Lord of the Night

Chapter 636: Infinite Sutra Breakthrough [Two-in-one]

Everyone killed more vigorously.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Fang Che killed from east to west, from south to north.

But his power alone was not as good as so many saints working together.

Although he killed several times or dozens of times more than anyone else, the overall number was not comparable!

As everyone killed more and more people, more and more purple lightning phoenixes gathered.

Lightning poured down crazily. Some missed, while others hit people hard.

Everyone was the same, if they could dodge, they would dodge, if they couldn't dodge, they would just bear it.

With a bang, a lightning struck his body, his whole body stiffened and trembled, the electric current blue light flowed, his hair went straight up to the sky, a thick black gas spurted out of his nose, he opened his mouth, spit out a mouthful of blood and a black gas column like a chimney, and his ears puffed, and a puff of black smoke came out of each side.

Then he trembled quickly, took a breath, and then raised his knife to kill: puff!

But there were more and more purple phoenixes, and the following ones could not be killed by the lightning. The monsters were very dissatisfied and launched attacks one after another.

The lightning slowly intertwined into a net again.


Fang Che killed one with his last knife, then stood up and ran while spitting blood and spewing black smoke from his seven orifices.

I can't stand it anymore...

If I don't run...

I will be killed by lightning.

As soon as they saw Fang Che, they ran away. Then the other saints also scattered like birds and beasts.

During the whole process, everyone tacitly kept not disturbing each other. After all, killing those who can't move is much easier than killing those who have recovered a lot and have the ability to die together.

And everyone was bombarded by lightning while killing, and no one felt good. Maybe the guy I want to kill is stronger than me?

So no one interfered.

But these saints looked at the guy who killed the most people thoughtfully. Looking at this move, this is definitely the Night Demon!

This guy kills people really well.

I killed at most a few dozen, but Night Demon killed at least two or three thousand...

Seeing Night Demon suddenly get up and run while killing, everyone immediately scattered.

If Night Demon runs away, I will run too!

He started first, so he knows best, and he seems to be prepared... so it's right to follow his actions.

What's more, it's okay for everyone to bear the thunder and lightning bombardment together, but once someone runs away, the rest of the people will naturally resist a few more times...

At this juncture, no one is stupid.

So, in an instant, a group of killer embryos ran away under the thunder and lightning bombardment and disappeared.

Countless purple lightning phoenixes chased them frantically.

Some purple lightning phoenixes bombarded again for a long time in the valley full of dead people.

Wait until the thousands of purple lightning phoenixes that went out to chase and kill return.

Seeing that there is no breath of life below.

The purple lightning phoenixes roared and returned to the camp victoriously!

After this time, let's see if there are any bold two-legged beasts who covet our flowers! Our water! Our children!


Are you satisfied with such a tragic sacrifice?

Satisfied! Very satisfied!

Fang Che is now 10,000 satisfied!

This wave, really harvested a lot!

Fang Che was covered in black smoke, and the meat on his shoulders gave off an alluring fragrance. He took the pill and didn't care, and then happily checked the harvest.

The total number of achievements soared directly to 3,133!

This number is terrifying.

The Wuling Gu was almost burping, shiny black, and the two little eyes became brighter and more pleasing.

And the size has increased many times.

Sometimes looking at this little thing, Fang Che doesn't understand how this thing can live in his heart.

Originally, it was the size of a sesame seed, so Fang Che could tolerate it, but now this thing looks bigger than a peanut. In my heart? Can my heart be as big as a watermelon?

The Five Spirit Gu rubbed against Fang Che's palm affectionately, then slowly shrank, becoming the size of a sesame seed again... then turned into green smoke and disappeared, returning to the heart vein.

Other gains: five pieces of protective clothing, which Fang Che tolerated even though they were a little damaged.

More than 100 bottles of various elixirs, mainly because the others were destroyed by lightning; and more than 30,000 top-grade spirit crystals.

But there was no space ring.

In fact, among the many people who came in, only a few had space rings.

Saint level, in the Only Orthodox Church, did not have the qualifications to have a space ring. Even if there was one, they would not dare to expose it to others. In this case, Fang Che had no time to search through the corpses carefully.

For this harvest, Fang Che was very satisfied with the number of people, but as for the harvest... it had to be said that it was only unsatisfactory.

So he drank half a bottle of Starry Sky Spirit Liquid in anger.

After careful consideration, there were more than 44,000 people who came in together. There were at least 20,000 or 18,000 people in the valley just now...

After the thunder strike, at least 2,000 people died on the spot, and then he killed nearly 3,000 people, and the others killed almost 3,000 people together.

The others on the edge basically ran away crying after the thunder.

In other words, this wave should have killed about 9,000 people.

Fang Che calculated, this number is a bit rough. If rounded off, it can be confirmed that at least 8,000 people are dead! This is very certain.

Why rounded off to 8,000? Because Fang Che basically regarded those uncertain numbers as still alive.

Score more points. I can feel at ease when I kill them in the future - there are still so many, I didn't kill them all!

The recovery power of the magic pill is strong and fast. In just half a quarter of an hour, Fang Che's serious injuries have been completely recovered.

He winked and his facial muscles twitched, and a layer of dead skin fluttered off, and the flesh on his shoulders that had been roasted by lightning also turned into debris and fell off.

Fang Che shook all over, his lower abdomen contracted, and... two piles of trouser legs fell out.

The grass under his feet suddenly became full of vitality...

This person shed his skin! What a good nutrient... With these debris, maybe I can breed Ganoderma lucidum in the future...

When Fang Che left here, the piles of debris here disappeared quickly without a sound. It can be seen that the roots of the surrounding grass are all rolled up with a ball of debris.

Although these grasses have no spirituality, as the life instinct of plants, they still use their weak strength to quickly grab resources that can make themselves healthier and stronger.

Fang Che in the air looked at the scene underground and seemed to have some understanding in his heart.

"Who said that plants have no spirit? Who said that plants have no rivers and lakes? They are just using another form of life to interpret their unique rivers and lakes... that's all."

Fang Che was thinking in his eyes, and suddenly felt that he had touched something.

It seemed that there was a layer of window paper that was about to be pierced by himself.

He looked at the grass, the silent trees, the white clouds in the sky, and this silent world...

Suddenly, he felt that his Wuliang Zhenjing suddenly began to surge rapidly.

The spiritual energy suddenly gathered from all directions.

He hadn't figured it out yet. He had been thinking about this problem, but at this moment, his whole body seemed to have become a spiritual energy attractor.

The surging spiritual energy spontaneously and automatically poured into his body, and every acupuncture point and every pore in his body seemed to form a vortex.

But Fang Che himself was completely unaware of his current situation.

His eyes followed the small animals he had never noticed before, some aphids, some beetles, some ants, centipedes, snakes...

In this jungle... they sensed his arrival and fled in panic, but if you look closely, there are patterns to follow.

For example, if you look closely, there are different groups of ants, just like gangs, walking on different roads. After feeling safe, they will stop, leave sentinels, stay for reconnaissance at a distance, some are really resting, and some are even fighting with another group.

It seems that they are fighting for territory or resources? Or... a kingdom war?

Fang Che had never studied these things carefully before, but now that he was led by his own dandruff, he actually opened up a whole new perspective.

It was amazing.

The spiritual energy in the body surged and surged again, and the spiritual energy outside kept rushing in, circulating in the meridians again and again, and most of it was expelled and dissipated again during the circulation of the meridians.

But the essence has already entered the Dantian and turned into innate spiritual energy.

Then it started from the Dantian and traveled around the body again, turning into a solid foundation.

The spiritual energy kept coming in and going out. In the past, these spiritual energies would have been enough to make his meridians swell and unbearable.

But now he didn't feel that way at all.

On the one hand, the addition of the Yin-Yang Holy Liquid to the meridians was too terrifying. On the other hand,... after the injury was recovered, the whole body had been baptized by lightning countless times during this wave of killing under the purple lightning phoenix, and it actually seemed that... the physical fitness had increased a bit?

It seemed that this lightning forging had removed a lot of impurities from the body.

Fang Che was immersed in his own world, trying hard to capture the flash of spiritual light, and didn't realize that his cultivation was growing terribly.

The monarch level seventh grade high level, reached; peak, reached...

The spiritual energy continued to increase wildly, forming a vortex in the meridians.

It was like the sea was constantly rising, waves after waves, endlessly impacting.

Finally, with a loud bang, something in the body seemed to break.

That was the level of the eighth grade.

The spiritual energy rushed in, quickly conquered the new route, completed the occupation, and then began to run the Zhoutian again and again...

Every week of running, a lot of spiritual power was added, and more unqualified spiritual energy was eliminated again.

The atomization in the dantian was completely full, and the golden spiritual liquid began to form. Drops fell down one by one, and every drop that fell seemed to cause Fang Che's soul to vibrate.

He only felt that he was under the thunder again and again, but it was getting more and more comfortable.

There was a comfortable smile on his eyebrows, and his cultivation was rising. The cultivation of the monarch of the eighth grade continued to pile up in waves... slowly increasing to the initial stage, the middle stage of the initial stage, the peak, the middle stage... the high stage, the peak...

With a loud bang.

Fang Che only felt a bang in his head.

It was like being pushed open a door in the darkness. Outside the door, there was a blazing golden light, full of light and hope!

Then the darkness where he was was illuminated by the golden light and turned into ashes.

The morning bell and evening drum rang in his mind again and again, and his soul was washed again and again, but the way forward was so clear.

The five senses of the whole person were enhanced several times. He opened his mouth, and with a puff, a long dragon of gray gas was spit out. Then he felt that his soul returned to his body.

The Infinite Sutra actually broke through the third level at this time!

The moment Fang Che opened his eyes, he clearly felt the wonder of "rebirth".

It was a bit like "I have become a Buddha on the spot".


Fang Che sighed. If this feeling can be felt often, it would be great.

Then he checked his body: "Breakthrough? Monarch level eighth grade peak? The Infinite Sutra also broke through the third level?"

Fang Che himself was a little stunned.

Fang Che was not surprised or happy about the breakthrough to the monarch level eighth grade peak, because it was just a step-by-step progress, and it would be achieved sooner or later.

But what he didn't expect was that the Infinite Sutra also broke through.

This is the biggest happy event!

Because the Infinite Sutra involves the Five Spirit Gu!

The suppression of the Five Spirit Gu and the removal of the Five Spirit Gu of others.

Moreover, he had no idea about the Infinite Sutra, and had no idea at what point he would break through. He just kept practicing like this, and he didn't feel any bottleneck. Anyway... when it was time to break through naturally, he would break through. Normally, it would be useless to be anxious!

But now that he broke through, Fang Che still felt extremely surprised.

Because this is a doubling of strength!

The second level of the Infinite Sutra, the eighth level of the monarch level. The combat power is completely different from the third level of the Infinite Sutra, the eighth level of the monarch level!

Maybe the cultivation is still the eighth level of the monarch, but the quality is completely different. One seems to be a house full of grass and trees, and the other is a house full of gold... Both are full of houses, but can they be the same?

What's more, he went from the high level of the seventh level to the peak of the eighth level!

Fang Che had a feeling of "I am really invincible in the world" for a while!

This "illusion of invincibility" is something Fang Che has every time he has a huge breakthrough. He has been "invincible" from the innate realm to now, and has been "invincible" dozens of times.

He restrained his invincible mentality of "fighting the world, destroying the only orthodox religion by himself, I can do it now".

Fang Che sneaked out again, like a ghost hiding in the dark.

Be careful!

Be more careful!


The other saints who harvested heads with Fang Che in the valley, those who were able to get out alive after being baptized by thunder and lightning, also had different gains at this moment.

After all, thunder and lightning are gifts from heaven. Although Zi Dian Luan can use them, they are also accumulated thunder power.

Those who survived the punishment of heaven and recovered naturally had their own benefits. So this kind of benefit is not exclusive to Fang Che.

Those saints were all surprised.

"My spiritual power circulation speed has accelerated."

"My bones seem to have changed a little bit..."

"I seem to have a new understanding of martial arts..."


Although the gains vary from person to person, some are more and some are less.

Fang Che naturally gained the most, but the reason why he gained the most was because he had an additional understanding and advancement of the Infinite Sutra. If we only talk about other things, even if it is more than others, it is not much more.

Opportunities are not good or bad, and if you seize them, you can soar to the sky!

This sentence is truly reflected here.

However, although it is an opportunity, if these people are asked to go into the canyon again and endure it again, no one, including Fang Che himself, will be happy.

It's too miserable!

That kind of experience is enough once.

If I go back, what if the Purple Lightning Luan Emperor personally comes out and electrocutes me directly?

Especially these people are people who have been "eating once" for one-third or two-thirds of their bodies, and they are even more frightened.

Now, the area where the Purple Lightning Luan is located is empty.

A dead place!

But no one will forget this place-everyone knows that countless masters have died here!

And for those masters, a corpse is a treasure!

So... when the Purple Lightning Luan calm down, sooner or later there will be desperate people coming here to try their luck, hoping to get something from the dead...

These people... cough, including Fang Che.

And everyone has a deadline in mind, some are ten days, some are fifteen days, and some are thinking of trying their luck before the end.

But including Fang Che, no one plans to come again within ten days.

Because the Purple Lightning Luan are not so forgetful...

At this time, coming alone is basically looking for death.

But Fang Che is still sending the Golden Horned Dragon to fill the Starry Sky Spirit Liquid as he continues to consume it.

After he is ready to go out, he must give a bottle to his father, mother, Ye Meng, his eldest cousin, Mo Ganyun and others, right?

So... drink as much as you can.

The Purple Lightning Luan watched their huge pool become less and less every few days. Although the number is not large, each of them is almost driven crazy by the stimulation of cutting flesh with a blunt knife...

It's not human!

Therefore, the rage of the Purple Lightning Luans did not fade away, but became more and more unstoppable.

Every day, they patrolled around the Absolute Peak in large groups.

After the Absolute Peak catastrophe, the Gu God World fell into a brief silence.

It seemed that everyone was hiding.

Standing in the sky, the divine thoughts were scattered, and fishing in the sea, but there was not a single fish.

Those who have gained benefits are consolidating; those with weaker cultivation are practicing, and those with stronger cultivation are acting in secret, but they are also very cautious.

The Night Demon has not made any movement, so why should we fight for our lives?

Fang Che is not silent.

But this time the improvement is a bit big, so he also stays in the original cave, well, the cave not far from the two-headed dragon to practice and consolidate.

After going crazy once, the two-headed dragon went back to look at the fruit and spirit crystal again.

Fang Che didn't know that the two-headed dragon had visited his little nest before, so he was very happy to practice in it.

He even quietly expanded the cave a little bit to reach a space where he could practice spears.

He began to practice the integration of sword, spear, sword and halberd techniques with the improved cultivation.

Three days later.

Fang Che stepped out of the cave with full confidence.

Monarch level nine-grade initial stage!

I am now invincible in the world!

But Fang Che is also worried about a problem now, that is... this time the plan of raising Gu to become a god cannot only kill people.

There must also be surrender!

It still won't work without surrender!

So from now on, Fang Che started to prepare to conquer.

After walking for a while, the Golden Horned Dragon came to report.

There was a battle ahead, two people fighting one, the situation was precarious, and they were all at the Venerable level.

The fight was in full swing.

Venerable level?

Fang Che rushed over without any scruples: "Stop, two against one, what kind of hero is that!"

Fang Che immediately joined the battle circle, helping the weaker side, preparing to conquer people's hearts; get the first surrender.

As a result, this kid actually attacked Fang Che with a sword during the battle!

Two against two instantly turned into a siege of three people.

Fang Che was furious.

"What a fucking way to play!"

Seven stars floating in the air!

The three were shocked and jumped away one after another, their faces changed color: "Night Demon? We are willing to surrender!"

"Submit your mother's head!"

Puff puff puff, three more corpses on the ground.

Seeing the Five Spirit Gu come out and feast happily, Fang Che was melancholy...

With the murderous intention, he killed it directly. The other party has clearly said that he will surrender... This is a waste of three places!

Then they began to search like looking for a needle in a haystack. The Golden Horned Dragon searched everywhere. Being ordered by Fang Che, he was busy for a moment and searched in units of a hundred miles.

Finally... another one.

"This one is slightly stronger than you."

Slightly stronger.

Fang Che was relieved. It seemed to be a saint-level, but the grade was not high among the saint-level.

Fang Che approached silently and appeared.

"Are you willing to surrender?"

Fang Che drew his sword and pointed at the man.

"Are you willing to surrender?"

The man also drew his sword and pointed at him.

In one sentence, the same six words were spoken almost simultaneously.

Then the two people's eyes flashed with murderous intent at the same time.


The sword energy burst out almost at the same time.

Seven stars floated in the air!

The man retreated ten feet with a somersault and frowned: "Are you a night demon?"

"So what?"

Fang Che snorted.

This man actually said very straightforwardly: "Fight, win or lose, the loser surrenders! How about it?"

Fang Che was stunned: "Who are you?"

"I am Ma Qianli! I come from the headquarters logistics."

"Okay! Let's fight!"

After a fierce fight, after 70 moves, Ma Qianli fell into a disadvantage and shouted: "Surrender!"

Fang Che put away his sword.

Ma Qianli's Five Spirit Gu appeared on his forehead and he lay down obediently.

Fang Che's Five Spirit Gu rushed up and rode on him.

A breath... a breath of black air was sucked in.

Then the two Five Spirit Gu disappeared and returned to their masters.

"Boss Night Demon, your fighting power is really..."

Ma Qianli was a little frustrated: "I am a saint level, but I can't beat you at the Venerable level!"

"I am a monarch level."


Ma Qianli's face twisted: "Brother...what do you want me to say..."

Fang Che laughed and said: "Qianli, what's wrong with you?"

He was a little strange, because this guy seemed to be waiting for others to surrender, or surrender to others at any time and anywhere.

This feeling is very obvious.

"I am a first-grade saint, at the peak. Boss Night Devil, are you asking why I surrendered so easily and happily?"

"Yes, why?" Fang Che was really a little curious.

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