Lord of the Night

Chapter 468 A wandering doctor? [Additional update 3 for wise Haichen leader]

But everyone's expressions became heavy when he said it.

Fang Che was right.

It wouldn't take many cripples to kill Hong Er, but what about Qin Fang? Those are also the family members who guard the main hall.

When Fang Che said this, everyone felt a little ashamed.

I originally felt very proud of having cured Hong Er's cripple. Now the whole situation is reversed.

Yuan Jingjiang sighed and said, "You blame me for this...Actually, if you think about it carefully, Cripple Hong Er is not a bad person. But he is cheap and has a bad mouth!"

"And his meanness is not the kind that makes people want to laugh, but the kind that makes people want to kill..."

"The mouth is extremely bad, the oil is extremely oily, the sense of propriety is extremely high... He has the disgusting feeling of a miser everywhere, but he is not a bad guy! Is this the feeling?"

Fang Che asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes! That's how it feels, absolutely right!"

Everyone's eyes shone and they patted their thighs.

"Then now, let's fix it." Fang Che said feebly: "Is there an antidote for that kind of obedience?"

Yun Jianqiu coughed and said: "Guaguaisan... no antidote is needed. As time goes by, up to ten days, the potency of the medicine will dissipate. Just urinate a few times and it will be fine. For the rest, even if you use your energy to push it out... It doesn’t help.”

"What day is it today?"

"Ahem, cough...the third day. The second lame man has been looking for the doctor every day these two days, and the whole Baiyun Continent is running wild...Mr. Fang, what do you think about this matter?"

"You guys...are really good at causing trouble..."

Fang Che had a headache on his face: "I never expected that when I came to the guard hall for the first time after being away for so many days, I would be greeted by such a low-life thing... You all said this. The medicine didn’t work, and you asked me what to do? How the hell can I go masturbate for him?"

Someone immediately wanted to laugh, but now was obviously not the time to laugh. Hold it in again.

"Ahem, it is said that Er Laizi got this disease for no apparent reason. Qin Fang was very angry. On their wedding night, he actually...so she suspected that there was someone outside Er Lai Zi. It was because other women were angry with him for getting married, so he was jealous of him. I took the medicine...ahem, so now...ahem..."

Yun Jianqiu kept coughing.

Fang Che had a headache.

It's very simple to solve this problem. Fang Che throws out a Heavenly King Pill and everything is solved.

But Fang Che would be reluctant to use that kind of life-saving thing on this bitch no matter what. Even if he is willing to give up, he still has to worry about everyone's reaction: How can such a cheap guy still get a blessing in disguise?

Therefore, Fang Che was determined not to do this kind of thing.

You can't use Tianwang Dan and Danyun Shendan. There is no antidote yet, so the second cripple can only wait ten days!

But in ten days... I guess this bitch will break down several times!

Not to mention anything else, just the contempt of the newlywed wife is enough for the two cripples to drink a pot. Even if this leaves some psychological shadow... that's not impossible.


Fang Che clasped his fists: "You are all talents! I admire you."

Everyone had complicated expressions on their faces.

The thing has been done, no matter how ridiculous it is, it has already happened anyway.

The next thing is what to do.

"Well...there's only one way."

Fang Che pondered.

Everyone suddenly became energetic: "Mr. Fang, please tell me."

"Let's just let Er Laizi hold this in. Then, let's secretly go to Qin Fang and explain the cause and effect..."

"Let Qin Fang understand, and this matter will be over."

Everyone was thoughtful and nodded.

They all praised Mr. Fang for being Mr. Fang and for handling the problem appropriately.

As long as Qin Fang understands that the two cripples are not messing around outside. This matter is over, and it will not affect the relationship between husband and wife in the future.

Moreover, the two cripples were punished, and everyone also achieved the purpose of breathing out their breath. The best of all three.

As for whether Qin Fang will tell Er Laizi after telling Qin Fang, that is Qin Fang's business.

But I have to say that this bitch’s temper needs to be improved.

Otherwise, if we let him go on like this, who can bear the blood on his face every day?

Mr. Fang made the final decision: “That’s it!”

Then new problems came.

Who is going to talk about this?

Yuan Jingjiang curled up in a ball on the chair and pretended to be dead. The others also looked like they were about to die soon, and they didn't dare to breathe.

Don't even want to go. After all, strictly speaking, they are all criminal suspects.

I have made someone else's husband jealous, and went to talk to his wife about it... This kind of thing is really embarrassing just thinking about it.

As for asking Jing Xiuyun and other deaconesses to go, it was even more difficult to say. Although it is easier to communicate with a woman when talking to a woman, but that is something else.

What did Jing Xiuyun say about this kind of thing: They made your husband Yang Wei...

Suddenly, people in the room suddenly looked straight at Fang Che's face, and then suddenly spoke in unison.

"Mr. Fang, you go. It's only you!"

Fang Che yelled: "How dare you! You guys did this kind of thing collectively, and I didn't even take a sip of wine, but I'm going to wipe such a big butt for you? Do you think I'm a stick?" "

Everyone laughed together.

You can scold everyone as much as you like.

Anyway, you just have to go do the work!

"Mr. Fang, only you can handle this matter. Apart from you, there are several palace masters and deputy palace masters."

Yuan Jingjiang said earnestly: "And I'm afraid the palace masters won't do it. After all, they still want shame."

Fang Che was furious: "Then you mean I don't want this face anymore?"

Yuan Jingjiang apologized and smiled: "For brothers..."

Fang Che got up and left.

But everyone stood up at the same time and lined up in front of the door.

Going to the window, there were also people standing in front of the window.

"Then I can't go alone. How can I say that I'm a grown man..."

Fang Che twisted his face: "I shouldn't have come today!"

"Let Jing Xiuyun accompany you! She is familiar with Qin Fang!" Yuan Jingjiang made the final decision.

"I go!"

Fang Che lay slumped on the table: "What the hell is this..."

However, no matter how reluctant Fang Che was, he had to do this job.

This time, when I asked about my position, I didn’t get any explanation, and I actually got such a super tricky and embarrassing job...

Fang Che was also drunk.

Jing Xiuyun was even more confused.

She was assigned a task without doing anything, and it was such an embarrassing task.

Until now, my whole mind is numb: "What should I say? How can I, a woman, say such a thing?"

Fang Che was weak: "You don't have to say anything... As far as I'm concerned, just listen with Qin Fang."

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Jing Xiuyun.

"What about me?" Fang Che asked, pointing to his nose.

Jing Xiuyun stuck out her tongue and immediately stopped talking. She burst out laughing and her branches trembled.


Fang Che took Jing Xiuyun out of Hong Er's cripple's house. His whole body was almost messed up in the wind. His look of not knowing whether to laugh or cry made Jing Xiuyun who followed him almost lose his breath from laughing.

Thinking back to Qin Fang's reaction to this matter, after hearing the truth, she looked dumbfounded and speechless, as well as her speechless expression asking the sky, her shameless look, her angry but embarrassed look...

Fang Che was also confused.

"Tell me, who is Cripple Hong Er?"

Fang Che really couldn't understand.

"Two cripples..."

Jing Xiuyun also had a headache and said: "In the final analysis, how should I put it? Er Laizi has countless bad habits. He is greedy for money, stingy, loves to take advantage of small things, is slippery and greasy, jokes regardless of the occasion, and likes to take advantage of women. , Teasing women is the greatest pleasure for him..."

"Generally speaking, Er Laizi is a very real person. He is not a bad person, but he has many problems. His character is like... an ordinary person who does not possess the power of force, and he is a mean person among ordinary people. Men, the state after middle age. As far as I know, there are many ordinary people, especially middle-aged men, who have this problem."

Jing Xiuyun said: "But Er Laizi is a warrior. So he is a warrior who has all the problems of an ordinary middle-aged greasy man. Therefore, he is a little out of place. But Mr. Fang, Er Lai Zi is not a bad person. Really not Bad! Although I hate him to the extreme, this person can be beaten half to death at most, but he cannot be killed...that's the feeling."

Fang Che nodded speechlessly: "When I see him, I want to beat him to death, but I can't kill him... Isn't this what I do every day?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Jing Xiuyun couldn't help laughing loudly.

Thinking back to Mr. Fang's beating of the cripple every day, I suddenly realized that my description was really wonderful.

Just talking.

I saw a figure in front of me, walking hesitantly, took two steps, and sighed.

It was Hong Er Laizi.

As soon as he looked up and saw Fang Che, he immediately ran over crying: "Mr. Fang...Mr. Fang is wailing..."

Fang Che frowned and grabbed his ears: "Didn't I ask you to throw away those empty wine jars? You are not allowed to pass off bad wine as good? Why did you still do that?"

The second lame man's ears were twisted and lifted up, and he tilted his head and landed on his feet: "Hiss, hiss... Mr. Fang, it hurts..."

"I can't help it. They are clamoring for trouble. How can I have money? I can't touch my wife's dowry. I haven't settled the matter yet..."

Cripple Hong Er cried: "Mr. Fang, I'm just a bit cheap, but I really don't have bad intentions..."

"The hell do you know you're a bit cheap? Are you even a bit mean?"

Fang Che exerted force on his hand, and the two cripples began to wail like they were killing pigs.

"Why are you back so late? What were you doing? Did you go fooling around again?"

"No, no, no... How dare you... I'm still fooling around, I can't even get up..." The second lame man was about to cry without tears: "I want to fool around, but I can't..."

Fang Che almost laughed.

Suddenly I remembered a sentence: Asking you how sad you can be is like a group of eunuchs going to a brothel...

"Then what did you do?"

"A wandering doctor came here. It's really amazing. I have many illnesses, but the medicine will cure them. Didn't I go to line up?"

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