Lord of the North

Chapter 435: The Concerns of the Two Princes

But Hughes quickly calmed down, and he replied respectfully: "Your Highness has a lot of talents, and there are many people who are more capable than me, so I won't make a fool of myself."

Among Marlowe's followers, there are indeed those who are similar in ability to him, but if it is said that they are more capable than him, there may really be none.

Obviously, the second prince didn't want to hear such a perfunctory answer, so he dragged Hughes to chat for a while at the gate of the city, and finally saw that his attitude was firm, no matter what he said, he was pretending to be stupid, so he had to let him go sullenly .

After all, he still has something urgent to do, and it would not be in line with his intention to continue to complain and resent.

After Hughes left, one of the young people who had been standing behind Prince Marlowe couldn't help standing up and said: "Your Highness, this Hughes is so arrogant and disrespectful to you, why did you let it go so simply?" he's gone?"

Marlowe felt a little displeased when he heard this. He knew this young man very well. He had abilities and skills, but he was too jealous and greedy for money.

But he still said with a faint smile: "No hurry, no hurry, don't worry about this kind of thing."

The traffic at the gate of the city is so large, and there are eyeliners from all sides. Soon Hughes and His Royal Highness the Second Prince had a very happy chat at the gate of the city. After chatting for almost an hour, the news will spread to his brothers. and in the ears of great men.

Although this doesn't represent anything for the time being, it also quietly planted a thorn in the hearts of these people.

Your Royal Highness the Fourth Prince just left the imperial city, you and the Second Prince had a great conversation together, what do you want to do?

As for the reason why the Fourth Prince is dragging him and not letting him leave, these big shots even sneered. If he is pulling you by force, won't you find an excuse to get out? Is it possible that his majestic prince will lower his status and force you to stay?

But in fact, the fourth prince Marlowe thought so and did the same.

Afterwards, speculations or rumors about the swaying of the Hughes camp will appear in their circle. Of course, Prince Marlowe is also responsible for this.

"Are we going to find that Duke Jason now?" The man who spoke just now spoke again, as if he couldn't wait to show his presence in front of Marlowe, but his behavior was often offensive.

Moreover, when calling Jason's name, he emphasized the word earl, and his tone was slightly mocking and contemptuous.

In her heart, the Lopez Kingdom is a remote and small country, huddled in the north where the Harauia Empire dismisses it, and Jason is a rural nobleman. There are many people who think like him.

It's just that other people are smarter than him, and such words will never be brought up in the open, let alone in front of Prince Marlowe.

Sure enough, after he said this, Marlowe disliked him even more, and the tone of his reply was not as gentle as before, but with a hint of indifference: "I said, don't worry about this kind of thing."

Now even a fool could hear Prince Marlow's displeasure, and the man quickly shut his mouth. In order to join the second prince's circle, he and his father paid a high price.

"Your Highness, if you continue to wait and see like this, maybe that Duke Jason will completely fall to His Highness the First Prince. Although we don't know what position he occupies in His Majesty's heart, he is still an unstable person. factor."

A young man who was about the same age as the second prince but looked very calm spoke.

His name is Tolan Peggy, the only son of Earl Peggy. The Peggy family used to be a solid nobleman, but later in Tolan’s grandparents’ generation lost their territory due to poor management. In this generation, they once again saw the hope of revitalizing the family.

Because Tolan is not only superior in intelligence, he can stand shoulder to shoulder with Hughes among the younger generation in the Imperial City of Caesars, and his extraordinary talent is also very outstanding, of course not comparable to the enchanting level of the First Prince.

The second prince Marlowe relied heavily on him.

"I know my elder brother too well, it may be more than enough to be a conservative monarch,

But it's a little difficult for him to be the kind of king who can expand the territory. He will not do anything against his father, and if Jason will fall to him, he will be early in the past few months on the way here. We just fell to him, we don't need to be in a hurry, we need to make a good plan. "Prince Marlowe didn't seem to be in a hurry, but waved his hands confidently and said.

"Your Highness is still thoughtful."

Tolan lowered his head. Although Marlowe respected and relied on him more, there were some things that he could not intervene in, such as talking about the First Prince and His Majesty.

Although his family has been passed down intermittently for hundreds of years, it can be called the nobleman with the longest history in the Haruah Empire, but due to various reasons, his family is not the kind of very prominent nobleman, on the contrary, it is just a declining third-rate Nobility only.

"However, we still have to make some preparations. Tell our people not to conflict with Duke Jason when they meet him, and they must understand their identity." When Marlowe said this, he glanced at the chattering and self-righteous guy before.

Many times, some things are ruined by this kind of person from time to time. If it wasn't because his family said a lot of good things to his uncle, how could this kind of person be qualified to stay by his side all the time.

Although Jason was young, he still came from the remote northern Lopez Kingdom, but he was a person who had experienced the baptism of several wars, and his means and talents were not comparable to this kind of person.

Even Marlowe himself has to admit that he is indeed inferior to Jason Lopez in some respects.

After all, although he is the second prince of the empire, he has no experience in leading the army. He spends most of his time in the Imperial City of Xisar.

And besides his elder brother and sixth younger brother who were in the Withered Leaf Army, only his fifth younger brother who was a martial idiot had the experience of serving in the army. He didn't know that the sixth prince, Noah, was about to take up the post in the navy.

Now there may be another fourth brother, but the ghostly place of the Iron Drum Legion is too dangerous. It is hard to say whether Simda can come back alive from there. Maybe his father left him behind.

But if you think about it carefully, could it be that his father deliberately added a merit to his brother? Thinking of this, Prince Marlowe's mood gradually became heavy.

With Emperor Harauja's love for the sixth prince, it is really possible for this kind of thing to happen.

The soldiers and generals who survived to be transferred in this place of the Iron Drum Legion are very respected and reused in other legions, because it is so important and dangerous.

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