Lord of the Night

Chapter 473: The leader’s nemesis [10,000 words]

But Kou Yifang would never know the tortuous process involved.

He couldn't figure it out no matter what, why did Duan Shouzuo find this place? This shouldn't be the case.

At this moment, he only felt one thing: heartbroken!

Duan Xiyang glanced at it indifferently and said with some disappointment: "It is indeed Kou Fangfang, the leader of the Tianshen Sect. You guessed it right."

Kou Fang was stunned.


Who guessed correctly?

However, the next moment, he saw someone walking in the door again.

He has a clear face and is a little handsome. He has a calm smile on his face, and he has the successful look of a middle-aged and mature man.

Kou Fang's eyes widened, he hissed in his throat, and his eyeballs almost bulged out: "Yin! Yin Shen Palace!!"

Yinshen Palace smiled and said kindly: "Brother Kou, you read that right, it's me. We two brothers have met again. It's true that we meet everywhere in life."

Kou Yifang was stunned, and then suddenly a strong feeling of resentment, jealousy, and unwillingness came to his heart crazily.

Kou Fang almost forgot all his fears at this moment, and his reason seemed to have disappeared. He suddenly jumped up and roared: "Yin Shen Palace!!!"

Yin Shen Palace smiled faintly: "Don't be so vigorous, Brother Kou, the leader is here. No matter how loud you shout, it's useless."

He squinted his eyes and said: "Even if all the high-level guardians come, it will be useless."

This sentence woke Kou Yifang up.

With a pop, he knelt down again and said hoarsely: "The first seat..."

This first cry was really soul-stirring.

Duan Xiyang turned around, sat on the chair, and said calmly: "Talk to him."

Duan Xiyang had no interest in interrogating Kou Yifang. What's there to interrogate about this kind of shrimp? That lowly Yan Nan is still alive...

If it were my way of dealing with it, I would have finished my work and gone back to sleep.

Yin Shen Palace respectfully agreed: "Yes, the first one."

Kou Yifang knelt on the ground and cried: "Sir, I have been wronged for my humble position..."

Duan Xiyang sat on the chair, flicked his hand, and a strong wind flew out. Kou Fang's body was like a deflated rubber ball, and he instantly slumped.

Even the disguise of his face could not be maintained, and his true appearance was restored instantly.

His Dantian was locked by Duan Xiyang.

Even the one in 10 billion chance that Lengzi and Yinshen Palace would die together was gone - in front of Duan Xiyang, there was indeed less than one in 10 billion chance.

Kou Fang's face was full of despair.

Yinshen Palace knelt down in front of him and said: "Brother Kou, actually I know what you think. So, if I say, listen, if you don't refute, I will take it as your admission. How about that?"

Kou Fangfang looked at Yinshen Palace with a desperate look on his face, and suddenly begged: "Brother Yin, how about I go to Yixin to teach and be your deputy?"

Yinshen Palace sighed: "I really want to agree, but it's a pity, Brother Kou, this matter has been forgotten after I said it."

Kou Yifang became furious and hissed: "You bastard has no good intentions, you just want to kill me."

"I really don't."

Yinshen Palace said pitifully: "Because I know that Brother Kou will kill himself sooner or later."

Kou Fang was speechless.

Yinshen Palace knew that what Duan Xiyang wanted to hear may not be about this incident.

He said softly: "Brother Kou, actually, I understand quite well that among the five leaders of the five southeastern sects, you are the only one who is in the most difficult situation. You have struggled up from the bottom without any backing, no connections, and no teacher." The door, therefore, has been floating. So you are also the most anxious and urgent."

"I still remember the long conversation we had with Brother Kou when we participated in the project of raising Gu to become a god."

"So, Brother Kou, although you are more desperate than anyone else, you are more cautious than anyone else. Because you can't afford to offend anyone."

Having said this, Kou was startled on the one hand.

Thinking of that year, I couldn't help but sigh and my eyes were confused.

"So for so many years, you have been working hard, but you have never stopped looking for your upper level. But after searching for many years, you finally understand that those upper levels with real roots will not care about you, a leader of a subordinate sect with a slim future. . Because everyone can see that your ability and military potential can only reach the top of the leader of the Tianshen Sect. At most, you can go to the southeastern headquarters or local headquarters and become a deputy chief. This is your limit."

On the one hand, Kou was defeated: "Brother Yin promoted me. I will move my position from the Tianshen Sect, that is, I will go to a local headquarters to work as a casualty. I have no place in a position like deputy chief."

"So you started looking for those lonely senior demons. But you found that only one senior, the comatose dream demon, could accept you. In fact, there was senior Sun Wutian, but senior Sun was in a coma and had no direct descendants, so no one accepted you. You just Can surrender to the Nightmare Guard."


"But since you have come here, you must contribute to the recovery of Senior Dream Demon."


"The reason why you have been the leader of the Tianshen Sect for so many years is because the top leaders of the Tianshen Sect are your direct descendants who have slowly developed over the years. Some are even your bloodline. It is difficult for others to intervene, but it is not impossible for others to replace them."


"But this time all the top leaders of Baiyun Prefecture were wiped out. Although the structure of the Tianshen Sect is still there, you have lost these powers and are still facing prosecution. This Tianshen Sect is destined not to be yours. Even if Senior Dream Demon appears again, his Even if all the Nightmare Guards are dead, they will blame you, so you have no road left within the sect."


"But you are not willing to give in. You think that you are actually working harder and paying more than the rest of us. But you are the worst offender. It just so happens that you know that my position is very important to me, and it is also very important to the head coach. Important. So you have to destroy it.”

"Actually, you are not rebelling against the sect. Your goal is entirely me."


Yinshen Palace sighed softly: "I'm done asking."

Duan Xiyang sat with his eyes closed to rest. When he heard this, his eyes suddenly opened, and cold lightning shone on Kou Fang's back.

Kou Yifang suddenly struggled and said, "I agree with what you said! But I also have a question, please grant it."

After all, he was once the leader of a party.

Even though he knew that there was no way to survive, he regained some of his demeanor as a leader.

Yinshen Palace said: "You say."

Kou Fang said: "How do you know that I am here? How do you know that I have done this? Fang Che, who is guarding the main hall, is your man, right?"

Yin Shen Gong smiled faintly and stood up.

He couldn't answer this question.

It is related to the secrets of teaching.

Although he arranged it himself and was his disciple, Yin Shen Palace does not have this authority now.

Duan Xiyang is here, whether he answers or not is Duan Xiyang's business.

Duan Xiyang stood up, walked to Kou Yifang, and said calmly: "Fang Che, that's Xingmang."

Kou Fang's eyes suddenly bulged.

At this moment, the expression on his face was really unexpected.

His mouth was wide open, his eyes were bulging, and he even forgot to breathe. This expression lasted for three breaths.

Then he finally laughed bitterly at himself, and slowly burst into tears. While laughing wildly, tears rolled down his face.

"Hehehe... Hahahaha... It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous... I reported Yixin to teach Xingmang, but the report fell into Xingmang's own hands?"

He was laughing maniacally.

The expression on his face couldn't be described as funny, ridiculous, self-deprecating, or desperate.

"This kind of thing... actually happened to me... I, Kou Yifang, can be regarded as the only one in the ages!"

He smiled sadly, but the expression on his face was one of fear and despair that he had never seen before.

Even seemed a little pitiful.

This truth shattered all his self-confidence, and even shattered his spirit.

There has never been a moment when he was so frustrated!

I feel like a waste.

Not only trash, but a joke!

He got up with despair, then knelt down, kowtowed to Yinshen Palace a few times, and said with a sad smile: "Yinshen Palace, in all these years, I have never obeyed you. But today, I have obeyed you, not only , and he was completely surrendered."

"I'm not as good as you, I'm so far behind!"

"No matter how scheming it is, I'm a piece of shit!"

He laughed at himself to the point of distorted laughter: "I can actually go to Yinshen Palace and report Yinshen Palace... Hahahaha..."

He smiled extraordinarily wantonly.

He knew that this might be the last time he smiled in his life. Since Duan Shouzuo told this secret in front of him, he no longer had any hope of living.

"Yin Shen Palace... I hope you can continue to be successful... The five southeastern sects are yours alone..."

Yinshen Palace had a sullen face and said nothing.

But the comfort in my heart has reached its peak!

In front of the first adult, this is a real show of face!

Duan Xiyang said calmly: "Now that we have arrived at Baiyun Continent, do you want to go and see your apprentice?"

Yin Shen Palace said respectfully: "Since the matter has been resolved, how dare I delay the leader's time? Besides, Vice Chief Yan is still waiting for a reply... I boldly suggest that I go back immediately."

"As for Fang Che's child, he handled the matter very well. My subordinates are also very relieved."

Duan Xiyang nodded.

Carrying Kou Fangfang in one hand and Yin Shen Palace in the other, he rose into the sky.

It instantly turned into a black spot in the sky and disappeared.

When you come here because of the urgency, you can tear apart the space, but when you go back you can take it easy.

The Kou side is in my hands, who can snatch it away?

In the early morning, I had returned to Yixinjiao.

Yin Shen Palace reports to Yan Nan.

Yan Nan was furious: "Take this traitor back to the head church immediately! I want to police the world with blood!"

Even tens of thousands of miles away from the Yin Shen Palace, one can feel Yan Nan's rage, how unstoppable it is!

The big plan that had been carefully planned for so long almost completely collapsed because of this little thing!

And there’s still internal strife!

Vice Chief Master Yan was almost pissed off.

But finally I didn’t forget the business.

"Yin Shen Palace, three things."

"First, the Yixin Cult should make some moves, create some movement, and cooperate with the Night Demon. Create the illusion that the Night Demon has left Baiyun Continent, so as to remove the investigation on Fang Che. Once the Night Demon is cleared of suspicion, the planned position is to patrol the southeast Envoy. You appoint the official positions of Night Demon and Xingmang immediately. If the appointment of the guardian is made first, there will be no time to prepare. Do your work in advance."

"Secondly, the Night Demon has relaxed a little and needs to be beaten. It's up to you!"

"Third, Night Demon is a bit petty, which is not good. Let him know his identity clearly and work undercover among the Guardians. He is the Guardian! Why does he feel bad about obtaining resources for the Guardian in the Yin and Yang Realm? It is his turn to feel bad. ? There are so many masters in the guardianship, what kind of emotional changes can be hidden?"

"How can you do this when you are an undercover agent? How did you teach Yin Shen Palace? Don't teach your stinginess to your apprentices!"

"Then tell Duan Xiyang to come back immediately with Yan Beihan and that bandit!"

When Yinshen Palace was reporting, Duan Xiyang watched coldly from the side.

Yinshen Palace did not dare to leave Duan Xiyang's sight to report. He didn't have the courage, so even if Duan Xiyang was irritable, Yinshen Palace would still do this.

But there are also benefits to doing this, which is face-to-face eye drops.

He turned around and asked for instructions cautiously: "Chief, this... you told Kou Yifang about Xingmang's identity. Your subordinates must report it to Vice Chief Yan. Otherwise, during the interrogation at the headquarters, this guy shouted out Throat, that’s bad.”

Duan Xiyang snorted: "Report it."

So Yin Shen Palace reported.

Sure enough, Yannan was hairy over there.

He found Duan Xiyang's communication jade and cursed loudly.

"Can you still keep some secrets! You have lived like a pig for so many years? I was almost tricked to death by your words!"

"Such a childish thing was actually done by you, Duan Xiyang! Do you think you are Xue Fuxiao?!"

For this scolding.

Duan Xiyang's expression remained unchanged and he accepted the order.

Because he knew he had done something wrong. It really shouldn't be said. Just for that little low-level feeling of pleasure, I said it when I thought the other party was bound to die.

But they ignored that Yan Nan would still interrogate Kou Fang after he returned. If there were other people around during the interrogation and Kou Fang yelled, it would be lively.

After being scolded with a cold face, he said: "I'll go back tomorrow! Is Bi Changhong okay?"

"You want to hit him again!? Bastard! When will your character change? It's been so many years and you still can't get rid of that bad breath?"

Yan Nan cursed angrily, and then said: "He is already recovered! He must not know that you came back suddenly this time."

"Okay, I'll be right back!"

Duan Xiyang cuts off communication.

He grunted like an old bastard.

Then he turned around and carried Kou Fang away.

Yin Shen Palace bowed throughout the whole process and did not dare to say a word.

Finally, Duan Xiyang left.

Yin Shen Palace finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Oh my God, how much has happened in the past two days.

When the Night Demon didn't come out, Yixinjiao was as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

Just two days after Night Demon came out, things suddenly started to change. There were several times when I was scared to have a heart attack!

"It's finally over."

Yin Shen Palace felt tired, satisfied, and proud.

So far.

Among the five southeastern religions, the Yixin Sect has formed a dominant position. The Night Demon has also shown signs of rising.

The future is bright!

Fang Che has been waiting for news from Yinshen Palace since he heard the news.

The latest calls are still kept on the communication jade. The last sentence is from Yin Shen Palace, ‘Be patient and wait for my news. ’

Fang Che's eyes were swollen, but there was still no news.

I promised to wait for your news? Lao Deng, are you asleep?

Midnight passed.

There is no news from Yinshen Palace.

Fang Che took off his clothes, went to bed with a heavy heart, holding warm fragrant nephrite in his arms, calmed down, and calmed down.

Now that I've reported it, it's your business.

If you don't handle it well and your star is exposed, that's none of my business.

I can’t die anyway.

Anyway, whatever Master Jiu says can be solved, what am I worried about here?

If you are happy in life, you must have all the fun.

With a snap, Fang Che slapped himself in the face. He was holding the beauty in his arms, but he was still thinking about the devil. It was so sinful!

Ye Meng was lying peacefully. On the one hand, he was worried about Fang Che, but on the other hand, he was relieved.

Finally, I shouldn’t be bothered tonight.

He squinted his eyes and didn't dare to move, trying his best to look like "I'm already asleep". Seeing that Fang Che didn't move at all, he was secretly happy.

Now I can have a good sleep.



"You...you're not thinking about things..."

"We'll think about it tomorrow and do business tonight."

"That's not good..."

"It's okay, be honest! Be obedient! Come!"


The next morning, Fang Che practiced his sword in high spirits.

Drop as much as you like.

You are not in a hurry, and I am even less anxious.

As a result, as soon as he took out his sword and struck a pose, news from Yin Shen Palace came.

"nailed it."

Fang Che was stunned: What's the matter?

"Master, what's done?"

Yinshen Palace was in a very good mood: "What you were worried about has been solved. We have captured that miracle doctor. Guess who he is?"

Fang Che was stunned!

What the hell.

Did you move so quickly? Even being vigorous and resolute can no longer be described.

"Master, so fast? Are you talking about what I just said yesterday about Yao Ping'an and the World Escort Bureau?" Fang Che was still a little unsure.

Because this is so dreamy. With the strength of the Yin Shen Palace, even if we rush here with all our strength, we should still be on the way at this time, right? How could it be done?

"Of course! This is Yao Ping'an, the Yao Ping'an you arranged to stay in the Shihaibahuang Building."

Yin Shen Palace said proudly: "Do you know who he is?"

It seems that the old devil is in an extremely happy mood, and he insists on whetting his appetite.

Fang Che then quickly cooperated: "Who is he?"

Yin Shen Palace said: "The leader of Tianshen Sect, Kou Yifang! You can't think of it, right?"

I'm in trouble!

Fang Che never thought that he would catch such a big fish!

This is too scary.

"Master, this is so unexpected. I didn't expect that I would kill another leader."

Night Demon's words were too arrogant.

Yin Shen Palace can’t stand it any longer. But after thinking about it, Night Demon first killed Hai Wuliang and then Kou Fangfang. Hey, he is really a nemesis of the leader!

"Okay, you work hard and try to kill me, the leader."

Yin Lao Mo was unhappy.

"Master, what you said, I think the disciple can just swish, pass over your head, and go directly to the headquarter official."

"Only you can!"

Yin Shen Gong was very happy: "With your current level, even a helmsman is out of the ordinary, but you actually reached over my head. What a wonderful idea!"

"Master, this disciple is now at the ninth level of the King level. He is one step away from breaking through to the King level."

"Don't be arrogant, pay attention to laying a solid foundation!"

"It's okay, Master. I'm in the Yin and Yang Realm. Don't you feel distressed at the thought of handing over supplies? Then I ate a lot of them while I was there... I guess it's the replenishment I brought out."

Ye Mo's words immediately made Yin Lao Mo feel bad.

Just for the sake of feeling distressed, I filled my stomach first even though I knew there was no use in eating it!

Thinking of what Vice Chief Master Yannan said about beating up the Night Demon, he suddenly said majestically: "You little brat, how many times have I taught you, but why can't you let go of the pattern?"

Fang Che: "Huh?"

"When you are an undercover agent, don't think of yourself as an undercover agent when you have nothing to do! You are the legitimate Guardian! You are the upright and upright Deacon Fang! You are the Guardian, why are you getting some resources for the Guardian? This is not what you should be doing. Well?"

Yin Shen Palace scolded: "This is the necessary condition to open the way to the top. You are eating it knowing that it is of no use, just because you are unwilling to give up. What a bastard is this!"

"As long as the sect didn't ask you for anything, you should have handed it all in. Why are you feeling bad?!"

Fang Che felt aggrieved: "Master, you don't know how much is in it. If I leave it all to you, I won't feel sorry at all..."

"What the hell!"

The old devil was angry: "You are the guardian, why did you leave it to me? Bastard! If we meet on the battlefield one day, we will have to fight to the death! What kind of thoughts and brains do you have?"

Fang Che said aggrievedly: "Master, what you said is true, how could the disciple dare... At that time, I only thought about how to help the master escape. It is the last word."

Yin Shen Gong was furious: "Fart! There are so many people watching, you let me get away? I must have lost my mind!"

"Then that day won't come yet."

"It's not allowed even when we arrive!"

Yin Shen Palace taught a lesson: "Open up your structure, abandon your stinginess, everything is to contribute to the guardian, you have to make meritorious deeds, you have to go up, you have to move up to a high position! Do you understand?"

"Understood, Master."

"From the current point of view, this is a weakness of your character. But you have to remember that among the guardians, the strongest ones are like clouds, and the sensitive ones are like crucian carp crossing the river."

Yinshen Palace said: "And any of your unwillingness or reluctance may be discovered by others. Once the person discovered is a high-ranking person, then you will basically have a position with him. Once this position is Once it is set, it will be difficult to change later.”

"So, you have to fundamentally change."

"Do you understand?"

"I understand, Master. It is the disciple's fault that he has always been unable to turn around. He always feels that he is not one of his own family. Why should he give them so many good things?"

"Well, you don't have to worry about us here. As long as we don't contact you or assign you a task, you are the guardian. You are more of a guardian than a guardian! This is the way to be an undercover agent!"

"Yes, Master, I remember it. I will try my best to change it."

Yinshen Palace, who was teaching his disciples earnestly, was suddenly silenced by the words 'change with force'.

The heartfelt emotion disappeared instantly.

I've never heard of anyone who needs to "change" their personality with "efforts"!

I just want to ask you, how do you use your strength? Where are you exerting your strength?

Swallowing, he wanted to continue scolding, but found that he was no longer in the mood.

How special...

Just then Night Demon asked: "Master, this Yao Ping'an, no, how did you catch Kou Fang? This disciple always feels something is wrong, this is too fast. According to common sense, you are not that fast."

This question immediately scratched the itch of Yin Shen Palace.

Immediately he was very excited: "Here, listen to what I'm telling you."

So the journey, struggle, and dream demon of the enemy... and then they were cornered, until now...

Then Duan Xiyang took action...

Fang Che's eyes really widened.

A real surprise!

This kind of thing can actually happen?

I have to say that I am indeed Hong Fu Qi Tian.

"Master, this is such a coincidence. It just happened that Duan Shouzuo went to your place. Haha, I laughed to death. Duan Shouzuo must be very depressed now. He is such a high-ranking god, but he has to perform such a trivial task. I I guess the leader must be feeling aggrieved."

Yin Shen Palace: "Haha, who says it's not the case? Duan Shouzuo looked very ugly along the way. We all understand that you can't kill a chicken with a bull's knives, let alone the first one..."

"You laughed me to death, Master, what happened next?"

"Later, the first one took Kou Yifang away."

"Master, the Celestial God Sect is now finished, and so is the Night Demon Sect. Should we take action? Absorb all the remnants?"

Yin Shen Palace said: "Do you still need to say this? But this needs approval from the superiors. I have already submitted a report."

"Master is wise and wise!"

"Master, how come the Five Spirit Gu didn't backfire when Kou Yifang did this?" Fang Che asked.

"You have killed so many people from this sect, and the Five Spirit Gu has come back to bite you?" Yin Shen Palace asked back.

Fang Che understood a little: "Internal strife doesn't count?"

"Yes, if we calculate it this way, how many people will die if there is strife within the sect?"

"I see."

The master and apprentice chatted happily for a while.

Yin Shen Palace is also quite addictive.

Then he said: "Next, there are a few things you need to remember."

"Master, please give me your instructions. Disciple is already ready to dedicate himself to our cause at any time!"

"Dedicate yourself to me!"

Yin Shen Palace cursed and said: "First, Night Demon is appointed as the general inspector of the Yixin Sect, and Xingmang is appointed as the inspector of the Yixin Sect and also serves as the sect leader. They obey the orders of the Night Demon. The appointment has been decided, and has been reported to the headquarters and filed. .”

"Yes, it's Master."

"This will make it easier for you to hold any official position with the Guardian, because your position is no longer limited to one place."

"Yes Master."

"The second thing is that you have to hand over the affairs of the World Escort Agency as soon as possible. There are a thousand people in the new batch, and they are about to leave the headquarters for training. You must do this well no matter what, before you can leave. You must take them Training to the level of previous people, and discipline...you know!"

"Yes, Master. I understand that this really involves too many lives, and also involves the overall situation of our teaching. Don't worry, Master, just leave it to me. However, the disciples must have the full strength to kill first and then show off. I will have to deal with those who are disobedient." The right to life and death!”

"You already have this! I'll just give you a formal document on the power of life and death."

"Thank you, Master."

"As for where to eventually establish the second World Escort Bureau. You can decide this yourself. Just decide on the address and report it to me."

"I understand, don't worry, Master."

“When the time comes, we need people and money.”

"People need the master's help, but money is not needed. The World Escort Bureau is now making money every day, and it is extremely rich."

"Master knows. But the money still has to be paid."

Yin Shen Palace said: "In addition, the World Escort Bureau will also use part of the dividends. Our Yixinjiao does not need it, but if there is anyone above who wants to lend a hand, they must be prepared in advance."

Yinshen Palace said: "Especially the kind of relationship you are ready to join. But on this point, you must carefully screen and discuss with me at any time."

"I understand, Master."

"As for the third thing, it is to improve your cultivation as soon as possible and practice hard. Then... on my side, Duan Shouzuoxin gave me a set of swordsmanship, which is better than the Seven Swords of the Blood Spirit. When will we meet? Yes, I’ll teach you.”

Yin Shen Palace learned the lesson this time.

If you don't mention anything anymore, I will send you this message on the communication jade.

The last time I spent all night coding, the sequelae still exist: once I think about it, I will curse my stupidity to the sky.


"It's okay for now. Go all out to develop your identity as a guardian."

"Yes, Master, please take care of yourself and don't let this disciple worry about you."

"I still care about you, get out of here!"

The old devil cut off the communication.

Fang Che was immediately relieved, with a smile on his face and a relaxed look on his face.

The crisis is over.

There is no need to go on duty guarding the main hall.

Now without an official, I feel light.

After thinking about it, Fang Che went back.

Uh, bedroom.

Practice marksmanship.

Ye Meng just recovered a little and lay down drowsily. What he said in his sleep was: "Beasts...beasts..."

Fang Che also felt strange.

The yin and yang root of the true soul is naturally a good thing, but it can't make the desire so strong, right?

Recently, he himself felt that he seemed to be a little out of control.

But what he doesn't know is that the Wolf God Grass eaten in the Yin and Yang Realm is the wolf tribe's supreme treasure!

Not only can one improve one's cultivation, future, and bones, and move towards the goal of the wolf god, but one more thing is the enhancement of one's male ability.

Because as a wolf king, there must be a large number of female wolves waiting to be favored... Well, I know everything I need to know.

At that time, less than one-tenth of the Dongyun jade was eaten, so he gave it to Fang Che. Fang Che ate the rest in a daze.

Of course, the most terrible thing is that I also ate the Yin and Yang root of Zhenghun.

It has to be said that everything that needs to be made up has been overdone. If you want to completely digest these powers, it will probably take many years...

But over the years, Fang Che will continue to make up for it. What the guardians don't give, the only things they teach are given. What the guardians can't give, the guardians give...

Coupled with his own good luck, he will also get more good things in the future.

So... it is inevitable that Ye Meng cannot resist it.

I'm afraid that for a long time, they will be in a position where they can be easily crushed.

Of course, this is something.

In the morning, Fang Che went to Sihaibahuang Building again.

"Your guest disappeared last night... and even destroyed our door. I don't know if he will come back."

said the shopkeeper.

"Uh...he won't come back. How much does it cost? I'll pay."

Looking at the cleanly demolished door, Fang Che could imagine Duan Xiyang's depression at that time.

Such a big shot came to arrest a mere leader of the Celestial Cult...

It’s funny just thinking about it.

"There is no need to compensate. There is still a lot left over the one hundred thousand taels of silver that Mr. Fang pledged. I have to return it to you."

"Uh, that's fine."

After visiting the room where Kou Fang was captured, Fang Che was completely relieved. After walking around Baiyun Continent, he went to the guard hall to chat and spank.

Enjoy the rare leisure time.

And Cripple Hong also knew the whole story. Faced with the harsh environment where the entire guard hall was full of 'murderers', Cripple Hong adopted the simplest way to resist: drink water!

Drink water desperately every day.

Then practice hard and sweat.

Then I secretly looked at erotic pictures to test my reaction.

According to Yun Jianqiu's statistics, Cripple Hong drinks about 900 to 1,500 kilograms of water every day and sweats about the same amount every day.

Try your best to flush your body's meridians over and over again. I hope the medicinal properties can flow out with sweat and restore my glory as soon as possible.

Faced with this situation, all the deacons guarding the main hall were very interested.

There were people watching when Cripple Hong Er was drinking water, and there were also people watching when he was practicing Qigong.

It has to be said that Hong Er Laizi's efforts are still effective. Especially after Fang Che looked at how hard he was and threw him a marrow cleansing pill...



Cripple Hong Er's long and surprised laugh echoed in the toilet - he experimented in the toilet every time he saw pictures of Chun Na.

Everyone turned around and saw this guy running out with a picture of spring in one hand and pants in the other. He was so excited that he went crazy: "Yes, yes, there is a reaction... I was like an eagle just now." Three seconds..."


Everyone looked at each other and suddenly burst into laughter.

The deaconesses all cursed and turned away.


Fang Che cursed and kicked the bastard out of the hall.

"Let you become a bitch again!"

"If this happens again, it won't be as simple as ten days! Remember!"

Cripple Hong Er nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "I don't dare anymore, I don't dare..."

Still couldn't help but feel excited.

Run to the water tank and drink water desperately again.

Then practice.

"Mr. Fang, at this rate, I can do it tomorrow."

Cripple Hong Er was excited and incoherent: "Mr. Fang, I will tell you the good news when the time comes."

Fang Che had a black line on his head and pulled out the knife with a clang: "What the hell are you telling me about this kind of thing..."

The sword flashed, and the cripple Hong Er was so frightened that he ran away.

Suddenly the people guarding the main hall burst into laughter.

this day.

Solipsistic Orthodox Headquarters.

A huge flagpole was raised in the square, with a person hanging on it.

It was Kou Yifang.

It’s just that Kou Yifang no longer has the ability to speak.

All around, blood clouds filled the air, and the entire headquarters was blood red.

It is the most cruel punishment of the Solipsistic Orthodox Church, and the world will be bloodied!

Under the special technique, the pain level is increased by fifty times, but the endurance level is increased by fifty times, the mental strength is increased by a hundred times, and the sensitivity of the senses is increased by a hundred times!

The blood mist is splashed every day until the eight brands around it are stained red. The body is supported by medicine every day, which can guarantee immortality for ninety-nine days.

Synchronized will-o'-the-wisp soul refining.

Experiencing this punishment is the greatest torture in the world. He couldn't even fall into a coma, he could only bear every bit of pain completely awake.

The miserable howls started from the first day, like howls of ghosts and gods, and then the miserable howls rang out simultaneously in all the places where the entire headquarters was set up, telling everyone that someone was suffering the punishment of the bloody police.

All around, there were blood-red signs with people's names and charges written on them.

The leader of the Tianshen Sect, one of the five subordinate sects in the southeast, is Kou Yifang.

Acting rebelliously, harming superiors, disrespecting superiors, taking bribes; harming colleagues, being jealous of talents, framed loyalties, and committing extremely heinous crimes.

Then the following are the details one by one.

The matter about the dream demon was simply tricked by Kou Yifan.

The Celestial Sect is in shambles, purely due to lack of ability.

Framing the Zhongliang Seal Palace, framing his comrades, etc...

Of course, these are all pretense.

The key point is the following: Take this as an example to serve as a warning to others. If anyone commits the crime again, he will be punished with the same crime!

This sentence is a bit scary.

Kou Yifang was hung on the flagpole and howled miserably day and night. It was like his skin was ripped apart and his bones were ripped apart thousands of times every day. This miserable state could be seen by everyone.

For a time, everyone in the entire Solipsism headquarters was trembling with fear.

Death is not terrible.

The scary thing is that I can't die even if I want to. And the sensory acuity is increased a hundred times.

This is not something humans can bear.

And after ninety-nine days, even the soul will dissipate between heaven and earth. It is truly impossible to be reincarnated for a thousand tribulations!

Solipsism has not treated people like this for hundreds of years.

In the bloody police world, even the senior leaders of the Solipsism feel it is too cruel. But today, it happened again!

The shocking effect is beyond the imagination of the guardians!

Ever since Kou Yifang started howling miserably on top of the flagpole, those young men who like to live the night life under my orthodox teaching have entered their homes one by one before dark.

Every night ghosts cry and gods howl, with special arrangements to spread the sound throughout the whole place!

Countless people are speculating.

What on earth did this guy do?

Why did the deputy leader use this method to warn?

But no one knows the specific details.

But everyone became cautious.

The sectarian atmosphere has changed.

Fang Che was on vacation, doing nothing but practicing every day, and then going to the World Escort Bureau to lecture and torment people.

After playing for two days, I felt that it was not interesting, so I decided to take Yemeng back to Bibo City to visit relatives.

On the Guardian side, Xue Fuxiao and Yu Tianqi had already set off.

Go to Fengyunqi.

Xue Fuxiao originally thought about it for a few days, but when he saw Dongfang Sansan's eyes full of resentment again, and thought that there was no one else for Dongfang Sansan to vent his resentment on...

I immediately decided to run away.

Before leaving, Ning Xuejian was arranged: "Qianshan, please keep an eye on your Ninth Brother. Don't let him be too tired. It's okay. Go and talk to him more."

Ning Xuejian was very smart and smiled sideways: "Are you in trouble again?"


Xue Fuxiao scolded: "Where did you want to go? I'm going home."

Ningxue Sword said: "Go back and see your shit king's grandson? Pay homage?"

Xue Fuxiao immediately wanted to hit someone, cursed a few words, rolled her eyes and said: "Forget it, I won't be angry with you anymore, that's just you. Hey, by the way, you know that your Ninth Brother is now every day What are you doing with the door closed?"

Ningxue Jian suddenly became interested: "What are you doing?"

Xue Fuxiao smiled: "Who is your idol?"

Ningxue Jian was stunned: "Junlin!"

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