Lord of the Night

Chapter 412 Heavenly Palace and Underworld

Fang Che's actions turned Feng Yun's previous words to smooth things over for the Ziyi Palace into a complete joke.

But he was not angry, nor did he feel that his face was dull, but in his heart he valued Fang Che even more.

"This Fang Che is very thoughtful."

Feng Yun applauded: "Having such an enemy exist is a great joy in life."

"But the question now is, why are these people from the otherworldly sect here? And this Deacon Fang, the purpose of coming here is not simple."

The old man said.

"Feng Yi, let me bet you something. Fang Che came here today. In fact, like me, he is also confused and has no idea why the sects from this world gathered together."

Feng Yun smiled lightly and said: "But this Fang Che has the same purpose as me, which is not to let these outer world gates be too smooth! They must come in and mix in the sand."

"Don't forget...after Fang Che came in, his first request was to open a room for him."

Feng Yun smiled.

Feng Dun suddenly realized: "Young master, you mean that Fang Che's real purpose is the room from the beginning?"


"But if that's the case, wouldn't it be enough to just book a room? Why go to the trouble of registering to offend someone?"

Feng Yi was puzzled.

"You do not understand."

Feng Yun shook his head gently: "When a large group of strangers are together, making friends with one of them or offending one of them is a way to integrate into the group."

"Among these outer sects, does Ziyi Palace have allies? Of course there does. Does Ziyi Palace have opponents? Of course there are more. Fang Che and Ziyi Palace first confronted each other, and then used the influence of those female disciples to make up for the relationship; and then there was I’m going to start building relationships with other worldly sects... If you don’t believe me, read on.”

"But in Ziyi Palace, the threat to Fang Che is no longer great."

After Feng Yun finished speaking, he added this sentence and couldn't help but sigh.

Did Fang Che really calculate every point? Is his brain really that good?

Feng Yi still didn't understand: "It's just that those young female disciples... won't be of such great use, right?"

Feng Yun shook his head: "If it comes to fighting, these little girls can be basically said to be useless. But... in terms of influence outside of fighting, these little girls are amazing."

"I don't understand." Feng Yi shook his head, looking confused.

"Look at the dozen or so little girls from the Ziyi Palace who greeted Fang Che, which one is not beautiful? Look, figure, temperament? Huh?" Feng Yun asked.

"They are all the best choices." Feng nodded.

"With your eyesight, you should be able to tell that these little girls are all Yunying's unmarried ones, right?" Feng Yun asked again.

"Yes, they are all virgins."

Feng Yi admitted.

"Then, the hearts of the male disciples around are entangled with these little girls. They don't even have to come forward to do anything they want to do... So, these little girls can influence the situation before this time. All the young male disciples here, don’t deny this, right?” Feng Yun smiled.

"At least 90%." Feng Yi said.

"So isn't it obvious?" Feng Yun said: "After getting these things done, although the leaders have high positions, they are not important anymore."


"What are they doing here?" Feng Yun gave Feng Yi a meaningful look.

"Experience...I'm so stupid!"

Feng Yi finally understood.

This trip was just for the young disciples to gain experience. Therefore, it is basically focused on young disciples and increasing their experience.

And little girls occupy a dominant position among young people.

In this case, if you deal with the little girls, you will deal with the young people. If you deal with all the young people, you will also deal with the elders who lead the team.

This is a leveraging force!

"Can Fang Che account for all of this?"

Feng Yi's eyes changed: "Did he get to this point before he started?"

"This is just the first step."

Feng Yun's eyes were dark and he said: "Send the order and collect Fang Che's information and give it to me."


Feng Yun's eyes were condescending, looking at the tall and tall Fang Che below. He had a feeling that this guy would be his biggest enemy in the future!

As for Dongyun Jade, Feng Yun didn't take it to heart at all.

Although Dong Yunyu and Fang Che cooperated very well today, Feng Yun could tell at a glance: It was certain that Dong Yunyu would cause trouble.

But...he can't be peaceful!

So, nothing to worry about.

After thinking about it for a long time, Feng Yun looked solemnly in the direction of the Tiangong Palace and murmured: "There is no trouble. The Ziyi Palace has to stay here despite the humiliation. Is that time really coming? In this case, I can't miss it. .”

No matter what the people in the Ziyi Palace were thinking, they completed the registration and went back.

Fang Che saw him off politely and stood in the middle of the platform. He said with a smile: "The registration in the Purple Palace has been completed. I don't know which sect will come to register next. I won't name them because it will make it awkward. , how bad it is, there has been a conflict, I still have to apologize, and I hope you can give me some face."

He said it humorously, and there was a chuckle all around.

However, no one seriously thought that there was nothing Fang Che could do. Everyone saw the mess in the Ziyi Palace just now.

It would not look good if Fang Che really started calling names one by one. And if you can’t name them, Ziyi Palace will serve as a warning.

"Our Nether Palace..." a voice shouted.

But then he was interrupted by a leisurely voice: "Since registration is required, let's start from our Tiangong first."

Fang Che looked up.

Suddenly, a figure slowly floated out from the eighth floor.

The moment this person floated out, there seemed to be a sun suddenly in the sky.

Fang Che's ears twitched.

I could vaguely hear a low whisper coming from a room on another floor.

"Sun Star Lord!"

The voice was very weak, and the surprise in it was not very serious.

Fang Che understood instantly: This voice was reminding him.

He didn't look at it. If he had looked at it, it would be like repaying kindness with hatred - I kindly reminded him that you exposed him!

If you don't respond and pretend not to hear, then when everyone else is pretending to be confused, it will just be an uncontrollable slip of the tongue.

So he pretended not to hear, and looked at Sun Star Lord, who was slowly setting in the sky, shining like the sun, with a faint smile on his face, motionless.

After Lord Sun and Star, the people from the Heavenly Palace fell down one by one with graceful postures. Hundreds of people descended slowly, and a fairy spirit came towards them.

Like a group of gods, they slowly descended from the nine heavens to the earth.

Fang Che took a closer look, oh, there was an acquaintance among them.

Moon evil star king, Shang Changzhen.

After the Sun Star King, there is a quiet and elegant woman with a crescent moon symbol on her neckline.

Taiyin Star Lord.

When Fang Che was registering people in Tiangong, he counted and found that there were nine people with Xingjun's sign!

The eight star kings, including the sun and tai yin, are so powerful that you can see them at a glance; as for the last moon evil star king, Shang Changzhen...

Fang Che felt a little sad for him.

The same Mr. Xing, look at the eight people in front of them, look at yourself, what the hell...are you here to be a guide?

Fang Che had no idea that what he was complaining about turned out to be the truth: Yuesha Xingjun Shang Changzhen, this time, was indeed the guide.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even have a chance to join this team...

The nine star kings were the first to complete registration.

Not a word was spoken the whole time.

With a cold face and an indifferent expression, Fang Che was obviously dismissive, fully demonstrating that: we are only giving face to the guardian, not to you Fang Che.

You Fang Che, a staff member of a small town guarding the main hall, are nothing in front of us?

When it was Shang Changzhen's turn, Fang Che said kindly: "Shang Xingjun, we meet again. I wonder if your master's revenge has been avenged?"

Shang Changzhen felt as if his heart had been pricked with needles.

After registering with a dark face, he gave Fang Che a sharp look and then left without caring.

Fang Che didn't feel dissatisfied and still smiled cordially.

Dong Yunyu was curious, so he came over and asked in a low voice: "What's going on?" As the candidate for the number one bitch in the world, he used his bitch nature to keenly feel that the things here should be bitch.

So very interested.

Fang Che: "I'll tell you later."

The person headed by Tiangong is a young man of 27 or 28 years old. His appearance, temperament, height...the proportions of his facial features are all perfect.

Like a person among gods and immortals.

With his hands behind his back, his white clothes were floating like white clouds. At this moment, his two eyes were looking at Ye Meng.

"Tiangong, Jiang Bihuang. Twenty-eight years old, room 1 on the eighth floor."

Jiang Bihuang put his hands behind his back and asked kindly: "Who is the girl in charge of registration?"

Fang Che said calmly: "This is my wife, she is married."

"Hahahaha..." Dong Yunyu suddenly burst into laughter.

He could see clearly that this Jiang Bihuang was obviously interested in Ye Meng, but Fang Che's words were so direct that he not only closed the door, but also sealed the windows.

Jiang Bihuang said lightly: "It's a pity, it's a pity."

Then he turned his head indifferently, looked at Dong Yunyu's face with indifferent eyes, looked at it for two seconds, and then turned away.

Dong Yunyu was shocked by the opponent's momentum, and suddenly became angry: "What are you looking at?!"

With a faint smile on Jiang Bihuang's face, he ignored Dong Yunyu's provocation and moved to the back of the team to join the Star Lords.

Dongyun Yu was so angry that she was about to rush forward, but was held back by Fang Che.

This Jiang Bi Huang gave Fang Che a very dangerous feeling; if there was a real conflict, he and Dong Yunyu would definitely suffer.

The second person registered in the Tiangong is a stunning girl, who looks about eighteen or nineteen years old, but has a fairy-like look on her face, and has a cold feeling like "a few people above the sky".

"Jiang Bixiao, twenty-two years old, eighth floor, room two."

Ye Meng meticulously registered.

However, Jiang Bixiao's beautiful eyes were looking forward to Fang Che's face, her eyes were cold and contemptuous, and she said with a bit of disdain: "This Deacon Fang has a question that I don't know whether to ask or not."

"If you shouldn't ask, it's better not to ask." Fang Che said politely, "It would be embarrassing for both of us."

Jiang Bixiao smiled faintly and said lightly: "I just saw that Deacon Fang has a good relationship with those female disciples, right?"

"Not bad, any advice?"

"It is said that Deacon Fang also recognizes many of the other female disciples from the Outer World. It can be said that he has confidantes all over the world. Is that true?"

Jiang Bixiao asked with a smile.

There is a strange charm in her smile and tone.

Obviously, Fang Che looked down upon him very much.

Fang Che smiled lightly and said, "Miss Jiang is right. In fact, it is much more than that. My confidante is much more than what Miss Jiang sees now."

Jiang Bixiao said: "But isn't it great that you show mercy to everyone like this? How are you different from the prodigal children?"

She frowned, a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and said: "Such a man, in our Heavenly Palace, is generally called... a scumbag."

She smiled and explained: "It means that he is a scumbag. If this sister follows you, her fate will be really bad."

Ye Meng raised his head, frowned and was about to speak.

Why would Fang Che let Ye Meng come forward in person? I am a man. If a man is here, he naturally has to help his wife carry everything.

So Yun Danfeng smiled lightly: "Miss Jiang is right. The word scumbag is quite appropriate. But please rest assured, Miss Jiang."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Bixiao asked.

"Although I, Fang Che, am a scumbag, I only scumbag beautiful women. I will never scumbag Miss Jiang."

Fang Che smiled.

Jiang Bixiao's eyes were full of evil, and there was a trace of evil in his eyes, and he said calmly: "With Mr. Fang's energy, don't say bad words. I'm afraid this is the only time in your life that you will talk to this young palace master."

"Really? Hahahaha..." Fang Che laughed loudly.

Jiang Bixiao snorted coldly and turned around.

Next, the young disciples of Tiangong came forward to register, and Fang Che discovered one thing sensitively: the attitude of these Tiangong disciples was not very friendly towards him.

Almost every one of them has a look of 'disdain and disdain' towards themselves.

When the registration was almost finished, Dong Yunyu couldn't hold back anymore and asked: "Why do you look down on each of Fang Che so much? What did Fang Che do to you? Isn't the girl responsible for sleeping with you? ?”

Everyone in the Heavenly Palace stared angrily.

Fang Che said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about! Isn't this offending someone by speaking so openly?"

All the disciples in Tiangong suddenly felt relaxed, and Fang Che still knew something.

Just listen to Fang Che saying to Dongyun Yu: "Really, what do you think? Even if I am not responsible...but I can't do this."

Everyone in the Heavenly Palace immediately turned around and glared angrily.

Fang Che smiled and explained: "Don't mind, I mean I don't have a chance to make a move. In fact, I still hope that you can give me a chance to make me a scumbag."

Everyone in the Heavenly Palace snorted coldly and flew back lightly.

Many people are jealous and will look for opportunities to cause trouble for these two people in the future.

A bitch.

One... has a meaner mouth!

As soon as the people from Tiangong left, a group of people in black fell neatly.

"Come to the underworld to register!"

A sinister voice said.

A gloomy ghostly aura suddenly filled the air.

Fang Che felt something in his heart. This kind of ghostly aura felt very familiar to him.

I couldn't help but think of that night and that letter.

The person who warned him not to contact Lan Xinxue of Netherworld Palace, that letter.

I couldn't help but have a dozen thoughts running through my mind, hell? Nether Palace?

Underworld and Netherworld... are very close names.

Is there any connection between this underworld and Nether Palace?

How far is your guess from the truth?

I wonder if the higher-ups of the Guardians know about this or not?

Anyone who can warn him not to approach the Saint of Netherworld Palace will naturally not be an ordinary person.

The two people leading the team from Hell were both dressed in black, with ghastly masks covering their faces.

"I am King Guang of Qin."

"I am the King of Chujiang."

Next are the six elders of the underworld.

One of the elders was actually an acquaintance. When he registered, it was clear that Fang Che almost laughed.

"The eleventh elder of the underworld, Mu Cangyun."

That messenger that night.

When Mu Cangyun was registering, he raised his head and glanced at Fang Che. His eyes were full of warning: "Mr. Fang, we meet again."

Fang Che smiled: "Nice to meet you."

Then there was a young man in black, with a handsome face, but exuding a sinister aura, who slowly stepped forward.

"Deacon Fang, here is the Holy Son of Hell, Yin Yunxiao!"

Yin Yun smiled, the name signed on the letter.

Fang Che showed a warm smile on his face and said kindly: "I have long admired your name!"

The ghostly aura on Yin Yun's smiling face rose up and slowly dissipated, only to reveal his face again, and he said calmly: "Mr. Fang is a smart man."

"you flatter me."

Yin Yun smiled and nodded, drifting away silently.

A faint smile appeared on Fang Che's face.

Next, Nether Palace came to register.

After several leaders and elders registered...

"Hello, senior brother Fang, hello, sister-in-law!"

Lan Xinxue is dressed in white, graceful and graceful, with a sweet smile. She is like a spotless lotus. Her ethereal aura makes her look more like a fairy than a person from the Heavenly Palace.

"It turns out to be Junior Sister Lan. We meet again." Ye Meng laughed. When he lowered his head to register, a trace of vigilance flashed deep in his eyes, and disappeared in an instant.

Lan Xinxue smiled happily, looked at Fang Che's face, and asked with concern: "Brother Fang, how is your health? When I first came here, I heard that you were injured, and they stopped me from seeing you. …”

Fang Che smiled more and more amiably. Yushu Linfeng said: "Junior sister Lan is really thoughtful, it's just a little injury... Haha, if junior sister Lan wants to come, you can come at any time. Even if you live in my house, it doesn't matter."

"Really?" Lan Xinxue was overjoyed.

"Of course it's true."

Fang Che said with a smile: "My house is very big. There are only two of us here, your sister-in-law and I, so it will inevitably be empty. If Junior Sister Lan can come, it will be a good thing that we won't even have time to welcome."

The words 'our house is very big' made Lan Xinxue's face turn red. She lowered her head and said shyly, "Then I will go and play with Senior Brother Fang when I have time."

"welcome any time."

Fang Che blinked and said, "Junior sister, just treat my house as your own."

"Oh, Senior Brother Fang, what are you talking about..."

Lan Xinxue was shy.

"Junior sister, don't worry too much... I welcome my junior sister very much. After all, my junior sister's country is beautiful and fragrant, and her orchid quality is beautiful. Which man in the world doesn't welcome my junior sister?"

Fang Che smiled even more gently.

Lan Xinxue blushed, twisted her waist and ran away after registering: "Senior Brother Fang, this is what you said!"

"Always waiting."

Fang Che laughed.


Yin Yunxiao, who had just returned to the eighth floor, had a gloomy face that was almost dripping with water.

So many female disciples came to register before. Although Fang Che also smiled, he had never been so enthusiastic.

But when he met Lan Xinxue, whom he had warned not to touch, he suddenly transformed into a warm man, asking for help, being gentle and considerate, and every sentence was filled with puns and hints.

It showed that he liked and coveted Lan Xinxue very much.

"Fang Che is giving me eye drops on purpose!"

Yin Yunxiao had a sullen face and slapped the table: "Asshole! How many heads has he grown! With his Fang Che, he actually wants to steal a woman from me? Why should he!"

Mu Cangyun said on the side: "Young master, don't worry, this Fang Che obviously wants to deliberately provoke you, so don't fall for his trick."

"What a bastard! He deliberately teased my woman in front of me!"

Yin Yunxiao felt like his heart was going to explode.


"This Fang Che, I must kill him! Kill him!"

King Qin Guang said calmly: "Be calm and don't be impatient."

After saying this, Yin Yun suddenly stopped talking, but anger rose in his eyes, and his whole body was filled with evil energy.

"This time the Heavenly Palace suddenly summoned everyone here, it has something to do with the Yin and Yang Realm."

King Chu Jiang said slowly: "The Yin and Yang Realm is a place of great opportunities, but it is also full of risks. And the Tiangong has never been able to take advantage of it, because they only occupy the weather of the Tiangong, and there is no ghost aura or mortal aura. There is no evil or demonic aura...so usually at times like this, everyone must go in together."

"If you really want to take revenge, you can drag Fang Che in. If Fang Che dies there, there will be no sound. Even Dongfang Sansan and others can't say anything."

King Chu Jiang smiled faintly: "Don't talk about killing people."

Yin Yunxiao bowed respectfully: "Yes, uncle."

After registering, the people in Nether Palace entered their private rooms.

The leader turned to look at Lan Xinxue: "Follow me."


The two entered a small room, the soundproof barrier was opened, and the elder's face became more solemn: "What exactly do you mean?"

"Disciple didn't understand what Elder Qin meant." Lan Xinxue lowered her eyebrows and lowered her eyes.

"Hmph, during the competition, you acted very unusually towards the opponent."

The elder Qin snorted angrily and said: "With your temperament, Lan Xinxue, the Netherworld Saint, how can you be the kind of woman who loses her mind when she falls in love at first sight? I was just suspicious at first, but this time... you actually behaved like this again .”

Lan Xinxue smiled faintly: "Let it be whatever the elder says."

"You want to use Fang Che and the guardians to deal with Yin Yunxiao? Or do you have other plans?" Elder Qin's eyes were burning.

"Disciple never meant that."

"Then what do you mean?"

"The disciple feels that as a woman, when she meets a good man, she will naturally fall in love with him. This is natural and has nothing to do with any conspiracy. Fang Che is good enough, and it doesn't seem to be a big deal if the disciple likes a man. matter."

Lan Xinxue said calmly.

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