Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 100: What You Need To Know About Ling Yunzhi, Who Was Once The Best In The World

Friends information sent by Yugezi.

It is not good news, it is undoubtedly bad news for Yang Chuan, who is attacking the Centaur Dynasty at this time.


The centaur creature, which had been silent for so long, suddenly appeared in the Yongzhou area, and the reason was definitely for support.

Once these supporting centaur creatures arrive on the battlefield, the team led by Yang Chuan will be blocked in this long and narrow mountain path.

Well, this is definitely the place to hide.

Even if there is a miracle.

It is also impossible for Yang Chuan to break out of the army of hundreds of thousands of centaurs while being surrounded by front and back.

what should I do now?

For a time, Yang Chuan was caught in a dilemma.

If you stay here and continue to attack this gathering point of centaur creatures, you will be blocked by the "Nine Five Zero" centaur creatures who came to support this long and narrow mountain path.

But if you give up.

Yang Chuan, who was forced to sign a gambling agreement, could only end up declaring failure.

At that time, half of the National Fortune Points and Destiny Points accumulated so much will be owned by Sun Ziyu.


"For the glory of Chaoge City.

"Kill all these centaurs."


The battle still continues.

In the fierce battle situation, under the long-range attack of Yutian Xingguan, the centaur warriors went forward one after another.

A wave of death.

Another wave appeared again.

But even so, under the advantage of taking advantage of the geographical location, Yutian Xingguan is still at ease.

At this moment, after a steady stream of killings.

Hundreds of Imperial Star Officials, those with the highest military rank, can immediately be promoted to the sixth rank.

Coupled with Cai Wenji's blessing of the Great Heaven Holy Army's teacher skills, as well as the appearance of blessing effects such as thunderous drums.

No matter how many centaur creatures there are, it is still difficult to rush to the front of Yutian Xingguan from a small area.

After a moment.

There are also bursts of golden light.

Led by the twin sisters Mu Chengxue and Mu Rushuang, the military merit level was promoted to the sixth rank.

[Tips]: Killing centaur warriors will give +50 points of military merit, and at 50 points of merit.

[Tips]: Mu Chengxue's military exploits exceeded 100,000, and he was promoted to the sixth rank.

prompt message appears,

Let Yang Chuan become more tangled.

On the other hand, the progress of the task in the Yongzhou region at this time has increased to 5%, which is enough to explain.

Choosing to attack this place, the gathering point of the largest number of centaur creatures, was an extremely correct decision.

But reinforcements are coming.

How to deal with it.

A tense feeling of oppression occupied Yang Chuan's heart.

"If the gambling agreement fails, at most, half of the National Fortune Points and Fortune Points will be lost.

"But if you are surrounded by front and rear, you will be wiped out."

"Let's get out of here first, let's talk about it."

Another few minutes passed.

The extremely tormented Yang Chuan made a decision in his heart.

But he didn't wait for him to issue an order to retreat.

Hearing the sudden announcement of Wanzu, it appeared in front of Yang Chuan.

[Announcement of Ten Thousand Clans]: Congratulations to Yang Chuan, the lord of Chaoge City, the Xirong tribe has become his vassal force.

[Tips]: +10000 points of area influence.

[Tips]: The current regional influence has been upgraded to Prestige.

Another field force was successfully conquered by Yanyun Wolf Rider.

At present, the number of Yanyun Wolf Riders has increased to as many as 1,000.

Its combat power is beginning to take shape.

It is not difficult to conquer a field force.

after all.

The Yanyun Wolf Rider is a special unit.

And with the improvement of military merit, he can eventually be promoted to the Eighteenth Cavalry of Yanyun, and his combat power is not inferior to that of the Goddess of Wushan.

However, with only 1,000 people riding the Yanyun wolf, it was still impossible to stop the tens of thousands of centaur creatures.

Now exit from the narrow mountain trail.

At least nothing was lost.

After thinking of this, Yang Chuan immediately ordered to prepare to fight and retreat.

But in the next moment.

Another message appeared suddenly.

Open to view.

The sender of this message was Zhang Niujiao, who was victorious.

The previously built Zhongyi Hall.

It can let Yang Chuan and the vassal forces to carry on the message transmission.

"Master, the five field forces have now won two of them, and Niu Jiao is willing to lead the way for Chaoge City..."

"Currently at war with the Centaur dynasty."

"Please let the Yanyun wolf ride, and for the final victory, break the boat and sink the boat once."

"My generation is willing to use our lives to defend against the support of the centaur biological army."

"It should be noted that the young Ling Yunzhi was once the first-class in the world, with thousands of floating worlds, for the glory of Chaoge City."

On the boundless grassland.

A team of more than a thousand people was silent.

at this time.

Lieyang headed.


The battle is imminent.

Chaoge City launched an attack on the Centaur Dynasty.

The relationship between the two forces has dropped to a hostile relationship.

As a vassal force of Chaoge City.

The same is true for the Yanyun tribe.

And after conquering the Xirong tribe, he returned to the Yanyun tribe along the way.

Zhang Niujiao discovered the support army of the Centaur Dynasty, which was tens of thousands.

back off?


As the leader of the Yanyun tribe.

Zhang Niujiao chose the latter without hesitation.

Although the number of Yanyun wolf riders was only a thousand.

Compared to the support team of centaur creatures.

The ratio of troops between the two teams is far from ten to one, twenty to one, or even forty or fifty to one.

However, what is blood for alliance.

Just in life and death.

Choose to be faithful. 0.9 even in a near-death situation.

Zhang Niujiao was never afraid.

"For the glory of Chaoge City."

"My generation is entrenched in Montenegro, burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil."

"Today's battle is for loyalty and at the same time to announce the disappearance of Montenegro and the emergence of the Yanyun tribe.

His chest is wide and wide, and he has a majesty that is invincible.

The words are loud and high, and the ambition of flying thousands of feet is spit.

Yanyun's wolf ride was like a horizontal sword, blocking the front of the Centaur Dynasty's support army.

The eyes are firm and fearless.

"Fight! Fight to the death without retreating!"

"For the glory of Chaoge City!"

Screaming in unison, echoing between heaven and earth.

Above the vast grassland, look around.

On one side, there is a centaur creature that can't see the end.

the other side.

Only a few thousand. .

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