Lord of the Night

Chapter 426 Preparation [Leader Yizui Qianchou wishes everyone a Happy New Year]

Chapter 426 Preparation [Drunk = Leader Qianchou wishes everyone a Happy New Year]

After everyone came in, they were all embarrassed for a while. The two sects that can make exceptions are the disciples of Heavenly Palace and Underworld.

Each of them carries a very small yin and yang luck card.

Extremely small.

And as soon as he entered this passage, his whole body curled up into a ball shape and rolled towards the left side of his body.

And after this, basically everyone deviated from the hurricane turbulence channel and landed on the relatively plain land of this trial world.

As a result, there were basically no casualties.

And after the leader Yin Yunxiao, Jiang Bihuang, Jiang Bixiao and others returned to normal, they immediately took out a special whistle and blew it.

As long as the disciples of this sect hear it, they will quickly concentrate.

The disciples who couldn't hear it would rush to the highest nearby mountain as soon as possible and wait halfway up the mountain.

The disciples of the two palaces and the fifth palace also have their own methods. The ones who really suffer are the four major sects, Fang Che and others.

But this time, after Jiang Bihuang summoned some Tiangong disciples, they immediately realized that something was wrong this time!

There is no monarch-level cultivation!

Moreover, the speed of time in the Yin and Yang Realm this time is actually one to one year!

It is completely different from the previous ten days outside and thirty days inside.

Jiang Bihuang also panicked immediately.

"Why have the rules changed this time?"

"Have you each received an introduction to the rules of the Yin and Yang Realm?"

After everyone summarized the news, everyone felt speechless.

What went wrong this time?

Why is it so different from before?

Simply subversive.

And here, there is no contact with the outside world. Moreover, ten years here are actually only ten days outside. For the teachers outside, there is actually no change in the rules, it's just that it's been over for the past ten days.

They have no idea that the people who come in this time will actually spend a full ten years in the Yin and Yang Realm!

I have to say that this time, those who understood the rules and knew the inside story suffered a big loss.

Because there is a huge psychological gap between their cultivation and the speed of time!

I was terrified for a moment, knowing something was wrong but not knowing where it was. This feeling was the most devastating.

on the contrary.

Fang Cheyan, Beihan Fengyun and others, who came in confused, accepted the change immediately.

And began to prepare for the long period of ten years.

What Feng Yun did after he was safe was almost the same as what Fang Che did at the beginning.

Squeezing grass sap, tree sap, looking for antidotes, looking for food... Then he added an additional process, which was to find a safe and hidden place where he could hide and rest, and then start climbing.

Yan Beihan almost burst his lungs before getting rid of the female rhinoceros, then rested, learned the rules, received the ring, and then quickly started similar things to Feng Yun Fangche.

As for Dongyun Jade... cough.

He was taking a bath over and over again.

While taking a bath, I prepared a lot of food, then kept drinking water, kept stuffing things into my stomach, and then kept picking my throat, trying to vomit out...

Because the most terrible thing is this: you know that you just ate a lot of shit!

Therefore, Dong Yunyu must make sure that he vomits out everything he eats as soon as possible before he can rest assured...

I have to say this is really a tragedy.

But all in all, everyone has settled down.

And began to live their own lives.

Moreover, people represented by Fang Che, Feng Yun, Yan Beihan and the others basically immediately focused their attention and attention on the 'ten years' time point.

Make this a top priority.

Fang Che climbed to the top of the mountain and looked around. He saw that the sky and the earth were vast, with undulating mountains. He could see endlessly and couldn't see the end in all directions. There are rolling mountains in the distance, extending into the clouds and mist.

The entire land is lush and green, with almost no roads to speak of. The entire land is covered with green plants.

And the big lake that he fell into, in such a vast world, was like a pearl inlaid on the earth.

Fang Che sat on the top of the mountain holding his knees.

The black clothes are fluttering, and the stars are faint.

The strands of hair on his forehead were gently raised in the wind, and his eyes were solemn.

He quickly made a plan for himself.

He didn't know what the Yin-Yang Realm trial was like before, and he had never been in it before, but based on the scales and claws he heard outside, he knew that the opening of the Yin-Yang Realm this time was different from before.

Completely different!

"This is not a simple trial. The emergence of the Yin and Yang Realm must have the role and ultimate intention of the Yin and Yang Realm."

Fang Che confirmed this matter first.

"One day equals one year. I want to stay here for ten years!"

"Nine times of life and death, why nine times?"

"You can get a ray of yin and yang energy after crossing it once. What is this yin and yang energy? What is its use?"

"The unification of cultivation starts from martial arts masters. So, where can we reach in the end? Is there an upper limit?"

"What do I need to do? How do I spend these ten years? If I just stay in one place, will I encounter the remaining eight life-and-death crises?"

"Cultivation, accommodation, food and drink are all necessary. It is also certain to be prepared to encounter enemies at any time."

"Then we need to explore every place in the Yin and Yang Realm. This world has existed for I don't know how many years. I wonder if there are any indigenous people? If there are treasures of heaven and earth, wouldn't every year be scary?"

Fang Che's eyes were shining.

"If these are taken out...the strength of the guardian...of course we have to confirm first."

"I have the power to control water as soon as I come in. Where are the others?"


Fang Che set himself sixteen things to do. As he thought more and more deeply, his eyes and face became more and more solemn.

"Yin Yang Realm!"

"The key point is probably the word 'yin and yang'."

Fang Che said silently.

I simply cleaned myself up, and from today on, I am a native here.

Then he worked hard to build a small wooden house by the lake near the water source.

He worked very calmly.

Logging level ground, finishing the frame, roofing the house...

He did this job for two days.

Then he jumped into the lake, controlled the water flow under the water, formed a large drill bit for water flow, and dug a spacious channel under the water.

This is simpler. You can directly activate the hydraulic power without having to do it yourself. A round, smooth hole extended under the wooden house and passed through it.

Then he entered the wooden house, punched a hole in the ground, and then controlled the water flow to make it look like a bath, connected to the underground sewer.

When you are tired, just take a dip in the water. If there is any danger, just jump into the water, and you will be directly connected to the lake and the sea...

With his power to control water, as long as he enters the water, he will be like a dragon entering the sea and a tiger entering the mountains, a complete home!

After doing this, Fang Che felt that his life was protected.

After taking a rest, he made three shallow cuts on the door frame.

This means that I have been here for three days.

Then he lay on the original wooden bed he made, chewing a grass leaf in his mouth, crossed his legs leisurely, let his mind relax, and fell into a deep sleep.

The world is quiet, the birds are chirping and the flowers are fragrant. This sleep is particularly hearty. Both body and mind are greatly replenished!

Fang Che knew very well that this period of time should be the safest.

Because everyone is busy laying the foundation. So...as long as you are careful not to be eaten by any animals, bitten by snakes, poisoned, etc., you can basically sit back and relax.

Fang Che is not in a hurry to spend a full ten years here.

He didn't even plan to go out for the first two years.

I plan to practice here and quickly build up my cultivation level.

Fang Che didn't want something like that to happen to him when he went out without wearing the sword properly.

So now he has made a comprehensive plan: he will never go out when his cultivation level is lower than what he thinks he can go out!

Then Fang Che also cultivated a vegetable field behind the house, preparing to search for some wild vegetable seeds that could be planted and scatter them here. He also used the woods behind the wooden house to make a huge and strong livestock shelter.

Reinforce the surrounding area and always have some game ready to keep in captivity.

I set up a barbecue grill and made my own stove, but unfortunately there was no iron pot or anything like that.

It seems that wild vegetables can only be grilled or eaten raw in the future.

Then walk around and look for seasonings.

I even ran with a group of wild horses for a day and found salt stones. I packed a large bag back and filtered the salt myself for consumption.

Those second generations who had space rings and brought them in might have these things with them, but Fang Che didn't.

All we can do is rely on our own efforts.

There was no help or interference. Fang Che worked quietly alone. Time passed by and he was not in a hurry.

Finally, ten days had passed when everything was sorted out.

In the past ten days, he has been busy every day, without any distractions, working hard and using every ounce of his intelligence and wisdom to build his own little home.

Looking up into the wilderness, there is no human habitation for thousands of miles.

Every day there are only rising sun and setting sun, white clouds and breeze, green mountains and green water, flowers, birds, fish and insects to accompany you.

This made him feel at ease.

I even fantasize that if the world is calm in the future and the Solipsism disappears, I will take my night dreams and find a place like this to live.

He loved the feeling of welcoming the rising sun and the arrival of dawn every morning.

The feeling of seeing the sun set every afternoon and welcoming the boundless darkness.

Every morning when I come out, I see a wild flower with dewdrops in its mouth, and the dewdrops on the grass bending down. As the day comes, the dewdrops on the flowers disappear and the fragrance is emitted, and the grass straightens and becomes lush.

I like the sound of big fish breaking through the water and jumping in the silence.

The pop sound seemed to break the tranquility of thousands of miles.

Breaking the world!

He enjoyed this feeling.

Before marrying Ye Meng, he didn't even know what home felt like.

But now, he is building his own home.

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