Lord of the North

Chapter 428: Something Very Important

Lorca also saw Arthur's actions clearly. He was very clear about this man's strength. If Arthur made a move here, unless those inside the palace made a move, Simda would be dead today.

So his current mood is a little delicate. On the one hand, he is worried about Jason's safety, and on the other hand, he hopes that the two sides will completely conflict.

So his expression was very tangled, but what he didn't know was that the change of his expression was completely caught by Arthur, and Arthur, who had read countless people, could easily guess his mental activities.

At this moment, Connie, who had been by Loka's side, coughed twice. He finally couldn't stand it anymore, because he was the commander of the palace guards. If Prince Simda continued to make trouble like this, maybe he would These soldiers will have to die at the hands of this mysterious strong man who seems to be a sky knight.

"Your Highness, Fourth Prince, stop messing around. Although His Majesty allows you to mobilize some palace guards in times of crisis, they are not minions prepared for you."

What he said was a bit heavy, because he actually didn't like this arrogant and domineering fourth prince, and because of His Majesty's pampering, he gradually developed a bad personality with no one in his eyes.


Simda was silent when he heard the words.

Although he was arrogant and domineering, he was not brainless. He dared to use the humiliation of Jason to attack Lorca's prestige, because he knew that even if his father knew about it, he would not be too harsh on him.

Because Emperor Harauya did not object to competition among his children. After all, he had won the throne from his elder brothers, and he was not the first heir.

But he couldn't help but think about the attitude of the court elder towards him. He had done too much. One bad word he said in front of his father was enough to cause some subtle changes in his status.

In the end, Simda glanced at him coldly, and then he opened his mouth to say a few harsh words when he was interrupted by a cold voice. After hearing this sentence, Simda closed his mouth instantly.

He can't afford to mess with this person.

"His Royal Highness Simda, His Majesty has ordered that you will serve in the Iron Drum Corps for two years starting today. When you arrive there, Marshal Astra will evaluate you and arrange your position as appropriate." A man with a haggard face , the white-haired old man slowly walked out of the palace.

He first told the fourth prince Simda a very cold news with a blank face. The Iron Drum Legion is located on the outskirts of the Talun Mountains. It is the legion with the highest death rate in the Haraua Empire. Even the leader of the legion is dead. three.

After finishing speaking, the old man turned his head and looked at Arthur for a while. After a long time, he restrained the astonishment and fear in his eyes, and said to Jason: "Duke Jason, are you satisfied with this settlement? If you are satisfied Now follow me to see His Majesty, he has something very important to discuss with you."

Although he didn't know what it was for, Jason saw Emperor Harauja's full sincerity in this matter, and even his favorite son said that he would punish him without mercy.

But this also made Jason a little uneasy, how important it was for Emperor Harauia to make such a decision.

But now that he has come, it is impossible for him to turn around and go away, so he can only go on bravely, so he turned to Simda and said, "It seems that you have no chance to continue playing with me, goodbye."

It's not that simple! It's not that simple!

Simda stood there with a pale face, staring at the back of Jason and the others leaving, roaring crazily in his heart.

On the way, Jason passed Loka and learned the identity of the old man. He was the teacher of Emperor Harauia, his name was Lawrence, and he was also the person who helped Emperor Harauia sit on the throne, and he was also a member of the Harauia Empire. The third strongest, the veteran Sky Knight.

Originally, he belonged to the number one strong man, but the power of time is so powerful that even the strong man in the sky cannot avoid the gradual decline of his body function and his strength.

At the same time, he also knew why the prince named Simda did this kind of behavior,

The fundamental reason is to attack Loka in front of the palace.

Jason just happened to meet him at the right time. He thought that the duke of a small country could only swallow his anger when facing difficulties for him.

But he didn't expect that the goal hadn't been achieved yet, and he was trapped in it instead. If he couldn't get out of that barracks alive after two years, everything would be meaningless.

During the low-pitched conversation between the two, a group of people soon came to the palace of Emperor Harauja. To be honest, only talking about the gorgeousness of the palace, Jason felt that this palace was not as gorgeous as the king's palace of the Lopez Kingdom. .

But it gives people a calm and solid feeling.

"Your Majesty has been waiting for a long time, Duke Jason, please come inside." Lawrence stood still in front of the palace, then stopped Arthur and Mordred with his hand, and said to Jason.

Jason signaled Arthur to wait outside, and followed Loka in to meet the legendary emperor. This was the rule.

After entering the main hall, Jason saw the Emperor Harauya sitting on the throne at a glance.

Contrary to what he had imagined, the legendary emperor was not tall and stalwart, and even a little thin and short, even Jason couldn't match his height.

And his appearance is very ordinary, but those who really know him know that if his enemy is deceived by his appearance, the end will be very miserable.

Emperor Harauia's full name is Royce Harauia, the fifth son of the previous Emperor Harauia. In the brutal battle for the throne, he got rid of the powerful older brothers in front of him and defeated him. Several talented younger brothers took this position at the age of thirty-seven.

And on the day of his enthronement, he offered his faith to the Holy See in front of the nobles of the whole country, expressing that he was a loyal believer of the Holy See.

He even invited several highly respected bishops in the Holy See to serve in the newly established Holy See Division of the Harauya Empire and be responsible for missionary work.

But what everyone didn't expect was that after more than ten years of development, this high-ranking saint of the Holy See wiped out all the members of the Holy See in the Haruah Empire overnight.

Moreover, tens of thousands of heavy armored cavalry marched into the borders of the Holy Papal State, formally dividing the boundary with the Holy See, and the situation of the Holy See interfering in politics for hundreds of years was simply ended by him.

Under the great threat, the Holy See compromised, because if they wanted to subdue the Harauya Empire, the Holy See would also be greatly hurt.

At the same time, it also let the whole world see clearly the military power of the Harauya Empire.

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