"My lord, I found them here at first, can I go now?" The bearded man looked at the eerie environment under the cliff, and tremblingly came to Lancelot and asked.

It wasn't because he was timid, but because he found human bones here, and he boldly guessed that these devils were cannibals, so he didn't want to stay in this wasteland any longer.

Even if he returned to the north, he might be caught and thrown into prison, but he didn't want to continue living in the same place with these devils.

"Is this really the Zombie Cult?" Ivan couldn't help asking, looking at the image of the giant snake on the cliff in shock.

"You also know Zombie Cult?" Lancelot looked a little surprised, he thought this dude would only do bad things.

"The destruction of the Snake God Sect is also part of my Kryon family's power. Of course I know this inhumane cult organization."

Ivan snorted coldly with some disdain. Even if he made a big mistake this time, the knowledge he mastered by a noble boy like him is still not comparable to that of ordinary people.

The soldier was just hearing it, but Ivan had actually read the records about Zombie Cult. These things were also in Jason's study, but Lancelot had never read such a book.

"These followers of Zombie Sect have just left here for a few days, maybe we can still find them." Lancelot observed the traces of life around one side, and some food residues, and finally came to a conclusion.

It's just that his words almost made the bearded man cry, and this big guy actually wants to find those devils.

"The Snake God Cult is not that simple, otherwise the Lopez Kingdom would not have lost so many elite troops because of this church." Ivan reminded Lancelot very seriously.

From his words, it can be heard that there are still hidden secrets about what happened back then that are not known to the outside world.

"I suggest that you take a detour and leave immediately, and bring your troops back to wipe out their remnants after this turmoil has passed."

Seeing that Lancelot ignored him and was still observing the surrounding environment on his own, Ivan suddenly became a little anxious. In his opinion, the fight between Jason and Phil was entirely Lopez's internal matter.

But the Snake God Cult was different. It was an organization that attempted to subvert the Lopez Kingdom, and judging from the records in the classics, he was really not sure whether Lancelot's two thousand troops could defeat the enemy's hundreds of believers.

Because he didn't know if those people were just ordinary believers, or if they were all armed members of Zombie Sect, and they didn't know if there were only so many people on the other side or if it was just a small part.

The area of ​​this wasteland is a quarter of the size of the province of Lucca, and it is a breeze to hide tens of thousands of people.

"Since we've met them, we can't leave empty-handed, otherwise it will be a big trouble to let them escape." Lancelot straightened up. It is impossible to completely eliminate their traces, and they will definitely be discovered by the Zombie Sect afterwards.

They have already made a move to startle the snake. If these remnants of the Zombie Sect escape, they will be a huge threat again, not only to Jason, but to the entire northern part of the continent.

It's a pity that Lancelot spent the next few days chasing the traces of Zombie Cult to find their traces, but found nothing, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

If he hadn't found traces of the life of the Snake God Sect under the Napian cliff,

It is very likely that he will think that the bearded man is lying to him.

After the search was fruitless, he had no choice but to lead his troops to leave the wasteland and continue to implement his previous plan. Fortunately, they did not find an army blocking them on the other side of the wasteland, and only encountered an army of about 300 people. small patrolling army.

It's just that only a dozen of them escaped from the pursuit of Lancelot's cavalry. These soldiers were just patrols formed by the nearby towns. participated.

Little did they know, just inside the cliff where he and his army stayed before, there was a huge underground palace, in which there lived thousands of Zombie believers with poisonous snakes tattooed on their necks. One of the giant serpent statues worships.

Beneath the stone statue were hundreds of soldiers wearing blue-black armor and red masks, and at the very front stood more than a dozen people in robes.

Not long after, when Jason was defending Morun City and struggling against the Third Heavy Armored Army, the Governor of Jalan Province got the news that an army of unknown origin began to wreak havoc within Jalan Province.

Because most of the army in the province of Jaylen had been buried on Jason's territory, the internal defense was extremely weak. Several towns were easily breached by Lancelot's army, and the soldiers only brought a few for themselves. All the rest of the daily rations were burned.

In order to avoid disasters, thousands of refugees began to migrate to nearby big cities in an attempt to obtain asylum, but due to the sharp increase in the flow of people, the large towns in Jalan Province could not afford so many refugees.

As a last resort, nobles and local government agencies began to expel these later refugees, and several conflicts broke out in a short period of time.

It's just that unarmed civilians are of course not the opponents of those security teams, and they were quickly captured.

But there are complaints among these refugees, and some people of unknown origin are even promoting some radical ideas and inciting these refugees to riot.

There is also a elusive army that is rampant in all directions.

All this made the governor of the Jalan province anxious like ants on a hot pot, because now the troops of the Jalan province are concentrated in the two places of Andun Fortress and Jalan City.

And these two places are the most important, and it is destined that these troops cannot be mobilized at will, otherwise they will be in trouble if they take advantage of the loopholes.

At the same time, the security teams in nearby towns still need to deter those refugees, but even if they gather to hunt down that army, the governor thinks that they are more likely to return home without a feather.

And if troops are dispatched from the provinces near the Jalan province, they will arrive in half a month at the fastest, and the daylily will be cold by then.

Now, the 2,000 troops, which can be settled easily at ordinary times, are doing things so recklessly everywhere, and all the nobles and town leaders can only stare blankly, and even secretly pray that they will not find themselves.

The rear of the huge military front is actually so vulnerable. If this news reaches Phil's ears, I'm afraid the commander of the Third Heavy Armored Legion, Levi's, and Earl Hicks will all be punished.

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