Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 15 Red Flame Equipment, Bandit Leader (20 Monthly Ticket Plus)

"Equipment Blueprint: Fish Scale Armor"

"Drawing Quality: Grade A"

"Forging consumption: 100 units of fish scale ore"

"Forging Requirements: Advanced Blacksmithing"


Zhang Mingyue once again took out the equipment blueprint for forging fish scale armor from the original wooden house.

Yang Chuan checked and found that at this time, except that he had no fish scale ore, all the other conditions for forging fish scale armor had been met.

"This fish scale ore is also a Grade A resource."

"It seems that it will be difficult to find it for a while."

"But if it can be forged, with Yi Changge's talent bonus, it will definitely be S-rank equipment."

After thinking about this.

The idea of ​​​​forging fish scale armor can only be given up.

However, this did not prevent Yi Changge from forging other equipment.

At present, the territory has a rare C-level resource such as red fire ore, but it can be used to create some weapons and equipment for the dragon guard.

"Changge, there is red fire ore next to the territory."

"Can you use red fire ore to forge some weapons and equipment?"

Yang Chuan asked.

Yi Changge looked at the remaining red fire ore when he forged the red fire fiddle, and after a brief thought: "No problem."

"However, in the absence of equipment blueprints, these red fire ores can only forge green-quality weapons and equipment at the most."

Yang Chuan nodded after hearing this: "Let's just use green, forge 5 sets first."


In addition to the twin sisters Mu Chengxue who were transferred to Dragon Guard yesterday, the three people who just joined the territory today will also be transferred to Dragon Guard.

So adhering to the choice of a good horse with a good saddle.

It is believed that with the emergence of Chihuo equipment, the overall combat effectiveness of the Dragon Guard can definitely be upgraded to a new level.

And in fact Yang Chuan's idea is correct.

Under the circumstances that it quickly consumes resources and enhances the overall combat effectiveness of the territory.

With the number of five Dragon Guards, there are as many as five.

One piece of red fire equipment was successfully forged by Yi Changge.

"Hint: The red fire armor is successfully forged, Yi Changge's talent effect is triggered, and the red fire armor is upgraded to the red fire armor."

"Hint: The red fire bow is successfully forged, Yi Changge's talent effect is triggered, and the red fire bow is upgraded to the red fire bow."


"Weapon: Red Flame Bow"

"Weapon Quality: Blue Quality"

"Equipment effect 1: +30 attack power, +10 force"

"Equipment effect 2: +200 range, increase the chance of armor penetration"


"Equipment: Red Flame Armor"

"Equipment Quality: Blue Quality"

"Equipment Effect 1: +24 Defense, +8 Constitution"

"Equipment Effect 2: Reduce Red Flame Damage"


The original green equipment quality.

After the hand of Yi Changge, the forged one becomes blue quality.

I have to say that the talent effect of SSS level is really powerful.

Fortunately, Yang Chuan had become accustomed to all this. After checking the equipment information one by one, he turned around and handed it over to Mu Chengxue.

"Thank you Lord for your cultivation."

With the blessing effect of Chi Yan equipment, Mu Chengxue's attribute information is improved.

Attack power increased from 55 to 85.

Defense increased from 60 to 85.

Enough to be on par with normal heroes.

But know.

At this time, in Yang Chuan's territory, there were five dragon guards equipped with Chiyan equipment.

Then cooperate with Cai Wenji and Zhao Feiyan.

Even if the territory is full of women, as long as it is powerful enough, it can easily crush other lords.

All this last night, Yang Chuan intends to return to Tongjak Terrace again.

Effort is impossible.

Compared with the development of the territory, to be honest, Yang Chuan wants to be a dazed king who will never come before the king.

But at this moment.

The announcement from the Rookie Trial reappeared.

[Announcement: Please pay attention to all lords, the third day of the newcomer trial is about to start. 】

[Trial Rules]: Thieves will invade the lord's territory from all directions.

Every time you kill 100 thieves in total, the leader of the thieves will appear.

Killing the leader of the bandits will give you a chance to get extra rewards.


Watch the rules of the newbie trial.

That's right.

The difficulty has increased again, and the thieves who invaded this time will still invade the territory from all directions.

And with the continuous killing of invading thieves, so-called thieves leaders will appear.

This is even more difficult for defensive territories.

Because you don't know, the thief leader will appear from that direction.

So for the territory.

This is a test of co-ordination ability.

For Yang Chuan, there are two peerless beauties and five dragon guards equipped with Chi Yan equipment, everything is not a problem.

"Wenji, here, your fiery fiddle."

"No, it's the master's fiery fiddle."

Taking the weapon sent by Yang Chuan, Cai Wenji smiled mischievously, and then walked towards the east gate of the territory.

This is the battle plan that Yang Chuan had arranged before.

Not much has changed so far.

Just because of Zhao Feiyan's appearance.

Zhang Xiaomu, who originally defended the enemy at the North Gate, was replaced by Zhao Feiyan at this time.

As for the three subjects who had just been transferred to Dragon Guard.

Yang Chuan also did not arrange for them to join the battlefield.

But as a backup force, once the leader of the bandits appears, they can provide support at any time.


Ended as arranged by Yang Chuan.

The people under his command have already appeared at the four entrances of the territory step by step.

The sound of iron knives crashing.

The thieves who do not know whether to live or die also appeared at this moment.

They were still dressed in commoner clothes, all fierce and vicious.

However, Zhao Feiyan had just joined the territory.

It was the first time to fight against this group of thieves, but before the thieves approached, he took the initiative to attack.

The jade ring in his hand is like the moon.

The posture is dancing, like the dance of the gods.

As he quickly approached the bandit, he shook his hands lightly and immediately killed a bandit.

The blood was flying all over, but it did not stain the corner of Zhao Feiyan's clothes.

And when the thieves fought back, they used a flexible figure to easily avoid the iron sword that fell in the air.


Miserable cries came and went.

Yang Chuan stopped and watched.

Although Zhao Feiyan is killing the enemy, she is indeed a charming dancer, more like performing a dance that walks on the edge of a knife.

Every gesture of dancing.

Either kill the enemy, or easily dodge the enemy's attack.

In just a moment, more than a dozen thieves died under the jade ring like the moon.

Look at Zhao Feiyan again.

Not only was there not a single scar on his body, but there was not even a single bloodstain on his body.

"The girls."

"It's pretty awesome."

Yang Chuan couldn't help but whisper to himself.



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