Lord of the Night

Chapter 492 Collective Collapse [Additional update for the leader of the leader]

"Look at this, Mo Ganyun is finished again... and we are finished again..."

Singing in the Rain’s eyes were dull.

Jing Shuanggao was dejected: "I can't even beat Mo Ganyun..."

Qiu Yunshang scratched his head: "Didn't he just say that he was the weakest?"

"Damn it, we actually believed it!"

The three of them were frustrated.

Although the battle in the field is not over yet, bystanders know that Mo Ganyun is finished now.

Take a look.

Fang Che turned into a phantom in the field, and the shadows whirled. Mo Ganyun could clearly see it clearly, but his fist fell into the air. Just yelling and yelling like crazy.

Bang bang bang bang...

After four consecutive rounds, he punched Mo Ganyun four times in the eye.

Suddenly, a fresh and hot giant panda was born.

Mo Ganyun tried his best to open his eyes and punched with all his strength.

Boom boom boom boom...

The sound of breaking through the air made the surrounding spectators' eyes twitch wildly. This Mo Ganyun is so powerful.

But for his opponent, it was completely useless.

Hundreds of crazy punches were punched into the air.

The wind blew up behind me.

Mo Ganyun turned around crazily...

His feet were tripped somehow, and he stumbled, shouting: "It's broken..."

Then I felt a hit on my shoulder.

So his body turned involuntarily, and then he received a heavy kick on his butt.

Mo Ganyun tried hard not to fall, but he still fell straight down like a huge door panel!


The extremely strong body pushed down a mountain of gold and hit the ground like a jade pillar!

Everyone clearly felt that the ground shook.

Everyone's eyes were bouncing wildly.

The three people on Qiuyun suddenly covered their faces.

But then he took it away again, and instead stared with wide eyes, looking at Mo Ganyun being beaten with gloating expressions - in this short period of holding and holding, they had completed the change of stance.

We are all Boss Fang’s loyal younger brothers!

He's not like Mo Ganyun who is full of rebellion!

"Boss Fang beat him!"

The three of them cheered at the same time.

Feng Xiangdong, Xue Wanrendong, and Yunyu all turned their heads to look at these three shameless guys, their eyes dull.

Are you changing too fast?

Mo Ganyun in the field has never been able to stand up since he lay down.

The whole person turned into a huge sandbag for Fang Che!

I was immediately stunned!

Yu Zhongge and others watched helplessly, gloating at the misfortune, but they also felt that they had returned to the same rhythm as when they were completely suppressed and brutally tortured by Fang Che in Baiyun Martial Academy.

I couldn't help but feel a little weak in both of my legs.

It seemed that he was the one being beaten in the field.

Mo Ganyun desperately tried to stand up, but he had lost the opportunity.

Although he didn't underestimate the enemy like Feng Xiangdong, but fighting against Fang Che, Fang Che really took advantage of his weakness.

And after thousands of battles before, Fang Che fully understood where Mo Ganyun's weaknesses were.

Coupled with the weakness of this huge size.

Fang Che dealt with Mo Ganyun effortlessly.

If Mo Ganyun's actual cultivation level was not several levels higher than Fang Che's, Fang Che might have been able to beat him up at will without even using his momentum.

Mo Ganyun initially made up his mind to confront Fang Che.

This decision was originally the right one, but... it was ruined by the momentum.

But the power of his soul, the power of his consciousness, and his murderous aura were all too far apart... and tragedy was inevitable.

The reason why Yu Zhongge and others act like quails now is because of this.

Because their true cultivation level is higher than Fang Che's, but their aura and other aspects are far behind!

So they all understand in their hearts!

If you go up there yourself, you will be tortured!

So why bother being the boss?

Being the boss is very tiring and you have to worry about everything. It is better to be the younger brother.


After the first round, the result was beyond everyone’s expectations.

The two most promising people lost. The least favored one won without anyone betting.

Looking at the bills they had bet on, everyone felt like crying.

"What the hell... Chief Zhao is so deceptive..."

"That's right, the one with the highest strength paid eight to one, which scared everyone away..."

"Not a son of man!"

"Too much!"

Zhao Shanhe stood high and turned green because he felt that he, the banker, might have to pay compensation.

He didn't forget that Fang Che had bet a thousand top-grade spiritual crystals, and the odds were 1 to 8!

Zhao Shanhe's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but ask An Ruoxing: "That Dongyun Jade should be able to beat Fang Che, right?"

An Ruoxingpi smiled but said: "The outcome is 30 to 70."

Zhao Shanhe was full of hope: "Dongyun Jade is seven?"

An Ruoxing: "Dongyun Jade is three. Maybe not yet."

Zhao Shanhe leaned back and sat heavily on the chair, his eyes dull, as if he was mourning for his heir.

my money……

The old man came over and said, "I forgot to place my bet just now..."

"Get out of here, uncle!"

Zhao Shanhe cursed extremely rudely.

In the field.

The second round has already begun.

Fang Che is as tall as the well, and Song in the Rain is as good as Dong Yun Yu.

Fang Che's side won early, and Jing Shuanggao once again followed Mo Ganyun's footsteps and was suppressed by Fang Che throughout the game.

He beat me directly and screamed 'Boss, spare my life! ’

Everyone's eyes began to beat wildly again.

But Dong Yunyu over there was in tragedy.

His cultivation level is higher than that of Singing in the Rain, but sincerity in cultivation level does not mean his combat power; and his family background is also inferior, and his martial arts skills are inferior...

The two fought fiercely until the end, and they lost all their strength, but Yu Zhongge relied on the Yu family's rain and fog fighting method to finally knock Dong Yunyu to the ground.

Dong Yunyu was madly dissatisfied, but the more she struggled, the more exhausted she became.

In the end, his neck was stuck and he couldn't move.

"Are you convinced?"

"Not convinced!"

"Should I call you brother?"

"elder brother!"

Dongyunyu didn't feel too embarrassed because of Xuewenren's mistakes.

Song in the Rain stood up unsteadily: "I won!"

Everyone was speechless.

Especially Zhao Shanhe.

The most promising Dongyun Jade also lost.

I didn’t even compete in Singin’ in the Rain…I didn’t even make it to the finals.

Everyone was betting that the entire army was close to being wiped out.

There was only one Singer in the Rain left who had no chance of winning against Fang Che.

Sure enough, with a guilty conscience and a tragic feeling of "I am definitely no match for Boss Fang," Yu Zhongge successfully... lost to Fang Che after a hard-fought battle.

The captain came out.

Fang Che is the captain!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

completely annihilated!

No one was hit! Well, this is not accurate. Fang Che won the bet himself, the only one.

Fang Che, whom no one was optimistic about, came out on top.


Someone shouted with extreme grief and anger: "This... what do you mean? If you don't want to pay everyone a salary, you just need to give a notice... Why do you need to be so clever and robbed?"

"We just paid our salary yesterday... We paid it all back today, and we're still paying so much!"

All the inspectors were complaining. They were so speechless. Before their salary was even warm, their savings were thrown out.

Is this newly paid salary just bait for fishing?

Even if you leave us a few winners, everyone still has room to borrow some money. What if we are all naked now?

Zhao Shanhe is also full of lawsuits.

I was immediately stunned.

All the bets added up were not enough to compensate Fang Che's bet.

Eight times!

"I lost my butt too! You guys are so stupid!"

Zhao Shanhe said angrily: "My fucking Southeast Headquarters has paid you all out and it's not enough to compensate Fang Che eight times! The finances are in crisis again! All benefits will be halved next month!"

"No, sir, I have an eighty-year-old mother above me, and below me..." someone screamed.

"Get out of here, uncle, you are already 670 this year..."

Amidst the wailing, all the gamblers left the venue one after another, hunched over like mourning mothers.

They have no interest in the next battle between these guys.

Who ranks second, third, and eighth...has nothing to do with my bet.

Because I have to find a place to borrow money now, otherwise I will be in deficit this month and the northwest wind will not have anywhere to drink.

He borrowed money while his colleagues elsewhere had just received their salaries and before they knew that everyone here had lost.

If the news here spreads, the money will not be loaned out - who dares to lend his own money to the inspector who is full of paupers in the entire hall? ——If something happens to me, these guys can’t even lend it out!

Except for a few captains and captains who are waiting to get acquainted with the new captain.

The others actually walked away cleanly.

Finally, Fang Che served as captain.

After Yu Zhongge lost a disastrous defeat to Fang Che, due to his total lack of fighting spirit, he was once again dramatically overthrown by his former younger brother Mo Ganyun.

Mo Ganyun was honored as vice captain.

Singin' in the Rain became the third child.

Dongyunyu rose to fourth place, Jing Shuanggao took fifth place, and Qiuyunshang held his head high and advanced into the top six.

On the field.

Xue Wanren and Feng Xiangdong, the direct sons of the two super families, are also two tragic figures in the sixth squad of the patrol team. They are fighting to the death over who will be at the bottom.

The two of them had this plan before they started: "By then, the position of captain will probably be born between you and me, and we will inevitably have a fight!"

“It’s still unclear who will win!”

"Then you and I will give it a go and let them see what we are capable of!"


The idea before was quite good.

The final battle was indeed as planned, it was really the final battle between two people.

However, what they are fighting for is not the captain position, but not wanting to be at the bottom!

This... the process is the same, but the purpose and result are actually completely opposite in heaven and earth!

It was so tragic that Dong Yunyu was embarrassed to laugh at it - from these words, you can know how embarrassed the two young masters were.

But everything is settled.

Can not change.

Finally... Xue Wanren successfully pushed Feng Xiangdong to the ground, and in the eyes of the other party who was filled with grief and anger, he took the first step to occupy the seventh position.

Feng Xiangdong never dreamed that he was pretending to be cool, changing the rules, and pretending to be the boss... but it turned out to be a tragedy until the end!

Became the youngest!

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