Lord of the Night

Chapter 627 Nine Dragons Earth Vein Fruit [Two in One]


Fang Che spread his body skills, wrapped his spiritual energy around the shocked blood of the seven orifices, and entered the world in a flash.

He rushed towards the place with high mountains and dense forests without looking back.

Under the entanglement of spiritual energy, the blood flowing out of the seven orifices was collected in his hand and turned into a blood ball. Leave no trace behind.

After running hundreds of miles into the mountains and forests, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Really strong!"

In those people's unprepared and hasty collision attack, he was seriously injured.

The combat power of these guys must be recalculated.

The power of the elixir rose rapidly, and the shock injury slowly recovered.

Spiritual energy once again returned to its full glory.

The immeasurable scriptures run slowly, smoothing out all fluctuations that may cause internal injuries.

Fang Che did not stop, but went all the way deeper.

He didn't know how far ahead he was, so he just ran like a line further into the distance.

Get to a safe enough distance first.

First, look for a wave of natural and earthly treasures in a place where no one has set foot.

This is the real business. As for why he was anxious to kill someone, it was still very early.

Two and a half months later, do you still care about these days?

Just as Ling Kong and the others said, he really wanted to pass the first six days before going on a killing spree. Besides, we must take advantage of these precious six days to improve ourselves. Strength is a bit weak.

The spiritual energy here is really too strong.

And the deeper you go, the richer the spiritual energy becomes.

Fang Che simply released the golden-horned dragon and four little elves. Come on, little ones, you can swallow whatever you can.

The golden-horned dragon came out and circled around, then went back listlessly.

No one died, it was like a blank space here. At most, some monsters died, but they were still killed by fighting each other.

What's there to swallow?

The few elves also went back without thinking.

Nothing of interest.

I should add here that the piece of divine metal snatched from Bei Mingxin has been refined by Fang Che.

A contract has also been signed with the elf inside.

Even Fang Che himself didn't expect it to happen so quickly. After only two days of warm cultivation, the elf inside jumped over and signed the contract.

Fang Che was shocked at the time.

This guy is extraordinarily active, and extraordinarily easy to tame. He gets it as soon as he gets it.

After signing the contract, this guy couldn't wait to find trouble with Xiao Feidao, showing off his power in various ways.

It was punished by the underworld and the underworld, but it did not affect it in the slightest when it could deal with the flying knife again!

The main idea is that the big fish eats the small fish, and the small fish eats the shrimp.

It gave Fang Che the feeling that this little guy couldn't wait to be signed, and then hurried out to take revenge on Xiao Feidao.

"It's really..."

Fang Che also had a feeling in his heart. It seemed that he and the little guy had just come down from the sacred mountain and had not yet gone into a long sleep...

But I have to say that the new little guy is a bit vindictive.

Fang Che named him: Hades Emperor.

For the sword.

Now, the Little Hades Emperor is diligently transforming his hiding place - transforming the divine metal into a sword.

After reforming for a while, when he got tired, he would come out and bully the little flying knife.

Even if Mingjun and Mingshi deal with him every time he comes out, he still enjoys it.

Xiao Feidao feels aggrieved every day now...

We are also working overtime to transform the flying knives, and now the flying knives are almost finished.

But the Pluto Emperor flew over with the divine metal at every turn and pressed it on the flying knife to transform it; the little flying knife dared to be angry but dared not speak, and would often press it for several hours...

But Fang Che was also helpless in dealing with the four small arenas.

I don’t even know how to mediate.

Fang Che flew 23,000 miles non-stop, standing high in the sky, overlooking the surroundings.

I felt that the spiritual energy was the strongest in a certain mountain, so I descended and went deep into it.

Then start looking for a hiding place.

I have to say that this mountain is really high. It starts to be shrouded in clouds and mist from halfway up the mountain, and the vegetation is extremely dense.

When Fang Che fell down, he felt something was wrong.

As soon as his breath spread out, the sound of 'swiss, rustle, rustle' filled the mountains and plains.

Countless gold-headed and silver-headed ants crawled in all directions, countless gold-headed and silver-headed centipedes also appeared one after another, and countless gold-headed and silver-headed wasps flew up in swarms.

Then there was a heavy rustling sound, and several giant pythons appeared crawling around.

All animals, big and small, began to come out to investigate. After discovering Fang Che, the uninvited guest, they unexpectedly launched an attack.

What the hell...

Fang Che had no choice but to start fighting, killing one after another.

This gave him an inexplicable feeling of entering the yin and yang world.

"At least let me take a breather."

Fang Che complained, but he didn't relax at all with the knife in his hand.

A strong gust of wind swept away the fallen leaves, killing all these things that had gathered around. Then when he took the inner elixir from several giant pythons, he found that there was none.

There are only snake beads, no inner elixir.

"This is close to the emperor-level combat power. How come there is no inner elixir? Is this another world?"

Fang Che was a little confused.

After taking the snake beads and checking the big centipedes, I found that there were not even centipede beads.

But these centipedes are not big enough, maybe they haven’t formed yet?

Fang Che walked in the dense forest, deliberately exuding aura and momentum, and then mercilessly killed all the natives who gathered around him.

He also collected a batch of arm-thick centipede meat to prepare for meals.

Then find a suitable hiding place along the way.

The aura here is really too strong. Fang Che is looking for spiritual springs, spiritual veins, or elixirs.

Going forward.

Suddenly a fishy wind suddenly appeared in front.

Fang Che looked up and saw a mountain of flesh in front of him that suddenly straightened up half of its body.

It turned out to be a huge python with a thickness of two feet!

Of course, this kind of "huge" is only a relative term. Compared with the horned python that Fang Che saw in the forbidden place, this python is simply a great-grandson.

But this great-grandson python had already discovered Fang Che and rushed up instantly.

The moment the big snake's body moved like a mountain of meat, Fang Che smelled a fresh fragrance.

From the corner of my eye, I could only see a crystal clear leaf behind the big snake?

Before he had time to think, the big snake had already pounced on him.

This one is a level stronger than the ones I just killed before. No wonder I can guard the elixir here...

Fang Che didn't hesitate and took the underworld into his hands.

The Nine Styles of King Landing!

The first style!

There was a pop.

The big snake's body exploded instantly, and thirty-six snake beads, a brain bead and two eyes flew into the air.

Fang Che fluttered his long sleeves, rolled up the beads and took them back. A powerful spiritual energy flew out like an angry dragon, instantly rolling aside the flesh and blood stumps and the mess on the ground, and fell down the cliff with a pop.

Fang Che dodged and was already in front of the crystal leaves.

Round, with thick hairs on the leaves and nine clear golden threads.

It's like nine golden dragons flying in the clouds and mist on this leaf. The scales are like-like and the dragon's horns are clear, as if they are meandering and swimming.

Fang Che's heart skipped a beat.

"Is it the legendary Nine Dragons Earth Vein Fruit?"

Fang Che's heart was trembling.

Jiulong Earth Vein Fruit cannot be taken directly, but it is a holy product for refining elixirs. Combined with other medicines, using Jiulong Dimai Fruit as the main medicine can make up for the original damage!

Just from the words "Original Injury", you can know how precious this Nine Dragons Earth Vein Fruit is.

But the most precious thing is... As the name suggests, this Kowloon Earth Vein Fruit only grows on Earth Veins! In other words...there must be a spiritual vein down here!

Only in this way can the Nine Dragons Earth Veins Fruit be achieved and enough nutrients can be provided for the growth of the Nine Dragons Earth Veins Fruit.

Fang Che looked at the leaves carefully.

Thick, very strong, and... one piece, two pieces, three pieces... eight pieces; only one piece is missing, and the Jiulong Diyin Fruit has reached its peak maturity.

"No wonder that long worm is here to guard."

Fang Che was stunned.

If the Kowloon Earth Vein Fruit is fully mature, although people still cannot eat it raw, snakes, dragons, pythons, etc. can take it. After taking it, dragon veins will naturally be produced in the body, laying an almost unfailing foundation for transforming into a dragon and ascending!

Fang Che was overjoyed.

It's not fully mature now. It has to wait for the python, but it's enough for Fang Che.

Not to mention eight leaves, even if there is only one leaf, Fang Che will dig it up immediately!

Even if it's just a sprout, Fang Che can still dig it out - how could he keep such a good thing for the Solipsistic Orthodox Church!

Lifting the underworld, Fang Che was two feet away and inserted it with a roar.

The mountain peaks beneath my feet shook.

Fang Che felt his palms go numb and couldn't help but curse.

"What the hell!"

Fang Che was furious: "It is indeed a mountain range reinforced by divine power! No wonder I didn't see any signs of collapse or damage on any mountain peaks along the way... It turned out to be a mountain solidified by divine power!"

This powerful shot only penetrated three feet!

Fang Che spat into the palm of his hand. Holding the underworld with both hands, the immeasurable scriptures are slowly transported, and the spiritual energy turns into a sharp knife, cutting hard nearby.

Then slowly lift it out.

Carefully, I finally heard a "click" sound, and the big stone was broken off from the solidified mountain peak.

With the slow push of spiritual energy, it moved to the side silently.

Fang Che carefully cleared away more than a dozen stones in a row, and he had already seen half of the Jiulong Earth Vein Fruit.

The golden color looks like there are dragons swimming inside.

Eight in total.

Fang Che was overjoyed: "Sure enough, everything produced on this solidified mountain is of the highest quality! If Lord Jiu saw these eight earth vein fruits, he would probably go crazy with joy... Hahaha..."

After so many years of fighting as guardians, how many masters have been forced to wait for death because of their injured origins? Although Fang Che doesn't know the specific number, he also knows that there are definitely a lot!

Although these eight coins are not many, for Dongfang Sansan, they are a timely help!

Because even though there are still spiritual veins in the Guardian Continent, there is definitely no Jiulong Earth Line Fruit: Dongfang Sansan has asked Xue Fuxiao, Rui Qianshan and others to wander around which Earth Lines so many times!

The solidified mountain peak made Fang Che's excavation a lot of difficulty, because although the Jiulong Leyline Fruit has a golden skin on the outside, the pulp inside is completely semi-solidified.

Once there is a hole, the fruit will be discarded immediately!

And this fruit, the minimum is thirty pills, for the guardian, it is equivalent to thirty high-level combat power increased out of thin air!

There are also many masters who have damaged the origin of the Solipsism. After all, those who can get the origin treatment belong to the absolute high-level people, and ordinary high-level people can only queue up.

If the Weiwu Zhengjiao gets it, it means that a large number of masters will be restored immediately!

This is a matter of one side gaining while the other loses.

How dare Fang Che slack off!

Using all his spiritual energy, he carefully dug out the eight fruits and plants on the mountain peak that was completely condensed into one piece, just like serving the master.

Intact, eight leaves, half of the golden thread stems, plus eight golden egg-like Nine Dragons Earth Vein Fruits.

Fang Che was sweating, but a happy smile appeared on his face.

He seemed to see Dongfang Sansan's surprised and relieved eyes, and the feeling of relief.

Jiu Ye was too tired. These things could make him smile and relax, which was worth it!

Fang Che put them into the innermost layer of the space ring as if they were treasures.

He cleaned the ground and restored it to the state that no one had been to, then jumped into the sky, starting from the place where the Nine Dragons Earth Vein Fruit was found, and slowly searched for the veins of the mountain and the veins of the earth.

Fang Che had no research in this area, and could only observe the dragon's trend from high altitude.

It was quite strenuous.

If it was an ordinary mountain, such as the one outside, Fang Che could have directly dug a hole down, but this kind of solidified mountain was almost impossible!

Fang Che could have found it anyway by using the Netherworld to dig holes for two months, but that would have lost its meaning.

A mere spiritual vein would not make Fang Che give up his plan to raise Gu and become a god.

If there were hundreds of divine metals or holy crystals below... Fang Che would definitely become a miner without hesitation.

It was a pity that it was just a beautiful dream.

The kind of dream that Yan Nan and Dongfang San San dared not have.

Fang Che observed from high altitude, and found that it was not the case after coming down more than a dozen times.

Finally, on the 27th time, he found a canyon.

It was just like a divine sword cut, only a few feet wide, but bottomless.

Even many parts of the middle of the canyon were already woven into spider webs by vines.

Fang Che did not hesitate and flew down on his sword. Try to avoid the vines that have formed a rope net in the air, and maintain the primitive feeling that no one has ever been here.

Silently circled and searched downward.

At the mountainside, Fang Che's eyes lit up. There was a naturally formed black hole here.

At the hole, there was actually a Nine Dragons Earth Vein Fruit growing.

Cautiously descended and observed from a distance, and found that the fragrance of the Nine Dragons Earth Vein Fruit was still coming from a far distance in the cave.

"Found it!"

Fang Che was extremely excited!

Earth veins and spiritual veins, just like spiritual veins, will inevitably leave a hole, just like people use to breathe.

There will be no exception to this point for any earth veins and spiritual veins.

Fang Che found this hole, and then found that the Nine Dragons Earth Vein Fruit actually extended into it, and he was immediately ecstatic.

But he also knew that in this kind of cave, there must be beasts guarding!

If you are not careful, it is inevitable that you will capsize in the gutter, and you will not be able to collect the spiritual veins, but will lose your life here.

So he was very cautious.

Slowly approaching.

A faint fishy smell can be clearly smelled in the mouth and nose.

Fang Che's mind moved, and the golden-horned dragon flew out silently - this is Fang Che's greatest confidence! No matter what is inside, even if there are masters in the top ten of the Cloud Weapon List, the golden-horned dragon can retreat unscathed, and there is a high probability that it will not be discovered!

Of course, Fang Che has never used the golden-horned dragon to spy on the top ten... So, the three words "high probability" were added by himself.

The golden-horned dragon came out quickly.

"There is a two-headed dragon inside, one of the heads has turned into a dragon horn. The neck of that head has also turned into dragon scales."

This news was like a bucket of cold water poured on Fang Che's head.

The creature of the two-headed dragon is originally a super-class monster. Not to mention turning into a dragon, even an ordinary adult two-headed dragon is not something Fang Che can deal with.

A two-headed dragon whose head has turned into a dragon has obviously eaten the Nine Dragons Earth Vein Fruit many times, and it is the kind that has nine fruits in the ripening period.

In other words, this two-headed dragon has accumulated a lot of dragon veins in its body.

It will turn into a dragon when the time is right.

Such an existence is definitely not something Fang Che can afford to offend now.

He looked at the several Nine Dragons Earth Vein Fruits on both sides of the cave entrance with some regret, and then saw the golden leaves that were still spreading in the cave...

How many Nine Dragons Earth Vein Fruits are there?

Fang Che's heart was full of bitterness.

Going straight up from here is where he got the Nine Dragons Earth Vein Fruit above. It can be seen that he has found the right place.

But it's useless!

If all these fruits were taken out, Jiu Ye would be so happy... How powerful would the guardian be? High-level warriors no longer have to worry about the reckless fighting of the origin...


Fang Che quietly retreated.

Just a hundred miles away, he found a small cave and drilled in.

Start practicing.

This is where the earth veins and dragon veins are located, and it must be the place with the most concentrated energy and spiritual energy. Otherwise, the two dragons would not be here, and the earth veins fruit would not be here.

Going forward, there might be a better place, but that's just a possibility.

Fang Che stopped here.

He activated the Infinite Sutra, the Ice-Clear Spiritual Platform, and instantly entered into a state of concentration. Endless spiritual energy suddenly whistled in, forming vortices in the air and drilling into Fang Che's body.

The meridians transformed by the Yin-Yang Holy Liquid took effect instantly.

In the divine consciousness space, the four elves sat in a row and began to breathe the pure spiritual power absorbed by Fang Che.

It was impossible for them to absorb this kind of spiritual energy directly, but they could absorb it through Fang Che. The four elves extracted the pure spiritual energy from it, strengthened themselves, fed back to the weapons, and then the weapons and Fang Che formed a cycle and improved together with the master.

This is the common value of divine weapons.

And this kind of pure spiritual energy is extremely rare; it may not be produced in a few months of normal practice. Only when you reach the saint level can it be produced continuously in long-term practice.

Therefore, below the saint level, the difference between divine metal weapons and other weapons is not much.

And Fang Che is now almost in the center of the spiritual vein. Under the crazy absorption of the Infinite Sutra, the spiritual energy of the spiritual vein is instantly driven to roar, and the pure spiritual energy is continuously produced.

And this point, Fang Che, who has fallen into the state of practice, does not know.

A hundred miles away.

In the cave where the Nine Dragons Earth Vein Fruit grows.

A two-headed dragon seems to have noticed something unusual.

Wake up from deep sleep, blink huge eyelids, sniff nose.

Then the huge body meanders and swims to the cave entrance to take a look.

Well, the fruits that belong to me are still there, relieved.

Just wait for them to mature.

Yawning, the two-headed dragon went back to the place with the most concentrated spiritual energy at the bottom of the cave to sleep again.

Time passed quietly.

More than 44,000 people entered this Gu God world, but it was quiet.

Each of these people is an old man, and they will never take action if they are not sure. Moreover, facing such an undeveloped world, everyone knows that there must be countless opportunities in it.

So, after coming in, once separated, they scattered in all directions, and unexpectedly all scattered into the mountains and forests.

The mountains and forests were silent, as if no one had ever come in.

It was quiet and peaceful.

Until the first day, a day and a night had passed, and no battle had occurred.

Even if someone encountered it head-on, they immediately hid themselves and played a game of not disturbing each other.

There is a long time, why rush?

I have to say that just from this point of view, these people are much more mature and calm than those who planned to become gods last time!

There is not a single reckless person or fool among more than 40,000 people.

This is indeed a great thing.

It is enough to make the top leaders of the Weiwei Zhengjiao feel proud!

After Yan Beihan and other headquarters personnel came in, more than 900 people acted together and searched all over the mountains and plains. It was only the afternoon of the second day, and they quickly completed the goal.

Just let 100 people surrender.

For them, it is not difficult at all. If they show their identities, naturally someone will surrender.

The first one to complete it was naturally Yan Beihan.

Looking at his own Five Spirit Gu, he absorbed a wisp of Five Spirit Qi offered by the other party's Five Spirit Gu.

There are already 150.


"Keep busy, and hurry up to finish. Those who have finished can look for opportunities separately. There are only four and a half days left, so be aware of it."

"Gather here in four days."

Yan Beihan left a word, flew up on his sword, and disappeared in an instant.

Go find opportunities.

The others also took action, and Chen Yin, Chen Yun, Chen Xue, Feng Xue, Feng Xing, Feng Yue, Bi Yunyan and others who finished one after another also went in different directions.

Yan Beihan was right.

In these four days, we must get some resources as soon as possible! Otherwise, wouldn't it be a real treasure mountain and return empty-handed?

Yan Beihan was like a straight line.

Flying in the air!

Communicating with the Five Spirit Gu, pinching the communication jade in his hand.

"Night Demon, where are you?"

In the Gu God Space, the Five Spirit Gu's communication is more direct and fast.

Fang Che, who had been practicing for a night, was shocked by the Five Spirit Gu and immediately saw the message from Yan Beihan.

What does this girl want me to do?

So he replied.

"Lord Yan, I have already surrendered, so there is no need to surrender again, right?"

Yan Beihan rolled his eyes when he saw the message.

"What are you thinking? Who cares about your surrender? I feel that your cultivation is too weak now, and I am afraid that you will be slaughtered, so I brought you a precious robe and some resources. You don't know how to appreciate a good person, hum!"

Yan Beihan was furious.

This kid actually thought that I was looking for him for his Five Spirit Gu!

I really judged a gentleman by my own meanness!

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