Lord of the Night

Chapter 446 The damned Dongyun Jade [Ten thousand! 】

Orchid grass.

This is a treasure that can clear the meridians. Although it can only clear the meridians of middle and low-level warriors, it is also something that is difficult to see in the outside world.

How could Fang Che be so generous?

If it wasn't for the purpose of provoking disputes, he wouldn't even cut off the grass roots, let alone seven or eight plants.

Later, as they moved forward, the Nether Palace disciples also discovered that there was indeed orchid catkins.

And they're all very conspicuous.

Everyone understood in their hearts.

Obviously, Senior Brother Fang deliberately reserved this for himself and others. Otherwise, in such a conspicuous place, how could Senior Brother Fang not find out that his cultivation level is the best among all?

Suddenly everyone felt more and more grateful.

Senior Brother Fang is indeed a gentleman. This kind of demeanor is simply impossible not to respect.

Along the way, Fang Che was personable and elegant, his words were insightful, and his actions were strict.

All the disciples in Netherworld Palace are becoming more and more fond of Senior Brother Fang.

Before, it was centered around Lan Xinxue, but now, Fang Che has replaced Lan Xinxue's position.

No matter what Fang Che asked, everyone would answer everything they knew.

Lan Xinxue was in the team and felt a little complicated when she saw Fang Che mingling cordially with her brothers and sisters.

There was a hint of jealousy in my heart, and a hint of guilt.

"In front of us is the Yin and Yang Realm, only a few hundred feet away from us."

We have arrived in front of the Yin and Yang Realm.

Fang Che looked at the pitch-black land ahead, with caution in his eyes, and said naturally: "I'm afraid there are many dangers here, so everyone must be careful. Junior brothers and sisters, do you have any recorded experience in your sect?"

Before Lan Xinxue could speak, a disciple already said: "Senior Brother Fang, there are quite a lot of sect records in this regard. The records say that once this black mist enters, you can't see your fingers, and your eyes can't see anything. It means you can't see anything." The only thing you can rely on is the power of your own consciousness."

Fang Che sighed: "Since you can't see it even by looking at it, how do you discover the treasures of heaven, materials and earth? How do you collect them?"

"The Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures inside have a layer of misty white light. As long as you see the white light, it means there is a treasure, but beware of guardian monsters. Basically, next to every Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures, there is one or several guardian monsters beast."

"I see."

"But as long as the treasures of heaven, materials and earth are found, they are easy to be discovered. Therefore, while guarding against the guardian monsters, you must also beware of others snatching them. Because when you discover the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, it is also the most dangerous time."

"You should be mentally prepared for this."

"It's easy to collect heavenly materials and earthly treasures. As long as you shovel up the surrounding soil and dig a few feet deep, it will basically not be damaged. Shake it and move it and it will be clean."


"After leaving, Tiangong Underworld will still charge 30% of the fee. This..."

"This depends on each other's negotiation. Anyway, our elders will not hand over so much after discussing with the leader of Tiangong Underworld. Haha, Senior Brother Fang, you understand."


Fang Che said thoughtfully: "But there is no space ring to store. When you go out, you can't take so many things out. According to the rules, this space ring will be broken when you go out."

"If the capacity of the space ring is more than half, then it can last for a quarter of an hour when going out. However, I heard that no one can hold it for more than half. After all... there is not that much space. Treasures of materials and land.”

"That's true."

Fang Che nodded, touched his space ring that had filled 70% of the space, and said sincerely: "There are only so many things in it, who can even fill such a large space ring to more than half?" , even one person can’t fill it up. Isn’t this bragging?”

"Hahaha, what Senior Brother Fang said is true. It's embarrassing to say that there are more than thirty of us, and until now, the treasures of heaven and earth we have discovered cannot exceed the amount of one palm."

"so much?"

Fang Che was surprised: "Before this, I didn't see any natural materials or earthly treasures. It's like a desert filled with natural materials and earthly treasures."

"Who says it isn't? The only hope is in this dark world."

"If you can't see, how can you distinguish between your own people and the enemy?" Fang Che asked.

"Senior brother, don't worry, we all carry whistles that can make the unique sound of Netherworld Palace."

A disciple said, took it out and blew it: "That's the sound. If you encounter danger, just come closer to us, Senior Brother Fang."

"I understand, thank you junior brother."

"Senior Brother Fang, you're welcome."

Lan Xinxue on the other side hasn't spoken yet, while Fang Che has finished communicating with others.

Basically, what you need to pay attention to, what you need to be prepared for, what you need... everything is understood.

Lan Xinxue came over with a pure face and said pitifully: "Senior Brother Fang, after entering here, you have to protect me. I... am a little afraid of the dark."

"Junior sister, don't worry, everything will be taken care of by me. Anyone who dares to harm junior sister is an enemy of me, Fang Che!"

Fang Che patted his chest and took care of everything.

"Shall we enter now?"

Lan Xinxue asked.

Looking at the huge black curtain that reaches the sky and the earth so close, in this legend, it is the underworld!

"Not urgent."

Fang Che waved and gathered everyone in the Nether Palace together, saying mysteriously, "Let's not rush in. This has just appeared. We should be the first ones here. Why not lie in ambush aside and wait to see what others do first?" Go in and see what's going on. It's not too late to enter again. There is still a full year, so there is still enough time, but if you enter rashly and suffer a loss because of your recklessness, it is not a good thing. Not only will you suffer a loss, but you will also be harmed. Other sects took advantage and were treated as a laughing stock. This kind of thing cannot be done."

Everyone was convinced and sincerely convinced: "Senior Brother Fang is still thoughtful."

So everyone found a slightly higher place to hide. From here, they could see the entire area below, but the people below could not see them.

Everyone was carefully hidden.

Not long after.

Another group of people came quickly.

There were also about thirty people.

"They are from the Purple Clothes Palace. It seems that many people in the Purple Clothes Palace also died."

Lan Xinxue whispered.

After the people from Ziyi Palace arrived, they began to discuss. After much discussion, everyone in the Nether Palace stared dumbfoundedly at the group of people, who also started to find a place to hide on the other side without entering.

Obviously, he didn't want to take the lead.

"The people from the Purple Clothes Palace are so insidious!"

Some people in the Nether Palace were angry: "You actually have such vicious thoughts!"

Everyone looked sideways.

This guy said it well and scolded everyone in his mouth.

And then there’s…

Six people came together.

"The people from Futu Mountain Gate... There are about 120 people from Futu Mountain Gate, but only six survived?" Lan Xinxue couldn't help but be surprised.

This is too miserable.

The other people in Nether Palace looked at each other, and suddenly felt some comfort in their hearts.

These six men came with swords in hand, all of them tall and tall, with fierce momentum. Obviously, we have suffered a lot along the way, but we have also sharpened our fighting spirit.

After the six people arrived, they looked at the dark scene in silence for a while, then without saying a word, they went straight to find a place to hide.

Obviously, I don’t want to be the one who stands out.

Immediately, a dozen people from Hanjian Mountain Gate arrived, as well as people from Yinshui Palace and Tianhuo Palace. But these people, without exception, chose to find a place to hide.

"How come everyone is so smart!"

Someone gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go in and see what's going on."

Seven or eight people from sects came in one after another, but no one entered!

They all chose to hide.

But everyone frowned and felt heavy in their hearts.

They are all a bit more vigilant against this opponent!

Everyone understands one thing: those who can get the quota to enter the Yin and Yang Realm this time are geniuses from various sects. And after coming in, those who can survive until now in such a strange world are all geniuses!

These people have no shortage of scheming, conspiracy, and tricks.

How could you rush into such a dangerous place before you were sure of your safety?

Then one after another...several sects came again, and sure enough, they were all hidden.

Then a dark cloud filled the air, and a gloomy aura came from the distance.

Then I saw Yin Yun Xiao taking the lead.

Came with people from the underworld.

Yin Yunxiao was dressed in black, with a long body, head held high, and striding forward; he still looked that arrogant.

Behind him, more than seventy disciples from the underworld were eerie, marching in order, like a group of hungry ghosts wandering the world.

"More than half of the damage to this underworld has been done." Lan Xinxue frowned.

Others were also very puzzled.

The underworld also lost so much.

What's the explanation? So they all looked at Fang Che.

Fang Che frowned: "I really don't know...why did they lose so much after coming out of a safe place?"

Just then.

The people from Qingming Palace came like the wind from the other side.

The leader is the eldest disciple of Qingming Palace, but there are only twenty-eight people in Qingming Palace now.

Less than Nether Palace.

Everyone suddenly discovered that Feng Yun, the eldest son of the Feng family who was the only orthodox sect, actually came with Qingming Palace. Moreover, judging from Feng Yun's position, he was the leader of this group of people.

Could it be that these guys were recruited by Feng Yun?

Fang Che thought in his heart.

Regardless of the fact that there are only twenty-eight people left in Qingming Palace, that is too few.

Seeing that the people from Hell were coming, the people from Qingming Palace also stepped forward immediately.

Looks like they're going to rendezvous.

When the two sides were about to come into contact, Shi Changjian, the chief disciple of Qingming Palace, stepped out from the crowd and said sternly: "Yin Yunxiao, let me ask you, do you know the rules of the Yin and Yang Realm?"

Yin Yun smiled and turned his head. On his handsome face, his will-o'-the-wisp eyes began to flicker, and he said sinisterly: "Shi Changjian, what do you mean? Is this Holy Son someone you can question?"

Shi Changjian narrowed his eyes: "I just ask you if you know the rules!"

With just these two questions, Fang Che understood a little bit. It seems that Feng Yun did the same thing as himself, and also gave people in the underworld eye drops after meeting Qingming Palace. Maybe not only the underworld, but also the pot in heaven.

"Tsk, you are worthy of being the eldest son of the Soli-Orthodox Sect. Without any discussion, you actually have such a tacit understanding with me and even do exactly the same things." Fang Che was somewhat impressed in his heart.

But he also understood that from Feng Yun's point of view, he absolutely did not want the world outside the mountain sect to unite.

Yin Yunxiao was ignorant of these situations.

He was very angry.

What the hell is your stone sword?

You actually questioned me like this?

"I, the Holy Son, naturally know the rules of the Yin and Yang Realm, but why should I be asked by the Yishi Longjian?"

"I ask you……"

Before Shi Changjian could finish his sentence, he heard a cold voice saying: "Yin Yunxiao, there are actually so many people alive in your underworld!"

A slender figure flew over from a distance.

Dressed in light purple clothes, with unparalleled elegance and a cold temperament, he flew over like a banished immortal from the sky or a fairy from the Moon Palace descending to the human world.

The beauty of the sky and the beauty of the country are indescribable, and the beauty of the country and the city are endless.

It was Yan Beihan.

Feng Yun was immediately shocked: "Xiaohan!?? You, you, when did you come in?"

He didn't know Yan Beihan came in. But after asking this question, my mind changed, and I immediately understood that the Nanshan Feng seemed to be Yan Beihan.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

My own insight still needs to be improved. Nanshan Feng, Yan Beihan, names like this, I should have thought of them a long time ago.

Yan Beihan said: "Let's talk about this after we get out of the way."

Then he turned to Yin Yunxiao and said, "Yin Yunxiao, many people in your underworld have survived."

Yan Beihan flew over, and with a vaguely familiar temperament, Yin Yunxiao immediately recognized him. This woman was the one who rushed out of the lake to fight with him.

Thinking of the disaster caused by the wild python after this woman fought with him and then escaped, and thought of the tragic death of so many junior brothers and sisters in that catastrophe; Yin Yunxiao suddenly became furious and his eyes were about to burst: "You are Yan Beihan, the only one who can teach me the truth ? No wonder, Yan Beihan, you still have the nerve to say, if it weren’t for you, how could so many people die in our underworld? "

Yan Beihan said calmly: "What does this have to do with me? I just can't stand how comfortable you are in the underworld."

As soon as Yan Beihan said these words, Fang Che suddenly felt mixed emotions in his heart, and he didn't know what it was like.

From these words, he knew that Yan Beihan must have arrived here first.

And this girl must have listened to all the conversations she had with the people in Netherworld Palace.

The purpose of coming forward now is to confirm the charge of "failure to report knowledge" to the underworld.

Yan Beihan, as the eldest lady of the Solipsistic Orthodox Church, naturally did not want the sect to be united, but she showed up at this time to cover up her lies.

In other words.

The perfect cooperation of Yan Beihan, Feng Yun, and Fang Che was enough to put this big black pot in the underworld firmly on their heads.

As expected, Yin Yunxiao was furious: "Whether we live comfortably or not is none of your business? We all live peacefully there, but you, Yanbei Han, are so ambitious that you are so unscrupulous that you lead the giant beast to the east! What if? If it weren't for you, no one in our underworld would die! Yan Beihan, you will have to repay this blood debt sooner or later!"

Yan Beihan smiled faintly and said indifferently: "What does it have to do with me whether you are dead or not in the underworld? My name is Yan Beihan, and I am a member of the Wei Wo Orthodox Sect. If you people in the underworld are still a little brave, feel free to come. Take revenge from me."

She mocked: "You, the Holy Son, ran very fast at that time. Why, you were not eaten by the giant python. Are you disappointed?"

Yin Yun smiled with hatred: "You wait! Just wait!"

But the expressions on the faces of everyone in the Qingming Palace and Fang Che's hidden Nether Palace darkened.

He stared at the people in the underworld with his eyes, as if blood was burning in his eyes.

Because the conversation between Yan Beihan and Yin Yunxiao fully explained one thing.

The people in the underworld were originally fine.

They hide in a place and live a quiet life, waiting for the final true opening of the Yin and Yang world.

However, because of Yan Beihan's frame-up, he rushed into the underworld camp with the giant python, causing casualties to the people in the underworld. Forced out of a safe place!

If it weren't for this, I'm afraid everyone in the underworld would be here this time.

Thinking of this, and then thinking of the heavy losses suffered by their sect, those brothers and sisters who died tragically in the mouths of vicious beasts, every one's chest almost exploded!

This dark cloud laughs, this underworld!

The crime is extremely heinous.

Not only their two families, but also people from other hidden sects heard this conversation.

Anyone with a little bit of brains can figure it out: Oh, the underworld was originally safe.

Just because the water flowed eastward due to Yanbeihan...


The Heavenly Palace and the Underworld really had something to hide.

It's really nothing.

Feng Yun looked at Yan Beihan with some admiration, and once again lifted Yan Beihan's height in his heart.

Xiaohan is indeed a talent. He knew what I had done after just hearing a few words.

This creates a perfect fit.

Moreover, she actually killed so many people in the underworld.

This girl has skills, means, wisdom and adaptability. She is really a great talent!

Yin Yunxiao was still angry, but Yan Beihan no longer wanted to argue with him, and said calmly: "You people from the underworld gather together and hide safely, but other sects don't have such conditions as you. Haha, it's really shameless. especially."

Yin Yunxiao was furious and felt confused, saying: "What does other sects have to do with my underworld? Don't blame me! Besides, it's not the turn of others to tell me what to do with my underworld!" Shameless words will not be accepted and the original sentence will be returned!"

Yan Bei Leng snorted, turned around and walked to Feng Yun, saying: "Xiaoyun, how did you gain?"

Feng Yun had a wry smile on his face.

Although he is much older than Yan Beihan, his seniority is really many generations lower than Yan Beihan. This Xiaoyun cry really made him feel full of pain in his throat.

"Don't mention it."

Feng Yun looked helpless: "I have used more than half of the life-saving secret treasure given by my elders. I can barely save a life, but there is nothing to gain."

"Have you even used those secret treasures?" Yan Beihan was surprised.

He didn't use any of them.

With Fang Che by his side, even if he was caught by the fire phoenix and carried to a high altitude, he was still saved by Fang Che desperately.

It's not like using secret treasures at all.

Moreover, the space ring inside my own space is almost full now.

The harvest can be said to be extremely rich.

"Not even a little inner elixir or anything?"

Yan Beihan sent a message to Feng Yun.

"That's a bit." Feng Yun smiled faintly and nodded slightly, saying, "But in front of these sects, you shouldn't expose too much."

"How much?" Yan Beihan was a little curious.

Feng Yun was a little proud: "There are almost a hundred of them, all of which are the inner elixirs of monsters that are not available in the outside world. What about you?"

"I'm about the same."

Yan Beihan replied calmly.

Over one hundred?


Thinking of the hundreds of thousands in his space ring, Feng Yun had more than a hundred, it was really...tsk, pitiful. It's a shame he's so proud...

Based on Yan Beihan's understanding of Feng Yun, this guy would never tell the truth. He said it was more than a hundred, but the minimum number was between four, five hundred and one thousand.

There is no doubt about this, Feng Yun is this kind of person.

But even if it's a thousand... what's the point?

Over there, Yin Yunxiao was furious when he saw that Yan Beihan actually ignored him after saying a few words.

I have a huge blood debt to settle with you, and you actually ignored me. Why?

"Yan Beihan, do you think our underworld is afraid of your orthodox religion?" Yin Yunxiao said angrily.

"People are ignoring you, why are you calling?"

Shi Changjian frowned, looking at Yin Yun with deep hatred in his eyes, and said slowly: "You have to be beaten to feel comfortable? The Holy Son of the Underworld, are you so mean?"

Yin Yunxiao could hardly believe his ears. He suddenly turned his head, looked at Shi Changjian, and asked one by one: "What did you say?"

Shi Changjian held his head high, looked at Yin Yun with deep malice in his eyes and smiled: "I told you, why are you so mean!"

Yin Yun laughed and howled wildly, and suddenly black clouds filled the air, filled with gloomy air, and a ghostly aura suddenly filled the air: "Shi Changjian, you asked for this, don't blame me for ignoring our alliance."

As he spoke, he slowly drew out his sword.

It would be better if Yin Yun smiled and didn't mention the words 'alliance'.

But when he mentioned it, Shi Changjian suddenly felt the internal organs in his chest being burned with pain. He thought of those familiar faces who died in front of him, and the blood was scattered everywhere in that scene.

It’s so heartbreaking!

Shi Changjian roared violently, let out a long and shrill scream, and drew out the sword with a clang: "Yinyunxiao, what the hell! Who is your alliance! You bastard, you don't deserve to be mentioned as an alliance!"

Yin Yunxiao was furious. I had a few quarrels with Yan Beihan, but before I even finished my breath, what the hell does Qingming Palace have to do with you?

Why are you, Shi Changjian, pretending to be so cool when you suddenly stand up?

Are you so anxious to hold onto the lap of Solipsism?

"Since you are so eager to be a filial son and grandson of the only orthodox religion...hehe, kill!"

The body floats up, the sword energy is strong, and the ghost energy is awe-inspiring.

The Shi Changjian was also already blazing with sword light, splitting the air with a hiss, and actually rushed forward even more impatiently than Yin Yunxiao.

Two figures in black came into contact and rolled into a ball in the field.

Black air permeates the air.

Qing Ming Qi and Ghost Qi are entangled with each other. Both of them are top geniuses in their respective sects. Their cultivation in the Yin and Yang world is also comparable. In an instant, it is a life and death fight.


Fang Che sighed at the right time: "This senior brother of Qingming Palace is really a person. He is so tough that he started fighting with Yin Yunxiao. This temperament and character are worthy of the name Qingming."

The speaker is intentional and the listener is intentional.

The disciples in the Netherworld Hall next to them all had complicated expressions.

Yes, in order to avenge his fellow sect members, the senior brothers of Qingming Palace had sex with Yin Yunxiao, the Holy Son of the Underworld, in public.

What about us?

So they all took a peek at Lan Xinxue.

Lan Xinxue showed a confused expression and said in a confused tone: "Senior Brother Fang, what should I do?"

She still looks like a cute little girl.

Lan Xinxue's tea art can be said to have reached its peak.

Disguise is enough.

But at this moment, when all the disciples of Netherworld Palace need a backbone, it is absolutely counterproductive for Lan Xinxue to show up like this again.

Everyone's eyes were filled with disappointment and faint disgust.

Everyone is looking forward to you coming out to take charge of the overall situation.

As a result, you are still showing off your charming skills and performing Liu Shen Wuzhu.

Show it to whom?

Just like in times of national crisis, what everyone wants to see is the mainstay heroes who turn the tide, the iron-bone army, the invincible steel army, rather than a graceful dancing figure. star.

It's the same thing.

If you dance well and sing well, you will naturally be popular in peacetime, but in such a critical moment, is it of any use? Get caught by the enemy and continue jumping?

When Lan Xinxue usually performs like this, everyone will take care of you, feel sorry for you, pamper you, and pamper you.

But what time is it now?

When you need to shout, "Everyone, follow me and kill them to death," you yell softly, "Oh, I'm so scared..."

Not to mention how miserable the disciples of Netherworld Palace were.

Fang Che coughed. Said: "Junior Sister, this is a matter for your Nether Palace. How can I, an outsider, help you make the decision?"

Lan Xinxue's heart trembled.

Suddenly I felt that I had done something wrong.

At this time, it was not the time for her to act coquettishly. Looking at the eyes of her fellow disciples around her, she knew that she had used the wrong move.

She smiled softly and said, "Senior Brother Fang is well-informed, and my little sister can't help but ask for advice."

Then he turned to look at his fellow disciples and said: "Since Qingming Palace dares to do so, is our Nether Palace weak compared to Qingming Palace? Everyone, go out with me and settle the score with Yin Yunxiao."

Everyone was refreshed.

A saint is still a saint. Although there are some flaws, this decision is definitely supported by everyone.

"Go out and settle accounts with them!"


Everyone jumped up.

At this time, other people from Qingming Palace also participated in the battle. Although the people from the underworld were confused, they also stepped forward.

After all, the Son is fighting...

At this time, several other companies also arrived one after another.

Seeing that chaos is about to break out.

Fang Che deliberately stayed at the end, watching the dispute about to break out. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile in his eyes.

As long as these families work together, there will definitely be people asking questions, and as long as there are people asking questions, they will share the same hatred after knowing...

And the underworld has no chance to explain now.

As long as each other's hands are really stained with blood. So even if the misunderstanding is solved later, it will still be an unsolvable knot.


Everyone here is a core disciple and will be the one in power in the future!

I repeat: the future rulers!

this point is very important.

As for whether they would settle the score with themselves as the initiator after they solved the misunderstanding, Fang Che didn't care at all.

Let's settle the accounts.

I'm afraid of you!

If you really can't, let you beat Fang Che to death, and then I will become a night demon!

But... just when Fang Che was about to watch the show and his plan was close to success, suddenly there was an earth-shattering sound from the distance.

The whole earth was shaking.

Everyone emerged from their hiding places and looked back in shock.

I saw the dust in the distance, and the heavy and earth-shaking sounds kept coming, dense and fast. Looking at this posture, I don’t know how many powerful monsters are coming!

"Tide of monsters!"

Someone yelled sharply.

Full of panic.

Fang Che was also furious. Why did a wave of monsters come at such a critical time?

Could it be that the dispute he had finally stirred up would be interrupted by a wave of monsters?

Now even Yin Yunxiao and Shi Changjian stopped.

Fang Che sighed.

This is really not as good as God.

Soon after, a white shadow, in a state of embarrassment, with scars all over its body, rushed over as fast as lightning. When it was first seen, it was still thousands of feet away, but in the blink of an eye it was already in front of its eyes.

Fang Che was shocked to find that it was Dong Yunyu whom he had not seen since he came in.


Dongyun Yu rushed past everyone like a hurricane and shouted: "It's a pack of demon wolves... hundreds of thousands of them! Run quickly..."

He didn't stop, and with a whoosh, he rushed directly into the black screen. The last three words came directly from within the shady scene.

One look at this posture and the direction of the tide of monsters, and you know that these monsters are chasing Dongyun Yu!

After thinking about this, Fang Che's nose was so angry that he was so angry!

Dongyun Jade! I want to express my deepest greetings to your mother!

This Dog Coin Dongyun Jade will come sooner or later, but it just appears at this juncture.

It ruined my big plan!

In the distance, countless demonic wolves were charging towards this side in a rampage, moving forward inexorably.

Each demon wolf is as big as a dozen adult elephants, and they look like rolling mountains.

One head weighs three to four hundred thousand kilograms...

There are hundreds of thousands of them, giving the impression that this area is almost filled to the brim with a general visual impact.

These demonic wolves are all ferocious, and they only have eyes for Dong Yunyu who rushes into the dark scene, pursuing them relentlessly. It looks like this Dongyun Yu raped all the 18th generation ancestors and 18th generation children of the Demon Wolf...

It's like a blood feud.

"What the hell did this bastard do!"

Feng Yun and Yan Beihan were also dumbfounded and extremely angry.

What a great opportunity, and it’s even more rare for the three parties to unintentionally work towards the same goal with tacit understanding!

The plan was successful, and the fight started right before their eyes. The bastard Dong Yunyu actually came with the magic wolf. This once-in-a-lifetime situation was completely destroyed.

Feng Yun's stomach almost exploded with anger: "This is such a fucking stick!"

"It's too late to ask, let's go!"

The demon wolf is about to arrive, and everyone rushes into the darkness!

Everyone just hates their parents for having two legs.

The demon wolf was very fast and was in front of us in the blink of an eye.

Fang Che couldn't help but feel helpless in his heart, and sighed: "This bastard who fails to succeed but fails to succeed! Even if you take a few breaths late, it will be all right."

At this point, Fang Che was really heartbroken.

Just a few breaths later, with the scheming skills, eloquence and eloquence of myself, Feng Yun, and Yan Beihan, if they don't let these people blow their brains out, the three of them can be considered merciful.

But... Dongyun Yu appeared just like that.

"It's really helpless. No matter how you plan, no matter how hard you lay it out, but... not every seamless plan can succeed. Life is full of surprises. Just like Master Jiu, if Master Jiu's plan can succeed, , the Solipsism has long been suppressed and has no place to stay..."

Fang Che sighed inwardly. Stop worrying about this matter, spread your body skills, and enter the dark scene.

"Anyway, the seeds have been planted. Let's see how it develops after entering."

So does everyone else.

After all, there are so many powerful demon wolves, which is too scary.

No one can withstand such an impact.

They entered the darkness one after another.

The next moment, hordes of demon wolves were overwhelming, and without any scruples, they followed behind everyone and entered the shady scene!

In an instant, this real Yin and Yang world was completely in chaos!

When Fang Che rushed in.

I could vaguely see the graceful shadow of Yan Beihan who had just come in at the entrance, and disappeared immediately.

Then everything went dark, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Behind him, the demonic wolf rushed in with a roar, biting and fighting at anyone it saw. Fang Che could only touch the darkness, sensing it with his spiritual sense, and rushed in deep into the distance.

I could vaguely hear someone screaming, and I didn't know who was injured or dead.

The demon wolf's roar shook the heavens and the earth.

Fang Che's spiritual consciousness is fully activated, and his spiritual consciousness is now definitely the best among all the people in the entire Yin and Yang world.

With everything open and covered, the current situation in the Yin and Yang world where he can't see his fingers has basically no impact on him.

In addition to being unable to see, he could clearly feel what was in front of him, including trees, stones, grass, mountains, water, and people...

And it can be found from a great distance. Although I can't see the specific appearance, there will be no mistakes.

So he moved extremely quickly.

And others...

Hey, in the darkness, I often hear someone hitting something with a clang and making a muffled groan, and then I can hear that if the tree he hit is a tree, it will also make a buzzing sound.

Of course, hitting a rock is another story.

The sounds of swords slicing through the air and fighting with demon wolves... and screams quickly faded away behind them.

Fang Che is very fast. In a place like this where no one can see anyone, there is no need to ask for help.

Now, ensuring your own safety first is everyone’s top priority!

Fang Che walked through the darkness. At this time, his figure was so erratic that he looked more like a ghost than the people in the underworld.

It's like a tangible and intangible ghost floating around.

I vaguely heard Lan Xinxue shouting: "Senior Brother Fang, Senior Brother Fang, where are you?"

But Fang Che ignored it and walked away as if he hadn't heard. In an instant, I had gone deep into the darkness, and I didn’t know where I had gone.

I don't know where the roar came from, my heart was filled with tears, and I was extremely sad and angry.

"Dong Yunyu, you bitch, you're going to die badly!!"

In the dark underworld, countless demon wolves rushed in.

Suddenly there was a commotion.

The creatures that were originally in the underworld rose up to fight back.

The bold demon wolf dares to rush into the underworld!

Suddenly fighting broke out.

Yan Beihan's figure was erratic, and his mind was fully activated, trying to find Fang Che's figure and make sure he was safe.

Just now, she was standing outside the dark curtain, watching Fang Che rush in and get out of the attack range of the demon wolf, and then she felt relieved.

Several disciples from the Huanmeng Mountain Sect had no time to rush in, and were overtaken by the demon wolf, calling for help miserably; but Yan Beihan turned a deaf ear and turned a blind eye, turning around and entering the shady underworld.

Her movement was light and she had penetrated hundreds of feet in an instant, and then went all the way deeper.

She had arrived hundreds of miles away, and then began to search horizontally and continuously. She was very familiar with Fang Che's power of consciousness, and she always felt uneasy and a little upset when she couldn't find him.

She stood high in the sky, feeling the boundless mist.

A figure appeared like a ghost, with a cold light flashing. Yan Beihan raised his long sword, and instantly stabbed out like a poisonous snake.

There were two snaps, two weapons clashed, the person who came rolled out and exited, and a voice came from the darkness: "Xiaohan?"

"Feng Yun."

Yan Beihan said: "Why did you get here? Didn't you go to the right?"

Feng Yun said: "I haven't changed my direction. Why are you... why are you staying here? Why don't you hurry up and go deeper?"

Yan Beihan was silent for a moment and said, "Okay."

Expand your body skills and drift away like the wind.

Feng Yun's voice came from behind: "Why don't we act together..."

"The sky and the earth are dark, what's the use of acting together? You will miss good opportunities and miss the treasures of heaven and earth in other directions. It's better to act separately." Yan Bei said coldly.

"Okay, where are you going? I'm going to the right."

"You don't have to worry about me." Yan Beihan's voice was already far away.

Feng Yun sighed, his tall body melted into the mist, and silently floated away to the right.

He had a vague feeling that when he saw Yan Beihan this time, he seemed to have changed a lot compared to when he was at the headquarters of the Only Self Orthodox Sect.

But I can't tell what has changed. He seems to be more indifferent and decisive?

"This little girl will be my big rival sooner or later."

Such thoughts flashed through Feng Yun's mind, but then a smile appeared in his eyes: "Only with such an opponent constantly pushing me will keep me from slacking off. After all, everyone is here for the Solipsism, so this is not a bad thing."

"How to compete healthily is a question."

Feng Yun thought and already walked far away.

Yin Yunxiao rushed in with his people, but he was still confused.

"Are Shi Changjian and Lan Xinxue crazy?" Yin Yunxiao was a little angry.

What did I do to you?

It is simply unreasonable to suddenly start attacking me.

"Holy Son, there should be a misunderstanding in this matter, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

"I know there must be a misunderstanding."

Yin Yun smiled and said angrily: "If there is no misunderstanding, no matter how brave they are, they would not dare to take action against us."

"Since the Holy Son also understands, then since it is a misunderstanding, it should be clarified."

"Haha...clarification? Why do you need to clarify?"

Yin Yunxiao smiled coldly: "Even if we have to explain clearly, we have to convince them before explaining. If we explain now, where will the prestige of our underworld be placed?"

When everyone thinks about it, this is also true.

It's a misunderstanding, but so what?

Jianghu is about fists, not reasoning. To rush to explain now is indeed detrimental to the prestige of the underworld.

I'll knock you down, and then I'll tell you where you misunderstood.

This is the correct way to handle it.

My hell will always be so high and high.

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