Lord of the Night

Chapter 638 I want to be the chief leader [Additional chapters 3 and 4 for the golden leader wise Ha

"That's the truth."

Feng Wanxia said calmly: "I bet on the Night Demon boss for ten years... Anyway, I have wasted a lot of years. What if I throw away these ten years again?"

"If there is really no hope, it is not too late to change things in ten years."

The five people nodded slightly and said nothing.

But there is a thought in my heart: Looking at the boss of Night Demon like this, I am afraid it will not take ten years to truly rise!

Once it gains momentum, it may be like dancing in the clouds and the dragon traveling through the nine heavens!

When Long Ma Niu Sheep was thinking about it, he saw that Feng Wanxia had already stood up, strode up to the boss of Night Demon, knelt on the ground with a plop, and clasped his fists heavily: "Boss Night Demon, I am Feng Wanxia. My life is in your hands from today on! From now on, I, Feng Wanxia, ​​am willing to follow the boss Ye Mo through thick and thin, and I will be loyal to each other through life and death!"

Feng Wanxia kowtowed deeply, ringing her head nine times in a row.

She said loudly: "I, Feng Wanxia, ​​today in the Gu God World, swear an oath to the Heavenly Centipede God: From now on, I will be loyal to the Night Demon Boss and will never leave him! If I violate it, I will accept God's punishment!!"

He knocked his head down again.

There was a boom.

The two people's Five Spirit Gu were sensitive at the same time.

"I promise!"

Longma Niuyang looked at Feng Wanxia who had already made her vow and were shocked in their hearts: This woman is really cruel!

Moreover, I really dare to bet!

She saw some signs of it, and she immediately bet her life, fortune, and future on it!

There was no escape route left for her!

This determination and courage shocked the four people.


The four of them stood up at the same time and walked over at the same time.

Everyone felt a little frustrated. Any one of the four people would follow Lord Night Demon earlier than Feng Wanxia, ​​but in the end, Feng Wanxia still took the top spot!

If we fall behind again, I'm afraid...

The four of them walked up to Fang Che and knelt down at the same time: "...I am willing to follow the boss of Night Demon, share life and death, and trust each other with our lives...swear to the God Centipede!"

"I promise!"

Fang Che is a little confused now. Why did he suddenly reach this point?

But he soon understood.

These five guys...are actually betting on their own future!

This is a huge gamble with your life and fortune!

Looking at the five people kneeling in front of him, Fang Che's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly: "However, I don't want people just casually. This time I just want to subdue my subordinates... But if it comes to true loyalty, I will too. Conditional."

"Boss, please tell me."

"My hands are full of blood, and I don't want people who need to use their lives or consciousness to practice demonic skills."

Fang Che said: "You know the specific reasons."

"We understand!"

The expressions on the five people's faces suddenly became even more fanatical: "Boss Night Demon is indeed far-sighted and has a plan for the future! Don't worry, boss, I (I) have not practiced that kind of magic skill."

Fang Che was surprised and said calmly: "What do you understand?"

Long Yikong said: "Because the kind of magic power that the boss mentioned may be able to improve a person's cultivation level very quickly in a short period of time and shock the world, but... it will never truly reach the peak!"

"Shouzuo Duan, the real peak in the clouds like Boss Dao, is the kind of magic skill that can't be reached even if you practice it to the extreme!"

"Is the boss's ambition actually to be above the clouds?"

The five people's eyes were wild.

Fang Che was stunned for a moment.

What did I say? Why did I... reach the peak of the cloud?

But his face remained unchanged and he nodded: "Not bad."

He breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at the white clouds in the sky, and said leisurely: "In this life, if you can't reach the top of the mountain and take a look at the world from the highest place, wouldn't it be the biggest regret?"

"The boss is right!"

The five people prostrated at the same time: "I beg you, boss, to include it!"

Fang Che said: "Follow me, once the news spreads... there are enemies all over the world. Don't say anything else, you also know how many people I killed this time! How many of these people I killed belonged to which aristocratic family or what? Power… you understand.”

"Although my current cultivation can make you surrender, you should also understand that... I do not have the ability to protect you. You must think carefully, once exposed, I will become the enemy of the world!"

"We've figured it out!"

The five people gritted their teeth: "It's just death!"


Fang Che nodded and said calmly: "In that case, I will accept you."

The five people smiled broadly and cheered at the same time.

Immediately, everyone took out the communication jade, summoned the Five Spirit Gu, and added each other's contact information.

Fang Che said calmly: "One is to follow orders and prohibitions, and the other is to have no taboos. This is my code of conduct. What I require is that you must obey orders, this is one of them."

"We can do it."

"The second thing is... if we want to grow stronger, it will not work if we continue to be ordinary and just grab territory and resources from the defenders. So, let me tell you the truth, the other subordinate sects are also ours The goal."

Fang Che said calmly: "No taboo means... when I reach a certain level, I will even dare to rob the headquarters!"

"As long as you can keep up."

Fang Che said softly: "I will take you to the top to see the wind and clouds."

The five people trembled with excitement: "Yes!"

The ambition of the Night Demon made them afraid and trembled, but more importantly, it was the kind of lawless yearning and excitement!

How cool would it be if that day really came?

And they could hear that Night Demon's words were full of confidence and ambition, but there was no illusion!

They are all old men, so you can still tell whether they are painted or not. Night Demon's words are definitely sincere.

Of course Fang Che is not a painter, and he definitely means it sincerely!

He really wants to build his own team within the Solipsism and lead him to a high position!

Really stand on the high ground of Solipsism and take a look at the situation.

When the time comes, it would be best to lead the masters of the Solipsism to fight against the guardians, and make an agreement with Dongfang Sansan to fight with a win or lose... It seems that any plan can win, but the guardians are immortal, but here is The dead will win miserably; when will they be defeated? The defeat will be huge and the dead and injured will be in a mess. You will come out to turn the tide...

So, if the dragons, phoenixes, horses, cattle and sheep are powerful enough, I will really take you to visit the peak. What's the harm?

Fang Che smiled: "But for the time being, I can only ask you to follow me first. The positions cannot be arranged, and it will take a period of time to get to know each other and decide which position is suitable for you."

"Then...we don't even have a foothold now." Fang Che smiled and said, "So I allow you half a year to think about it and have a chance to regret it."

"We understand, we understand."

The five of them all laughed.

How could a senior minister regret such an opportunity?

It's completely out of nothing and provides help in the snow. I'm determined to do this from the dragon.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the Night Demon fails, the middle path collapses, and he and others are buried with him, so what? Now that we have decided to conquer the world, how can it be smooth sailing?

Not to mention anything else, among the five of us now, if there is a day when we really succeed, if three of them are still alive and enjoying the peak scenery, it will be a blessing...

So why do you want to go so far? Is it something we can consider whether it will be successful or not?

Staying in the original position, in the original environment, there is no chance of getting ahead. In this case, why not give it a try?

There is no need to think about anything. Since there is a road ahead, just one word: Go!

If you can't do it, it's your fate. If you can do it, you are lucky!

"You five can discuss the size first."

Fang Che smiled: "According to strength, we will rank one, two, three, four and five. When I am not around, the one at the front will need to take responsibility."


Suddenly the five people began to be motivated.

Although horses, cattle, sheep, etc. know that they have no hope of being first, they are not willing to be at the bottom.

Feng Wanxia cupped her hands towards Long Yikong and said calmly: "Second brother, come here, eldest sister will give you some advice!"

"Second sister, it's not certain who will give advice."

Long Yikong laughed ferociously and said: "Second sister, it's better for women to be more honest. It's good for you to be an assistant. To be honest, brother, I've been in brothels for so many years, and I've seen a lot of women..."

Long Yikong was quite frivolous, but he deliberately angered Feng Wanxia.

If this sentence were said in the outside world, I'm afraid it would really develop to the point of death; but in an environment like the Solipsistic Orthodox Church, where all means are used to achieve the goal, it is quite normal.

But Feng Wanxia was still angry.

"Long Yikong!"

Feng Wanxia shouted loudly and took action in the air.

Two hours later.

The outcome is decided.

As Fang Che had estimated in advance, the ranking was standard: dragon, phoenix, horse, cattle and sheep.

"I want to remind you that my current real cultivation level is only at the beginning of the ninth level of the monarch level. Moreover, I am confident that I will reach the venerable level before the end of this Gu God world!"

Fang Che said calmly: "And you are all Saint-level now, but you are not my current opponent. When I reach the Honor-level, you will be pulled further by me."

"Although you are all geniuses who can fight across levels, and you all have your own trump card. Perhaps the method of dying together is not used... But I tell you, it is useless. Once that method is used, you will die first. ”

Fang Che stood up and said: "So I hope you can keep up with me. The ugly words are ahead. If anyone falls behind, the rest of us will not wait for him."

These words put pressure on the five people that was heavier than a mountain.

Because the facts are before our eyes: The Night Demon is now at the ninth level of the King, and he has counterattacked at the Saint level and won the battle!

What will happen when he reaches the venerable level?

What will happen when you reach the saint level?

Compared with others, I might still be considered the so-called 'younger generation'; but Night Demon is only eighteen! ——If this eighteen is true. So the five of them simply couldn't imagine what level the Night Demon would reach when he reaches his age.

So now, the boss has admitted it and sworn the oath of allegiance, but what follows is a major test!

Can you follow it?

Are you qualified to be a follower?

The hearts of the five saint-level masters were heavy.

This pressure lies in the extremely clear understanding of the martial arts potential of age qualifications.

When facing a master, the more sober this understanding is, the more desperate one becomes. Because there is no chance to catch up!

It's like a scumbag who studies hard 24 hours a day and is still at the bottom of the pile looks at the top student who is still the best in Qingbei!

The despair of ‘I can’t catch up no matter how hard I try’ is so sobering and profound.

Fang Che was very aware of the pressure on the five people's hearts.

Because this kind of pressure was created deliberately by him.

"You'll never catch up to me!"

This is what Fang Che will now firmly imprint on the hearts of the five people; this understanding must be deeply ingrained in the hearts of dragon, phoenix, horse, cattle and sheep for Fang Che! Unshakable, unshakable!

In this way, the possibility of backlash in the future can be reduced, and dissent can be eliminated to a certain extent.

Treating these people is absolutely different from treating Mo Ganyun and others.

Mo Ganyun and others, Fang Che didn't care if they could surpass him. But for dragons, phoenixes, horses, cattle and sheep, Fang Che must not let them surpass him!

These are two extremely opposite attitudes.

This is also Fang Che's real method of controlling his subordinates - as a superior, a boss, without this kind of vicious heart, he will never be able to become big.

It’s society, it’s the world, it’s reality.

After seeing that his pressure worked, Fang Che smiled and said, "I'm afraid your thoughts were frightened by me and you entered a misunderstanding."

Long Yikong was like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, and hurriedly asked: "Boss, what's the explanation?"

The other four people also suddenly raised their heads and looked at Fang Che blankly.

Because of this kind of oppression, they all know very well that the frustration that belongs to the Taoist heart of a warrior is suppressed, that is, it is suppressed.

Fang Che smiled and said: "What you are thinking about now is to catch up with me. But why should you catch up with me? My opportunities are different from yours."

He said seriously: "I am really only eighteen years old this year, and my real cultivation time is actually no more than four years! I can swear to God Centipede that this is true!"


Another shocking thunderbolt fell on the heads of the five people.

The five people are now almost hopeless.

Eighteen years old.

Four years!

The five people thought about their own age, and then thought about how hard they had practiced day and night, and then looked at others... Suddenly, a feeling of "comparing others to death, and comparing goods to goods" emerged spontaneously.

He drooped his head and didn't even want to say anything.

How to pursue this?

This is an oath to God Centipede, how can it be false?

Fang Che smiled and said: "So you have entered a misunderstanding. I know that your warrior hearts are a little broken now, but this is not unsolvable."

The five people immediately raised their heads: "Boss, how do you solve it?"

Fang Che said: "You have to think about it, why were your Taoist hearts not broken when you faced the Love-Severing Knife, the Dream-Smashing Spear, and the Vice-Chief Leaders?"

"That's...that's an achievement we can't achieve in our lifetime!" Ma Qianli blurted out.

"So why are you staring at me?"

Fang Che smiled faintly, his voice was very soft, but he had infinite ambition and confidence, and said softly: "As far as I know, when Duan Shouzuo was eighteen years old... he was far inferior to me now! So, I know where my future is, and I will keep moving towards that goal!”

"The reason why my Taoist heart is firm, superior and proud comes from here. Those powerful people in the clouds were not as successful as me when they were young, so I kept moving forward until I reached the peak, or the middle way. Until death."

"This is my idea."

"And you don't have my conditions now, but you don't have my goals either."

Fang Che pondered for a moment, and finally looked like he had made up his mind, and said softly: "I want to be the chief leader in the future... Have you ever thought about it? Do you dare to think about it?"

The five people looked like they were struck by thunder at the same time, and then changed to speechless expressions: "We don't dare."

"Isn't this the end?"

Fang Che said: "So I don't care if you compete with each other. Even if you really target me to catch up, I won't mind after today. So do you understand now?"

"If your highest position is to rush forward with me, then the first thing to make clear is to 'follow me', not 'take me'. Since it is 'follow me', then why are you targeting me?"

Fang Che's words made the five people thoughtful.

Feng Wanxia said: "I understand, I position myself as a subordinate; if you work for a boss, why should you chase after the boss's achievements?"

"Just like the tens of billions masters under the chief leader, although Duan Shouzuo is awesome, he is just one of them, but Duan Shouzuo can still shock the world!"

Although Feng Wanxia's statement is a bit far-fetched, it also makes some sense.

The other four people felt a little relaxed.

As long as it makes sense and can get out of the dilemma of Taoist heart, they will catch it. Regardless of whether this truth is wrong or right - this is the smartest approach for a mentally strong and sober person!

There is no doubt that there are basically no stupid people who can cultivate to the level of Saint level.

Fang Che laughed and said: "So, let me remind you first. In fact, the time we are in the Gu God World is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you to improve your strength. If you can really do it, then your strength will be here In the remaining month, it is not difficult to double or even more.”

The five people suddenly breathed quickly, and they had some understanding in their hearts, but it was not very clear. It was like they were separated by a thin layer of clouds and mist. They were hazy and felt, but they didn't know why. So they scratched their heads and scratched their heads anxiously: "Boss, please come back. expressly."

"Your previous practice seems to me to be a numb, hopeless practice with no hope, no goal, and no future."

Fang Che said clearly: "In fact, every one of you knows this! You may be children of aristocratic families, but you are not that kind of top aristocratic family, because the group of people who left early did not have you."

The five people nodded sadly, yes.

"So although you are practicing, you just blindly want to make yourself stronger and have more ability to face the wind and rain in the future, rather than to do anything. But you know in your heart that no matter how high you reach, you will always be there. You can’t control your own destiny with the thoughts of others.”

"That's why after you met me and learned about my situation, you immediately realized that this was an opportunity for you."

"So you jumped at the opportunity."

"It's not your own cleverness, but the environment you are in that makes you suffocated. When you were close to suffocating, you saw me, and then you immediately realized that I would have a bright future, so you were willing to work on me Take a big gamble and try your best!”

Fang Che said: "But this is actually not what you really want, but the environment forcing you to do so! Because you want to get out of that environment so much."

He looked at the five people and said with a smile: "Think about it for yourselves, is this true?"

The five people fell silent.

After a long time, Long Yikong said bitterly: "Yes! You are right!"

This time, Long Yikong did not say, ‘Boss Night Demon is right’, but directly used the honorific title ‘you’; even he himself was not aware of this change.

But it changed so naturally.

The other four people were also silent, with ugly expressions on their faces. Feng Wanxia sighed longly: "Yes, what you said... hits the nail on the head! This is what we really think!"

"Because we see a way."

"So when we saw you again, we immediately decided to follow this path, not you."

Feng Wanxia's voice was a little depressed.

Being in the game, I didn't feel much about it, but after I really saw another long-term path, and listened to Fang Che's clear explanation, I immediately realized: this is really what happened.

"So, I don't care whether you follow me or this path, but after all, your goal, your path forward, and your future are all already there."

Fang Che said word by word: "After having these, I have a clearer motivation to move forward. And the practice after having the real goal is completely different from the previous practice of despair and confusion. And this is me That said... your huge opportunity!"

The five people's eyes lit up.

Everyone is not stupid. Fang Che had already realized this before he said this.

Yes, there are no shackles on the mind. Can the cultivation after escaping from the prison be the same as the cultivation before being trapped?

Before, it was like completing a task and forcing myself to practice. But now, you are really fighting for your own future, for your own destiny that you can control!

Can this...be the same?

"So you must seize this opportunity!"

Fang Che said: "And seizing this opportunity may not mean immersing yourself in cultivation."

He said word by word: "Fighting is the shortcut to the south!"

The five people took a deep breath at the same time.

Fang Che asked: "Have you completed the surrender standards of your one hundred and fifty people?"


The five people almost all said the same thing.

They are not Fang Che. Fang Che has killed too many people. When he sees a warrior at the level of a venerable, his first thought is to kill, not to surrender.

When they see someone, their first thought is to surrender rather than kill.

Therefore, the task quota has naturally been completed long ago.


Fang Che couldn't help but touch his nose. This answer was a bit unexpected. He didn't expect that these five guys had already finished it. So in terms of time, they finished it earlier than himself?

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