Lord of the Night

A New Year’s letter to book friends

When the Qidian activity was first told to me, I was at a loss.

I have been writing for fifteen years...I don’t know how many I have written for readers. Various single chapters, various words before opening and finishing the book...

I really feel like I’ve written a lot.

But when I started writing, I felt like... I really couldn't finish it.

There are endless things to say.

fifteen years.

Just sitting in front of the computer, meditating with two fingers. And I will continue like this with two-finger meditation.

Writing is boring.

However, it is so much fun when readers are with you.

Every day I feel proud to finish writing it and publish it; then I imagine your reaction after reading it. Is it a big laugh? Are you meditating lightly along with the text? Or does it feel so good to shout in comfort?

After finishing the writing very stumblingly every day, I also imagined with uneasiness that the writing of this chapter was average, and the ideas were exhausted, and the plot was not smooth. I didn't think about it. I didn't think anyone would scold me. I was so disappointed! Too watery! ?

Maybe you don't know, but every time a chapter is praised, it inspires me a lot. That was the happiest time of my day.

That's what you gave me.

As an author, I feel I am lucky.

Since embarking on this path, there have been basically no detours. I chose martial arts for the first book, and then cut out more than 300,000 words without signing the contract. The second book is fantasy, and everyone is very supportive of it.

After so many years, although there has been no big hit, it can be regarded as smooth. There are such a group of lovely readers who have always been with me.

Many of the brothers and sisters who started from Legend of Lingtian have been with me for fifteen years, and they are still playing together to this day.

Followed me silently for eight books!

As of today, more than 34 million words!

You have supported an unknown little author all the way until now. Live a safe life and have a little extra money.

Thank you. If it weren’t for you, where would Feng Ling Tianxia be today?

I said this sentence when I was Lingtian, I said it when I was Evil Lord, I said it when I was proud of my world, I said it when I was in Tianyu, Supreme, Zuodao, and Biluo.

Today, I will say it again.

In the future, I will still say: Without you, there would be no Feng Ling world today!

Thank you for your support along the way, you have worked hard.

To use a sentence that I have said countless times: I persisted for fifteen years, and I made money to support my family. And you have supported me for fifteen years, and you are spending money.

Therefore, this kind of friendship cannot be forgotten.

Don't let it down!

Especially my genuine paying readers, there are overwhelming pirated copies out there, and you can read them for free, but you are supporting the originals, supporting the authors, and paying to read.

This is recognition.

This is affection!

All paid readers who read the genuine version not only support me, but you also support the entire industry of online literature!

It is you who allow more authors to invest in this industry, so that more and more good books can emerge in this industry!

thank you!

From the beginning of writing the book to now, I read every comment. This has affected my mentality countless times, but I have persisted.

Because, I have always stubbornly believed that if you write comments, it is for me to see!

If I don't read it, I won't be able to bear the support.

So over the years, many names have slowly become familiar from strangers. Although I have never met them, many of them have never even been in a group, but when they communicate and joke with each other in the book review area or in the chapters, there is no sense of strangeness. They laugh and curse, and do it casually, and few of us find it out of the ordinary.

Because... we have known each other for a long time.

Sometimes I reply to comments from guys who are particularly mean: Get out! Your brother Wu En! Hurry up and roll towards the sun! Roll as far as you can...and so on.

Then the consequence is that when this guy leaves a message again, he becomes even meaner...

Everyone is urging me to code every day, but when I feel unwell, there are almost no people who really don’t understand.

Especially the brothers who have been following my books for so many years understand me very well.

When I wrote the first book, I said: Unless there are real physical reasons that prevent me from writing, I will not stop updating.

I'm proud that I did this.

Over the years, a lot of things have happened, but not many updates have been interrupted because of things, because when something happens, I will try my best to write and save the manuscript and publish it on time.

Of course, there are times when updates are interrupted due to force majeure factors. For example, Uemoto lost his life for several months due to an injury to his hand.

But the book review section was full of blessings, and few people didn’t understand.

Every time I see it, I am very satisfied.

Our family is the most harmonious.

Yes, it has never become popular.

But very satisfied.

I have you and I am happy in this life!

The world of online literature is the most comfortable world for me.

Every day when you open your eyes, you write a story. When I get tired of coding and want to chat, there are so many people in the group waiting for me at any time.

Never feel lonely.

Someone asked me, how do you persist in such a boring job?

I just laugh.

dull? That's because you have no idea how fulfilled I am.

As long as I want to chat, different people will take turns chatting with me twenty-four hours a day. How do you know how happy I am?

Creation has its peaks and troughs.

There are also times when I sit for a whole day and can't write a single word.

There are also times when updates are forced to be updated in order to keep updating.

But everyone is always tolerant.

All the way to today.

So what I tell you most about this book is: be calm.

Let's take it easy.

Walk through every book together.

I am calmer and can write better. If you are calm, you will be happier.

Every book is a process in which hundreds of rivers merge into the sea. It is also a process of separation, gathering and dispersion.

People are constantly leaving, and new people are constantly joining. Of course, there are more people who have never been here before.

The Feng family has always existed and never dissipated.

This is also what I am most proud of.

If it's not well written, it won't take you to the top.

But we can still be strong and play together, from the past, to the present, to the future.

There is so much I want to say to you.

This single chapter obviously cannot be finished. Can't write it all.

In the past fifteen years, I have done countless stupid things and been impulsive countless times. The things I wrote are not very satisfactory, not very good.

I have countless shortcomings and countless shortcomings.

But you have been tolerant and tolerant all these years until now.

Therefore, you are my favorite; you are the most grateful; and you are the warmest.

We have always been supporting each other like this.

Although the group is not big, although there are not many people.

But... very calm, very contented, very happy.

As the new year approaches.

I wish you a happy life, a successful career, a sweet love, a happy family, no illness or disaster, everything goes well, health, happiness, and everything you want!

I wish you that you can find things that make you happy every day.

I wish you that you will never be short of books. There are always good books to read that are suitable for you.

I wish you all success and prosperity!

Finally, I wish myself that the chapters I write every day will satisfy you.

I wish I could be worthy of every bit of subscription.

I wish I could deserve every respect.

I hope I can be worthy of every sincerity you have.

I hope I can be worthy of every reward you give me.

I hope I can be worthy of your support over the years.

The new year has arrived.

wish you a happy new year!

And, be happy forever!

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