Lord of the North

Chapter 413 (The last chapter should be 412)

The people around couldn't understand exactly how Snyder knocked down Barry, they stood there and looked at each other, and even Barry, the person involved, had some confusion in his eyes.

It's just that although he didn't figure out what happened, he knew that he had lost in this competition from the perspective of his situation.

It was a fiasco.

This made him feel a little ashamed, and his face flushed immediately. He felt ashamed of his overreaching, and at the same time recognized the new commander of the general's guard.

But his current posture lying on the ground is really indecent. It's a pity that even if he wants to get up, he can't do it, because Sinde has been pressing on his back since he turned him to the ground.

Although Xinde was a little thinner in comparison, his movements made Kong Wu's powerful Barry unable to use his strength, unable to break free from his suppression.

Barry blushed, he was embarrassed to say that he lost, and he was so stalemate, but at this moment General Will spoke up and relieved him: "Okay, Snyder, Barry has already lost, you can relax Let her go."

Hearing this, Sinde let go of Barry, and quickly took a few steps back. He stopped after confirming that the other party could not hurt him at this distance. He was afraid that the other party would not admit defeat and attack him again. The street fight in his childhood Tell him that unless the other party is completely incapacitated, he cannot be taken lightly.

And even though he had just knocked down Barry in an instant with the skills he had trained for so many years, the terrifying power of the opponent still made him feel uneasy, and it would definitely not feel good to face him head-on.

After getting up, Barry stood in the same place, speechless, and finally choked out a sentence: "You are really amazing, I am convinced..."

He knew that if it was a life-and-death fight just now, he would not simply lie on the ground.

Although he was convinced, some people didn't think so, because Barry was not the strongest among them.

Moreover, among them, there was not only one person who could easily defeat Barry.

It's just that these people haven't expressed their opinions until now, because most of them are people with not simple family backgrounds, and it is clear that even if they defeat Sinde, there is not much possibility of General Will changing his mind.

Although I don't know why, it is obvious that General Will specially prepared this stand-up fight for Snyder to enhance his prestige. Some bad impressions were left in the general's mind.

There is still a long time to come, and they have plenty of time to play with this mysterious guy slowly.

It's just that although some people looked openly, some people couldn't hold back any longer. A slender young man with fierce eyes took a step forward, stared at Xin De closely and said, "My name is Moby, you will definitely lose to me."

After he came out, Sinde's whole body tensed up. He instinctively told him that this person was difficult to deal with, and the aura emanating from the other person told him that this was a scumbag. Soldiers who survived the brutal battlefield.

After Moby stood up, some people changed their faces slightly. This cruel and cold guy was already one of the strongest among them. Even General Will's expression was a little dignified.

This guy left a deep impression on him. He was already a soldier under his command when the war broke out, and his fighting style was very fierce and decisive.

Originally, it was very likely that the command of the general guard fell to him and a few other good-looking heads, but it is a pity now, and it can only be said that he is unlucky.

However, General Will is not worried that these guys will have an uncertain future because of Sinde, because if nothing goes wrong, Sinde is valued by the person in Iron Tooth Town, and his future will definitely not stop here.

However, because he was worried that Moby's ruthless methods would hurt Snyder, General Will still said: "You must remember that this battle is just a discussion, let's stop now, let's start now."

He didn't say a word,

Moby rushed out fiercely, and Xinde bowed slightly to put on a defensive posture. He felt that this person was very dangerous and did not dare to act rashly.

bang bang bang!

The muffled sound of fists and kicks came to everyone's ears, and Moby's fighting style also shocked them, especially the soldiers who followed Sinde. They suddenly felt that they were holding Sinde back.

Moby in the competition field has completely entered the fighting state, his elbows, knees, fists and even his forehead have become his weapons. For a while, Xin De can only hold on.

There are even times when you can't escape, and you can only use your body to resist the opponent's attack.

"Are you a coward?! Fight back!!" But as a player in the game, Moby understood his situation very well. Although his fierce and fast fighting style made him dangerous, the physical exertion was also very huge.

At the same time, Snyder's defense made him feel like he was facing a large hedgehog, and he had no way to attack, so he could only try to make Snyder make mistakes through verbal harassment.

But it was obvious that the other party didn't get overheated because of his words, but still resisted his attack very calmly.

As the battle continued, the expressions of some people in the general's guard gradually became serious. Now even a fool can see that the airborne young man is not simple.

If you defend for a long time, you will lose, but not only did he not miss, but he gradually regained his disadvantage, and even gained a slight advantage.

Suddenly, Sinde, who had been retreating and defending on the field, finally saw Moby's mistake, his eyes flashed, his right hand quickly reached out, passed through the gap between Moby's hands, and grabbed his neck violently. And an instant burst of strength lifted him up, and then slammed him to the ground.

There was a bang, which made everyone around feel a little uncomfortable. Their eyelids twitched as they watched Moby, who was thrown into a mess, and it hurt just to hear the sound.

"Delicate and calm, good at observing, and decisive in shooting, this young man is indeed a little guy with potential." At this time, a calm voice suddenly came from the ear of the Spartan soldier hiding in the dark outside the field. Cindy was not stingy with praise.

However, he was not alerted by the opponent's sudden appearance, because although his strength was very strong from time to time, there were only a few people in the entire military camp who could quietly come to him.

At the same time, he is also very familiar with the owner of this voice, the deputy commander of the Sword of Heroes, and Siegfried, the strong man of the earth who is in charge of cavalry training for the legion.

The Spartan warriors first saluted him respectfully. The Spartan warriors worshiped the strong, and Siegfried was a strong man not weaker than Leonidas.

Then he said: "And he is still young." Wechat search public account: wmdy66, you are lonely, young lady warms you with movies

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