Lord of the North

Chapter 416 The Gatekeeper Dog

Name: Gololo Asim Wade

Race: Goblin

Occupation: Mechanic Master

Grade: Excellent

Introduction: As a senior goblin, he has mastered most of the goblin technologies, but at the same time, he is not proficient in many basic technologies because of his reasons.

Comments: A great goblin master can't create a formidable army of steel, but it can make your castle defense a step further.

Note: The brilliant civilization of the goblins originated from their advanced mechanical technology, but it also declined because of their advanced technology. I hope the hosts use it carefully.

Goblin civilization used to spread all over the continent, but now these poor little guys can only exist in historical legends, and the traces they left can only be traced from those ruins.

There may be some goblin technology occasionally excavated from the goblin ruins, but the core things have long been buried with the demise of the goblin civilization.

Jason looked at the strange-looking high-ranking goblin for a while, and then said, "Gololo, I'll call you that from now on."

Upon hearing this, Gololo quickly replied flattered: "It is my great honor, my lord." Goblins have strict social classes and pursue efficiency.

Jason said with an inexplicable expression: "I happen to have a blueprint of the aircraft here, maybe you will be able to copy it."

The introduction makes it clear that a goblin cannot complete a major project alone, but if he has the drawings and the time, it's fine.

The blueprint of the goblin flying machine in his hand has been there for a long time, but the dwarf master Rodney said that he could not complete this very delicate mechanical craft.

Even the dwarf craftsman with the best forging technology couldn't replicate it, but now Jason saw an opportunity to let his forces gain air supremacy.

Although the blueprint of the aircraft finally warned me that although the goblin craft has a wide range of uses and has brought great power to the goblin family, it is a pity that this technology will have huge defects. For example, this kind of goblin aircraft may have insufficient energy supply , resulting in a crash.

This is also one of the reasons for the rapid rise and rapid decline of this civilization.

Gololo's eyes lit up when he heard the words. Although there are many technologies in his memory, he is not a god, and it is impossible to remember every detail clearly. If he is a goblin, he can only deal with some simple mechanism transformations. , and some basics to remember the production.

Perhaps this technology can help agriculture and industry in Jason's sphere of influence, but it has little help to the military.

But having blueprints is another matter. He is confident that he can independently complete the production of an aircraft according to the blueprints, but some preparations are still needed before that.

So he thought for a while before saying: "I dare not promise the master hastily, I can only say my best."

Jason didn't have too much hope for this, so he waved his hands and said, "Well, then you can go to the side and rest first."

After dismissing Goblin Gololo, Jason continued to open the rest of the cards, and Gololo on the other side didn't stand quietly after hearing the words. He became very interested in the huge magic stone statue.

This is completely two systems with goblin technology.

The next three cards are all excellent items, an armor, a long sword, and a magic scroll.

Now Jason's appetite is not as easy to satisfy as before, so he just glanced at it and put it aside, and then continued to open the card.

Finally, at the moment when the fifth card was crushed, a heavy pressure shrouded Jason's body, and the spiral sword Karadepoga at his waist suddenly emitted a faint thunderbolt.

The pressure that engulfed Jason's body gradually disappeared, but Gololo, who stood aside and studied the golem, was suffering. At this time, he curled up at the feet of the golem without any image, like It was like meeting a natural enemy.

"At your call,

My lord, I hereby swear to be your most vicious guard dog. "

A slender and strong figure came to Jason with a red spear in his hand and flickering light and shadow. He first glanced at Jason's saber, then knelt down on one knee and offered his loyalty with his icy voice.

"What a surprise." Jason licked his lips.

Name: Cu Chulainn

Race: Human

Occupation: Warrior

Level: Legendary (Earth Knight)

Weapon: Gun of Gaborgar

Introduction: Formerly known as Setanda, the Son of Light in Celtic mythology, it is said that he was born with a trace of divinity, and when he fights, he will turn into a very strange and ugly appearance. The weapon he was holding was a long spear with dozens of barbs, as long as he was stabbed by this long spear, he would inevitably be disembowelled.

Evaluation: Ferocity and greatness, both the ugliness and beauty of human nature are reflected in him.

It is said that this man is regarded as a national hero. Jason looked at the resolute man in front of him, and it seemed that he was not as strange as in the legend.

You must know that in some legends, he has seven fingers and seven pupils.

And the gun in his hand is really a very cruel weapon, I am afraid that a person like Roland probably wouldn't use it.

And the sword in his waist seems to bear the fate of defeating Cu Chulainn, but now Cu Chulainn has become his subordinate.

"Arise, my mighty warrior."

Jason was very happy with Cu Chulainn's arrival, and he quickly reached out to help him up, because his arrival would relieve Jason of a lot of pressure.

After all, the number of those promoted from the grassroots and those noble officials is always too small, and there is a lack of people who lead the party.

Although Cu Chulainn's ability is more reflected in combat effectiveness, it should be more than enough for him to lead an army.

Now that the army in Francis City was first established, even with the help of Leonidas, Donne and others, Jason still felt a little flustered.

After all, Leonidas had other tasks, and the new generation of "Spartan" fighters he had been training two years ago were about to leave the training camp.

Jason didn't have much communication with Cu Chulainn for the time being, but said happily: "I think you and the other strong men under my command will have a lot of common language, but now you can find a place to rest."

Then he continued to reveal the rest of the cards, but before Cu Chulainn came to stand beside Gololo, a sudden wave of energy that could threaten him came from behind him.

He clenched his spear instinctively, then turned around and stared at the light blooming in front of Jason. Wechat search official account: wmdy66, you are lonely, Miss Sister warms you with movies

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