Lord of the North

Chapter 418 The Rebellious Knight

As the voice came, Jason turned his head, just in time to see a handsome young man in silver-gray armor with a long sword on his waist slowly walking out of the last light.

He is slender and has a smile on his face that makes people feel good, but since he appeared, his hand has always been on the hilt of his waist and never left.

"What?" Jason was a little confused when he heard the words. There were Leonidas and dozens of Spartan soldiers guarding outside, so there shouldn't be any enemies sneaking in.

But then he noticed the information of this new character, and he was immediately overwhelmed by Lei. However, with Lancelot as a foreshadowing, Jason was not unacceptable to this situation.

Or rather numb.

Name: Mordred

Race: Terran

Occupation: Knight

Class: Legend (Earth Knight)

Weapon: Knights of the Round Table Saber

Introduction: Legend has it that he is the son of King Arthur and Morgan, a member of the Knights of the Round Table, brave and powerful without fear of sacrifice, and he is also the person who ended the rule of King Arthur and directly led to the collapse of the British Kingdom under the rule of King Arthur. He is a rebellious knight.

Evaluation: Powerful, noble blood, but killed his father.

Arthur also stood up with a complex expression at this time, and drew out his sword in the stone. He stared solemnly at Mordred's face somewhat similar to his own, and then said: "Morgan son... I didn't expect that we would meet again in this way."

Mordred showed a mocking smile, and said calmly, "Yeah, I didn't think of it either, respected King of Britain."

"No, no, you are no longer my king."

Then he turned around sharply, knelt down in front of Jason, held up the long sword in his hand, and said to Jason in a low voice: "I, Mordred, pray for your salvation."

Jason's eyes were subtle. This Mordred was a ruthless man. He was said to be the illegitimate son of King Arthur and Morgan, but he was not recognized and acknowledged.

When King Arthur conquered France in order to kill Lancelot, this guy actually spread the news of King Arthur's death in battle, and then led the army to rebel.

In the end, he was killed by King Arthur during the decisive battle of Kamlan, but his dying counterattack also hit King Arthur's vitals, and King Arthur died as a result.

And it's worth mentioning that Lan Malok also died in his hands, although he shamelessly sneaked behind him while Lan Malok was fighting with other people.

But being able to kill Lanmaloch and perish with King Arthur proved his extraordinary strength, and instigating King Arthur's army and causing the fall of the Kingdom of Britain also proved his charisma and ability.

Jason had a lot of thoughts, Mordred could not return to the Knights of the Round Table team, and even because of Arthur's appearance, it was impossible for Lancelot to return to this small group.

This may be an opportunity to weaken the influence of the Knights of the Round Table, so he put his hand on Mordred's sword and replied solemnly: "You will be saved."

Arthur, who saw this scene, sighed softly, and then he didn't know what to think of, and said with a low mood: "Mordred, let's go out and make a break."

Jason's heart sank when he heard the words, and then reminded: "Arthur, what you said, all of this has passed."

But what I didn't expect was that Arthur shook his head slightly, and said in a very firm tone: "No, he is different from others, to me."

"I won't take his life," he added at last.

Jason still wanted to dissuade him, but he didn't expect Mordred's eyes to turn red. He raised the sword in his hand and said, "Did you see that, Arthur? This sword was given to me by you, and it is also Slashed your helmet and severely damaged your head at the same time, do you want to try again?"

Although what Mordred said was very imposing, he himself was very clear that the reason why he was able to severely injure King Arthur at the beginning was entirely because he had gone through several battles before.

Already tired.

Otherwise, he is definitely not King Arthur's opponent.

"Mordred!" Jason's face darkened. He didn't expect the grievances between the two people to reach this level. You must know that Arthur was not so persistent when he mentioned Lancelot just now.

What made him even more angry was that Mordred, who had given him a good impression just now, was fooling around with him, which reminded him of when Gareth first arrived, he drew his sword at Lancelot without saying a word cut.

"Your Highness, please forgive me, maybe there will be a fight between me and him." Mordred said to Jason with an apologetic face.

Jason shook his head and refused again: "You are not his opponent, so stop humiliating yourself. You all follow me. We have a lot of things to do now, and we don't have so much time for you to waste."

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Arthur and Mordred to speak, he turned around and left towards the door of the basement. Cu Chulainn, Oliver, and Goblin Gololo hurriedly put away their excitement and followed behind Jason. .

It's just that Cu Chulainn has been observing the two people, for fear that they will fight in this basement regardless of the occasion, and live a new life. He doesn't want to be buried underground and die.

"It seems that His Highness doesn't like fighting between us, so let's look for opportunities in the future."

Mordred shrugged, put away his saber, smiled at Arthur and followed Jason, leaving Arthur standing there alone for a while.

"Your Highness."

As soon as the door to the basement was opened, Leonidas saluted him respectfully, then glanced at Cu Chulainn who was following Jason, and instinctively told him that this person was probably only on par with him in strength.

Immediately after, Mordred came out. He took care of him first, smiled friendlyly at Leonidas beside him, and followed Jason's footsteps.

The King Arthur who came out at the end made his pupils constrict suddenly. The pressure brought by this guy was actually stronger than that decadent guy Lancelot.

As for the goblin Gololo, he gave up after a simple glance. His body was too weak, and even Jason could hang him with only one hand.

This is also one of the reasons for the rapid decline of the goblin clan's civilization. The physical fitness of the clansmen is generally extremely low, and their work intensity has been greatly reduced by machinery.

Jason introduced them to each other: "This is Leonidas, this is Arthur, Cu Chulainn, and Mordred, and finally there is the goblin Gololo, you take them to a room to rest, tomorrow Then arrange their work in detail.”

The last half of the sentence was addressed to Leonidas.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Leonidas first agreed, and then handed Jason a letter, saying solemnly: "This is the letter from the Emperor of the Harauia Empire just given to me by the black crow." Wechat search public account: wmdy66 , you are lonely, Miss Sister warms you with movies

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