Lord of the Night

Chapter 433 Temporary Cooperation [Two in One]

Yan Beihan obviously wanted revenge. He jumped in and raised his foot to kick Fang Che in the butt. He also obviously wanted to kick the other person in to retaliate for his own kick.

But the kick missed, and Fang Che actually jumped in by himself.

Yan Beihan bit his lip with an unhappy look on his face.

It seems that it will come out a little later next time...

The whole night was spent in fighting.

At dawn...the snakes retreated again.

Leaving behind hundreds of millions of corpses...

The fishy smell hits your nose.

I can't stay here anymore.

Forced to take a rest, Yan Beihan covered his nose with a scented towel, furrowing his brows and looking unbearable.

"Give me a piece too!" Fang Che stretched out his hand.

"What??" Yan Beihan asked in a muffled voice.


"You grown man still use this?"

"Something is better than nothing."



If you don’t give it, you won’t give it. It’s not a necessity anyway: “Give me some more spiritual crystals and I’ll clean this place up.”

Yan Beihan's eyes widened: "You actually need to pay for this?"

Old God Fang Che was here: "How much did you improve in your cultivation last night? How much did your combat experience, swordsmanship understanding, and state of mind improve? Don't say you haven't, that's impossible!"

Yan Beihan: "..."

"Just tell me, do you want to make more progress? Let's do it one more night?"

Fang Che asked.

Yan Beihan: "..."

"Or should we just abandon this place and leave?" Fang Che asked again.

"If you want to leave, I won't object, and I don't need the spiritual crystals. This place smells so bad anyway."

Fang Che pointed at the trees around him that were almost toasted and had not yet had time to burn: "It's a pity to prepare these things."

Yan Beihan threw a bag of spiritual crystals over, curled his lips and said: "Clean it up! I will treat it like a beggar."

"Got the order!"

Fang Che started to clean up.

Very simple.

A piece of wood was kicked out hundreds of feet with one kick.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

After a while, the cleaning was completed: "We don't want it here. Let's go to the wood, where it will be in the limelight and there will be no smell."

Fang Che said.

"Is this... cleaning up?" Yan Beihan's eyes widened.

"Yes, what else can we do? Even several feet underground here are soaked in snake blood. The stench cannot be removed in ten years. Why don't you leave here and stay here?"

Fang Che said matter-of-factly.

If I had known that you just moved the wood, I would give you the spiritual crystal? Give you shit to eat!

Yan Beihan felt that he should change his strategy. I gave him some conveniences because I recognized Night Demon, but this guy was so thick-skinned that he directly adopted shameless tactics!

I am giving this to Night Demon, not to Fang Che.

It's not okay for this bastard to have sex for free as Fang Che!

But it would be pointless to tell him that I have seen through you. what to do?

Yan Beihan was thinking urgently and finally decided not to tell him.

But my attitude needs to change slightly.

Yan Beihan, who finally moved to the new camp to set up tents, had a stinky face.

What a loss.

It cost a whole bag of amethysts.

But I couldn't care about that now, so I quickly set up the tent and rested. The little bear also followed me and climbed into bed again.

With the little bear, Yan Beihan's big bear pillow was put into the space ring.

After an hour of sorting out the harvest, I reviewed today's battle and summarized the experiences I had not noticed before, as well as the increased cultivation, the condition of the meridians, and the stimulation of potential...

Then I started to meditate, rest and practice the exercises at the same time.

Fang Che over there also followed the same process, but he also had a little more understanding of Yan Beihan.

Yan Beihan's attitude today was a little strange.

But Fang Che didn't realize that Yan Beihan recognized him at all. He felt that his disguise before coming in had already deflected Yan Beihan.

As for the treasured clothes he was wearing, Fang Che observed it several times. When Yan Beihan saw it, his eyes didn't even waver and his consciousness didn't react at all.

"After all, it was given by Chen Yin. Strictly speaking, Yan Beihan and Chen Yin have a competitive and hostile relationship. Chen Yin can't even talk to Yan Beihan about the precious clothes he gave, right?"

"Although this kind of treasured clothing is a treasure, it is not much for the Solipsism and the Guardian."

Fang Che had seen the treasured clothes of Yang Luoyu and others, as well as the treasured clothes that he received as a reward for the friendly battles of the younger generation. He also compared them with his own and felt that the materials, styles and colors were similar.

Therefore, this thing is not unique to Solipsism.

If he could recognize himself based on this, Fang Che thought it was impossible.

So after thinking for a while, he fell asleep.

But what he never expected was that... the treasured clothes given by Chen Yin were obtained by the Chen family when they killed a super-level monster; and the skin of this super-level monster has the strongest defense among the children of the Chen family. One for each person, and one for Yan Beihan as a gift.

The one given to Fang Che was made from the inner skin of the monster's abdomen. Compared with the others, its defensive power was much lower.

Moreover, this monster beast has no hair on its abdomen, so... there are no pores on this treasured garment. Yan Beihan and others had commented on this matter when they were children and were deeply impressed.

Very few people know about this matter, only a few. But Yan Beihan happens to be one of them because he is the beneficiary of the best treasure clothes.

And Chen Yin would never be willing to give away his own piece, so naturally, this is what he would give to Night Demon.

Yan Beihan recognized it just after seeing a little bit of it.

Although Fang Che compared a lot of treasure clothes for this point, although the styles were similar and the materials were basically animal skins, they looked basically the same, so naturally the feeling was not that obvious.

So the current situation is...one knows and the other doesn't.

The other relies on the fact that the other party knows that he does not know, but in fact he knows, and also knows that the other party knows that he does not know, thus creating an effect where both parties think that the other party is kept in the dark.

Fang Che thought it was a lie that Yan Beihan was still in the dark; Yan Beihan knew that it was true that Fang Che was still in the dark.

It has to be said that this is the biggest loss Fang Che has suffered so far in his life.

And judging from this situation, as long as Yan Beihan is not exposed, Fang Che will continue to eat.

Rested until the afternoon.

Fang Che stood up again and started to prepare. But this time, Yan Beihan also came to help.

The two of them worked on their own side.

Fang Che found that this girl was actually quite capable.

And it's well-organized.

"How did you, a young lady, learn these things?" Fang Che asked while working.


Yan Beihan laughed coldly and said sarcastically: "In your heart, you think that the so-called eldest young lady is just a person who doesn't work hard on his limbs and can't distinguish between grain and grain, right?"

Fang Che was busy working.

Here’s a question: why is it still online?

Something wrong!

Yan Beihan was attracted by him and started chatting, and said calmly: "These younger generations in our Weiwo Zhengtong Church, as you think, have grown up being pampered. But this kind of pampering has conditions."

"If you are really lazy and don't strive to make progress, this pampering will disappear."

"So you must do everything you do well, and do it more perfectly than others, do it better than your competitors, be more able to endure hardship, and be able to learn better... Only then will your pampering last."

"The elders' pampering comes from seeing your potential for future development. It doesn't mean that they will pamper you as long as you are a bloodline of this family... That is impossible."

"So... the more pampered a person is, the stronger he becomes! This is the best way to survive!"

Yan Beihan sighed in a low voice that could only be heard by himself: "Pampered... Haha, sometimes, we also think that the so-called pampered, isn't it just the love that comes from seeing our future value? So? This is also an exchange of interests.”

Fang Che sneered: "But even without you, it will not affect the current value of the older generation. Moreover, even without you, there will be others. So this pampering is still extra. Are you still not balanced? "

Yan Beihan was silent for a moment and said: "You are right. Over the years, I have often gone out, especially this time, traveling tens of thousands of miles to the southeast... I saw many children along the way who are also struggling and working hard. If In our family, they may not have a good future. But what we enjoy... they could never have dreamed of."

"So people are different from each other." Yan Beihan smiled: "We are quite lucky, we were reincarnated well."

Fang Che didn't expect Yan Beihan to be so sober, and said: "Yes, so you can destroy other people's life hopes with just a wave of your hand, kill a hard-working life, and destroy the hopes of countless families. This is what birth brings. gap!"

"It's a matter of position. It's pointless for you and me to argue."

Yan Beihan picked up a huge log, set it up as a huge tripod, and said: "Human life is actually like this. Even if there is no Solipsism, you guardians of the mainland will kill each other, and there will not be many fewer deaths." .”

Fang Che was silent for a moment and said, "Maybe."

"I heard about the distant dynasty era. At that time, the dynasties fought for hegemony. The red land was thousands of miles away, and the mountains and rivers were in flames..."

Yan Beihan kept putting up the logs and said in a calm voice: "Why are there ten rooms and nine empty houses? Killing people in one city after another, men, women, old and young... It is said that the most cruel time is to kill a man who once dominated the continent. The nation was killed almost to extinction.”

"How do those sins... compare to the current Solipsism?"

"Besides, are those really sins?"

Yan Beihan said calmly: "What did those ordinary people who died innocently do wrong?"

"From this point of view, is our solipsism really a sin? We just help some people who live in poverty to escape this sinful world."

Fang Che sneered: "So, you are on the right side?"

"Is justice and evil really constant from ancient times to the present?"

Yan Beihan asked.

This topic is getting colder and colder.

Neither of them spoke anymore.

They are all doing their own work in silence.

When it was about to be completed, Yan Beihan finally said calmly: "Fang Che, do you admit it? This world needs fighting, war, and fighting."

"Whether it is in the business field, students in the martial arts academy, soldiers on the battlefield, or warriors in the arena, it is always a fight!"

"Survival of the fittest, survival and defeat."

"Whether it's because of beauty, wealth, character and temper, or because of drinking, sex, and wealth... In fact, the things that human beings have done since ancient times are the same."

"They are all fighting and fighting!"

"All money, beauty, victory, beauty, enjoyment, scenery... are all luxuries!"

Yan Beihan placed the last log on the top, clapped his hands, and said calmly: "Only the winner or survivor can get it!"

"What we pursue throughout our lives is nothing more than to be a survivor and a winner among survivors! That's all!"

"So there is no point in debating what is right or wrong."

Yan Beihan said: "The times are also changing; just like me and you, the guardian, shouldn't we fight to the death whenever we see it? But now, the situation is forcing us to cooperate temporarily, isn't it?"

"What if the person here today is not me, Yan Beihan, but Feng Yun, Feng Xing, Chen Yin, or the ones you hate most, the fire demon, water demon, shadow demon, poison demon, dream demon and... night demon wait……"

Yan Beihan said calmly: "Isn't it normal for temporary cooperation to occur when cooperation is needed to continue to exist?"

"So, what are you boasting about?"

Yan Beihan said coldly.

Turn around and enter the tent, close your eyes and recharge your batteries.

Fang Che was deep in thought.

It took a long time before the answer was given.


He said in his heart: If today it is not you, Feng Yun and others, but Fire Demon, Dream Demon, Shadow Demon and others, then I will not hesitate if there is a chance to kill them.

As for my own question of whether I can continue to live without a survival collaborator after killing them... I will consider it after they are dead.

But then I thought about it.

Who knows that Yan Beihan won't become such a crazed enemy in the future?

So what is the difference between her and other solipsistic people?

Fang Che felt that it was difficult to explain himself.

At night.

The snakes attacked again, and the battle this night was much more fierce and fierce than last night, because more and more big snakes came, and by the second half of the night, they were almost rolling up like a mountain of meat.

The fire burned all night.

The two also fought all night.

Although I gained a lot, I was also extremely tired.

Finally in the early morning, Yan Beihan saw Fang Che holding a sword and looking for inner elixirs and snake beads on the dead giant snakes. Although Yan Beihan looked down on such low-level creatures, he was a creature in the Yin and Yang world after all. , in line with the mentality of "it might be useful to go out", I also started to collect some of them.

It's just that compared to Fang Che's way of almost cleaning up the past, Yan Beihan only accepts the best products.

Fang Che, on the other hand, accepts them all regardless of whether they are high-quality products or not.

The main theme is that there are no taboos.

Even Yan Beihan felt that this kid was too greedy and had not seen much of the world...

But Fang Che had his own plans.

Although these things are low-level, after they are taken out by themselves, the low-level warriors of the guardians and guardians can definitely use them.

And these things are not available outside, so we can collect as much as we can.

If you encounter other good things in the future and the space ring cannot fit in them, then you can just throw away some of these selective ones.

If we can take them all out, then of course we should take them all out.

As long as there are resources, the more the better for Fang Che.

Over the years, Guardian Continent has suffered countless losses from resources; Dongfang Sansan has been struggling to support itself because of the lack of resources.

Fang Che tried hard to relieve some of Dongfang Sansan's pressure.

Even if it's just a hair loss...but doing it is better than not doing it at all!

But of course he wouldn't say this.

"What are you doing with all these low-level things?"

"Go out and sell it, it's all money!"

"If you have more money, you can exchange it for spiritual crystals. If you have more spiritual crystals, you can exchange them for divine crystals... How good is this?"

Fang Che acted like a miser: "Is there still too little money?"

It is difficult for Yan Beihan, who has never been short of money or resources, to sympathize with this kind of thinking. But she can understand it.

"Poor guy!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm not as fat as you, so why don't you give me all yours?"

"Get out!"

Yan Beihan thrust his sword straight towards the throat.

Fang Che dodged and continued collecting.

On the third night, the snake group became even bigger. After killing this time, Fang Che no longer waited for the battle to end. Instead, he started collecting directly after killing. As long as he had a little time, he picked up the sword tip. The snake beads and inner elixir flew out directly.

Then pretend to kill.

Yan Beihan didn't understand what he meant at first, but it didn't matter, she would do whatever Fang Che did.

Also follow suit.

Because she found that compared to Fang Che, she might be slightly stronger in combat power and progress faster, but in other aspects, whether it was life or fighting, there were too many places where Fang Che was unique.

Compared with Fang Che, his shortcomings are still a bit obvious.

So this smart woman is constantly learning.

No matter what your intentions are, I will do whatever you want and I won’t suffer any loss.

And there will always be a day when you understand, and then you can just say arrogantly: "You think I don't know?"

Although I really didn’t know it at first, I couldn’t admit it.

Miss Yan takes the issue of face seriously.

You can steal lessons, but you can’t expose that you don’t understand!

Soon Yan Beihan knew the reason. Starting in the second half of the night... huge pythons began to appear, and swords could no longer harm them.

And there are more giant pythons coming quickly from the distance...

And this time it was surrounded from all directions.

While there is no encirclement...

The two took the bear with them and evacuated quickly.

There is a giant python lying across the retreat route, like a mountain range, with its big mouth open like a mountain pass, bursts of black and red poisonous smoke spurting out, covering the sky and the earth.

At the same time, the snake array unfolded instantly, and snake bodies hundreds of feet flew into the air.

If this was hit, the two of them would have ended up here.


Fang Che stretched out his hand in the air and roared.

Yan Beihan stretched out his left hand to hold his hand, and then Fang Che suddenly swung it hard: "Spin out like this!"

Yanbei Han Bingxue was smart. The moment her body was spinning, she was spinning hard at the same time, and Fang Che was also thrown up by her.

The two of them were spinning in the air like windmills, and suddenly they rose hundreds of feet high.

When the giant python landed, straightened up and shot straight into the sky, it had already spun dozens of times again in tacit agreement. Like two small black dots, it flew directly to the top of the mountain, and then went down the mountain at full speed and flew away.

The python starts hunting again!

The two of them walked away in despair.

They all bleed from the mouth and nose.

Just now I had a face-to-face encounter with the giant python, and I still managed to catch it with its tail. At the same time, I was seriously injured, but I can no longer care about it now.

Escape for your life first.

Mountain peaks are left behind...

A large lake with sparkling blue waves appeared in front of him again. Yan Beihan was about to take a detour, but was pulled by Fang Che and jumped directly into the lake with a pop.

Then the lake water was rolled up, and the spiritual power formed a shield and turned into thrust behind him, rushing toward the opposite side like an arrow.

"Are you so good at water?"

Yan Beihan was truly shocked.

How many things about this night devil do I not know about?

So water-resistant...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but shudder. Fortunately, the small world where Gu was planned to become a god did not encounter such a big lake. Otherwise, if he encountered a night demon there and was dragged into the lake, wouldn't he be killed properly? ?

This embryo killer doesn't know how to show mercy.

Lianxiangxiyu is even more absent from this bastard's mind. In the plan of raising Gu to become a god, just watching this guy kill a woman, and a beautiful woman... was like chopping onions when cooking.

The click is two halves.

"Of course, this is all the result of hard study and practice."

Fang Che shamelessly attributed all the effectiveness of the water spirit grass to his own efforts: "After all, if you want to travel in the world, there must be water in the world. How can you do it if you don't understand the nature of water? You, the orthodox people, don't even learn this?"

"Haha, you don't need to know whether we will learn or not, but if you talk to me in this tone again, I will immediately let you know that I am the only one who teaches people how to kill."

Yan Beihan was full of murderous intent.

Fang Che shut up and moved forward at full speed.

Damn it, crazy woman!

I saved your life and was taking you to escape, but you did this to me!

A thought came to my mind.

The water flow formed a vortex behind him and slapped Yan Beihan's butt continuously.

"What's going on?" Yan Beihan asked angrily as he felt his buttocks being hit continuously and crazily.

"There's nothing we can do about it. My butt is also being slapped by the water."

Fang Che looked upright and solemn.


Yan Beihan was speechless for a while.

She wants to say that you are a man, can having your butt patted be the same as having my butt patted? Besides, why didn't you just now?

Now there is.

This guy must be responsible.

The water flow hit Yan Beihan's delicate buttocks endlessly and with great force.

Slowly, Yan Beihan felt a strange feeling arise, his face gradually turned red, and he gritted his teeth: "No more filming!"

"I really don't care what I say." Fang Che looked innocent.

He had no idea what effect he had caused, after all, it was the water flow, not his hands.

No touch.

Yan Beihan felt as if there were little bugs crawling all over his body, itching and itching, and he almost moaned.

His face was flushed and he gritted his teeth.

He looked at Fang Che fiercely: "I said! No more filming is allowed! Don't do any more tricks!"

Fang Che was stunned, and turned around to see that the girl had a fierce expression, but her face was red and her eyes were wandering. She actually looked a bit like Ye Meng sometimes... well, a bit like her.

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