Lord of the Night

Chapter 613: Fantasy World Pagoda, Heart-burning Technique [Two-in-one]

Fang Che's body moved instinctively, and the power of controlling water was activated.

The body slowly rose up and went upward.

The golden-horned dragon that entered the water together was strange. Didn't they agree to keep sinking and then wait until it was safe to find a chance to get up?

It is a soul body and is not affected by temptation at all.

Seeing Fang Che floating up with his eyes wide open, he immediately followed him up, and he didn't realize something was wrong until he floated up more than ten feet.

He floated in front of Fang Che and blocked him anxiously, but Fang Che turned a blind eye and insisted on rushing up.

And above, there was obviously the huge demonic beast, already waiting.

The golden-horned dragon transformed into a real entity, and with courage, it inserted its sharp claws deeply into Fang Che's thigh.

There was a pop.

Fang Che only felt a sharp pain suddenly rise. Such severe pain instantly spread throughout the body and went straight to the brain.

Breaking through all illusions.

Suddenly I woke up.

Then I was suddenly frightened: there was nothing in front of me, only black water. How could there be anything on the shore, how could there be any people in white? Where is the treasure?

Besides, even if there is a treasure, how can I see it now that I am hundreds of feet underwater?

Fang Che's mind suddenly cleared up, and then he moved the Bingche Lingtai belatedly.

Then he discovered to his horror that when he fell into the illusion just now, he didn't even have time to activate the Bingche Lingtai!

He touched the golden-horned dragon with approval and communicated with his soul: "Thank you, little dragon."

The golden-horned dragon opened its mouth in excitement. The master has not praised me for a long time, and he is really happy.

He couldn't help but do somersaults in front of Fang Che, raising his tail high to complete a circle with the horn on his head.

Fang Che couldn't help but smile.

Then he tried his best to activate the Bingche Lingtai, and then closed his eyes to keep his mind stable.

I am constantly calculating in my mind.

This monster is obviously the one who swallowed a protector. Is this illusion created just to seduce myself? It doesn't look like it?

Then it should be to lure the man in white outside?

Although Fang Che was already awake, it was only at this moment that he felt that a ray of spiritual power from the powerful monster was binding to him as thin as a gossamer.

It never wanted to let itself go!

Fang Che and the Golden Horned Jiao continued to sink like stones.

It sank so deep again, but the spiritual power never gave up.

Fang Che suddenly realized something: How deep is this Blackwater River?

This is too scary.

Moreover, the monster has been paying attention to me, how can I escape?

Even if you have the power to control water, it is absolutely impossible to escape under the gaze of such an extremely powerful monster!

Fang Che discussed with the golden horned dragon soul that it was useless to just sink.

In the black water, monsters were rampant, and a black shadow in the distance came silently, eating groups of fish while wandering.

It is more than twenty feet long and has a bloody mouth.

With an idea, Fang Che turned the golden-horned dragon into soul mist, wrapped it around his body, and then floated up leisurely. Across the monster's mouth.

The monster barely hesitated and instinctively opened its mouth and swallowed it.

The two rows of teeth were aligned and he wanted to chew, but he found that the food in his mouth was like a ball of water. He had already slurped it and actually entered his stomach on his own initiative.

The monster was stunned for a moment.

But he didn't take it seriously, after all, he swallowed too much stuff that he didn't need to chew.

So I continued to eat and swim.

At this moment, the golden-horned dragon transformed into a sharp claw and stabbed the monster in the stomach hard.

Severe bursts of pain.

The monster suddenly convulsed, and instinctively rushed out crazily.

In an instant, he disappeared under the water.

Fang Che entered the fetal breath.

After going out for who knows how far, I finally felt that the trace of the monster's spiritual power that bound me had finally disappeared.

It was only at this time that Fang Che finally relaxed and stayed in the monster's belly with peace of mind, wherever the beast took him.

As for what is precious and what is cheap... Fang Che didn't even think about it after he woke up.

If you wait to take advantage of a battle at that level, you are simply courting death!

Now he only thinks about getting out of here safely and returning to the southeast headquarters, and nothing else.

"Jie Sha, why are you here!"

Bei Mingxin shouted.

Jie Sha was startled and jumped up like an electric shock. His long sword instantly protected his body with a screen of light, and he turned around like a whirlwind.

Bei Mingxin and the others are already close at hand.

"Lord Bei?"

Jie Sha was a little puzzled.

Why did Bei Mingxin appear here?

Somehow, he had now forgotten about his pursuit of Night Demon, and even more about Night Demon's desperate shouting of 'Bei Mingxin' before.

Seeing Bei Ming, I was just surprised.

As soon as Jie Sha turned around, Bei Mingxin and others immediately felt relieved.

Sure enough, it was him. Just by looking at the forced composure on his face and the panic in his eyes, he knew that this guy was the Lord Jie Shaxing whose cultivation was far inferior to his own.

At this moment in Bei Ming's mind, even the monsters in the Blackwater River were forgotten.

He smiled faintly and said: "Jie Sha, after getting so many good things, don't you know how to be more filial to me? Huh? You are so brave!"

Jie Sha said angrily: "Why should I give it to...Brother Bei, how about I give you half of it?"


Bei Mingxin laughed loudly, making a sound like a night owl, and said lightly: "Do you think your father only needs you? No! I want all! Even the treasures on you, hand them over to me! Immediately, right now!"

Jiesha looked ugly: "Bei Mingxin, don't go too far!"

Bei Mingxin said: "The thing I like most in my life is to go too far! What do you want?"

Jiesha said in grief: "Bei Mingxin, our Tiangong..."

"Your Tiangong is nothing!"

Bei Mingxin waved his hand: "Let's go together and kill him!"

The five guardians were overjoyed and rushed forward!

The six people rolled over and fought together. Jiesha's angry roar, screams, pleas, and abuses... suddenly resounded through the void!

Bei Mingxin pressed the hilt of the sword with a cruel smile on his face, watching from the side.

At this moment.

If someone was watching conscious next to him, it would definitely be very strange.

Because, the actual picture presented now is...

Bei Mingxin and the five Dharma protectors stood in front of Jiesha, while Jiesha stood alone on the opposite side.

Bei Mingxin had a grim smile on his face, and the five Dharma protectors were mechanically attacking each other, pretending to fight a tiger, but in fact no battle took place.

And Jiesha also looked like he was being beaten up, making various parrying movements.

There was nothing in the middle, where were the natural treasures?

But the seven people were enthusiastically performing a big play called "treasure hunting".

It was as if the seven people had lost their minds, but they were acting together in a funny and lame drama.

When the audience was laughing and complaining wildly, and even cursing, the seven people still thought they had performed the acting skills of the best actor.

They were doing the funny and ridiculous movements with infinite devotion.

The huge body of the monster had completely surfaced, and the huge head like a hill had reached the shore, looking at Bei Mingxin and the seven people right under his nostrils, still doing the movements so enthusiastically.

I couldn't help but have a trace of regret in my eyes.

If I had swallowed them directly in this Fantasy World Pagoda, it would be fine.

But it didn't work.

The Fantasy World Pagoda can only confuse me, but I can't swallow them either. If I swallow them like this, I will also fall into their illusion.

I can only untie it and return to the real world before I can swallow it!

It's a bit regrettable.

Because there was a small shrimp before, but it fell down and was eaten by other small animals.

It's a pity.

Although this kind of bipedal beast is weak and not delicious, it can give me great benefits after eating it. Especially after digestion, there will be a clear and visible increase in strength.

The only drawback is that there are some inexplicable thorns on the body, and those thorns are still indigestible... They need to be discharged. When it is discharged, it is more uncomfortable, and it hurts somewhere.

I have to eat a big meal, eat until I am full and digest them together, so that I can pull out a mountain at once, and wrap the thorn inside and take it out...

The huge right horn on the monster's head flickered, and a breath came out of its nose with a hiss.

Bei Mingxin has changed his movements now, holding both hands in front of his eyes, with a look of ecstasy.

That was in the illusion that he had obtained all the treasures of Jiesha and was checking them.

I was really overjoyed.

He looked at them one by one, with crazy intoxication in his eyes. With these, as long as I give me some time, my cultivation will be unprecedented! I can be the chief leader!

By then, what is Bi Changhong?

I can pick him up with one hand, slap him with both hands, and ask him every time: Do you know why I hit you?

No matter how he answered, it was wrong. He was slapped again, and then told him: Actually, I don’t know why I hit you, but I just want to hit you...


Bei Mingxin fantasized about beating Bi Changhong, and couldn’t help showing a crazy smile on his face.

But at this moment...


Something seemed to break in the air.

Then Bei Mingxin suddenly found that the Jiesha Star Lord, who had just been chopped into meat paste by his five brothers, was standing in front of him again.

He was looking at him with horror.

His hands were empty.

No, he was holding a half-cut, smelly, weird intestine in his hand, and he didn’t know what kind of monster it was.

He stood there stupidly.

The five guardian brothers widened their eyes and looked at their hands in confusion. Why don’t I even have a weapon in my hand?

Wasn’t I chopping the Jiesha Star Lord into meat paste just now?

I got hit!

Bei Mingxin reacted the fastest and immediately realized that he was trapped in an illusion. He bit his tongue hard, and the pain spread to his brain. He shouted loudly like thunder: "Wake up!"

The sound was like thunder!

Even the monster was startled, and it couldn't help but snort through its nostrils, spewing out a stream of hot and fishy air with an inexplicable stench.

This strange smell made the seven people turn their heads at the same time.

Then the seven pairs of eyes were dull.

At the same time, a look of despair appeared!

Because they only realized now that right next to them, right at their fingertips, was the huge monster with horns and a snake body!

Not to mention how big its head was.

Your body could even fly freely horizontally through its nostrils.


Screams came out from the seven people at the same time.

At this critical moment, he instinctively wanted to run, but his feet were out of control and rooted to the ground. He looked up at the monster's eyeballs as big as a house in panic and despair.

Bei Mingxin suddenly figured out something for no reason.

That was what his master once said: People have infinite potential in desperate situations, people can stimulate all their potential in danger, and people can burst out infinite power in anger and fear. I tell you, that's all bullshit!

As long as it's a normal person, when facing a real desperate situation, the only reaction is that the brain is blank and the two feet can't even move!

That's the real breath of death. As long as you can move a little, it's actually not a desperate situation! ...

Bei Mingxin now truly understands this sentence.

In fact, even when facing Xue Fuxiao, there is hope of escape, so he can still struggle. But when facing this monster, he can't even get up the desire to struggle!

That is the real desperate situation!

Jiesha and Bei Mingxin reacted at the same time.

Jiesha screamed, and finally felt some strength in his feet, and was about to run away madly.

But Bei Mingxin yelled hysterically: "Burning Heart Method! Rush into its belly and explode! Survive from death! Only one can survive!"

Bei Mingxin yelled with a rage.

He knew that he couldn't escape now. If he fled in different directions, he would be wiped out and die here!

The only way now is the method he proposed!

Let it swallow first, then survive from death!

Bei Mingxin's thousands of years of life and combat experience, and countless life-and-death battles, finally allowed him to keep his mind clear in despair.

The five guardians finally woke up from their confusion and immediately began to circulate their spiritual energy frantically.

The aura of the whole body rose rapidly.

"Boss, I can only ask you to take care of my affairs after my death! If you can survive!"

The five people yelled, gathered together, hugged each other, stood still, but their aura was rising rapidly and madly.

Burning Heart Method!

At the beginning, Sun Yuan was only the first-grade emperor, but he could stop four masters of the seventh and eighth grades of the emperor alone after opening the Burning Heart Art!

Now, the five guardians of the Saint level are using the Burning Heart Art at the same time!

Over there.

Jiesha fled in panic, as if he was covering for Bei Mingxin and others and delaying time. He flew up quickly, moved like a snake, and instantly protruded a hundred feet.

But, a long tongue flew out instantly.

With a swish, it wrapped around his body, and with a whoosh, it was retracted.

Jiesha screamed, his bones kept breaking, and blood came out of his seven orifices at the same time. He gurgled, holding a sword in his hand, slashing wildly.

But the monster's long tongue suddenly became thicker, wrapping his sword and arm together.

Unable to move.

With a whoosh, it was thrown into the mouth.

The teeth fell.


In the monster's mouth, like a slight bubble bursting, Jiesha disappeared.

Then the monster looked down at the six motionless bipeds in front of it, and opened its mouth with some satisfaction.

The tongue flew out instantly.

"Go in!"

Bei Mingxin roared: "In the next life, we will be brothers again!"

"In the next life, we will be brothers again!"

The six people turned into a beam of light, and before the monster's tongue could wrap around them, they flew in the opposite direction, like moths to a flame, like birds to a forest.

With a whoosh, they entered the monster's mouth.

Before the monster had time to chew, they rushed directly into the esophagus. Then Bei Mingxin immediately retracted his strength, distanced himself from the five Dharma protectors, and tried his best to delay falling.

The five Dharma protectors rushed forward at high speed without looking back, and their qi was still rising wildly all the way.

"Boss! We're going!"


In the monster's throat, Bei Mingxin's tears burst out.

The monster's huge eyes blinked in confusion.

I don't understand how these foods can be swallowed without chewing.

But I didn't care.

With a big mouth, it rolled up all the corpses of the monsters killed by Jiesha on the shore and swallowed them all.

Then the half of its huge body that had climbed ashore slowly returned to the water.

It was ready to hunt other monsters and eat a full meal, so that it could also pull out the thin thorns in its body by wrapping them in excrement...

Its huge body had just entered the water... and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Its head couldn't help but rush out of the water again...

Then, a crazy explosion sounded in the middle of the monster's belly!

Bei Mingxin's five guardians collectively self-destructed with the Burning Heart Method!

The extremely strong explosion caused the monster's huge body to suddenly fly up thousands of feet above the Black Water River before falling heavily again!


The Black Water River was like a tsunami, and the black river water sprayed hundreds of feet on both sides of the bank.

In the middle of the monster's belly, which was also the weakest part of the monster's body, a hole several feet long was blown open!

Countless flesh and blood, including intestines, were flowing out...

This monster that looked like a cow or a snake roared and tumbled in pain.

It rushed madly downstream.

Along the way, thick blood spread madly.

But it did not change the color of the Black Water River at all.

Fang Che drifted with the flow in the belly of the crazy little monster, rushing downstream like a rocket. After an unknown distance, he was sure it was safe.

Fang Che asked the Golden Horned Dragon to loosen the soul shield on his body, and directly moved his mind, and the underworld was in his hand.

Right in the belly of this monster beast, he began to perform the first of the nine Jun Lin moves in all directions!


Shot out.

The monster instantly stiffened in pain, roared violently in the water, and a hole was blown in its stomach.

Fang Che and Jinjiao Jiao came out quickly.

Before leaving, in line with the principle that thieves never leave empty-handed, the golden-horned dragon also used a claw to pull off the inner elixir of this monster beast.

The monster twitched desperately, struggled, and ran wildly downstream.

But this is just a reflection of the past.

Fang Che knew very well that this monster would not live long.

He and the Golden Horned Jiao groped and moved to one side, activated their water control power, and quickly approached the shore. This was a sharp bend that was almost at a right angle, suitable for a foothold.

Just when I was about to go up...

It was shocking to find that the water of the Blackwater River was shaking like thousands of horses galloping.

what's going on?

Fang Che looked confused.

Then his spiritual consciousness sensed it, and his soul suddenly disappeared.

The spiritual consciousness is being sensed.

The huge monster hundreds of feet wide with angry eyes was chasing him downstream like crazy.

Speed ​​like thunder.

Almost to the extreme.

The water of the Blackwater River was driven by it, roaring and rushing.


Fang Che was numb.

Is this such a big monster chasing me? As for what? There are so many things to eat in this black water river, and any monster is many times bigger than me. Why are you just chasing me?

Moreover, after the monster went crazy and moved all the water of the Blackwater River, Fang Che's water control power was completely unable to compete with the opponent.

The water in the Blackwater River is completely unruly.

"My life is at risk!"

Fang Che yelled in despair.

But then something felt wrong.

This huge monster's consciousness seems to be very confused...it comes into contact with the power of his own consciousness, but it actually ignores it.

There are still thousands of feet...but the distance of thousands of feet disappears instantly!

The monster was suddenly in front of him.

Those huge eyes met Fang Che's eyes. Fang Che felt like his soul was frozen for an instant...

Scared to death, scared to death...


The monster actually turned a blind eye to the other party, and its huge body rumbled past!

Fang Che stared with his mind numb.

This monster's huge body slid past three feet in front of me like the river of time...


Fang Che didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief.

Then I discovered the hole in the middle of the monster's belly that was leaking blood and flesh!

"Let me go... Who is this so awesome? Such a powerful monster actually made a hole in its stomach... This is hard skin that Bei Mingxin and others cannot cut with their swords... No ...Bei Mingxin..."

"Fuck Bei Mingxin!"

Fang Che stared dumbfounded.

When the monster's huge body turned out from this sharp corner and went down, the wound was obviously larger, and the speed was also slower...

At this moment, something that looked like a humanoid desperately came out of the wound in the monster's stomach.

Immediately, the monster's huge rear half rolled over the humanoid creature.

The man was crushed by half of the monster's body and rolled under the water. Something that looked like blood came out of his mouth... because in this black water, there was no color at all.

But Fang Che held his breath and watched. Even if he couldn't see the color, he knew that this guy must be vomiting blood.

And it’s definitely a person.

It’s actually a person!

Fang Che was amazed.

The monster's huge body roared away. Under the severe pain, it no longer cared about what was flowing out of its stomach. Now it just wanted to rush down and rush to a place where it thought it was safe to heal its wounds.

This blow was fatal.

We must go back as soon as possible!

The human-shaped object at the bottom of the river finally staggered up, and its face was revealed under the wash of the black water.

Fang Che's spiritual observation has never been taken back, and he can see it clearly.

Bei Mingxin!

This turned out to be Bei Mingxin!

It's just that Bei Ming's heart is extremely miserable now. His whole body is in tatters. One of his arms is broken and the broken section is missing. One leg is curled up unnaturally and is obviously broken. Blood is constantly pouring out from various parts of the body.

Although Bei Mingxin made all preparations to survive in death, he swallowed half of all the high-level elixirs in one gulp when he entered.

Try to distance yourself from your five brothers.

However, the power of the collective self-destruction of the five guardians of Burning Heart was still too close; the strong explosive momentum almost rushed Bei Mingxin back into the monster's mouth.

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