Lord of the North

Chapter 407 Bald Kryon

Soon, after the morale in the barracks gradually stabilized, Marshal Levi's mobilized his soldiers to attack Moron City several times, but he didn't get much advantage and results.

On the other side, the news of Suxin Kingdom's defeat and surrender finally reached the Lopez Kingdom.

Earlier, because Leonidas under Jason's command ordered the shooting of civilians in the White Sword Province in front of the Barea pass, this incident had a huge blow to his prestige, which caused some nobles to gradually favor Phil.

However, when the Suxin Kingdom was defeated and the news that Marquis Asa would return with nearly 100,000 troops to the kingdom soon, the attitudes of some of these nobles became ambiguous again.

After hearing the news, Phil hurriedly ordered the crusade against Jason's army to intensify the offensive, and must annihilate Jason's army before Marquis Asa returned to Lopez.

At the same time, he planned to summon the noble ministers in the country, and asked them to send their own private soldiers to form a joint army, go to the Lake province to break through the rear of the Marquis of Asa, and block him from the Qianglong Fortress.

It's just that these orders were stopped by Sandra before they could be released, and Sandra brought a person, and it was this person who made Phil cancel his previous plan.

Because this person is the Marquis of Bald Kryon, Ivan's father.

Before, Phil tried his best not to ask the old Marquis to stand up and help him, but this time what he didn't expect was that the Marquis of Bode actually came to the door in person.

I have to admit that Phil's mood at that time can be described as ecstatic.

And the Marquis of Bode assured him that he and the Kryon family behind him would spare no effort to support Phil's accession to the throne in the future, but hoped that Phil could guarantee Ivan's safety.

It turned out that after Sandra learned from her subordinates that the army led by Ivan had been defeated, and that she herself had been taken away by Lancelot, she immediately sent someone to find the Kryon family.

Even she herself came to present the pros and cons to Marquis Bode in person.

This is also one of the reasons why the Marquis of Bode chose Phil instead of Jason. The other reason is of course that Lancelot directly led to the destruction of the Kryon family's two thousand troops. The most important thing is that Ivan participated in the attack on Barry. Went to the fortified battle of Ya Pass.

This has already expressed the position of the Kryon family. Even if Marquis Bode explained to Jason that this was not his original intention, I believe that Jason would not be foolish enough to believe him.

So he has no other choice,

Perhaps it was a big mistake to let Ivan manage the family instead of himself to cultivate his abilities.

After Phil got the news that the Marquis of Bode was about to arrive, he came to the main entrance of the palace to wait early.

Soon, a gorgeous carriage arrived with the Marquis of Border and Sandra. When the Marquis of Border took the first step in the carriage, Phil greeted him excitedly: "Dear Marquis of Border, Your presence makes my heart agitated beyond control."

Phil's words are half true and half false. Although he is indeed very eager to get the help and support of the Kryon family, why doesn't he want to completely smash the huge power of these great nobles.

It can be foreseen that if Phil takes control of the Lopez Kingdom in the future, he will need these great nobles to help him stabilize the country at the very beginning, and at the same time check and balance the infiltration of hundreds of clans in Lopez. The accumulation is strong enough, and it is time for the rights of these great nobles to be hit.

On this point, he and Jason's ideas coincided with each other, but Jason's behavior was more radical, so he basically only got the support of some small nobles like the Viscount Lyon, while those big nobles in the north Most are against him.

Phil showed such enthusiasm, of course the Marquis of Bird would not believe it all. In fact, strictly speaking, it was just a transaction between them. At the level of the Kryon family, as long as there are no huge changes, Their status in the Lopez Kingdom is unassailable.

Since the old king handed over the power to the queen and Marquis Garcia to supervise the country because of his "serious illness", some ideas or ambitions that he had never dared to think of before gradually emerged.

Now in his heart, he has put himself and the Kryon family behind him in a position that can be equal to the surname Lopez.

And this, when the old king was still sitting in that position, he didn't even dare to think about it, but now...

One of the two princes struggled to resist in the north, and the power in the other's hands was coveted by the aristocratic council. I am afraid that those old guys will do it in the near future. Besides, there are a group of hidden dangers with unknown purposes around him. .

One of the two former supporters of the Lopez royal family rebelled and rebelled, and the other was targeted by the Garcia family before, and now it is feared by Phil.

The Lopez royal family, which used to be so powerful and deterred the Lopez kingdom and suppressed the nobles of the Lopez kingdom, has begun to sink. Now it is no longer worthy of being feared by the Kryon family.

It's just that now is not the time to show such a gesture, so Marquis Bode saluted Phil very respectfully, and then said with emotion: "Your Highness, you are so much like your father."

This is really a compliment, not a satire on Phil, because no matter how controversial King Lopez is, no matter whether he is a qualified father or not, his power alone makes neighboring countries dare not treat Lopez The fact that Zi Kingdom acted rashly is enough to illustrate his ability.

Hearing this, Phil was secretly happy, but said very modestly on the surface: "I still have a long way to go from my father, and I will be satisfied with half of his achievements in this life."

How dare you say it.

Hearing this sentence, although the Marquis Bode said that he was too modest, he dismissed it in his heart. To be honest, between the two princes, he was actually more optimistic about Jason.

It's just that he couldn't support Jason. He was old enough for a desire that had just awakened in his heart, but he wanted to leave a rich legacy for his son before he passed away.

A marquis title and a province's territory are obviously not in line with his wishes.

After a while of pleasantries, Phil invited with a seemingly respectful expression: "This is not a place to talk, Marquis Bod, please come inside, I have ordered the servant to prepare a sumptuous banquet for you."

Regardless of whether his attitude was sincere or false, the Marquis of Bode was still very useful, so after a few polite words, he obediently followed behind Phil. reading net

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