Lord of the Night

Chapter 393 Die together

Walking alone on the road, Fang Che only felt that his consciousness was hazy, and he was almost unable to think because of the power of his soul that was constantly overflowing.

But he still maintained his usual vigilance.

When the power of his spiritual consciousness cannot be used, his eyes are particularly flexible.

After walking out of the two streets, you have to turn and change directions.

At this moment, the three people in front came towards them, it was Hong Er Laizi, Jing Xiuyun, and Zhao Ying'er.

The three of them deliberately left early today just to come back and report to Fang Che face to face.

Unexpectedly, I was half a step too late and met him on the road.

"Mr. Fang!"

Jing Xiuyun waved.

Zhao Ying'er blushed, and lame Hong Er followed up, asking with concern: "Are you feeling better today?"

"Much better."

Fang Che said gently: "There was something wrong in the practice, which shocked the consciousness. It's a small problem."

"That's not a small problem. I still need to take good care of myself in the past few days. I have Requiem Grass and Shocking Pill over there..."

Zhao Ying'er's face turned a little red, and she said a little ashamedly: "It's just that they are all at the Wuhou level, so they will be of some use, but..."

"Keep those for yourself."

Fang Che smiled: "If I were to eat your kind, I would probably need to eat 1,800 pills..."


Jing Xiuyun and Hong Erzi both laughed.

"What did you find during today's inspection?" Fang Che said as he moved his steps.

Because standing still makes my head feel more uncomfortable, and walking can divert some attention. Asking this sentence is already a casual question.

But this question caused something to happen.

"We have discovered something. The Ning Family Courtyard is indeed abnormal, and it is highly suspicious."

Zhao Ying'er pulled out a small booklet, which carefully recorded the findings of the past few days.

"At first it was because... I slowly discovered that... until today..."

"No one comes in or out. Moreover, there are people in the yard. They can be seen from a distance. They are basically concentrated in the main house and rarely dispersed... The rest of the people are also in their own rooms and basically don't even leave the door."

"The servants also go out to buy things, but they always buy a bunch at a time from the back door; but they rarely see a fire going; it feels like a person with advanced cultivation can be self-sufficient in everything."

"There are also female relatives, but looking from a distance, you can feel that each of them is humble; none of them will leave the room without being summoned."

"On the second day of our observation, we felt as if someone was watching us, but we didn't find anything."


After several reports came out in succession, Fang Che's brows became more and more frowned.

With just these few items, he could conclude that there was definitely something wrong with the Ning Family Courtyard, and it was a big problem.

The Ning Family Courtyard has existed for so long, how could it be closed for so many years?

If not, then it was recently.

There has been something unusual recently, but you shouldn’t be so cautious, right? Can't even make it through the day?

"Okay, I'll go take a look tomorrow."

Fang Che frowned, a little worried.

If we find the right direction, it is where the Dream Demon is, and the Ningxue Sword is in the sky and cannot come down. If there is a delay, I am afraid that none of the people who go there will survive.

The three of them also had the same worries: "Mr. Fang, if we really find the right target, we don't have enough strength."

"Then what can be done?"

Fang Che's eyebrows showed a sharp look, and he said calmly: "There is really no other way, so we have to use our lives to create opportunities; but no matter what, we will never allow the Dream Demon to leave Baiyun Continent alive!"

"As long as we can kill this old devil, even if we all die, it's still worth it."

The three of them nodded at the same time.

A heroic look appeared on his face. Mr. Fang is right, as long as a sinister demon like the Dream Demon can die and make some sacrifices, it will be worth it!

Just then...

There was a loud tremor!

The entire Baiyun Continent seemed to shake, as if two weapons were clashing.

From far away.

Fang Che turned his head and stared: "It should be Master Jian who has discovered something and is fighting..."

Jing Xiuyun and the others felt their hearts pounding wildly from this sudden shock, and their faces turned pale: "Master Jian is indeed Master Jian..."

Then there were two more shocks, and then a long roar in the distance, getting farther and farther away.

"Master Jian should have beaten the opponent away."

Zhao Ying'er felt relieved.

Fang Che frowned: "The other party is very strong..."

Even the Ningxue Sword couldn't achieve a sure kill, yet the opponent managed to escape. How powerful it was!

Fang Che now understood what Ningxue Sword was doing. It seemed that Dream Demon was not the only one with the high-level masters of the Only Self Orthodox Sect in this area.

There are other good players, even more than two. And Ningxue Sword must monitor these three powerful enemies all the time.

We can't let the dream demon escape.

We can't let another devil do evil...

"I see……"

Fang Che felt relieved. In this situation, as the absolute top management, Ningxuejian was responsible here. When there is no movement in the main hall, these big demons are the responsibility of Ningxue Sword!

If he were Ningxue Sword, his priority would have to be given to these demons.

After all, if they move, life will be ruined.

As for ordinary inspections, the people guarding the main hall are responsible. If there is any movement, it will not be too late for Ningxue Sword, who monitors the entire area, to come down.

But usually if you come down and leave the high-altitude shock range, if the other party makes any moves, it will be too late to stop it.

"Master Jian is not easy either. I have wrongly blamed him these days."

Fang Che Bingxue was smart, and he could figure out everything about Ningxue Sword just from this battle.

The four of them were talking all the way, and the topic had turned to Ningxue Sword.

We are almost reaching the Magi's Residence.

"We're almost home. Now that you're here, you might as well come and sit at home," Fang Che said.


Jing Xiuyun glanced at Zhao Ying'er and then said: "Just go through here and walk a few miles further to where Sister Qin lives; let's go over there and have a look and chat with Sister Qin."


Fang Che turned to look at Hong Er Laizi and said with a smile: "This is the time when the entire Guard Hall is worrying about your life-long affairs. Er Cripple, if you dare to do something mean in the Guard Hall again in the future... humph."

"I don't dare anymore. I don't dare anymore."

The cripple Hong Er bowed his hands and begged for mercy.

"I guess I won't dare to do it anymore. If this guy dares to be mean again, we will go directly to Qin Fang!"

Jing Xiuyun said: "Let's just say that he went to Huajie and Liuxiang to look for flowers and willows. Anyway, with our methods, it is not difficult to get some fragrance and traces on him. I guarantee that this guy will not notice it at all."

"Sister! My dear sister..."

Cripple Hong Er was dumbfounded.

"I am a good citizen...my biological sister..."

Cripple Hong Er almost knelt down.


The three of them laughed.

At this moment, Fang Che's eyes suddenly focused, and he saw a ghostly figure flashing in the alley opposite, and a man in black turned in, coming all the way with his head lowered.

He couldn't use his consciousness now, but he instinctively felt something was wrong.


Fang Che reminded in a low voice, then stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the knife, stepped forward, and protected the three people behind him.

The man in black was still dozens of feet away from the four of them. He lowered his head and walked forward like a ghost.

Fang Che shouted coldly: "The one on the other side, stop!"

But the man did not stop, but continued to move forward.

Zhao Ying'er and the other three also sensed something was wrong and drew their weapons one after another.

Suddenly, the man in black changed from walking slowly to flying in the air, rushing towards him like lightning, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

At the same time, the street on the opposite side seemed to be rolling up, and the ground roared up at the same time, rushing down towards the four people.


Fang Che's eyes showed a cold light.

This man can actually move the terrain!

Jing Xiuyun and the three of them felt their hearts trembling at the same time. The earth was rolling, the ground was shaking, and they were shocked.


Fang Che held the long knife in his hand, and with a bang, he completely released the seal of consciousness.

Although the time hasn’t come yet, I can’t wait!

The power of divine consciousness erupts like a volcano!

He leaned forward, and the same force of heaven and earth started from him. With a move of his feet, he brought the sky, the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, along with the sword energy, back violently!

The tragic evil spirit, murderous energy, and murderous intention surged out at the same time like shaking the sky.

The body turned into a sword light in the general trend.

Hate the sky without eyes!

There was a bang.

Two rays of light collided in the air.

Immediately, a brilliant sword light rose up like the rising sun amid the tremors of the earth, emitting thousands of sword lights! It was Fang Che who fired his sword at the same time!

That person never expected that the chief deacon of the small guarding hall opposite had such a power to stir up the general trend!

Completely unexpected.

Although his cultivation is much deeper than Fang Che's.

He has crossed a larger realm and is already at the monarch level.

But when Fang Che mobilized his force, he could kill even the monarch-level Shang Mengyun. Although the man opposite was strong, he was not much stronger than Shang Mengyun.

The man's eyes were fierce, and he slashed directly without dodging or avoiding!

It’s death anyway, let’s die together!

But he didn't expect that Fang Che had the same idea. If he doesn't fight hard, he can't stop the opponent. After all, he can't escape from the underworld.

Moreover, he has a trump card: Baoyi!

Bang bang bang bang bang...

The sword was sharp, and both sides hit each other's body countless times, causing blood and flesh to fly.

The opponent's sword light also struck Fang Che's chest countless times. The two sides were like two beasts, fighting to the death!

They are both brave and unafraid of death, and they will never retreat. It's all a life-and-death approach: If I die, you won't be able to live!

One knows that no matter he wins or loses, he will die, but the other is guarding.

I can't withdraw.

Once they retreat, Jing Xiuyun and the other three are finished!

Puff puff……

The sword light fell like rain on Fang Che's chest, but it had no effect at all. Only blood spurted out from his shoulders, scalp, face, arms, and thighs.

Fang Che's chest, which had suffered the most attacks, was actually unscathed! ——The protective clothing given by Chen Yin played a vital role at this moment.

Fang Che kept roaring angrily, drawing out his swords, desperately displaying all his desperate sword skills.

Rows of swords and swords are raining down on each other...

There was a bang.

The two of them flew out at the same time.

The man in black opposite had almost turned into a skeleton. There was not an inch of flesh on his body that was chopped by Fang Che. A skeleton hit the wall, breaking several bones.

And Fang Che's body staggered back, blood spurting out from his body, his thighs, arms and head...

It's all a rush of blood.

Almost confused.

He was completely desperate just now! If it weren't for Baoyi, he would have been dissected by the other party at this moment.

Divine consciousness was erupting in the sea of ​​consciousness, and Fang Che, who had let go of all control, exploded with consciousness, causing turmoil in his consciousness. At this moment, there was pain in his mind like a stormy sea.

I can't even control my body.

The wise man was in the middle, and Ye Meng, who heard Fang Che's extreme roar, rushed out with all his strength, his sword already in hand.

problem occurs! Fang Che is yelling...

"Mr. Fang!"

Seeing Fang Che staggering back with blood spurting out from his body, Zhao Ying'er felt heartbroken, yelled, and rushed forward with all his strength.

At this moment, in the direction where Fang Che was retreating, a man in black appeared from the void like a ghost, with a spear in his hand that turned into a roaring hurricane!

Straight into the back of Fang Che's head.

The wind roared and evil spirits rose into the sky.

Hong Er Laizi and Jing Xiuyun roared angrily and rushed forward with all their strength, but it was already too late.

Fang Che's body was still retreating under the shock, and he couldn't help himself.

Seeing this shot going straight into the back of the head!


A slender figure flew into the sky.

Zhao Yinger.

She was already closest to Fang Che, and when Fang Che was repelled, she was also the one who cared most about Fang Che, and immediately flew out to help him.

When this shot appeared, Zhao Ying'er was less than a foot away from Fang Che. She didn't even look back, she instinctively jumped up and used her body to block the back of Fang Che's head.

A sword blow with all his strength and then a tease!

With a snap, Zhao Ying'er's sword broke. The blade flashed and flew away.


The gun had already pierced into Zhao Ying'er's vest like an angry dragon.

As if being hindered by something, he just took Zhao Ying'er's body and stabbed straight at Fang Che's back!

In the confusion of consciousness, Fang Che sensed the crisis and turned around desperately, only to see Zhao Ying'er coming towards him, his face full of pain.

With a pop, the tip of a spear came out from Zhao Ying'er's chest, and blood froze.

Zhao Ying'er raised her head uncontrollably, her hair fluttered, and blood was about to spurt out of her mouth. However, she was afraid that it would spray onto Fang Che's face and cover his sight, so she kept her mouth shut.

The tip of the spear flashed with blood, and it came towards Fang Che like an angry dragon.


Fang Che's eyes were about to burst, he roared hysterically, and his chest went straight up to meet him.

There was a pop.

The tip of the spear pierced the body hard, and the treasured clothes given by Chen Yin blocked it, but the sharp sting and the fierce force still pushed Fang Che's body, his feet flew into the air, and he stepped back fiercely.


I don't know how many bones in my chest were broken.

Zhao Ying'er bumped into Fang Che, and before she could, she pressed her hands tightly against his chest and pushed him away: "Let's go..."

As he spoke, the blood from Zhao Ying'er's mouth finally flowed out like a fountain.

Behind Zhao Ying'er, a black figure was flying in the sky, his eyes were full of cruelty. He was holding the gun barrel in both hands, his hair was flying back like a hurricane, and he was piercing the spear with all his strength.

As he exerted more force, blood kept coming out of Zhao Ying'er's mouth...

"Death..." Fang Che grabbed the gun blade on his chest, locked his eyes with the other person's eyes, and tried his best to unleash all the power of his consciousness!


Mountains and seas of spiritual power and evil spirits suddenly exploded to their limit.

Not a single bit was reserved.

This was the first time Fang Che had such an extreme explosion.

Although the other party was a master, but faced with such a huge power of spiritual consciousness, especially the evil spirit of the ancient demon, his mind was stagnant for a moment, and his spiritual consciousness went blank.

Fang Che hugged Zhao Ying'er's body with one hand and swung out the knife.

With a pop, he slashed hard on the neck of the man in black, but due to the serious injury, he was too weak to cut. Instead, he cut off half of the throat. Blood rushed out from the side of his neck like mist.

Hong Er Laizi and Jing Xiuyun had already rushed up like crazy.

The swords all came out, slashing wildly.

The man woke up from a state of unconsciousness and felt a splitting headache. He roared, moved his feet, and made two puffs, kicking the two of them until blood spurted out. Then he reached out and pushed the gun hard.

But suddenly the sword light shone in Fang Che's hand, and the Seven Blood Swords were revealed.

Saw this sword.

There was a look of extreme shock in the man's eyes, as if he was dumbfounded: "This! This is blood..."


The sword light penetrated his throat. Half of the sword tip popped out from the back of his neck.

Fang Che roared loudly, slashed with the sword, and a head fell from his neck like a bone.

The man's head fell off, rolled twice, and faced the sky. There was no despair on his face, but shock and disbelief.

It was like seeing something incredible before dying.

The corpse let go of the gun and fell backwards.

Fang Che had also completely lost his strength, his consciousness was in chaos, and his body lost support. At the same time, he fell backwards. Zhao Ying'er's body fell weakly with his body, and fell into his arms with a pop. middle.

On the back, the spear was dripping with blood, and the barrel of the gun was tilted into the sky.

"Mr. Fang, be careful..."

Jing Xiuyun vomited blood and jumped up, wanting to rush over.

Because... the man who was almost cut into a skeleton by Fang Che is not dead yet. All the bones in his body are almost broken, and there is only one eye left. However, he is dragging his broken leg and rushing towards Fang Che with all his strength. His bones are white and white. In his hand is a short knife.


This skeleton was directly chopped out with a sword.

But it was Ye Meng who fell from the sky at the critical moment, slashed out with a sword, and then chased after him, using all his strength to slash at the skeleton.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

Puff puff……

Cut off the arms, chop off the neck, split the body in two!

Then he threw the long sword and rushed over with all his strength: "Fang Che!"

Fang Che was almost completely confused, and the blood on Zhao Ying'er kept gushing out and falling on him.

A long spear penetrated Zhao Ying'er's back and plunged directly into Fang Che's chest.

The two of them were dressed together like candied haws.

Fang Che's seven orifices were bleeding, and his mind was in pain to the point of confusion, but he hugged Zhao Ying'er tightly, and the remaining immeasurable power of the scriptures was desperately injected into Zhao Ying'er's broken body. Using his remaining strength, he raised his head and shouted hysterically: " medicine……"

Ye Meng rushed over and immediately took out a bottle of Danyun Divine Pill. He fed the first pill into Zhao Ying'er's mouth, and then fed the second pill into Fang Che's mouth.

As the medicine entered Zhao Ying'er's body, Zhao Ying'er's face only turned rosy for a moment, and then turned pale again.

The enemy's gun was still inserted into her chest. The evil energy shook, and Zhao Ying'er's internal organs were already in pieces. The medicine enters and then drains away.

But no one dared to touch this gun.

Because if you move, you will die faster, and you won't even have time to say a word.

"Deacon Zhao..." Ye Meng was helpless and tears fell heavily.


Jing Xiuyun rushed forward: "Ying'er...you, what else do you have to say...quickly..."

Jing Xiuyun was also an old deacon. When he saw Zhao Ying'er like this, he knew it was over.

It was hopeless.

Zhao Ying'er lay on Fang Che's chest and opened her eyes with difficulty. There was thinking and listening in her eyes. Then, she felt Fang Che's heart beating in his chest next to her.

A gentle smile suddenly appeared in his eyes.

She wanted to raise her head to take another look at her sweetheart's face, but she could no longer lift her head.

The fingers moved slightly.

Eyes watching night dreams.

His fingers were slightly bent, and he pointed at Fang Che with all his strength.

Ye Meng shed tears and nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, don't worry..."

There was a smile in Zhao Ying'er's eyes, and then she blinked, moved hard, and put her face against Fang Che's shoulder, showing a happy look...

His eyes suddenly lost their sparkle.

I'm staying with you in bed in the hospital. If I have nothing to do, I'll check it out myself. Well, I'll do a urine test. It turns out there's some urinary system infection. Or, if I have nothing to do, I'll hang up two bottles of it myself.

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