feet.

Then he sighed: "Let's get down to business, let's get down to business. My son's revenge must be avenged, and the Night Demon must be killed. I will also settle the score with him, Prime Minister Wu, to vent your anger..."

Gu Yunlan gasped for air. She was really angry at her man just now.

He said harshly: "I said, as long as you kill Wu Xiang, kill the Night Demon, and destroy the southeastern headquarters of the I-Orthodox Sect, I will never interfere with your affairs in the future."

"You take concubines, marry young wives, find older girls, and go out to fool around wherever you want, and I, Gu Yunlan, will never say a word to you! I will live in my inspection room, and you will be your great master, the Moon Evil Star King!"

"But my condition is to avenge my son and kill the Night Demon! Kill Prime Minister Wu, destroy the southeast headquarters of the Weiwo Orthodox Sect, and kill the Yin Shen Palace of the Yixin Sect!"

Gu Yunlan's eyes were blood red.

His eyes were full of deathly despair.

The son is dead.

For her, the sky fell. Her life has no meaning.

But Shang Changzhen couldn't do it. He wanted to marry a wife and take concubines to continue his bloodline. He couldn't stop this. Now, there was no mood to stop her, she was completely despairing.

When my son was killed, I went to avenge myself and was beaten. This bastard actually thought of cheating on me!

When the relationship between husband and wife reached this point, Gu Yunlan felt that she had completely failed in her life and had no hope. Except for the support of the hatred in her heart, she felt that she had become an empty shell, a walking corpse.

She said in a desperate tone without any waves, "As long as you meet these conditions, you Shang Changzhen, I will set you free! I will never care about you again in this life, I, Gu Yunlan, will be eighteen Men have been stealing women and prostitutes in the capital!"

"You don't need to tell me, I will avenge my son. Whoever kills my son, I will make him pay with his life! If Wu Xiang dares to hit my wife, I will not make it easy for him!"

Shang Zhangzhen said: "But if the southeastern headquarters of the Solipsism is really destroyed, the matter will be a bit big."

"Now the guardians and the Southeast Headquarters of the Solipsistic Orthodoxy are in an uproar, and you don't even dare to take a hand in it?"

Gu Yunlan looked at Shang Changzhen with despair: "Yue Shaxing Lord, when did you become so timid and fearful?"

Shang Changzhen stood up and walked slowly.

"You guys, go check out the situation."

Shang Changzhen frowned and ordered.

Then several men in white agreed and immediately flew there.

"First investigate the situation and then make a plan. Don't act rashly. It's not that I'm timid. When I came here, I encountered Ningxue Sword in the sky..."

The merchant said excitedly.

Ningxue Sword!

Everyone was shocked.

The Shang Zhang sighed, explained the matter, and said: "Anyway, you can't move in Baiyun Continent."

Everyone's heart was heavy.

Gu Yunlan said bitterly: "Since Ningxue Sword is here and he is so powerful, why did he let Night Demon kill my son?"

Everyone was speechless for a while.

This bitch is crazy, she even blamed Ningxue Sword.

Shang Changzhen was startled and said, "Don't talk nonsense. This..."

At this moment, a ray of sword light fell from the sky, accurately cutting off a strand of Gu Yunlan's hair and letting it float away.

The sword energy was so cold that everyone suddenly felt terrified.

A cold voice said: "What does your son's death have to do with me? Do you think I dare not kill people from the Tiangong? Back then, I blocked the entrance to the Tiangong and killed thousands. Don't think that your Tiangong is anything! If you dare to speak rudely again, a Don’t even think about leaving! You bastard, you have been collaborating with the Self-Orthodox Cult for so many years, why should I save your son?!”

Shang Changzhen turned pale and covered Gu Yunlan's mouth tightly.

Begged: "Stop talking..."

He raised his head and begged: "Master Jian, my wife has suddenly experienced a big change. She is in a fierce mood and has spoken rudely. I hope you will forgive me."

Ningxue Jian said in a cold voice: "Hurry up and finish your work and get out! Even you, the Lord of Tiangong, don't dare to talk to me like this, who are you? If you don't want to bully the small, I will kill you one by one and then go to Tiangong." Let’s settle the score! I’ve picked up a lot of bad habits over the years!”

Everyone's face turned pale after being scolded.

The problem is that Ningxue Jian is not just scolding, if he is really angry, he would really dare to kill someone.

And there are no worries.

Back then, the Ningxue Sword and the Love-Destroying Sword blocked the gate of the Heavenly Palace, killing a corpse and leaving rivers of blood everywhere. In the end, didn't they still have to send someone to help them fight?

When thousands of swordsmen came out of the Heavenly Palace, it was not because Xue Fuxiao and Ningxue Sword were not strong enough, but because... they couldn't stay away and watch.

No matter how strong he is, he can only be responsible for one battlefield.

"Give me something shameless!"

Ningxue Sword's voice continued to come down from above: "I want to treat you as human beings, but you Tiangong and the others don't want to crawl into a dog cage! Damn it, blame me for not saving your son! You can't blame me! ?”

Ningxue Jian was listening from above. These guys actually helped the Solipsistic Cult, and he felt very angry.

So the scolding was particularly unpleasant.

He only hoped that he would scold him harshly. It would be great if one of these guys couldn't help but jump out and contradict him.

Then I can go on a killing spree.

Ninth Brother couldn't even talk about me when I got back: They scolded me! ——Be confident and confident.

But after he scolded him for a while, he realized that the people below were so well-controlled despite being so filled with grief and anger. Don't speak out to refute and contradict me, you don't even have to take a big breath.

"What a bunch of cowards! No wonder it's called Tiangong! God must have castrated you all! Grandma, you're boring!"

After cursing, Ningxue Sword flew away.

There was still silence down there.

No one spoke, not even discussing things. Just waiting quietly

Ningxuejian's expectations were obviously wrong - no one's face turned red.

After all, what are you afraid of being scolded by Ningxue Sword? As long as he doesn't take action, everything will be fine.

You can even brag about it after you go back this time: I was taught a serious lesson by Master Jian... I have to say that Master Jian is really awesome!

The strong style comes naturally. What? humiliation? Haha, Master Jian scolded me, can it be called humiliation?

After a long time.

"What do you say from the guard hall?" Shang Chang Zhencai coughed and asked.

"Guard the main hall...don't care."


With the explanation, Shang Changzhen finally understood.

It was actually his son who had sacrificed so much in exchange for the other party's condition of "letting go". He almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"We still need to inform the guardian about this matter."

Shang Changzhen frowned: "We are all planning to go to war with the Solipsism. We are natural allies with the Guarding Hall. It doesn't matter whether we are human or not, but isn't it necessary to have a good relationship with our allies? Besides, Master Jian is here, no matter what, we have to go through the motions. Otherwise, Master Jian will blame you."

Everyone nodded together: "Sir Xingjun said yes."

So Shang Changzhen turned to Zhu Shaoyun and asked, "Where is Zhu Cui?"

Zhu Shaoyun didn't dare to raise his head: "Being... being..."

Gu Yunlan said angrily: "Zhu Cui failed to protect my son and was killed by me. What will happen to you?"

Shang Changzhen was stunned and said: "Zhu Cui was killed by you... Well done."

Seeing that his wife was going crazy again, he stood up suddenly: "Then I will go and guard the main hall myself. As the saying goes, everyone will carry the sedan chair. After all, this is their territory when we come here..."

While saying something to ease his embarrassment, he walked out quickly.

I didn't dare to look up, but I was thinking in my heart: Master Jian should have seen my attitude, right? I respect the Guardians very much...

Seeing Mr. Xingjun walk out, Zhu Shaoyun felt a chill in his heart.

What does Mr. Shang’s death have to do with us?

We have been working diligently and hard in Baiyunzhou for so many years, but in the end we were killed by our own Shangguan in anger. In exchange, he said: Good kill?

This evaluation is really chilling to the bone.

Guard the main hall.

"An alliance?"

Yuan Jingjiang looked at this Tiangong Xingjun and felt a lot of pressure.

Still a little confused.

Where are these things? Why did Tiangong come here to form an alliance?

Several palace masters and deputy palace masters are not here, so I have to make such an important decision? I...can't bear such a big responsibility.

"You need to ask Deputy Hall Master Fang about this matter..."

Yuan Jingjiang coughed: "Deputy Hall Master Fang can make the decision."

"Vice Hall Master Fang?"

Shang Changzhen's face was distorted.

You, a hall master, want to ask the deputy hall master for instructions? What the hell...

But... Master Jian is up there...

"Okay, please ask for permission."

So Fang Che, who was resting at home, was asked to work overtime in the guard hall.

After some introductions and pleasantries...

As soon as Shang Changzhen spoke, Fang Che immediately understood the other party's intention.

The events are clear.

You plan to avenge your son against the Solipsistic Orthodox Church, and then you want to come here to receive a favor?

Well, we are fighting against the Orthodox Church and we have a common enemy, so why don’t we just sell it? I have to say this is a good idea.

Fang Che sneered in his heart.

"Thank you to Tiangong for your kindness, and thank you to Tiangong for taking the initiative to help deal with the demon sect. I am very grateful to Tiangong for understanding the righteousness so deeply."

Fang Che's face was filled with warmth and emotion, but his attitude was firm: "But I'm sorry, we on the Guardian side don't want to pay attention to the grievances between Tiangong and the Solipsism."

"If you want to retaliate against the Solipsism, that is your business. Please make your own decision."

"We will not cooperate in guarding the main hall, nor will we interfere with any decisions or actions of the Tiangong."

"There will also be no gratitude, let alone any human kindness at all."

Fang Che smiled, but his words were firm and there was no room for accommodation.

This made Shang Changzhen stunned.

Shouldn’t the defenders be very welcoming? Shouldn't the war between Tiangong and Solipsism be fully supported and cheered?

How did it become like this?

"Vice Hall Master Fang, do you dare to be responsible for what you said?" Shang Changzhen couldn't help it.

"At least when I am guarding the main hall in Baiyun Continent, I will be responsible for what I say. As for other places, I have no control over it."

Fang Che said calmly: "Even if the decision is wrong and the palace master comes back to punish you, I will be the one to carry it, so you don't have to worry about it. I am willing to accept the punishment."

"Hmph, you are awesome!"

The business manager led the people away angrily.

I never expected this result. Are the defenders so tough now? But it is clear that you are still at a complete disadvantage in this world situation. What's going on?

I came here to give Master Jian some face.

To meet such a stupid young man! I’m really convinced!

Seeing the person walking out, Yuan Jingjiang frowned and said, "Mr. Fang, isn't this a little thoughtless?"

"Why didn't you consider it?" Fang Che squinted.

"Tiangong, that is Tiangong. It can be said that it is the third largest force in heaven and earth besides the Solipsism and our guardians. They are against the Solipsism and come to ask for our cooperation. This is a good thing. "

Yuan Jingjiang asked in confusion: "Rejecting me like this? For the future... this, this is an opportunity to repair things."

Fang Che sighed and said: "If they really come to form an alliance, we can't ask for it; but we should also see clearly the matter of the Zhu family. After all, they have cooperated with the Solipsism for more than a thousand years. After so many things, how many do we know?”

"Not only did we not know anything about it, we didn't even know until today that the Zhu family actually belongs to Tiangong!"

"I don't even know my identity!"

"But they have been cooperating with Solipsism for thousands of years."

Fang Che said coldly: "Now, there is a misunderstanding between them, and someone is dead. Because the identity of the dead person is more important, they want revenge. That's why they came to us."

"Hall Master Yuan, this kind of grudge is actually easy to resolve; what if they take this life back? Is the misunderstanding resolved?"

"What about another senior executive coming to mediate?"

"Then their grudges will disappear in an instant!"

"But until then, we are still actively cooperating with them and forming an alliance; we warmly welcome them... What if they arrange a trap at that time? How many of our lives will be lost in this without any reason? ?”

"And if you still don't dare to offend Tiangong at that time, then Tiangong can still turn behind the scenes and take advantage of our trust while cooperating with the Solipsistic Orthodox Church. Everything will remain the same, but it will always be us who suffer the loss! Isn't it?"

"They will take advantage of our thoughts and continue to trick our people to death. Why should we give them this opportunity?"

Yuan Jingjiang thought about it carefully and couldn't help but feel horrified.

According to Tiangong's methods of doing things, this possibility is really too great!

"Yes, you have thought it through. This matter is indeed very suspenseful. Hey, it's just a pity, such a big force."

"What a pity."

Fang Che said lazily: "Could it be that if we don't cooperate, they won't take revenge? Will my son die in vain? Why don't we just do whatever we have to do?"

"Aren't you going to cause trouble for the Southeast Headquarters of the Solipsism Orthodox Sect? Are you going to cause trouble for the Yixin Sect and the Night Demon? So there is no pity."

"We haven't lost anything. The death of one of these two families will be a good thing for us, so the harder we fight, the better."

"Let's just watch them dog bite dog. The best outcome is for both sides to perish. When the time comes, I will burn incense for them."

Fang Che looked at Yuan Jingjiang and said, "Tell the palace master about this matter, and then ask the palace master to tell the two chief officers of the Southeast Headquarters, let's go here, then everything will be fine."

Fang Che waved his hand and left: "Wait to watch the show, Master Yuan. Relax, it's none of your business. Let's just learn from Tiangong's methods. As a human being, you must keep pace with the times. Enter."

"Yes, yes, wonderful!" Yuan Jingjiang laughed.

Then he immediately took out the communication jade and contacted Song Yidao: "Palace Master, Palace Master, something very satisfying happened to us..."

Song Yidao's eyes lit up immediately when he received the news, he couldn't help shouting "Refreshing", and then quickly sent a message to An Ruoxing.

An Ruoxing smiled after receiving it and sent it to Zhao Shanhe.

Zhao Shanhe sent it to the headquarters as usual.

The headquarters responded with a message: Well done.

So Zhao Shanhe felt at ease.

No matter, ignore, ignore!

The people sent by Shang Changzhen and his wife to inquire about the news came back in the middle of the night. The news they found made the couple feel that it was an opportunity.

"In the war, the Southeast Headquarters of the Solipsism was clearly at a disadvantage."

"Now they are being beaten hard by the defenders, and they are retreating steadily."

The couple's eyes lit up.

I feel like this is a good opportunity. It's a good opportunity to beat the drowned dog.

So, at dawn, after a hearty meal, Shang Changzhen began his pre-war mobilization speech.

"This time, our main purpose is revenge, and we have no intention of all-out war with the Solipsism. After all, my son died in their hands, and it is only right to pay with blood. And Wu Xiang dared to beat my wife, which is even more irresponsible. Revenge!"

"So we just make our own."

"Since the defenders are unwilling to cooperate with us, we don't have to lick our faces and get close to them. Without them, wouldn't we be able to get revenge?"

"If you can't find Night Demon, can you still find Wu Xiang? First deal with Wu Xiang, then go to Seal God Palace, and then come back to carefully search for Night Demon!"

"eye for eye!"

"Set off!"

The one hundred and sixty people in the Heavenly Palace turned into a sharp arrow with fairy spirit, and shot towards the southeast in the morning light.

Move quickly.

I can't wait to leave Baiyun Continent and leave the scope of Ningxue Sword's embryo-killing sword energy!

Phew...it's safe!

Gu Yunlan fully agreed with her husband's decision. After all, from the bottom of her heart, she was unwilling to completely fall out with the Solipsism.

In the final analysis, it was Night Demon alone who caused this matter.

Even after her anger slowly subsided after she came back, she realized that her tone when talking to Wu Xiang was not right. After all, Wu Xiang's status was not lower than hers.

As for this visit to the southeastern headquarters of the Only Self Orthodox Church, I didn't really intend to kill Wu Xiang.

The most important thing is to force Wu Xiang to hand over the Night Demon. This is the business.

If you meet the guards along the way, avoid them; if you meet the members of the Solipsism, you will take a detour and go straight to the southeast headquarters of the Solipsism.

The costumes of Tiangong are very clear to the top management of both sides; those with low cultivation level don't dare to mess with them when they see how aggressive this group of people is.

After a long drive, we arrived at the southeastern headquarters of the Solipsism without any hindrance.

There was a bang.

In order to satisfy his wife and to be able to have a concubine smoothly after returning home, Shang Changzhen stepped forward and smashed half of the mountain outside the protective formation at the southeastern headquarters of the Unitarian Orthodox Church into a landslide with one palm!

"Xiang Wu! Get out and die!"

Shang Changzhen shouted loudly and vigorously!

In his imagination, he was coming with great momentum. No matter what, Wu Xiang believed that those who knew the current affairs would be regarded as heroes.

Not to mention working with the defenders.

Don't you think about the situation?

How could someone who could sneak into the chief executive of the Southeast Headquarters not see the overall situation?

As long as you see clearly, naturally this battle will not be fought.

Although Shang Changzhen was murderous, he also understood his true intentions.

Since he can't fight, of course he has to behave in front of his wife! Tiangong Xingjun is so majestic! Look, you get beaten, I solve the problem! Woman, are you convinced?

"Prime Minister Wu, get out and die!"

More than a hundred Heavenly Palace masters shouted at the same time, baring their teeth and claws, showing arrogance.

"Prime Minister Wu, you are going against the grain and dare to hit my wife. I will destroy your southeast headquarters today!"

The merchant shouted in a stern voice, and the mountains roared, shaking the heaven and earth, and majestic in all directions.

"come out!"

"Prime Minister Wu, come out!"

Everyone in the Heavenly Palace shouted and shouted, their momentum was like a rainbow!

There was a sudden crash, as if the mirror image was broken.

The protective formation suddenly disappeared.

The appearance of the southeastern headquarters of the Solipsistic Orthodox Church suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Shang Changzhen snorted, feeling a little complacent. Wu Xiang finally gave in, and it was up to him to decide what to do next.

With a smug smile on his face, he raised his feet and was about to start walking in, but at this moment...

call out!

A sword light suddenly rose from the southeast headquarters like a bright sun.

Then it turned into thunder falling from the sky!

The sky thunder exploded into the crowd in the Heavenly Palace.

"Mist grass..."

With quick eyes and quick hands, Shang Zhang grabbed his wife and ducked with a swipe. In the middle of his busy schedule, he blasted out a palm and deflected the sword light slightly. His palms were dripping with blood.

There were screams.

The one hundred and sixty-seven disciples of Tiangong were reduced by thirty-five in an instant, and not even the bodies could be found. But the ground was smooth and even the turf was undamaged.

Shang Changzhen rolled on the ground in shock before standing up. Senhan, who seemed to still have the sword light all over his body, was frightened to the extreme and shouted angrily: "Wu Xiang! You deserve to die!"


The door of the southeastern headquarters of the Solipsism opened, and a tall figure in white stood in front of the door. Behind him, there were densely packed masters of the Solipsism.

This man in white has a handsome face, a smart demeanor, and even gentle eyes.

He has a personable demeanor, which makes people feel that he is a big shot at first glance, but he does not have the feeling of being aloof and domineering.

He looked at the people in Tiangong with a smile in his eyes, and said calmly: "Is this Lord Yue Shaxing of Tiangong?"

Shang Changzhen was both sad and angry, but also surprised, and said angrily: "Who are you?"

The young man smiled slightly and said: "Yue Shaxing Lord, if you can still go back alive, you will definitely remember me."

Shang Changzhen narrowed his eyes: "So the Were Orthodox Church is not going to give us Tiangong face?"

The young man clasped his hands behind his back, naturally showing a free and unrestrained expression. He looked at Shang Changzhen gently and said in a clear and calm voice: "We are the Orthodox Church and have never given face to anyone."

He smiled and said: "I have never given face to anyone before, and I will never give face to anyone in the future. No matter it is anyone or any force."

He smiled, looked at Shang Changzhen, and said: "Including the heavenly palace and the earthly palace. Our solipsistic religion always asks others to give face and never gives face to others. Do you understand?"

Shang Changzhen felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart, and couldn't help but said angrily: "Can you speak on behalf of the Solipsism? Who are you?!"

"Mr. Yueshaxing, today I want you to know that I can indeed speak on behalf of the Orthodox Sect, because..."

The man in white smiled slightly, showing his white teeth: "...my name is Feng Yun."

"Young Master Feng!"

Shang Changzhen was shocked.

The No. 1 Young Master in the Orthodox Church!

Leaders of the younger generation.

He suddenly appeared here. Now that such people are dispatched, things cannot be dominated by Yue Xingxing Lord.

"Young Master Feng!"

Shang Zhen instantly felt the fatal crisis approaching and said in shock: "Listen to my explanation."

Feng Yun's eyes were gentle, and he said calmly: "The people from Tiangong actually dare to openly cause trouble for me, the Weiroku Cult. I have been comfortable for too long over the years. The accounts back then have not been settled yet, and now they dare to come and ask for trouble. How dare Tiangong Not too small either.”

He glanced around and saw that after speaking for a while, his manpower had been arranged.

So he smiled slightly, waved his hand without any fuss, pointed his white finger forward, and said calmly: "Kill them all."

"Yes, follow the Lord's orders!"

A dozen old men in black robes looked solemn and without saying a word, they flew out and started killing!

These dozen people are all masters among masters. Once they take action, they will be like tigers among wolves, destroying everything.

Blood was flying everywhere, and heads were spinning in circles in the air.

The screams shook the sky.

The snow-like robes of the Heavenly Palace, which seemed to be white clouds, were constantly messy, stained with blood, and turned into debris.

Covered with dust.

The spotless immortal aura was instantly transformed into unsightly garbage.

Feng Yun stood high up with his hands behind his hands, calmly watching the blood and flesh flying on the battlefield with a calm and calm expression.

He didn't take action.

Even when he saw Shang Changzhen and Gu Yunlan breaking out of the encirclement with serious injuries and escaping in embarrassment, he didn't take action.

"The Chinese army is under command and must not move lightly. If you move, you will have an opportunity and safety will be exchanged."

Feng Yun has always been sober about this.

"Sir, one hundred and sixty-seven people were killed, one hundred and sixty-three were killed; four escaped."

"Yeah. Just go."

Feng Yun didn't care at all.

"Young master, aren't you worried about the excessive reaction from Houtian Palace when they return?" said an old man in black beside him.

"What kind of overreaction? I just want to see what will happen to Tiangong after killing their people."

Feng Yun smiled faintly: "Take my evidence and go to Tiangong, and ask the people of Tiangong face to face. First, is Tiangong determined to be the enemy of my solipsistic religion? Let Tiangong do it. Let’s have an explanation!”

"Second, what does it mean for Tiangong to support the guardian divine weapon in the battle between the two sides? I have to give an explanation to the Solipsism!"

"Third, what does it mean that people from the Heavenly Palace come to our Solipsism Orthodox Church and run wild? We need an explanation for this too!"

"Fourth, what does it mean that the people from Tiangong actually came to destroy the southeastern headquarters of the Solipsism? This explanation is essential."

"at last……"

Feng Yun said solemnly: "The people from Tiangong actually attacked me, Feng Yun, do they want to kill me?! These words must be brought to me intact. Moreover, Tiangong must answer directly!"

"Five things, five explanations, I must be compensated! And, apologize in person. And, promise never to do it again!"

Feng Yun's eyebrows were surging, and he said calmly: "Even if there are guardians in front of us, we don't care about the Tiangong! If you want to fight, then fight!"

"Then this way..."

"I'll handle it here."

"Yes, sir, shall I go now?"

"Go ahead."

An old man in black instantly turned into a rainbow and disappeared in the sky.

Feng Yun said to another old man in black beside him: "Go and see Zhao Shanhe and tell him that I want to meet him."

"How dare Zhao Shanhe come?" The old man in black laughed and said, "Young Master thinks too highly of him."

"There is no need for him to come, I just want to scare him and let him know that I can capture him and meet him at any time if I want. You only need to tell him that I, Feng Yun, am in charge of the southeast area now. And this It’s a task assigned to me by the head coach, that’s all.”

"I don't care what the previous grudges were, let alone what the previous situation was."

Feng Yun said calmly: "I just want to live in peace and harmony. It's very simple! Let Zhao Shanhe give me face."

He stood tall and tall, looking at the vast mountains and forests in the distance with leisurely eyes.

"Zhao Shanhe must give me this face!"

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