Lord of the Night

Chapter 646 Night Devil's Super Reward [Two-in-One]

Although he had known for a long time that Night Demon's score was the first in Fault, the moment he actually heard the announcement, Yin Shen Palace still shook his body suddenly, and stars appeared in front of his eyes.

It felt like a sun was rising right in front of my eyelids!

There was a dazzling blackness before his eyes.

The etiquette officer's voice was warm: "Master of the Yixin Temple, please come up to the stage and ascend the throne!"

Yin Shen Gong took a deep breath to calm his mind.

With a feeling of "I feel very calm, my heart is calm, and I am unfazed", I walked onto the stage solemnly.

Others: "Is this pussy or that mouth suffering from a whirlwind? It's crooked to the base of the left ear and you don't know how to close it?"

"Are these eyes suffering from dancing syndrome? They blinked hundreds of times just by taking two steps..."

"How come these legs are like noodles? How come you have to turn a corner when you take a step?"

"Look at his hands... Isn't this epilepsy? He takes a step like a puppet in slow motion, so stiff..."

"Tsk, you actually twerked your butt when you got on stage...I didn't even notice..."

"Reminds me of a red shopkeeper..."

"Ugh... I've had sex with a prostitute, and now that you've said that, I'll think of this guy every time I do something. How can I get hard?"

"Pfft hahaha..."


In full view of everyone, Yinshen Palace walked up to the top throne with a posture that said, "I think it's very solemn, but others don't seem to notice."

Turn around slowly.

Face the heroes of the world.

The etiquette officer's voice sang loudly: "Please champion leader, Yin Shen Palace, take a seat!"

Yinshen Palace's legs softened and he sat down heavily.

He quickly separated his hands, held on to the armrests, and sat upright, but felt a little pain in his butt bones, which were almost cracked by the sitting. But where can I take care of that now?

Yin Shen Gong is sitting upright, holding the armrests of the throne with both hands, his waist is straight, and his neck is also straight.

Not moving at all.

Everyone around him is shorter than me!

I just feel that all the honors and favors in my life are not as good as this moment! This is the pinnacle of life!

When the general raised Gu to become a god, the top three were side by side, and the Yin Shen Palace was the first, sitting in the middle.

However, this leader-level plan to raise Gu to become a god is different.

The first place is actually the only one!

At the top, I am the only one!

Yin Shen Palace could only feel the golden wind whistling under his buttocks, and he had already soared into the mist, and he was on the Nine Heavens.

The etiquette officer said loudly: "The losers kneeling on the ground should kneel three times and kowtow nine times to the winners!"

As the etiquette officer's order was announced, Wu Xiang and others neatly began to salute and kowtow.



"Kowtow once, kowtow twice, kowtow three times!"



"One kowtow, two kowtows, three buckles!"




After kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times, the fourteen people below just knelt with their buttocks stuck out and their foreheads pressed to the ground.

Not moving anymore.

Because there was no order for them to get up, which meant that they had to keep kneeling in this position until the ceremony was over!

"All those who pass the exam should come forward to thank the commander and receive the reward."

"Six to ten people, please come forward to thank the commander and receive the reward."

"fourth place……"

"Third place..."


"First place, Night Demon! Come forward and thank the leader! Receive the leader-level reward for the champion of cultivating Gu to become a god!"

Fang Che stood up and stepped onto the steps step by step.

Step by step, solid and steady.

Really expressionless.

Everyone watching from all directions couldn't find anything wrong with it.

"This Night Demon...is really calm. Much better than his master."

"Yes, at such a glorious moment, this guy can actually remain calm! This state of mind has reached a certain level."

"He is a talented person. It's a pity that after he went out this time, he had more enemies."


Fang Che walked slowly and leisurely, walking past the kneeling man. Climbing up a flight of steps, we reached the steps where six officers were standing.

After saluting one by one, they went up one level, and there were three sitting officers, still bowing indifferently. Then he crossed three seats and stepped onto the highest point.

Facing the Yin Shen Palace on the throne, Night Demon knelt on his knees and kowtowed, and said loudly: "Disciple Night Demon! See the leader, Master! Master has trained him for many years and poured out his hard work to save his disciples at the time of life and death, and support his disciples in the waves; He teaches his disciples when they are still ignorant and guides them in rivers and lakes. All achievements are given by the master! The disciples are too stupid to take credit!"

"Master's kindness will be unforgettable in my life! In the future, I will do my best to repay the master. I only wish that the master will be young forever for thousands of years, be free from all diseases, live forever, and rule the world for thousands of years!"

The loud voice of the Night Demon resounded over the entire venue.

Everyone heard it clearly.

Among the surrounding staff, many who had participated in the previous wave of general-level Gu-raising-to-god programs, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, with long sighs in their eyes.

Because they remember it very clearly.

The last words of Night Demon were exactly what he said when he paid his respects to the Seal Palace after winning the championship in the last project of raising Gu to become a god.

Now, I have said it again without changing a word!

After a year, I heard this passage again, but I felt like it had changed a lot.

It's still the same two people.

Same position.

It was like history repeating itself.

But it still felt like the world was turned upside down and the world had changed dramatically.

Others felt this way, so Yin Shen Gong was naturally more deeply touched. He trembled in his voice, bent down on the throne, and stretched out his hand to pull up Ye Mo.

With tears in his eyes: "Good boy, Master knows your feelings. For Master, having a disciple like you in this life is enough to comfort my life. In this life... I will not ask for anything else!"

"Master... is satisfied! Master is very happy and relieved... I have seen you go from a warrior to a general step by step, fighting hard step by step, every step is life and death, every moment is a crisis! Master knows it's not easy for you. But you finally made it to this day!"

Yin Shen Gong's voice trembled, and he was almost speechless: "Master is very proud! Very proud!"

There was silence.

Everyone was silently watching this pair of master and disciple at the highest point, showing their true feelings.

Yan Beihan stared blankly.

When she heard Yinshen Palace say "Every step is a fight, every step is life and death, every moment is a crisis", she couldn't help but sigh softly.

Yan Beihan believed that he understood the journey of Night Demon.

It is indeed a crisis at every step, life and death at every moment!

While others sleep, he may have experienced dozens of life-and-death battles!

It's really not easy.

A piece of paper floated down from the air and landed in the hands of the etiquette officer.

The etiquette officer took a look, and if the distance was close, he could see that the etiquette officer's pupils suddenly became larger. But then they recovered immediately.

The voice of the etiquette officer sounded: "The champion rewards are now distributed."

"Yixin Sect Yinshen Palace has made great contributions to cultivating talents. Recently, the east and the south have been unstable, and various sects have withered. Yixin Sect can maintain its complete combat power, and Yinshen Palace has made an indelible contribution. Yixin Sect is promoted to the first-level sect of the Weiwei Zhengjiao, and the leader Yinshen Palace enjoys the treatment of a half-step chief. The headquarters will allocate five saints, twenty venerable warriors, and one hundred monarch-level warriors above the fifth grade to serve as subordinates for Yixin Sect."

"Reward Yixin Sect with 100 magic weapons, 10 protective clothes; 10 sets of magic skills; elixir... a total of 500 bottles; reward Yinshen Palace with a magic weapon, a Saint Emperor-level protective clothes, and three enlightenment pills..."

Yinshen Palace's eyes lit up, and he felt that his whole body was floating after listening to these rewards.

Too much!

Reach the sky in one step!

What excited Yinshen Palace the most was the 100 bottles of Qingyun Pills; these Qingyun Pills were low-level pills; they were for the followers, and those below Wuhou would be promoted to one level after taking them!

And a big class!

For example, if a general took it, he could directly become a Wushuai. And if a Wushuai took it, he would directly ascend to Wuhou!

Its side effect was: for the rest of his life, he would be a Wuhou.

So it was called "Fenghou Pill" by the people of Weiwozhengjiao.

Fenghou, Fenghou, two uses, but both are appropriate.

Because... there is no chance to move forward. This is useless for masters, and they even avoid it.

But for subordinate sects like Yinshen Palace, it is equivalent to collectively upgrading the bottom followers!

Chickens and dogs ascend to heaven!

The overall strength suddenly stepped into a big level, what does it mean?

And the headquarters also gave them so many masters.

This is equivalent to fundamentally solving the dilemma of Yixinjiao now that no one is available.

Yixin Sect is now nominally a second-level sect, but the team structure is still a third-level sect. The cultivation of the personnel and the high-level military force do not meet the requirements of a second-level sect at all.

Now, it is equivalent to the headquarters directly taking action and directly supplementing it.

This is the real forcing the growth of seedlings and reaching the sky in one step.

Of course, the headquarters will not consider sending so many masters at once, and the leader Yin Shen Gong is only at the initial stage of the saint level.

I have given you the people, resources and power.

If you can't even subdue and control these people, how can you have the face to be the leader of Yixin Sect?

So this is also a big problem for Yin Shen Gong!

But now, Yin Shen Gong can't take care of these.

"I thank the general leader for the reward!"

Yin Shen Gong happily accepted the reward and patted Fang Che on the shoulder: "Ye Mo, this is all thanks to you."

Fang Che said respectfully: "Without the master, there would be no disciples. The master's words are really embarrassing for the disciples."

Yin Shen Gong laughed.

He was very proud of himself.

Another piece of paper fell from the sky and landed in the hands of the etiquette officer. After rewarding the sect, it was time to reward the champion himself.

The pupils of the etiquette officer dilated again.

He couldn't help but look up, with a question in his eyes. But in the sky, Bi Changhong's mental pressure was overwhelming.

The etiquette officer immediately lowered his head.

"Next, distribute the champion rewards! Night Demon!" said the etiquette officer.

"I'm here!" Fang Che stepped forward.

The etiquette officer said: "The deputy chief leader has ordered to reward the champion of the leader-level Gu-raising God... Ten bottles of elixir that can instantly restore all injuries below the Holy Emperor!"

Just this point made everyone exclaim!

This kind of elixir, even one, is a priceless treasure in the Weiwo Orthodox Church. It can instantly restore all injuries!

And it is below the Holy Emperor.

As we all know, the Holy King level can be ranked in the top 1,000 of the Cloud Weapon Chart.

The Holy Emperor level can basically reach the top 100.

The Holy Lord level can basically reach the top 20.

As for the top ten... if they are not at the Saint Lord level and have high combat power, then don't join in the fun...

Now, Night Demon actually got ten bottles of this kind of elixir at once!

This time the head coach really made a big move.

"A piece of holy emperor level protective clothing!"

The second reward also aroused everyone's envy.

"Unleveled Enlightenment Pills, ten pills!"

The third reward made many of the chief officers below want to grab it.

"A piece of divine metal!"

The appearance of a piece of divine metal worth hundreds of kilograms brought the atmosphere to a climax!

"I'm crazy, I'm crazy..."

Many people exclaimed, feeling their scalps numb.

This night devil... is so lucky!

But it's not over yet.

"A space ring!"


Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world feel that their teeth are so sore that they can't even bite tofu.

This championship reward is too generous.

The combined value of all the rewards from second place to all qualified people is less than half of the value of first place!

Five major rewards!

Every item makes people drool, and even makes countless solipsistic masters fascinated.

When did the big guys become so generous?

Especially those who have experienced cultivating Gu to become a god many times, they are a little doubtful about life: in the history, the leader-level cultivating Gu to become a god champion has never been rewarded so heavily!

What happened this time?

In fact, even the etiquette officer was a little puzzled by this question.

Little did they know that the big guys had made two plans for this championship reward.

If the champion is not the Night Demon, then the rewards will only be the first three, and the number will be halved.

If it were someone else, there would be two bottles of divine elixirs that could restore all damage to those under the Holy Emperor level, plus a protective clothing and three non-level epiphany elixirs.

But if Night Demon wins the championship, it will become ten bottles, one treasured garment, ten non-level epiphany pills, plus a piece of divine metal, and a space ring.

Because, it is said that Night Demon does not have a space ring.

Yan Beihan and Sun Wutian knew that Night Demon had a space ring, but when Yan Nan asked, Sun Wutian directly said that Night Demon was too poor to have one.

And Yan Beihan... Only when he went in this time did he know that the Night Demon was there, but he didn't know that his grandfather had such thoughts about the reward this time...

So he didn't know anything about it at all, why should he run to his grandfather and say: Wow, Night Demon has a space ring. --why?

No motive at all.

So this space ring was prepared extra, as for the divine metal.

The nine vice-chiefs and Duan Xiyang all knew that the divine metal that Yan Beihan gave to Night Demon had been hacked; but Night Demon's famous stunt was, after all, the Seven Swords of the Blood Spirit.

A sword of divine metal is still necessary.

Therefore, this piece of divine metal was added.

It weighs four to five hundred pounds, which is a bit heavy and big for a sword, but it doesn't matter, the divine metal can naturally be changed. When the divinity increases and the elf is completely familiar with it, he will naturally adapt the sword to whatever he wants!

This is nothing!

But for Fang Che, almost every one of these things comes from his heart!

It’s all necessary!

"I would like to thank the Chief Master for his kindness. I will do my best to serve the sect in the future!"

Fang Che was so excited that he even shortened his acceptance speech.

Reward distribution.

Fang Che used blood as a guide on the spot, poured his soul into it, collected the space ring, and put it on his ring finger openly. The ring felt a little loose after putting it on, so he took it off and put it on his middle finger.

The etiquette officer said: "Master Night Demon, the size of this can be adjusted according to your heart."

Fang Che said cheerfully: "I like to wear it on my middle finger...hey, it's eye-catching."

The corners of the etiquette officer's mouth twitched.

You clearly don’t understand. Do you think I didn’t see the ring finger you put on first? You changed it to the middle finger when it was too loose, but now you don't change it just to save face... If you don't change it, I'll pull it down!

Even if you put it on your big toe, I won’t say you put it on wrongly...

Fang Che looked at the other piles of rewards, grinning from ear to ear, but he still pushed them in front of the Yinshen Palace: "Disciples should be filial to their master... I am satisfied with the divine metal and space ring... These masters help Disciple keeps it."

Yin Shen Palace couldn't laugh or cry: "You silly child, quickly put it away yourself. The deputy leader has given you a reward. How dare you do this?"

He glared: "Hurry up and take it yourself!"

"This is my disciple's wish... How about master accept half of it, that's fine." Fang Che looked like he was so happy that he was already dizzy.

Yinshen Palace’s face was distorted.

The kid was so happy.

In the air: "Night Demon! Are you setting up a stall for the market?!"

Bi Changhong is dissatisfied. Why are you pushing out the things specially given to you?

Yinshen Palace suddenly turned pale: "Put it away!"

Fang Che hesitated for a moment, as if he 'suddenly realized that he had made a mistake', and immediately said yes again and again, and quickly collected all the rewards in his space ring, feeling satisfied: "Thank you, Master, for the reward!"

Of course this was intentional.

Anyway, you still have to show your loyalty after you go out, but if you show your loyalty after you go out, the reward this time is too much, and the Yin Shen Palace may really take away part of it.

This is something at the level of the Holy Emperor, and Fang Che is really reluctant to part with it - isn't the Yin Shen Palace taking it just to cure the demon?

So here I pretended to be crazy about music and stuffed it into the hands of Yinshen Palace.

Of course Yinshen Palace won't want it: it's still on the high platform now. But since I don’t want it now, I won’t want it after I leave.

Say no in front of everyone, then turn around and say yes? That's impossible - Old Yin is a man of honor after all!

The rewards have been distributed.

Fourteen people are still kneeling obediently below.

Bi Changhong landed.

Started to lecture.


Vice-chief Bi deliberately talked for a while.

And now Vice-chief Bi looked at Ji Changyan with a look of displeasure.

This damn thing, still thought he was the head of the Shiwai Mountain Sect? He was still not convinced? What?

Still have some ideas? Self-esteem?

Don't want to kowtow?

That means you don't want to kowtow to me! If you don't want to kowtow to me, it means you still look down on me!

So here comes the question!

Why do you, Ji Changyan, look down on me? What's the right to look down on me? Who gave you the courage to look down on me?

So Vice-chief Bi wants to kill someone now.

And he was a little dissatisfied with the name 'Ji Changyan'. My name is Bi Changhong, and you are Ji Changyan? What, do you mean you are of the same generation as me?

Are you worthy?

It must be said that the chicken-hearted temper of Vice Chief Bi dominates the body, and the consequences are extremely terrible!

Just look at Bei Mingxin to know what consequences this temper will cause!

Vice Chief Bi kept saying some meaningless words over and over again. Bai Jing, who was hidden in the void, smiled bitterly: "Fifth brother, it seems that Sixth Brother is going to start to mess with people again."

Yan Nan had a headache: "Is it the leader of the Cold Sword Mountain Sect? Hey..."

The two brothers are Bi Changhong's old brothers, and they know the temper of this sixth brother very well.

"That's right, the leader of the Cold Sword Mountain Sect, hehe, what's his name? Chicken Neck Long?" Bai Jing said.

"It's Ji Changyan... Hey, do you dislike him too?" Yan Nan was helpless.

"I do dislike him a little, that guy, he deserves to be dealt with!" Bai Jing said.

"I just came here, and I haven't adapted yet. It's normal that my mentality hasn't changed yet..." Yan Nan said: "We can't discipline them now... Otherwise, what about the other mountain gates?"

"But Sixth Brother keeps delaying time, it's obvious that he is thinking of a solution."

Bai Jing said: "So Fifth Brother, hehehe... you have to hurry up, otherwise, once Old Six's petty temper gets angry, it will be bad."

Bai Jing is a man who treats all his descendants with indifference. He ignores them and doesn't care about them. He is mainly indifferent.

But when he is with his brothers, he is very lively. He is good at joking and making conversation and occasionally being mean. It can only be said... two extremes.

"I'll talk to Old Six."

Yan Nan agreed with him and quickly sent a voice message to Bi Changhong: "It's not over yet!? Why are you angry with Ji Changyan?!"

Bi Changhong finally stopped after receiving the voice message.

Looking at Ji Changyan's head kneeling at his feet for a while, he snorted and remembered this person in his heart.

Then he said: "...This leader-level plan to raise Gu and become a god has been a complete success! Later, the headquarters will issue leader qualifications as appropriate, and draw up a list of the first batch of leaders to be sent down to the rivers and lakes."

Suddenly, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

This wave of applause was particularly intense.

Because many people are very familiar with the character of Vice-President Bi or have heard of his character.

I had long felt that something was wrong. Vice-President Bi suddenly became a little abnormal. Well, that must be "feeling that someone has offended him."

Everyone was worried, fearing that the "person who offended Vice-President Bi" was themselves.

Although I am sure that I did nothing, but... who knows what Vice-President Bi is like?

Maybe your hair is blown by the wind and it makes Vice-President Bi hate you...that's also unpredictable.

Now that it is finally announced that it is over, everyone is relieved and feels particularly refreshed.

After the ceremony, the etiquette officer ordered those standing to step down first, and then those sitting to step down. When Yin Shen Gong, who was sitting in the first position, came down, Bi Changhong suddenly remembered that he had announced the end on impulse.

But... the first place's ladder has not yet started!

Bi Changhong was a little embarrassed to suddenly skip the last and most glorious step.

He couldn't help but hate Ji Changyan even more: This bastard has delayed me so much!

But there must be an explanation for this matter, after all, the first place ladder was announced long ago.

Bi Changhong's eyes turned and a plan came to mind.

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